Great Country Academician

Chapter 244 The Most Mysterious Menu in the World

Chapter 244 The Most Mysterious Menu in the World

After the Nobel Prize award ceremony.

All winners and guests invited to the ceremony will move to the Blue Hall of Stockholm City Hall to attend the world-renowned Nobel Dinner.

"Brother, you said it's called the Blue Room? But it's obviously red, why isn't it called the Red Room?"

In the blue hall of Stockholm City Hall, Xu Xiao looked curiously at the entire brick-red hall, and asked his brother.

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan recalled a flash of memory. He smiled and said, "About why the blue hall is red, there are actually two theories."

Xu Xiao immediately asked with interest: "Which two? Tell me!"

On the side, Xu's father and Xu's mother also opened their ears curiously and listened.

Xu Chuan continued with a smile: "The first argument is that the Blue Hall is not finished."

"It is said that in order to set off the lake view of Lake Mälaren, the designer who designed this place originally planned to paint it blue. After the blue hall of the red brick house was built, everyone felt that it looked more solemn and more in line with the Use style, so there's no more smudging."

"What about another way of saying it?" Xu Xiao asked curiously.

"Another way of saying it is that the designer deliberately designed it like this."

"At the beginning, the Blue Hall was designed for the Nobel Prize Gala. The unfinished Blue Hall means that the academic career of the winners has not come to an end, and the winners who hold the Nobel Prize Gala here are encouraged to For climbing new peaks."

Xu Chuan smiled and told the two stories he had heard in his previous life. Xu Xiao wrinkled his nose and said, "Sure enough, the second story is better."

Xu Chuan laughed out loud, he felt the same way at the beginning.

For the Blue Hall, whether it's really unfinished or designed to be like this, the Nobel Prize has been held here for more than a century.

As one of the oldest awards in history, the Nobel Prize has lasted for more than a hundred years, witnessing the rise and glory of countless scientists and writers.

Following the etiquette staff, Xu Chuan brought his family and other relatives and friends who had sent invitation letters to the table arranged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

To be honest, although it was not the first time he came to eat this time, he was still amazed by the dense crowd here.

There were crowds of people between rows of long tables, even more crowded than the scene where he gave a report at the International Mathematical Congress.

Of course, the number of people here should not be that many, but the degree of congestion is even more exaggerated.

In the blue hall of only 1,100 square meters, more than 1,300 people squeezed in abruptly, and all of them sat and ate together, and they needed to flow out of the aisle to serve the waiters. The space can be imagined.

In this year's Nobel Prize Gala, apart from the invited people, as well as the Swedish royal family and government officials, many of them were actually outsiders drawn by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

In fact, in addition to being invited to participate in the award ceremony for the annual Nobel Prize, you can also write to the Nobel Prize Foundation and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to apply for the Nobel Prize Gala on your own.

After all, this is the Nobel Prize. Those who are interested in it are not only people in academia, but also people outside of academia.

Of course, the probability of being drawn is very, very small.

With this kind of luck, if you buy a lottery ticket, the probability of winning is really not low.

As the guests and guests took their seats, elegant music sounded in the blue hall.

At the same time, the waiter who had already prepared began to serve the first course.

The menu of the Nobel dinner is known as "the most mysterious menu in the world". Some people even joked that the menu of the dinner is more mysterious than the announcement of the Nobel Prize winners, and the guests can only know what to eat at the banquet.

The menu of the annual Nobel Prize dinner has also become the focus of many people's speculation, and even the chef in charge of the spoon cannot be informed in advance.

The chef in charge of the dinner can only get the menu two or three days in advance, and it must be kept absolutely confidential and cannot be disclosed to the outside world.

If disclosed, the dishes will be changed temporarily.

And unlike the dinner in our traditional concept, the Nobel dinner actually only has three courses.

According to the usual practice, the Nobel Prize dinner usually prepares three glasses of wine and three courses (appetizer, main course and dessert) for the guests.

