Great Country Academician

Chapter 269 Because I Have No Time

For any physicist who studies high energy physics and theoretical physics.

Large strong particle collisions are always an irresistible temptation.

For physicists, the miracle of the universe, the mysteries of microscopic particles, and the composition of everything in the world can be obtained from the large-scale strong particle collider.

Xu Chuan is no exception. He also looks forward to a large-scale strong particle collider with stronger performance and higher collision energy than the LHC.

It is expected to use it to discover more mysteries of the universe.

But now is not the time.

After thinking for a while, he replied, "On the one hand, it costs a lot. To build a large-scale strong particle collider, tens of billions of funds are needed."

"If a new controllable nuclear fusion project and the construction of a large-scale strong particle collider are to be launched at the same time, this will not be a small pressure on the country's finances."

"On the other hand, and more importantly, we don't have enough physics talents at present!"

"Building a large-scale strong particle collider now can be said to be a wedding dress for other countries before the physics talents in our country have grown up."

"So it's better to wait another year or two. Anyway, we have already joined CERN as a member state, and we also have a certain right to speak and position in CERN. We can use the LHC there to train us in the past two years. Start the large-scale strong particle collider after batching talents."

The old man thought for a while, and said, "The dark matter side, if we don't have our own strong particle collider, will we fall behind? After all, this is a brand new field."

In the past few decades, Huaguo has caught up with several generations because of its backwardness in the development of new fields. And the bitterness, the blood and tears, the humiliation and grievances suffered in it make people never want to do it again.

Now dark matter is undoubtedly a whole new field.

Especially when the discoverer is still in his own country, it is completely unreasonable to lag behind other countries.

Although the two super projects of controllable nuclear fusion and large-scale strong particle collider are launched at the same time, the pressure on finances and other aspects is huge.

But now Huaguo is not incapable of supporting two super projects at the same time. When they were poor and destitute, they both realized two bombs and one satellite, let alone now.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, dark matter will not form a new field that affects the entire world pattern so easily."

"Although I'm almost certain that this new discovery is an inert neutrino, strictly speaking, an inert neutrino is not dark matter."

"It is a particle with some dark matter properties released during the decay or formation of dark matter."

"At the same time, it also has some physical properties of conventional particles, so it can be observed by detectors."

"If it is real dark matter, it can be said that it is impossible to observe real dark matter with the equipment of the European Atomic Energy Research Center."

"That's part of the reason I'm suggesting we wait to build a large strong particle collider."

"It is necessary to wait for the technology to be upgraded, and it will be in place in one step, and the collision energy level and detection methods will be improved by one or even several steps."

"That's the best choice."

For Xu Chuan, it is indeed not a wise thing to build a large and powerful particle collider now.

He also has technologies such as room temperature superconductivity, double magnetic mirrors, and strong magnetic mirror hoop control rings that he has not brought out. These things can be applied to the collider to greatly improve performance.

In addition, there is a more critical point!

After a pause, Xu Chuan then added: "In addition, I don't have enough time and energy to host two super projects at the same time."

Whether it is controllable nuclear fusion or a large and powerful particle collider, he wants to get it.

He is worried about handing it over to others!

These two super projects, in today's era, can be said to have the greatest value and possibility only in his hands.

Hearing Xu Chuan's answer, the old man also smiled.

He naturally understood the meaning of the words, but this was probably the first time the young scholar showed his sharp and confident side in front of him.

But this is the most normal.

A super genius who can win the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Fields Medal at the age of 21, and a scholar who has already stood at the pinnacle of academics at an extremely young age, how could he not have his own pride.

In the capital, Xu Chuan stayed for three days.

In addition to the individual talk on the first day, he also participated in several science and technology conferences to exchange and promote investment in the field of high-energy physics, controllable nuclear fusion engineering, nuclear waste recycling, and expansion of nuclear power plants.

At the meeting, Xu Chuan maintained a cautious attitude in words and deeds, and only expressed some opinions on the fields he was familiar with.

As he had thought before, with his current status, every word could have a great impact, especially in such a top meeting.

After dealing with the affairs in the capital, Xu Chuan took the high-speed train back to Jinling.

The matter related to inert neutrinos has come to an end for the time being, and the follow-up research will wait until CERN restarts the collision time at the 13Tev energy level, and he has returned to his normal life.

I go to Nantah University for one class every day, and the rest of the time is used to study and understand mathematical manuscripts and papers related to the NS equation, and teach two students at the same price.

Now that the nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration conversion project has gradually come to an end for him, and after a trip to the capital, it is almost certain that the next project is controllable nuclear fusion.

So the mathematical model used to control the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber is the most urgent problem to be solved at present.

Xu Chuan has a deep understanding of controllable nuclear fusion, not to mention the number one person in the world today, at least one of the top three.

After all, in the second half of his previous life, he had been studying this for a long time.

From superconducting materials to strong magnetic mirror hoop control rings, to radiation gap buffer technology and ultra-supercritical heat-engine conversion technology, they are all developed by him for the study of controllable nuclear fusion.

And about the confinement of the ultra-high temperature plasma inside the reactor chamber.

It can be said that it is the biggest, or the most core and most common problem in the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

This is also the current two main technical routes in the field of controllable nuclear fusion research. Whether it is a tokamak or a stellarator, they all face common problems.

High temperature, high density, and long hours of restraint!

If these three are separated, there are still many ways to do it independently with the current technological means.

Such as high temperature, the conditions required to produce controllable nuclear fusion are very harsh.

