Great Country Academician

Chapter 245: Nobel Lecture--The Future of Humanity

As for dancing, although Xu Chuan is not a professional, he would not be like the 2013 Medicine Award winner Professor James Rothman who kicked his leather shoes off the stage and turned it into a joke.

After dancing with Princess Madeleine, Xu Chuan walked through the crowd and returned to the edge.

After tactfully rejecting several other women who came to invite them to dance together, he sneaked in with a small fork and put the fruit on the table into his mouth.

To be honest, he really didn't have enough for the dinner, and now he's hungry after just over an hour.

Xu Xiao, who was crazily eating fruit and didn't even want to be a lady, also looked like a representative of being hungry.

But while she was eating, she puffed up her cheeks and said, "Brother, didn't you say you can't dance? Why do I feel that you are very familiar?"

She had just seen her brother's performance in the fringe area, and she felt that it was no worse than those members of the university dance club.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "For me, Brother Ni, it's not difficult to learn these things, isn't it?"

Although he didn't learn dancing in a systematic way, he had been exposed to too many dance scenes in his previous life. After a long period of time, with his learning ability, he would never be able to do it again.

Xu Xiao curled her lips, she always felt that her brother was pretending to be a beta.

But speaking of it, her brother's talent really made her envious. Although she also participated in the competition and was admitted to Shuimu University, but in terms of academic talent, she might not be as good as her brother.

"Well, well, can I ask you to dance too?"

Suddenly, Xu Chuan heard an invitation to dance together. He turned his head and saw that senior sister Liu Jiaxin was standing in front of her in a dress, revealing her fair shoulders and skin. smooth forehead.

Maybe it's the first time to wear such clothes, or maybe it's the first time to dress up like this, or maybe it's the first time to invite others to dance, and I'm a little nervous.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

On the side, Xu Xiao, who was earnestly filling his stomach with fruits, turned his head and looked at it, then froze, as if he didn't recognize who the person in front of him was for a while.

But soon, she reacted, her eyes flashed with light, and she rushed over without wiping her mouth.

"I didn't expect sister Jiaxin to dress up so beautifully."

Xu Xiao stared at the person in front of her with bright eyes, and kept turning around beside her. The senior in evening dress was like the Cinderella in the story.

Beauty sometimes attracts not only the opposite sex, but also the same sex.

At least it is for her, after all, who likes a beautiful young lady.

Blushing slightly, Liu Jiaxin looked at Xu Chuan who was opposite. For her, dressing up and inviting tonight was something beyond courage.

Fortunately, he did not refuse.

After the ball was over, Xu Xiao ran away with Liu Jiaxin, while Xu Chuan was caught by the media reporters squatting outside the city hall.

Of course, he was not the only one who was caught, and the other Nobel Prize winners in this year were all entangled.

Fortunately, he came out relatively late, and there were not many reporters surrounding him.

"Professor Xu, how do you feel about winning the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 21 and becoming the youngest physics laureate ever?"

Xu Chuan: "Of course I'm excited. I didn't expect that I would win this year's Nobel Prize."

"Hello, Professor Xu Chuan, I'm a reporter from the BBC. What will you study next?"

Xu Chuan: "Maybe it's mathematics, maybe it's physics, or maybe it's the deeper value of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem."

"Is it the research on high-dimensional space that was mentioned at the previous International Mathematical Conference? Can the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem really be used to break through the four-dimensional space?"

"Of course not, but it probably has more value than that."

"Can you tell me?"

"I can't for the time being, I'm still researching, let's talk about it later."

"Professor Xu Chuan, I am a reporter from the Washington Post, would you choose to immigrate to the United States? After all, the academic environment there is better than that in China."

"Professor Xu, I am."

Outside the city hall, as soon as Xu Chuan showed up, he was surrounded by reporters, all kinds of microphones were handed to his mouth, and the camera was pointed at his face.

After picking out answers to some questions that did not involve privacy, Xu Chuan struggled to squeeze out of the crowd.

In the special car used to pick up Nobel Prize winners, another Nobel Prize winner in physics this year, Professor Arthur Ashkin, looked at him with a smile.

"It seems that you have been embarrassed by those media reporters."

Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed, "Who said it wasn't? Who knows what the media will report?"

"Hahahaha, they've always been like this, don't mind too much."

Mr. Arthur said with a smile: "Congratulations, the youngest Nobel Prize winner. Congratulations to you as the world's first double winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you, and I also congratulate you."

Master Arthur shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm old, and the future belongs to you."

After a pause, he then asked, "Can I ask curiously, are you going to study mathematics, physics, astronomy, or something else?"

For Xu Chuan's next research field, not only media reporters are interested, but people in the academic circle are also very interested.

After all, as the youngest Nobel laureate, his next research direction is destined to drive the entire corresponding field.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Maybe it's an extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, or maybe it's the NS equation? Or maybe it's the data generated by the particle collider?"

"To be honest, I'm interested in a lot, but unfortunately, I can't do it myself." He said regretfully.

Mr. Arthur laughed and said, "I understand. I was like this when I was young. I wanted to study everything I was interested in."

"But people's energy is always limited, I wish you success!"

After bidding farewell to Mr. Arthur, Xu Chuan returned to the Stockholm Grand Hotel.

On the first floor of the hotel, Gu Bing and Amelia were waiting there, and next to them were two other students he had accepted, Shahi Perez and Roger Dean.

These two people came with Deligne.

Seeing Xu Chuan, four former students surrounded him.

"Professor, congratulations." Roger Dean and Shahi Perez stepped forward to congratulate with a smile, both of them had a trace of regret and complicated expressions on their faces.

