Great Country Academician

Chapter 268 Big plan!

Beijing, on the north side of Chang'an Street.

In a solemnly decorated meeting room, an old man in a Chinese tunic suit read the report in his hand, his expression slightly moved.

"Professor Xu really discovered dark matter?"

Putting down the report in his hand, the old man looked up at Qin Anguo who was standing at the desk and asked.

Qin Anguo shook his head and said, "It seems that you can't say that."

After a pause, he looked at another old man with half-haired hair next to him, and continued: "I don't know much about this, but Academician Liu is a professional, please explain to Academician Liu."

Beside him, the grey-haired old man nodded, pondered for a while and then said: "Strictly speaking, this discovery cannot be counted as dark matter."

"Although inert neutrinos are theoretically a type of dark matter, it is not yet possible to fully confirm that this unknown particle must be dark matter."

"For example, it's like we are mining. We can judge from various information, such as vegetation, alteration of surrounding rocks near the mine, ore heads, etc., to determine whether there are mineral deposits in this place, and what type of mineral deposits are."

"The discovery this time is also the same. At present, Professor Xu has only discovered this information and can make a judgment with a high probability."

"For a more precise determination, more collision experiments and collision data are needed."

In the conference room, the old man pondered for a while and asked, "Then how big is this probability?"

Academician Liu shook his head, and said: "The probability of 3sigma is not too high in the field of high-energy physics. Every year, there are many discoveries at CERN that can reach this level of confidence, and many of them are proved to be background clutter or useless. information."

"Of course, this probability is not very low. With this level of confidence, it is indeed possible to continue to explore and study in depth."

"What is more exciting is not the confidence level of this 3sigma, but some of Professor Xu's theories and opinions."

"Before I came here, I watched his press conference and report at Nantah University two days ago. In the report, Professor Xu made a very detailed analysis and exploration of this discovery, and the logic was consistent and consistent with the theory. "

"From this point of view, this discovery is indeed very likely to be the legendary inert neutrino."

"But no one can guarantee things in this regard, after all, the results are too shocking, and it is still related to dark matter."

"From the current level of technology and detectors, we simply cannot directly observe the existence of dark matter."

Hearing this, the old man fell into deep thought.

For Huaguo, if we want to say what is the most lacking thing at present, it is undoubtedly energy.

Apart from other things, in 2018, a total of 3.546 billion tons of coal was mined in China, ranking first among countries in the world, and the output was once again close to half of the total global coal output.

And even so, it's still not enough.

According to reports, Huaguo imported about 281.5 million tons of coal in 2018 (a year-on-year increase of 10.5 million tons, an increase of 3.9%), while the coal (coal and lignite) exported in the same period in 2018 was only 4.934 million tons.

Calculated in this way, in 2018, the actual "consumption" of coal in the mainland was as high as 3.8225 billion tons.

So much coal is mostly consumed in the three major fields of thermal power generation, heating, and steelmaking.

Calculated based on the average price of 500 yuan per ton of coal, the annual cost of coal alone has reached a terrifying two trillion yuan.

Such a massive consumption, even if it can be reduced by a percentage or two, is quite exaggerated.

Therefore, Huaguo has been looking for new energy sources all these years. Whether it is a large-scale photovoltaic power plant that does not belong to the western Xinjiang desert, a large-scale wind power plant deployed in Inner Mongolia, or nuclear energy that is already moving towards the fourth generation of nuclear power, they are all energy solutions. crisis attempt.

If the dark matter, which accounts for more than 90% of the total mass of the universe, can be utilized, then there will be no worries about energy.

Of course, the old man also knows that it is very difficult to realize this wish, and there is a long way to go.

But as long as there is hope, Hua Guo has never been afraid of difficulties!

In addition, if this discovery can really prove to be dark matter, then this will be a new field that changes the world pattern.

Perhaps, the conservative policy that has always been biased needs to be changed.

At least, in a brand new field, Huaguo must make further progress.

