Great Country Academician

Chapter 243 The Youngest and Oldest Nobel Prize Winners

With the appearance of Xu Chuan, the cameras of the media and the eyes of the crowd moved quickly, locking onto the figure walking in the front.

Accompanied by his parents and younger sister Xu Xiao, Xu Chuan walked out of the hotel along the red carpet prepared by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Countless flashing lights came oncoming, dazzling in the dark night.

But Xu Chuan was used to this, and walked forward with a smile on his face.

His eyes scanned the crowd on both sides of the passage, and he saw a familiar beautiful figure and a camera with a familiar logo on it.

After slightly nodding to the other party with a smile, Xu Chuan continued to walk forward.

In the crowd, the CTV reporter and the media brother who exchanged glances with Xu Chuan showed excited expressions on their faces.

But they didn't forget their job. The cameraman moved the camera carefully, and perfectly recorded Xu Chuan's handsome face in the live broadcast room.

And the beautiful reporter with a microphone in her hand introduced to the netizens in the live broadcast room in an excited and proud tone:

"The awarding ceremony of the Nobel Prize has already begun. This year's Nobel Prize winners are preparing to depart from the Stockholm Grand Hotel, and the person walking in front of us is Professor Xu Chuan, the current Nobel Prize winner in physics."

"At the age of 21, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, breaking previous historical records and becoming the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history."

"Not only that, Professor Xu Chuan also won the highest honor in mathematics, the Fields Medal, in August this year, becoming the first scientist in history to win both the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal."

"Let us congratulate him with warm applause!"

Outside the temporary isolation line, a beautiful reporter from CTV introduced enthusiastically. At this exciting moment, many people are as excited as her.

Whether it is for individuals, for the country, or even for other people in this country, it is a matter of celebration for compatriots to win the highest honor award on the planet.

A Nobel Prize in natural sciences, for a country, means that a certain science or scientific research field of this country has entered the forefront of the world.

This is undoubtedly something that greatly stimulates the development of science.

For example, Xu Chuan's award in physics means that the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem will officially become a separate subject.

Astronomy and mathematics will become the learning goals of major universities. The re-observation and calculation of stars, galaxies, nebulae and other celestial bodies in the distant universe, and the search for planets suitable for human survival will also become the goals of the astronomy and astrophysics circles.

As the creator of this method, Xu Chuan will also become a veritable ancestor, just like Newton created calculus and Riemann created algebraic geometry.

Along the passage, Xu Chuan and his family boarded the special car waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

Maybe it's the age factor, or maybe the achievement is too dazzling, in short, he is the first Nobel Prize winner who came out of the hotel.

After the other Nobel laureates and their families boarded the special car, the huge convoy drove forward slowly to the venue of the awards ceremony.

As in previous years, on time at four o'clock, after all the personnel were seated one after another, in the Stockholm Concert Hall, with the singing of the Swedish royal family's song "Song of the King", the 2018 Nobel Prize awarding ceremony officially kicked off curtain.

The award ceremony is solemn and simple, with men in tuxedos or national costumes and women in serious evening gowns.

Ten flower baskets were placed on the stage of the Stockholm Concert Hall, and the flowers in the flower baskets were airlifted from Sanremo, Italy.

Because Mr. Nobel spent a long time there in his later years and died there.

As the solemn music sounded, led by a well-dressed Swedish female college student, Xu Chuan walked onto the stage from behind the scenes. Sitting next to him was Arthur, another winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics. ·Professor Ashkin.

Among a group of elderly people with an average age of over sixty-five years old, the 21-year-old Xu Chuan stood out from the crowd.

Especially compared with Professor Arthur Ashkin around him, he doesn't feel like a person from a century ago.

The old man was born in 1922 and is 96 years old this year.

Fortunately, he seems to be in good health and can sit on the stage to complete the award ceremony (in fact, the 18-year Nobel Prize, the old man did not attend the event due to physical reasons, and his son accepted the award instead. Modified slightly.).

That's right, sitting on the stage.

