Great Country Academician

Chapter 222 The most suitable technology

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Accompanied by Qin Anguo, a scientific and technical information officer, Xu Chuan followed the guards all the way to the north side of Chang'an Street.

In a quaint two-story building, Xu Chuan met the old man he had often seen on TV and news media before.

Looking at Xu Chuan who walked into the house, the old man who was sitting and waiting stood up and walked over, with a kind smile on his face, he also extended his right hand.

"Professor Xu, welcome."

"Hello." Xu Chuan shook hands respectfully.

"Please take a seat." The old man smiled and pointed to the chairs in the room, and continued: "Thank you for bringing the long-awaited medal to the country. It is an honor for any country to have a scholar like you."

"You are serious. I just did what a scholar should do." Xu Chuan said quickly.

After exchanging a few simple greetings, the group turned to the topic.

"Professor Xu, what do you think of the future scientific development of our country?" The old man asked Xu Chuan after taking a sip of tea.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan sat upright, and said seriously: "Before I came here, I made a document here, which contains some of my opinions. Please delay your time for a few minutes."

As he spoke, he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and put it on the table in front of him.

Under the sign of the old man, the guard waiting on the side stepped forward and took away the USB flash drive, brought the corresponding equipment, and projected it on a screen.

Xu Chuan clicked on the PPT file in the USB flash drive. This was something he had already done when he was in Princeton. What he was waiting for was today's opportunity.

He doesn't know what the outcome will be, but he will do his best.

The PPT unfolded, Xu Chuan took a deep breath, looked at the picture on the curtain and said slowly:

"Today's social development is inseparable from the three major areas."

"Energy, materials, and information are the three important fields of production and technology development in modern society. These three fields are independent but interrelated, and they are also the main support for scientific development."

"From the perspective of energy, the current energy does not see much change for the time being, and oil is still dominant in a short period of time. For new energy, only photovoltaics may continue to develop, but the technology reserves are the main ones. And controllable nuclear fusion It has the potential to become an energy dark horse that will overturn the world."

"From the perspective of materials, new materials mainly relying on biotechnology will break through and gradually transform from petrochemical materials to biologically synthesized materials. Nanomaterials and biological materials will be the main trend of future development."

"From the perspective of information, the substantial increase in network speed and the abundance of public information bases are the future development trends. In addition, touch control and motion-sensing operating systems are important auxiliary technologies. Artificial intelligence and virtual reality will be the main development trends in the future."


After listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, Qin Anguo from Science and Technology Information Center glanced at the old man sitting opposite, and asked cautiously:

"You mean we should invest heavily in developing these three areas of content?"

Xu Chuan nodded, then shook his head again, immediately confusing the old man and Qin Anguo.

"Investment and development of these three aspects are necessary, but my opinion is that we need a big killer, a technology that is enough to bring us back to the top of the world."

Xu Chuan said solemnly, pointing to the ultimate goal: "Behind the interconnection of the three major fields of energy, materials and information, there is a technology that can support us to achieve our goals."

Hearing this, both Qin Anguo and the old man were shocked.

The dream of bringing Huaguo back to the top of the world is too great. Does such a technology really exist?

Even if it exists, it must be very difficult to realize it.

Some conjectures flashed through the minds of the two of them, and they disappeared in a flash.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the shock in his heart, Qin Anguo and the old man looked at each other and asked cautiously, "Who are you referring to?"

Xu Chuan said slowly: "Controllable nuclear fusion!"

Hearing this, everyone present turned their attention to Xu Chuan, but except for the old man and Qin Anguo, the others quickly looked away and stuck to their posts.

As for the old man and Qin Anguo, neither of them thought that this young scholar would propose such a magnificent technology that even had no end in sight.

Controlled Nuclear Fusion!

The ultimate energy source for human beings.

Whoever is sitting here today has some knowledge of this magnificent technology.