To fall behind is to be beaten, and one painful lesson from the last century is enough.

But before doing that, it may be safe to ask that person's opinion first.

After all, professional things should always be handed over to professional people.

Jinling, Nantah University, Xu Chuan, who had just finished the report meeting, bid farewell to his alma mater and returned to the villa.

A phone number starting with 01 rang on the phone.

Swiping his finger across the screen, Xu Chuan connected the phone, and a voice that surprised him came from the phone.

"Hey, Professor Xu, are you busy?"

On the phone, the old man's voice with a kind smile rang in his ears.

Hearing this voice, Xu Chuan instantly realized who was calling him, and quickly said: "No, no, I just finished the report meeting at my alma mater, and the meeting is already home."

"Do you have time recently? I would like to invite you to come to the capital and ask for some advice.

The old man said with a smile on the phone: "Of course, if it's inconvenient, I can go there." "

Xu Chuan shook his head quickly, and quickly said: "Yes, I can go over here anytime."

Let the old man on the phone go and make a joke.

The old man smiled and said, "Then I will trouble Professor Xu to make a trip. Don't worry, it won't delay you for a long time."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan called Zheng Hai and asked him to help book a high-speed rail ticket to the capital.

He asked Zheng Hai to help book the tickets, and he quickly packed his luggage. The First Elder personally called him to invite him to discuss matters, which must be done as soon as possible.

When he came to the capital again, Xu Chuan dragged his luggage and checked into the Beihai Hotel. It was still the same room as before, which seemed to be specially reserved by this hotel. Anyway, every time he came, this room was always there.

In the room, Xu Chuan opened the curtains, looked out the window at the North Sea and the Forbidden City, and fell into deep thought.

There are only a few things related to him.

Nuclear waste research projects, nuclear fusion, or more recently sterile neutrinos and dark matter.

Each of these things has a grand relationship, even if it is him, he has to think about tomorrow's answer.

Now, standing in his position, it can be said that every word will have a great impact, and sometimes even a single suggestion can drive hundreds of millions of funds

Therefore, it is necessary to think clearly in advance and practice the ability to be cautious in words and deeds.

The next day, at three o'clock in the afternoon, under the leadership of the guards, Xu Chuan crossed the small river on the north side of Chang'an Street, and came to this quaint two-story building again. The old man who arrived.

"Professor Xu, please sit down."

Seeing Xu Chuan's arrival, the old man stood up with a kind smile, shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "I called you here temporarily this time, I hope I didn't disturb your research."

Xu Chuan shook his head quickly and said, "No, no, serving the country is the duty of any citizen."

In the main hall, after exchanging a few words of pleasantries, the two directly got to the point without wasting too much time.

The old man pondered for a while and then said, "Professor Xu, I'm asking you to come here this time, mainly for two things."

Xu Chuan: "Please tell me."

"The first thing is about the controllable nuclear fusion project." As he spoke, the old man took a report from the guard beside him and handed it over.

Xu Chuan took the report materials from the old man with some doubts, and flipped through them.

"2020 Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project Investigation Report Document"

The red title caught his eyes, causing Xu Chuan's pupils to shrink suddenly.

The report the old man handed him really surprised him.

Under the circumstances that the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Technology Project" has not yet been completed, the high-level executives have launched the controllable nuclear fusion project. This courage is indeed very surprising.

You must know that when it comes to controllable nuclear fusion, it is not comparable to the nuclear waste recycling project. Whether it is the problem to be solved, the difficulty of scientific research, or the investment of funds, manpower and material resources, it is not at the same level.

Not to mention other things, ITER alone cost more than 30 billion meters of gold to build, and billions and billions of money were poured into it every year, but so far no decent results have been produced.

There are similar projects in China, such as the Eastern Super Ring (EAST).

It is a fully superconducting non-circular cross-section tokamak device, which can generate more complex and flexible magnetic field configurations than ITER, so as to explore more optimal plasma parameters.