Except that the winners have to go to the center of the stage to receive the gold medals and certificates from the King of Sweden, the winners of the Nobel Prize award ceremony are basically seated throughout the whole process.

No way, you have to consider the age of the winner.

Among the groups whose average winners are over 60 years old, many winners did not get the medal until they were 70, 80 or even 90 years old.

It is obviously unrealistic for them to stand for several hours to complete the award ceremony.

As for those like Xu Chuan who won the Nobel Prize in their twenties, looking back at the history of more than a hundred years, they can be counted in one slap.

When all the Nobel Prize winners were seated, the chairman of the Nobel Foundation, Karl-Henrik Helding, dressed in a tuxedo, got up from his seat and walked onto the podium calmly.

In the exciting speech at the opening ceremony, President Carl welcomed the guests as usual, and said that science is the language of the times and can build bridges between countries and cultures.

The importance of research is not limited to the generation of new knowledge, but can also play a role in (science) popularization and provide a common basis for the interaction of all human beings.

At the same time, on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, he also praised the winners as monuments of human mind, role models for the world, and authorities in their respective fields, calling on people to learn from them.

At the same time, he also hopes and wishes that the winners will make greater scientific discoveries in their respective fields in the future, write more excellent works, and contribute to world peace

With the end of Carl's opening speech, the most important part of the awards ceremony also followed.

By convention, the first award is the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine selected by the Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institutet.

Thomas Perlman, general secretary of the Nobel Prize Committee, took the stage to announce his contribution in the field of tumor immunity (PD-1 immunotherapy target);

American scientist Professor James Allison and Sakura country scientist Professor Tasuke Honjo jointly won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

The duo demonstrated for the first time that antibody blockade of a T-cell inhibitory molecule, known as CTLA-4, leads to enhanced anti-tumor immune responses and tumor rejection.

The concept of blocking T-cell inhibitory pathways as a means of unleashing an anti-tumor immune response with clinical benefit has laid the groundwork for the development of other drugs that target T-cell inhibitory pathways. These drugs have been labeled "immune checkpoint therapy."

So far, drugs based on this method have saved countless patients, or prolonged their lives, not just cancer.

With the awarding of the Physiology or Medicine Prize, next, it is the turn of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

General Secretary Thomas Perlman withdrew, and Professor Anders Ilbach, chairman of the selection committee for the Nobel Prize in Physics, stepped onto the stage.

"This year's Nobel Prize in Physics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences made a bold choice, which broke many historical records."

"Because of his great contribution in the field of astrophysics, he created a new method of accurately calculating distant celestial bodies, Professor Xu Chuan from Huaguo, and made a great contribution in the field of lasers, creating optical tweezers and its application in biological systems, Professor Arthur Ashkin from the United States jointly won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics."

"Let us congratulate the two great scholars with warm applause."

In fact, there is no need for Professor Anders Ilbach to remind that the antique Stockholm Concert Hall has already been filled with applause like a tide.

The chairman of the selection committee, Anders Ilbach, was right. This year's Nobel Prize in Physics broke many historical records.

Whether Xu Chuan broke the record for the youngest winner, or Professor Arthur Ashkin broke the record for the oldest winner, or even distributed the physics prize to two completely different fields; it is unique in history, Or uncommon.

Especially the former, at the age of 21, directly pushed Lawrence Prague's record of 25 years old by four years.

This record is unlikely to be broken again.

Of course, the latter won the Nobel Prize at the age of ninety-six, and I am afraid that it is equally difficult to be broken.

Amid the thunderous applause, Xu Chuan stood up and glanced at the old man beside him, Professor Arthur Ashkin. The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces, and walked towards the center of the stage simultaneously.

The Nobel Prize, as the highest honor in the scientific community, is the greatest praise and encouragement for a scholar in academia, and even in the world.

At present, there is no award that can compare with the Nobel Prize in influence. In this regard, even the Fields Medal in mathematics is much inferior.

For a Nobel laureate, receiving a medal brings much more than just bonuses and glory.

As Master Carl said, they are already authorities in their respective fields to win this medal!