When they chose to stay in Princeton and complete their studies with Professor Deligne, they made the most suitable choice.

But fate made a huge joke with them. In less than two months, the former mentor won the Nobel Prize and became the first double winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal in history. .

It would be a lie to say that I have no regrets.

Being able to follow such a mentor has far surpassed the value of completing studies at Princeton in the future.

But it's too late to regret now, I can only say that fate really likes to play tricks on people.

In the Stockholm Grand Hotel, Xu Chuan and his four former students were talking about the old days, on the other side of the earth, in Huaguo in the east.

Almost all the media are celebrating at the moment.

The Nobel Prize Ceremony broadcast live on CTV was reproduced by countless media.

Without any surprises, Xu Chuan, the name, and his past glory once again appeared on the hot searches and headlines on all platforms that day.

This is a national carnival.

For the vast majority of Chinese people, from that young figure, they not only saw the glory of the Nobel Prize, but also saw the hope of the country's rise.

For many students, the young figure standing in the center of the stage is simply the light of the future in their minds and the direction to guide them.

December eleventh.

After a night of rest, Xu Chuan got up early again.

Because according to the awarding process of the Nobel Prize, after the award ceremony on the first day, there will be a Nobel lecture on the second day.

This is an agreed custom, and it is also the stage where the new Nobel laureate who has reached the pinnacle makes his first voice to the world.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Under the guidance of Professor Staffan Normark, permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Xu Chuan came to the lecture hall of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences-Physics Branch.

The lecture hall was crowded with people, not only the seats were full, but even the corridors and aisles were crowded with scholars or tourists who came to listen to the lecture.

Those who are interested in Nobel lectures are not only scholars, but also countless ordinary people.

Whether it is native Swedish students, citizens on the street, or Chinese who have traveled thousands of miles, they are all crammed into this not-so-large lecture hall.

This is also a grand event and an opportunity for ordinary people to learn about the latest cutting-edge science.

Because the Nobel lectures are not professional science popularization, the various technical terms that appear in the Fields Medal Report, as well as various academic reports and papers that ordinary people cannot understand, will not appear in the Nobel lectures .

Here, every Nobel laureate will use the most popular words to describe his achievements, future development direction, and his next research direction, etc.

If they are worried that the audience in the audience will not understand these things, some Nobel Prize winners even regard it as an exchange meeting, completing the entire lecture between the audience's questions and his answers.

For Xu Chuan, in this lecture, he did not discuss how he used the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to complete the calculation of distant celestial body information.

What he inserts is civilization's wait and see for the future.

"...Even now we have difficulty landing on Mars, and even the most distant Voyager 1 has not flown out of the solar system."

"But we all believe that our future will not be locked on the earth. The distant galaxy and the future are the places we yearn for."

"In the past, we wasted too much time. In the future, I hope to turn my attention to the galaxy, not only because there are more vast land and resources there."

"It's because only civilizations that yearn for the galaxy of the universe have enough potential and future!"

After the words fell, there was thunderous applause at the scene, and the audience in the lecture hall stood up and applauded to show their respect.

This is not only a respect for the Nobel Prize winners, but also because of this lecture, they completely conquered them.

Only civilizations that yearn for the universe and the Milky Way have enough potential and future!

For humans who are still busy with internal struggles, this is undoubtedly a lighthouse on the coast, although it is not known whether it can guide the direction.

But at least it's there, radiating light and a future.

On the podium, Xu Chuan bowed slightly, then turned and walked off the stage.

After the Nobel Prize Lecture, the Nobel Prize Awarding Ceremony also ended.

There is always a banquet in the world, and the scholars who gathered in Stockholm boarded the return flight one after another and left the city.

Xu Chuan sent his relatives and friends to the airport and watched them enter the waiting hall.

"Brother, won't you fly back with us?" In the airport, Xu Xiao asked with a look of reluctance.

Xu Chuan smiled and patted her little head: "I still have something to do here, you go back first and study hard, I hope that one day in the future you can come here to give a report of your own."

Xu Xiao nodded vigorously, clenched his fists and waved: "I will work hard!"

On the side, Xu's father and Xu's mother looked at their son, and said goodbye with some reluctance: "You have to pay more attention to your body outside, no amount of glory can compare to your safety, come back early, we will wait for you at home."

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

He didn't say what he was doing in Stockholm, or that he was going back by train.

There is no need to let your parents know about many things. If you know it, you will be more worried. Just deal with it yourself.

When Xu Chuan said goodbye to his parents, a meeting about him was also held on the other side of the Atlantic coast.

In the United States, in the immigration office, a commissioner handed over the information in his hand to his top boss.

"Director, here is the information report on the Chinese scholar named 'Xu Chuan'."

"During the Nobel Prize period, we arranged for personnel to contact the other party again, and offered more favorable conditions to introduce them, but the other party's attitude was very vague, neither agreed nor refused, and only said that it needed time to think about it."

In the office, the director of the office in charge of talent introduction flipped through the materials in his hand: "Understood, you go out first."

For the immigrant country of the United States, immigration is the largest and most complicated administrative system in this country, and the rights are quite large.

Even if it is just a talent introduction office, it has the right to investigate, arrest, detain, enact laws, dispatch CIA, FBI and even the army.

For the immigrant ju, they are not only responsible for the introduction of talents, but sometimes they also part-time dispose of some top talents that are not conducive to the United States.

After the subordinate left, the middle-aged man sitting on the leather office chair flipped through the materials in his hand, and then his eyes fell on the latest "Chuanhai Materials Research Laboratory" and "Nuclear Energy Research Project".

After reading the information, he closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then got up and left the office with the documents.

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