As Xu Chuan said, the energy contained in this word is enough to make Huaguo great again, standing on the top of the world and overlooking the whole world again.

But is this technology really achievable in a short time?

As early as 1933, the theories related to controllable nuclear fusion technology had matured, nearly a hundred years ago.

But how to achieve it, but there has been no mature plan.

Whether it is magnetic confinement, inertial confinement, or gravitational confinement, or other methods, there is no dawn of application in the near future.

Even if the "International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Program" includes the world's major nuclear countries and major Asian countries, covering nearly half of the world's population, there is no end in sight.

Forever fifty years, this is what the outside world calls controllable nuclear fusion.

And using controllable nuclear fusion to bring Huaguo back to the top of the world, will this route be successful?

Taking a deep breath again, Qin Anguo looked at Xu Chuan and asked solemnly, "Can this road really be realized?"

Xu Chuan said seriously: "To be honest, it is very difficult to achieve controllable nuclear fusion."

"But we can't stop doing it because it is difficult, so we can only follow others forever."

Hearing this, the old man said: "We are all aware of the importance of controllable nuclear fusion, but there has been no significant progress so far. Whether it is magnetic confinement or inertial confinement, there is no dawn of commercial use. Others Not to mention the research in the direction."

"We are well aware of the value of this technology and are willing to invest more resources in it, but the most critical question is how long it will take to succeed and whether we can support this burden."

Xu Chuan smiled, and tapped the keyboard lightly with his fingers. The screen projected through the curtain jumped, and what appeared was a map with a tree structure.

"It is extremely difficult to directly realize controllable nuclear fusion in one step. However, this does not mean that we cannot move towards it."

"On the way forward, every branch of technology can create enough value and benefits for us"

While speaking, Xu Chuan explained various technological and scientific fields on the tree diagram.

【Normal temperature superconducting material】

[Strong magnetic mirror hoop control ring surface]

【Ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence control system】

[Mechanism of nuclear energy beta radiation energy accumulation and conversion into electrical energy]

【Ultra-supercritical heat engine conversion technology】


On the projection, each tiny branch represents a technology.

Controllable nuclear fusion is an extremely huge project, and Xu Chuan never expected to get the country to fully support him with just a few words from a one-time acquaintance.

Not to mention that he is a Fields Medal winner, even adding a Nobel Prize is not enough.

To invest in the super project of controllable nuclear fusion, a few billion is probably the most basic number, and no one knows how much it will cost if it goes up, and there is really no ceiling.

This is a gold-swallowing behemoth with a big black mouth, and no one can guarantee how much money, manpower and material resources will be invested in it before it is realized.

Xu Chuan didn't think about doing such a big project, which is unrealistic.

Even if he won the Fields Medal, it is impossible for the country to hand over the costly super project of controllable nuclear fusion to him easily.

This is not a sci-fi movie or something. It can cite the power of a person and surpass the whole world.

But he can disassemble the controllable nuclear fusion little by little, and realize it little by little.

For example, technologies such as room temperature superconducting materials, strong magnetic mirror hoops to control the torus, and the mechanism of nuclear energy beta radiation energy accumulation and conversion into electrical energy are all things that he has realized in his previous life.

Use these things as a throwing stone to ask the way, pave the way, let people see hope, and then push forward.

And after there are phased results, it is enough for the country to see the return on investment and benefits, to see the emergence of results, and to see hope.

Sure enough, when the tree diagram and the corresponding technology were presented, both Qin Anguo and the old man showed a hint of interest in their eyes.

Just as Xu Chuan thought, if it is said that he will directly master the super project of controllable nuclear fusion when he comes up, the higher-ups will think about whether this matter can be handed over to him, and will also consider all aspects behind it.

Standing at the pinnacle of the scientific world at the age of twenty, overlooking the world, with such achievements, it is normal for a young man to think that he is the best in the world and can do anything.

But the country and the individual are two completely different concepts after all.