Although he has eaten at the Nobel Prize dinner several times, Xu Chuan is still curious about this year's dishes.

It has to be said that although the number of dishes in the Nobel Prize Dinner is not many, they all use the world's top ingredients, coupled with the chef's top craftsmanship, the taste is not weaker than the state banquets he has eaten before.

Of course, in terms of richness, the richness of the dishes of the state banquet can surpass the 18 streets of the Nobel Prize dinner.

Soon, the first course and the first glass of wine were served.

Along with him, Professor Anders Ilbach, chairman of the selection committee who announced the winner of the Physics Prize in the Stockholm Concert Hall.

The old man with all white hair walked up to Xu Chuan in a well-fitting tuxedo with a bottle of champagne in his hand.

After personally pouring Xu Chuan a glass of bubbling light golden champagne, Professor Anders bumped into a glass with him with a smile on his glass.

"Congratulations, Professor Xu Chuan."

Holding the wine glass, Xu Chuan stood up and clinked with the old man, took a sip and said, "Thank you. This is the sweetest champagne I've ever had."

Professor Anders laughed and said: "That's because it has the winning bonus of the Nobel Prize, which is the most lucrative fruit."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Did you know that this year's physics award, our committee has been arguing since August. Until now, in fact, the opinions within the committee have not been unified, and there are still almost opposing differences."

As he said that, Anders shrugged and continued: "No way, you are too young, twenty-one years old, this will break the record by four years."

"However, this also shows the importance of your results. For human beings, it is the hope of the future."

Holding his wine glass, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Actually, even I myself didn't expect to be able to win the Nobel Prize this year."

"But trust me, it was the right choice."

"The extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem has a deeper level of value, and I am already digging it. It brings us far more than the calculation of distant celestial bodies."

Hearing this, Anders raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "Can I ask what aspect it is about?"

Xu Chuan smiled mysteriously and said, "I won't disclose it for the time being."

Professor Anders shook his head with a smile, "It's really not a good habit to hang people's appetites."

As he said that, he raised his glass to touch Xu Chuan again, and then said, "However, I am looking forward to it. I hope I can wait until the day you dig it out."

Xu Chuan nodded seriously: "Of course, it may not take long!"

Hearing this, Professor Anders laughed and said, "Maybe you should change the name of the achievement of the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem."

"As a great achievement that won the Nobel Prize in Physics, it is fully qualified to have its own name, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "I'm really sorry, I was too busy a while ago, so I forgot about it."

"Don't worry, I will think about its new name when I go back."

Professor Anders said with a smile: "Then I'll wait for your good news. I wish you a pleasant meal. If there are any deficiencies, you can report to the Nobel Prize Foundation, and they will improve."

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile: "Of course."

Char lobster soup, crème fraîche and mixed apples.

These are the three dishes served at this year's Nobel Prize Dinner. The taste is very good. Even Xu's father and Xu's mother, who are not very used to eating Western food, praised the taste.

If there is a downside, it's that the portions are too small.

The portions of the three dishes are all as delicate as if they were being fed to a cat.

For an adult, another 30 dishes may not be stressful, enough to see how much weight it has.

"Brother, is there any food?"

After the three dishes were served, Xu Xiao held the knife and fork and asked the elder brother sitting beside her, she was not full yet.

Although girls generally have relatively small appetites, the portion of the Nobel Prize dinner is indeed too small. Moreover, when faced with delicious food, people always unconsciously hope to eat more.

Xu Chuan shook his head helplessly, indicating that it was over.

In addition to the crowds of people at the Nobel Prize Dinner, the scarcity of dishes is also a huge disadvantage.

This shortcoming has been passed down for decades. Numerous Nobel Prize winners have raised their opinions, but it is useless. They still go their own way, and even say that eating too much is not conducive to the next dance celebration.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the huge cost.

After all, every dish is made by a famous chef, and there are basically more than a thousand people at each Nobel Prize dinner.

As far as the Nobel Prize is concerned, the cost of holding an award ceremony for it exceeds the amount of a certain prize it issues in most years.