In the center of the stage, under the eyes of a pair of eyes, under the gaze of journalists from all over the world, Xu Chuan slightly bowed, and let the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf wear the golden gold medal in front of him. Shining medals, and received a red certificate.

Holding Xu Chuan's hand, Carl XVI Gustaf said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, the youngest winner ever."

With a smile on his face, Xu Chuan nodded in respect and said, "Thank you."

Carl XVI Gustaf smiled and stood on the stage facing the audience with Xu Chuan and Arthur Ashkin.

From the audience, applause resounded through the Stockholm Concert Hall again.

In the far eastern hemisphere, applause also sounded in front of mobile phones or computers, and countless people witnessed this great scene through the screen.

[Chuan God is awesome! 】

[Damn it, the 21-year-old Nobel Prize winner is just one word! Needless to say twice! 】

[To be able to accept the award on this stage, it can be said that they are the pinnacle of human mind! Except for the Peace Prize (funny)]

[Scary, I can't even imagine that he won both the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal at the age of 21, how far he can grow in the future? At that time, what kind of award can be awarded to him? 】

[He no longer needs to use awards to prove it. If there is any award, it must be named after the word 'Xu Chuan'! 】

[Twenty to forty years old is the golden age of a scientific researcher or scholar. He has just started and has already reached the peak, overlooking the world! 】

[Chuan Shen: That year, I had my hands in my pockets, and I didn't know what an opponent was! 】

[Even if I carry the physics world on my back and need to suppress mathematics with one hand, I, Xu Chuan, are equally invincible in astronomy! 】

[This kind of person is probably the kind of giant who can promote the development of society and technology in history, just like Newton Einstein. 】

【6. I am the same age as Kawasami. I really want to see how our world will change in a few decades. 】

In the barrage of congratulations, most of the people were congratulating, amazed, and ridiculed.

But the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

For Chinese people who won the Nobel Prize, there are always some people with low IQ who like to show off their poor brain capacity.

Either the sour smell overflows the screen, or simply does not see that some Chinese can win the Nobel Prize, or is carrying the red flag against the red flag.

[It's just a rubbish award, is it worth your joy? Maybe someone took it and turned around and immigrated to the United States. The same is true for the former Yang, who immigrated to the United States after winning the Nobel Prize. And what kind of rubbish method, how useful is it to study alien planets? Even if you find a planet like the earth, will you be able to live? 】

[? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Fuck, did you grow up eating shit upstairs? so smelly? 】

[What is it that you are looking for scolding when you are full? 】

[Nine years of compulsory education have been read in the dog's stomach? 】

[Dog: I don't fucking take the blame, okay! 】

[This is a proper five hundred thousand, right? What about the network administrator in the live broadcast room? Quickly check the IP ah. 】

[Have money to earn? Take me with you, forget it, I can't keep my conscience for this money. 】


For the whole society, there will always be a group of people who make similar speeches.

But fortunately, most people have normal three views, and soon, this barrage was submerged in the crusade of countless people in the live broadcast room.

As for Xu Chuan, who was far away in Sweden, he didn't know this.

Of course, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care about it. The root of human inferiority cannot be eradicated, no matter what age, no matter when.

Instead of wasting time on this, you might as well read more books, or think about your own research.

PS: Thank you Sugui for your reward, there is another chapter tonight.

Dear friends, I would like to ask for some monthly tickets for Hachio, can I make up 2,000 yuan? My dream is to draw a prize. If I can draw a prize, I will set up a group next month. If I win a prize, I will give half of the red envelopes to everyone in the group\\( ̄︶ ̄*\\) )

Thank you Sugui for your reward, thank you.

PS: For the heroine, forgive Yao for not being good at writing emotional scenes. If you don’t like it, you can skip it. Emotional drama is not the focus of this book.

(Grievance Baba, Yao has something to say, for the vast majority of people, getting married and starting a career is doomed, even scientists are no exception, in fact, the more outstanding a person is, the more they will attract the attention of the opposite sex. , It is normal to have some opposite sex around you to be attracted, if there is none, then it is really abnormal. Of course, my writing skills are really not enough to support the emotional drama, this aspect needs more training.)

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