Great Country Academician

Chapter 285 The biggest change in the lithium battery industry! (Second more ask for a monthly ticke

"Professor Allen, nice to meet you."

In the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California, the media reporters of the technology blog enthusiastically shook hands with the Nobel laureate in front of him and said hello.

The old man shook hands with a smile, nodded and said: "Sit down, my assistant has already told me."

After chatting for a while, the media reporter of the technology blog said: "Professor Allen, have you read the paper on the lithium dendrite problem that is very popular on Arixv recently? I heard that Professor Xu developed A solution to the lithium dendrite problem?"

Alan Haig nodded, and said: "I have read it, it is a very wonderful paper, and we are currently repeating the experiment based on the method in the paper."

The reporter asked in surprise, "Is it right?"

Professor Alan Haig shook his head and said: "I don't know yet, and I can't guarantee that it will solve the lithium dendrite problem until the experimental results come out."


After hesitating for a while, the old man continued: "Theoretically speaking, it is very likely to be correct."

"And according to my understanding, many universities or laboratories have reproduced this achievement. From preliminary tests, this artificial SEI film can inhibit the growth of lithium dendrites to a large extent. "

Hearing this, the media reporter of the technology blog quickly asked: "If the lithium dendrite problem is solved, what kind of changes will it bring to our lives?"

Professor Allen pondered for a while and then slowly said: "The lithium dendrite problem is the biggest one in lithium batteries, and it is of great significance to the development of lithium batteries."

"First of all, it is certain that if the lithium dendrite problem can be solved, we will get lithium batteries with higher capacity."

"After all, the capacity of lithium-ion batteries mainly depends on the quality and ratio of positive and negative active materials, and the positive and negative materials determine the energy density of the battery."

"Whether it is the lithium-ion battery we are using now, or the lithium-sulfur battery that is being developed all over the world, or even the lithium-air battery that is still in the theoretical stage, the problem of lithium dendrite formation cannot be avoided."

"To give a very simple example, the lithium batteries currently on the market, the negative electrode materials of the batteries mainly include natural graphite materials, artificial graphite materials, silicon base and so on."

"The theoretical specific capacity of graphite is only 372mAh/g, but if graphite is replaced with lithium metal, its capacity can reach 3860mAh/g, which is a full increase of more than ten times."

The old man's succinct words and comparisons made the interviewing media reporters gasp, with shocked expressions on their faces.

If it is described in other ways, it may not achieve this effect.

But the comparison between three-digit numbers and four-digit numbers is probably clear to everyone.

After the shock, the tech blogger’s eyes lit up with excitement, and he quickly asked, “That is to say, if the lithium dendrite problem is solved, we will get a battery with ten times the battery life?”

Alan Haig shook his head and said, "It can't be converted in this way, because there are many other things that determine the battery capacity, such as electrolyte, positive electrode material and so on."

"But it is foreseeable that if the problem of lithium dendrite formation is solved, I am afraid that within a year or two, we will at least have a battery with more than double the current battery life."

"Think about it, the use time of mobile phones has doubled, and the cruising range of electric vehicles has increased from less than 500 kilometers to 1,000 kilometers. What kind of concept is this?"


"Thank you, Professor Allen, for your help. That concludes today's interview."

After a ten-minute interview, the media reporter of the technology blog got the answer she needed, got up satisfied and prepared to leave.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and a young staff member hurried in.

"Professor, we succeeded. Through that paper, we produced an artificial SEI film and tested it. The test results show that this artificial SEI film can indeed effectively solve the problem of lithium dendrite formation."

The young researcher's report stunned the media reporters in the office and Professor Alan Haig.

Alan Haig stepped forward quickly and said, "What about the results of the experiment? Let me see!"

The young man handed over the report he was carrying, and Professor Allen took the document and quickly flipped through it.

From the scanning electron microscope image on the report document, on the artificial SEI film used for the experiment, it can be clearly seen that lithium ions gather layer by layer on the side of the film.

This is the most common phenomenon of lithium precipitation in lithium batteries. Lithium ions in the electrolyte gather at the positive and negative electrodes due to various reasons during charging and discharging.

In the lithium precipitation phenomenon, if the precipitated lithium ions have a nucleation phenomenon, the precipitated lithium ions will continue to spread and grow like snowflakes or branches, and then form irregular dendrites.

This kind of crystallization is lithium dendrites, which will pierce the diaphragm over time, causing spontaneous combustion and explosion of lithium batteries, and causing danger to users.

However, from the report in hand, it can be clearly seen that under this artificial SEI film, although the problem of lithium precipitation still occurs, lithium dendrites have not formed.

The lethal nucleation reaction used to form lithium dendrites also did not occur on it, or it was guided by this small artificial SEI film during deposition.

These lithium ions precipitated from the electrolyte are more like bricks used to build a house, and they are regularly stacked layer by layer on the side of the film.

From the data point of view, they restored the experiment, and the process and method of lithium deposition are exactly the same as the paper on Arxiv.

From this point of view, there is no doubt that the problem of lithium dendrite formation has really been solved!