It is a very worrying thing for a super project costing billions, or even tens of billions, to be handed over to a young man, especially if it is beyond the scope of his professional field.

Science allows trial and error, and success comes step by step from failure.

But for the country, whether this trial and error and failure is worthwhile and whether it can bring something also needs to be considered.

Now, however, both have seen another side of the young talent.

This maturity and stability, this hope, may allow him to give it a try.

Standing in front of the projection screen, the old man stared at the picture in front of him for a long time, finally turned to look at Xu Chuan, and asked slowly, "If you entrust this job to you, how sure are you?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "I don't know if it will succeed in the end, but I will try my best to do this well."

The old man thought for a moment and said, "Then where are you going to start?"

"The mechanism of nuclear energy beta radiation energy accumulation and conversion into electrical energy!" Xu Chuan said.

Hearing this, both the old man and Qin Anguo showed surprise and confusion in their eyes. To be honest, they didn't know what kind of technology this was.

Judging from the name, this may be a technology related to nuclear energy?

But what it is and what it is used for is really not very clear.

Sensing the old man's gaze, Qin Anguo asked on his behalf: "Could you please explain this 'nuclear beta radiation energy accumulation and conversion mechanism'?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "The so-called nuclear energy is divided into two types, one is nuclear fission, and the other is nuclear fusion."

"Nuclear fusion aside, although controllable nuclear fusion is hailed as the ultimate energy source for mankind, it has not yet been realized."

"Nuclear fission is currently a commonly used method of power generation in various countries. At present, our country should have just entered the third generation of fission reactors, which is considered to be at the forefront of the world."

"However, nuclear fission has a product that is difficult to deal with, nuclear waste. It mainly refers to the low-to-medium radioactive nuclear waste and high-level radioactive nuclear waste generated during the power generation process of nuclear power plants."

"These two types of nuclear waste account for more than 99 percent of the world's nuclear pollution, which is a headache for all countries. How to deal with nuclear waste has always been an unsolved problem facing the nuclear industry."

"And the 'nuclear beta radiation energy accumulation conversion mechanism' is a science and technology based on nuclear radiation."

"Any radioactive element has energy transfer and energy loss processes when it decays, and releases alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays at the same time."

"It is my previous research to study the physical reaction and absorption of radiation caused by matter, and to convert the energy generated during decay into electrical energy as much as possible."

"This technology uses a special crystal as the cladding layer, uses the radiation of radioactive elements with a specific semiconductor NP layer, especially the spontaneous radioactive decay of nuclear materials and radioactive substances (nuclear waste), and uses the thermoelectric effect and photoelectric effect ( Compton effect and positron-electron pair effect) as the main principle of a technology for safe energy conversion of nuclear materials and radioactive materials."

"It can make the radiation produced by various nuclear wastes no longer harmful pollutants. It will benefit mankind and us."

After listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, Qin Anguo quickly asked, "What about the efficiency?"

"Nuclear waste recycling is being studied in various countries, but the conversion efficiency is not high so far. It has not exceeded 5%. How much can you theoretically achieve?"

As the head of the science and technology department, he naturally understands some technologies related to nuclear fission.

Reuse of nuclear waste to generate electricity is a technology that all countries are researching, but with little success.

On the one hand, it is the conversion of power generation efficiency, on the other hand, it is issues such as safety and packaging materials.

Among them, efficiency is the most critical. If the efficiency is low, there is not much value.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "This is the key core of the 'nuclear beta radiation energy accumulation and conversion mechanism'. According to my previous design and estimation, theoretically, the efficiency of conversion and accumulation can reach 5%. More than ten, the degree of perfection can theoretically reach seventy to eighty percent."

"Of course, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail."

PS: Ask for a monthly pass, the protagonist has returned to his country, and he can start brushing technology, and the progress has begun to speed up. Let's take some monthly passes and take pity on Yaoo. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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