Great Country Academician

Chapter 284 The Frenzied Outside World

For the academic community, if someone else dropped a paper on Arxiv that had not been reviewed by a journal, even declaring that they had proved the seven millennium problems would not cause earthquakes in several completely different fields.

After all, in today's academic world, few scholars will throw important papers on preprint websites like Arxiv, and top journals of various types are more in line with the choices of many scholars.

Although journal submissions have various conditions and problems, such as long review time, being able to publish a paper in a top TOP journal also represents a certain level of academic achievement.

If you can publish a paper in such journals as "Annual of Mathematics" and "New Advances in Mathematics", no matter what your original education background is, you are now eligible to enter a prestigious school and become a professor directly.

And preprint websites like Arxiv are not highly rated in the minds of many scholars.

The reason is simple. There are a lot of good and bad people on this kind of website, and there are not many valuable things.

It is undeniable that there are indeed some interesting or valuable things on it, but it is also undeniable that most of the above papers or ideas are basically dross.

There is no peer review, no moderation mechanism, which means that anyone can submit papers and ideas to it.

And in this case, those who are very interested in academics, or those who are interested in arguing with others, self-confident, willing to deny others, extreme self-confidence, first in the universe, that's it, impossible to make mistakes, etc. Scholars will definitely rush to the top.

Not to mention the proof of the seven millennium problems, they dare to stuff the proof theory of the grand unity, the theory of the ultimate form of the universe and so on.

It can be said that almost no one has a rigorous scientific theoretical basis, and the theories and ideas that rely entirely on personal imagination have almost no value for science.

Of course, sometimes, some special ideas and papers can indeed bring inspiration, but compared with various journal papers that have undergone rigorous peer review, this probability is too low.

Therefore, many scholars do not like preprint websites such as Arxiv very much.

However, a new freak has appeared in the academic world in recent years. Like the previous Perleman, he likes to throw his papers on preprint websites such as Arxiv first.

It would be fine if it was someone else, but this is a Nobel Prize + Fields Medal winner. And every time he threw the thesis, it was finally verified successfully and solved various world problems.

There is currently a saying in the academic circles about this young big cow, that is, the papers that this big guy threw on Arxiv can almost be regarded as peer-reviewed papers.

At least, for now, no matter whether it is mathematics or physics, none of the papers thrown by this big guy are problematic.

And now, he has extended his hand to the chemical and material circles, and has uploaded a paper that solves the lithium dendrite problem. This has shocked many people in the academic circle. Find out what's going on here.

If we say, the mathematics and physics circles are not very clear about the value of this paper.

Then the chemical world, the material world and the battery world with hindsight are completely different.

They couldn't be more clear about the impact of the lithium dendrite problem on the lithium battery industry.

At the invitation of some friends, industry leaders in the chemical, material and battery industries set their sights on this paper.

America, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Professor C.T. McMullan, the 1998 Fields Medal winner, is sitting in the office of his friend Coverdale Enoch, waiting for him to read the paper in his hand.

After a long time, the other party finally put down the paper in his hand, and asked impatiently, "Where did you get this paper?"

Professor McMullan asked curiously: "Could it be that the above is true?"

Coverdale Enoch replied quickly: "You tell me where you got this paper first."


"This is impossible! How could there be papers of this level on Arxiv!" Hearing his friend's answer, Coverdale Enoch retorted excitedly.

McMullan shrugged and said, "It was indeed downloaded from Arxiv."

"You really didn't lie to me?" Coverdale Enoch stared at his friend suspiciously.

"is it necessary?"

Hearing this, Coverdale Enoch on the opposite side looked skeptical and muttered to himself: "How is it possible, why is this kind of paper thrown on a website like Arxiv."

McMullan looked at his friend in doubt, and said: "This is something made by a mathematics colleague I follow, but I don't quite understand it. After all, I study mathematics and don't know much about chemical materials, so I brought it here. show you."

"How? Is the paper correct?"

Coverdale Enoch came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and said: "From this paper, it is indeed very possible to solve the lithium dendrite problem."

"At least, I don't see any problems from above."

"Of course, I will repeat the experiment based on the paper to see if it actually has such an effect."

"How long would it take to repeat the experiment?" McMullan asked.

Coverdale Enoch: "It doesn't need to be too long. If you make a complete battery, it may take half a month to test, but if you just verify whether this artificial SEI film can solve the formation of lithium dendrites For difficult problems, three or four hours is enough."

"I have materials and so on in my laboratory. The only troublesome thing is to make some artificial SEI films according to the above method."

"Then do you have time now? I want to see the result. I can afford to wait three or four hours."

Hearing that it only takes three or four hours to verify, McMullan quickly asked, he couldn't wait to see if the paper was correct.

If it is possible to successfully solve the lithium dendrite problem, it would be really incredible.

From mathematics to physics to astronomy, and now to chemistry and materials science, is there anything he doesn't understand?

What's more noteworthy is that the previous research results were basically theoretical, but this time, they are results at the application level.

From theory to application, this is a huge gap.

Coverdale Enoch nodded: "Of course, I also want to see the result."

"After all, if the lithium dendrite problem is really solved, the battery industry will usher in the biggest change in history."

What happened at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is just a microcosm of many universities, research institutes, and laboratories.

Within a few days after Xu Chuan threw the paper on the Arxiv preprint website, as time went by, more and more people noticed the paper, and more and more laboratories began to use the methods in the paper Perform replicate experiments for the entire experiment.

For papers and research results in the materials industry, the most important judgment method is that the research results can be replicated.

If it is not reproducible, the research results will not mean much to the materials community.

And because of the importance of lithium batteries, and the name of the published paper, in less than a week, almost 80% of the universities or laboratories that research lithium batteries have carried out repeated experiments on this paper.

For the academic community, when more than 50% of the researchers in a certain field are studying this matter, it means that it is already well known.

And when more than 80% of the researchers are involved, it can only be said that this is the most crazy change!

The frenzy in the field of lithium batteries soon attracted the attention of the press.

As an old well-known American technology media and the largest technology blog in the world, TechCrunch (Technology Blog) will naturally not miss this news.

They quickly arranged for media reporters to come to the Santa Barbara campus of the top university in the United States, and found Professor Alan Haig, the 2000 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry.

The professor is mainly engaged in research in the fields of organic and conductive polymer materials and devices, and low-dimensional physics. He was evaluated by the Huaguo Academy of Sciences as a "pioneer in international conductive polymer research" and has made great contributions to materials science.

Technology Blog wanted to interview the Nobel Laureate to see his views on this matter.

Of course, they hope to make big news.

Whether it is negative or positive, it is a very good heat.

After all, it was the famous Professor Xu who published the thesis, the first Nofi double award winner in history. Since entering the academic circle, the other party's achievements can be described as innumerable.

More importantly, the papers published by Professor Xu on Arxiv have all been verified to be correct.

If he can break the myth of his 100% success this time, I believe it will definitely be very popular to write a report focusing on this.

If the other party is still successful, with the popularity of lithium batteries, coupled with the focus of 100% success, it will also bring them a huge amount of traffic.

Of course, they must take the lead as soon as possible, because many other media are also following up on this matter.

PS: There is another chapter in the evening, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, the last day of this month's double monthly pass, let's vote with the monthly pass in hand, today we can reach 1,000 votes, and we will add more tomorrow!

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