Holding the report in his hand, Alan Miguel also became a little short of breath.

Although I have heard that other laboratories have reproduced this artificial SEI film before, but hearing it and verifying it myself are completely different things.

Only by experiencing it yourself can you experience the shock in the middle.

Although he was a little puzzled, from the data table, the lithium deposition problem on the artificial SEI film seemed to be serious and too fast, but under the shock of the lithium dendrites not being formed, these were nothing.

The lithium dendrite problem is solved, and the biggest change in the history of the lithium battery industry is about to happen!

"It's unbelievable! The lithium dendrites really didn't form..."

Staring at the report in his hand, Alan Meag couldn't help talking to himself in shock.

On the other hand, the media reporter of the technology blog who has not yet left was keenly aware that this might be a new important information point, and quickly reopened the recorder.

After waiting for Professor Allen Meag to recover, she quickly stepped forward and asked, "Professor Allen, can I ask what happened? You were just doing an experiment?"

Alan Meag nodded and said, "Yes."

"Before you came, we were already conducting a replication experiment on Professor Xu's paper, and just now, the results of the experiment came out."

"What was the result? Was it successful?" The media reporter of the technology blog quickly asked.

Alan Meag nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, we succeeded!"

"In the experimental report, it can be clearly seen that lithium dendrites are not formed on the artificial SEI film, and they are regularly stacked layer by layer, and will not pierce the film and cause a short circuit."

"The problem of lithium dendrites will be a thing of the past. In the near future, it may only take a year or two or even less. Cars, these will no longer be fantasy!"

"This will be the biggest change in the history of the lithium battery industry!"

I have to say that the technology blog has indeed made a big news.

Of course, this is not their exclusive news.

The entire media and news circles seem to have a common tacit understanding. A week after Xu Chuan posted the paper on Arxiv, the media, large and small, began to speak out.

"The change in the era of lithium batteries, the research of Professor Xu Chuan, a mathematician in Huaguo, may bring a new type of lithium battery with ten times the current capacity!" "

"Shock! The capacity of lithium batteries is about to increase tenfold! "

"Almighty Scholar! Following the fields of mathematics, physics, and astronomy, this young professor extended his hand to the field of chemical materials! "

"Long battery life welcomes new breakthroughs in the industry. Professor Xu Chuan, a famous scientist in my country, has developed a new type of artificial SEI film to solve the problem of lithium dendrites! "


All kinds of news came overwhelmingly, and quickly rushed to the hot searches on major platforms.

[The battery capacity has been increased by ten times? Where did the title party come from again, disgusting! 】

[No, it might be true this time. The problem of lithium dendrites has been solved, and it is really possible to increase the capacity of lithium batteries by ten times. 】

[The media and news have specially reported it, so this should be true. 】

[Have you seen the name of the solution to the problem? Professor Xu Chuan, is that the one I know? Or another scientist with the same name? 】

【It's him! 】

[But isn't Chuan Shen and his old man engaged in mathematics? Why did you suddenly go to study lithium batteries? 】

[Who knows? But what I can know is that maybe in a year, our mobile phones can last for ten days and a half months, and new energy vehicles can also run two to three thousand kilometers on a single charge! 】

[Hiss~, not much to say, Chuan Shen is awesome! 】

【look forward to! 】

[The stock speculator said that he has something to say. Today, the new energy sector is going crazy, and many of them are directly trading at the limit. I regret not buying it in advance! 】

[What is this, I just sold my shares in BYD just a few days ago! In the past two days, it has almost turned three times, oh! ! ! 】


On the other hand, under the arrangement of Xu Chuan, Chuanhai Materials Research Institute began to send invitation letters to manufacturers and media reporters who are interested in the battery industry at home and abroad after the heat came up.

The famous Nobel laureate, the real boss of Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, Professor Xu Chuan will hold a press conference on May 30th to give a speech on lithium batteries and lithium dendrites.

This news flew all over the world in an instant, attracting the attention of countless manufacturers.

Many car manufacturers and mobile phone manufacturers are trying to get an invitation letter, and even those financial companies that have nothing to do with the battery industry are trying to get an invitation letter.

Without him, because this press conference is far more than what it says on the surface.

According to some manufacturers who received the invitation letter, behind the scenes of this press conference, there will also be an auction for the licensing of artificial SEI thin film patents for lithium-ion batteries.

According to the current news from the scientific community, this new type of artificial SEI film can solve the problem of lithium dendrites.

Then, the battery industry, no, the battery industry and all related industries, such as mobile phones, computers, automobiles, drones, and even military industries, will usher in a major change!

Therefore, although many people do not believe that the lithium dendrite problem has been solved, there are also many manufacturers outside the battery industry who are still trying to get an invitation letter to participate in this press conference.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if it is true and you miss it, you will miss a huge market with a scale of trillions!

Even, to put it more seriously, this will affect the development and lives of countless manufacturers inside and outside the industry!

Some companies may take off in this development, while companies that have not kept up with the times and boarded the ship may die.

PS: Asking for a monthly ticket at the second watch, the last half an hour, the boss who has a ticket has pity on Yao, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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