On the earth, which cannot make the internal nuclear fusion react normally through huge pressure like the sun, the only way to make up for it is to increase the temperature.

To make the deuterium-tritium material in the reactor chamber fuse, it needs to reach a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.

But even so, there are still many ways to do it.

For example, laser focusing and ignition, such as heating the plasma itself by energizing it, such as compressing and releasing heat to the volume of the plasma, etc., all of which can achieve a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.

Even without considering the maintenance time, the guys in CERN have created super high temperatures of more than 5.5 trillion degrees with the Large Intense Particle Collider LHC.

It can be seen that high temperature is not the factor leading to uncontrollable nuclear fusion.

But when all three are combined, it becomes impossible to control them.

To carry out controllable nuclear fusion, it requires an ignition temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees and a conventional operating temperature of tens of millions of degrees. At present, it can be said that no solid material can withstand this temperature, and it can only be constrained by a strong magnetic field.

But to control and confine the ultra-high-temperature plasma in the chamber through a magnetic field, the biggest problem is the irregular turbulence caused by the ultra-high Reynolds coefficient of the ultra-high-temperature plasma.

In the high-density plasma bound by the electromagnetic field, any slight disturbance will cause disorder in the entire system composed of plasma.

Once the ultra-high temperature plasma of tens of millions of degrees is out of control, it will cause irreparable damage to the reactor chamber.

The premise of commercialization is long-term operation and stable energy output.

Otherwise, a controllable nuclear fusion reactor has to be overhauled after one or two days of operation, which can be said to be meaningless.

In order to achieve long-term control, it is necessary to establish a mathematical model for the ultra-high temperature plasma in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber.

This is also one of the cores of current research on controllable nuclear fusion in various countries.

But to be honest, this research is not favored by many people.

In order to establish a mathematical model to control the ultra-high temperature plasma in the reactor chamber, in today's field of controllable nuclear fusion, it is better to find a material that can resist plasma sputtering for a relatively long time. hope.

Huaguo, for example, has gone a relatively long way on this road and has mastered the world's leading first-wall material manufacturing technology.

For example, the beryllium-copper-tungsten composite material that enhances the thermal load was developed by Huaguo and is widely used in domestic research on controllable nuclear fusion.

Even including the international cooperation "International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)", more than 10% of the first wall material uses this composite gold.

To be honest, it is imperative to seek the ultimate confrontation material to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

Although everyone knows that establishing a mathematical model for ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence is the right way.

But it is too difficult to achieve this path.

Turbulent flow is one of the biggest problems in mathematics and physics. It is quite difficult to establish an accurate control model for ordinary water flow and air turbulence in today's mathematics field.

Not to mention the turbulent flow of ultra-hot plasma inside the chamber of a controlled fusion reactor.

Judging from the simplest, most convenient and quick Reynolds number formula Re=ρvd/μ for fluid calculation, any increase in the value of v, ρ, and μ will lead to an increase in the dimensionless number of fluid flow conditions.

The high-density plasma trapped in the reactor chamber by the electromagnetic field has a relatively large Reynolds number, which is undoubtedly quite large.

To build a mathematical model for this kind of turbulence, if you ask any mathematics professor, even if it is a Fields Medal winner, you will only get one answer.

That is impossible!

Unless, you can solve the NS equations.

In the office, Xu Chuan flipped through the papers in his hand.

On his desk, there are a lot of similar things.

Part of it is his grandfather Grothendieck's research on nonlinear partial differential equations and Euler equations, and more is the information about NS equations collected by Fefferman.

After reading the information in his hand, Xu Chuan threw it to the table, took out a ballpoint pen from the pencil case, and stared at the A4 paper in front of him in a daze.

Even though he had worked with Fefferman to solve part of the NS equation before, but when he started to dig into the NS equation, he still felt unable to write.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Chuan threw the ballpoint pen aside, and silently looked up at the ceiling.

In the office, his two students, Amelia and Gu Bing, looked at him curiously from time to time.

To be honest, in their impression, their mentor has never been so confused since they met.

"Professor, have you encountered any problems?"

After watching Xu Chuan in a daze for a long time, Amelia, who had a more lively personality, finally couldn't help it, and asked curiously.

Hearing the question, Xu Chuan replied unconsciously: "I'm thinking about how to calculate the infinite discrete diffusion motion in a finite-dimensional vector field through mathematics."

Amelia: ? ? ? ?

Gu Bing:? ? ? ?

What the hell is this answer from the instructor?

The question raised by Xu Chuan is actually not difficult to understand, but the finite-dimensional vector field, no matter how you look at it, cannot be linked to the discrete diffusion movement, right?

The former is the theory that any non-zero finite-dimensional vector space on the number field P must have a basis theory, which belongs to the field of linear algebra; while the latter belongs to the field of physics, right? If there is anything in mathematics that can be linked to it, at most it can be linked to discrete mathematics and fluid mathematics.

How should we answer these two completely different fields that are almost unrelated?

For a while, Amelia and Gu Bing fell into confusion.

However, the question from the two of them made Xu Chuan wake up from his distraction.

Perhaps, he needs a little help from others.

If one person can't think of a way, at least one should listen to other people's ideas.

Thinking about it, Xu Chuan ignored the two confused students, got up and left the office directly.

After coming out of the teaching building and waiting at the gate for a while, a red flag car drove over.

"Professor, where are you going?"

After Xu Chuan got into the car, Zheng Hai turned to ask.

"Go home, and book another high-speed rail ticket to the capital for me."

At present, there are not many people in China who can help him with mathematics, but there is one person who can definitely, and he happens to be in China now.

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