In 2018, that is, last year, the Eastern Superring EAST has created a new world record for continuously confining plasma for 100 seconds.

Of course, this is just an experimental reactor. Its goal is to achieve long-pulse steady-state operation and provide technical support for the future construction of the Huaguo Nuclear Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETD).

From the report in his hand, Xu Chuan saw another independent controllable nuclear fusion project.

The report is quite straightforward. This new project is scheduled to start in 2020, independent of and different from the Huaguo Nuclear Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETD), and keep pace with it.

As for the person in charge and which technical route to use, the report did not specify.

But make no mistake, it's a big plan!

Another brand-new and completely independent controllable nuclear fusion project, the funds invested can be said to be calculated in tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

After reading the report in his hand, Xu Chuan looked up at the old man.

The old man smiled and said, "You know, our country has been working hard on controllable nuclear fusion."

"However, this does not mean that it can be done with hard work. It also needs to solve various problems, and it also needs an outstanding talent to walk in front and guide the direction."

"At present, there are many researches on controllable nuclear fusion in China, but they are all relatively fragmented. The only relatively complete one is the CFETD project."

"The United States, Germany and other leading countries on the road to research on controllable nuclear fusion are facing us. In addition to ITER, which is an international cooperation, they have two to three different research routes in their respective countries. The United States even has more than four complete directions. .”

"So after discussion, we are going to start another controllable nuclear fusion project."

"As for this project, the person in charge is currently to be determined, and the technical route is also to be determined. The high-level executives are waiting for the operation of the nuclear waste project led by you, and then come to discuss and decide."

What the old man said is almost the only thing he needs to say is that this project is reserved for you.

Xu Chuan naturally understood the meaning, he nodded seriously, and said: "The 'Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Technology Project' has entered the construction stage of the nuclear power plant, semiconductor radiation gap material and crystal state The erbium zirconate' material has entered the process of expedited production."

"According to the plan, the whole will be completed in the middle and late May of this year, and a complete nuclear waste recycling power generation test can be started at that time."

"If all goes well, the overall acceptance is expected to be completed around September."

The old man nodded and said, "I will leave these things to you, I am at ease."

After a pause, he continued: "The second thing is about your research results a few days ago, that inert neutrino and dark matter."

As he spoke, the old man sat up straight and asked, "I would like to inquire about related matters, such as how likely is it to be dark matter, and if it is confirmed, when will we be able to use dark matter and dark energy?"

"In addition, if we want to conduct in-depth research, is it necessary for us to build a large and powerful particle collider or something."

"I want to hear your opinion on these."

Xu Chuan thought for a while, and then said cautiously: "You must have known about this discovery. I won't say much about the detailed professional analysis."

"First of all, I can be sure that the LHC's 13Tev energy level collision data does contain a new type of particle that has not yet been discovered by the scientific community. This particle is beyond the standard model."

"I can confirm this. Compared with the things that have been released before, I still have some evidence that has not been released and sent to CERN."

"If you need verification, I can send it to you."

"Secondly, I can't determine the probability that it is dark matter. I can only say that from the data analysis, it has a high probability that it is part of the decay of dark matter."

"And the use of dark matter and dark energy is probably even more distant. At least in a short period of time, I can't see any hope."

"After all, with the current technology, we can't even observe dark matter, understand its formation, properties, primary particles and other aspects."

"Maybe it will be decades or hundreds of years before there is such a hope."

"As for the construction of a large and strong particle collider, I personally think it is still necessary, but not now."

Hearing this answer, the old man was a little surprised in his eyes, and asked curiously: "How do you say?"

He and many others believe that as long as the country proposes to build a large-scale strong particle collider, the scholar in front of him will definitely support it.

After all, he is a double major in mathematics and physics, and his achievements in physics are not weak, especially the analysis results of the CERN collision data this time shocked the world.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth to ask this question, the answer he got was slightly different.

This made him a little curious why the young man in front of him would say that.

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