For example, in 2015, Professor Tu won the Nobel Prize in Physiology that year and received a prize of 8 million Swedish kronor.

According to the data released by the Nobel Foundation, the total funding for the Nobel Prize activities that year was 15 million Swedish kronor (equivalent to about 10 million RMB), which has far exceeded the Nobel prize money.

This is only for the winners, family members and friends, as well as experts invited by the Nobel Prize.

As for other media reporters who applied to participate in the dinner and ordinary people who were lucky enough to participate in the dinner, they all participated at their own expense. Each person needs to pay 4,000 Swedish kronor (about 3,000 RMB) to enter the dinner venue and eat a high-standard dinner .

As the dinner ended, the invited guests came to the Golden Hall next to the Blue Hall after taking a short rest.

Looking at the resplendent hall and the goddess of Lake Mälaren overlooking the dance floor, a smile appeared on Xu Chuan's face.

Leaving aside his previous life, he also came here two years ago for the Crawford Award.

Today, I come here again because of the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem that won the Crawford Award.

It is normal for an academic achievement to bring scholars numerous awards.

However, it is still quite rare for a company to bring two top awards in the world, the Crawford Award and the Nobel Prize, to the creator at the same time.

After all, the establishment of the Crawford Prize is to make up for the scientific field that the Nobel Prize lacks, which also means that the fields of distribution of these two awards basically do not overlap.

It can be said that it is quite rare for an achievement to win their top awards in two non-overlapping fields.

"Brother, do we need to dance too? But I don't know what to do?"

In the golden hall, Xu Xiao, who followed Xu Chuan curiously, looked at the crowd on the dance floor dumbfounded.

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "You can also choose not to dance, after all, no one will force you."

Hearing this, Xu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, opened his mouth and was about to speak, when a teasing voice came from his ear.

"The fair lady could, if she wouldn't; but"

"You can't do it~"

Xu Chuan and Xu Xiao followed the voice and saw that it was Professor Staffan Normark, Secretary-General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, who came over.

The old man saw the two people who were standing there without moving from a distance, so he came over to ask them what help they needed, and just overheard their conversation.

Xu Chuan shrugged and said, "The problem is that I don't know how to dance."

Staffan said with a smile: "It's okay, there are many ladies who can dance here, and everyone will be happy to teach you."

As he said that, a lady with a skirt in her dress just came over, looked at Xu Chuan with a smile and invited, "Hi, Professor Xu, may I invite you to dance with me?"

Walking over was the lady who had invited him to dance at the Crafford Awards Gala last time, and the daughter of the King of Sweden, "Princess Madeleine Therese Amalie Josephine".

It's actually interesting to say.

To some extent, the princess is not actually a member of the Swedish royal family.

Because the Swedish royal family once streamlined the royal family population, up to now, there are only four members of the Swedish royal family.

That is, the current king and queen of Sweden, as well as the crown prince and princess.

As for the other princes and princesses, their royal identities have been revoked by the king. The royal family with only four members can be said to be the smallest royal family in the world.

In comparison, the Saudi Arabian royal family has more than 5,000 princes alone, not to mention other members.

But it is said that the royal family is sparsely populated, and so is a certain book.

As of now, there are only nineteen members of the entire royal family, and it is still declining.

There are three generations of the royal family, until 2006 there was only a third-generation male Prince Ding Youren.

So the question is, why is it so difficult for the royal family in this book to have a son?

It can only be said that there are more crimes.

As for the Swedish royal family, although Madeleine's royal status has been revoked, she is still the princess in the hearts of the Swedish people.

After all, the reduction of members of the royal family means that the expenditure of the royal family has decreased, and the people's taxes can be used in other places.

Hearing Princess Madeleine's invitation, Xu Chuan shrugged again and said, "It seems that I can't escape today's dance?"

Staffan smiled and said, "Of course, you are the most dazzling protagonist tonight, and everyone is waiting for you."

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