Great Country Academician

Chapter 286 The Best Choice

The huge movement in the battery industry naturally cannot escape the eyes of governments of various countries.

Across the west coast, in the white room, a certain president with a cool hairstyle was staring sharply at the director of the CIA and the people in the energy department in front of him.

"I remember you told me last time that the lithium dendrite problem cannot be solved, what is in my hand now???"

Mr. President with a cool hairstyle threw the report in his hand on the table angrily.

From the scattered report documents, it can be clearly seen that the title and content above are about the investigation of artificial SEI films.

On the opposite side, the director of the CIA who was standing also had an innocent face.

After living for decades, I really encountered a ghost.

A small laboratory with a total asset of less than 20 million RMB, converted to less than 3 million meters gold, a young man in his early twenties, has actually solved the world-wide problem of lithium dendrites. , It's really puzzling.

Even if this young man is a world-renowned top scientist, he is a mathematician.

Even if there are achievements in the fields of physics and astronomy, it is impossible to go to Applied Materials to make a big fuss, right?

Lithium dendrites are a problem. All countries in the world spend more than 10 billion on this problem every year.

The problem that everyone has not solved, why did you solve it in a few months with an ultra-small laboratory with a scale of less than 3 million meters gold?


It's so far away!

"Is there something we need to do?"

Across the desk, the people from the energy industry couldn't help but ask, a huge market with a market value of trillions is enough for them to do it.

Of course, the artificial SEI film will certainly not occupy such a large proportion, but if this key technology is not in your own hands, it is unacceptable.

"Do it? How are you going to do it?" the president asked in a deep voice.

After a pause, he continued with disdain: "Stealing secrets and manufacturing methods?"

"The other party has applied for patents in more than 100 countries around the world, and all the patented countries are covered. They have clearly put it there. Are you an idiot for stealing? Or are you going to ban the other party from selling lithium batteries in our country? How stupid!"

What makes the president in front of him headache and angry is that they originally had a good opportunity, but they didn't grasp it and just missed it.

If they were directly stuck in the patent application and refused to approve it, nothing will happen now.

But this kind of thing, no one knows the future.

After all, it is impossible for all international patent applications to be blocked, which is simply unrealistic. It can only be said that they underestimated that young man too much.

The other party smartly applied for patents in all countries, and not just one, but also applied for some patents with appropriate changes.

Just like when Alibaba registered the 'Alibaba' trademark, it also applied for trademarks such as "Sister Ali", "Sister Ali", "Aunt Ali", "Uncle Ali", "Brother Ali", and "Brother Ali" .

This kind of defensive self-protection behavior of trademarks is also similar in patents.

If the other party does not apply for a patent and learns from other material companies to keep the artificial SEI film confidential, they will not have too much headache.

With the scientific research strength of the United States, as long as the corresponding materials can be obtained, I believe that it will not take too long to complete the reverse engineering.

It may not be exactly the same, but there is no problem in simulating 70% to 80% of the performance, and it is not impossible to even study for a period of time to go further.

Because as long as there are profits to be made, capital will flow to this field without any scruples, not to mention that this is a huge trillion-scale market.

But now, it is a headache for the other party to register a patent.

If it is imitated, it will definitely not bypass the international patent law.

Even though patents are created to protect the rights of inventors, all countries need to follow them.

But in a sense, international patent law is more about protecting themselves.

Because compared with other countries, the United States and its allies have registered and applied for so many international patents that the patent office does not know how many there are.

Relying on these patents, they earn countless money from other countries every year.

Now the international patent law has become a rule that countries all over the world abide by. Although sometimes there are cases of non-compliance with this rule, they are only a minority.

Especially in the current situation, the applicant for the patent is a top scientist with a high reputation in the world, and the patent applied for is also very important.

If you break this unspoken rule in this regard, to be honest, you can only end up with a situation where both sides suffer.

Although this is not the first time they have done hooliganism, it is not a problem to be shameless and 'imitate' directly without consent this time, and it is impossible for the other party to rush to their country to stop it.

But what kind of consequences will be brought after doing it still needs to be considered.

Being sued by such an internationally renowned top scholar to an international court for patent licensing issues can be said to be a major blow to the reputation of the United States.

If it's just that, then forget it.

What is fame? Fame is not something to eat, and they have a million ways to get the International Court of Justice on their side.

But the follow-up impact may be bad.

If you open your mouth on this kind of matter and make a big fuss, whether the United States can still collect fees for patents extended to other countries will become a major issue.

Anyone can play hooligans, and you have taken the lead in doing this, so why can't I do it?

Especially in Huaguo, a country that is extremely good at 'imitation'.

It's just a lawsuit, even if you can't get the International Court of Justice to stand on your side, you can still delay time indefinitely.

After all, you have already started, and you have reference judgment cases, no matter what you have to consider the impact.

After all, there is still business between countries. Hooligans are fine, but if you are too hooligan, no one will play with you.

In the eyes of this president with a cool hairstyle, the smartest thing about the other party is that he has applied for all the patents in advance.

This puts them in a dilemma.

It is impossible to give up the interests in the lithium battery field, but how to get a share of it needs to be considered again.

On the other side, Huaguo, Jinling.

Xu Chuan is preparing for the press conference in a few days.

The paper he threw on Arxiv, as well as the press conference released by Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, caused a tsunami-like sensation in the battery and battery-related industries.

Of course, this sensation did not appear around ordinary people. Ordinary netizens would at most eat melons for these news, and lament that he actually started to do research on chemical materials.

But for people in the industry, it is completely different.

"Hello, dear Professor Xu, I am the director of ADVANO Nanomaterials Company in Louisiana, USA. Our company is mainly engaged in the lithium-ion battery industry. We are very interested in the paper you published on the Arxiv website about artificial SEI films. Are you interested in launching a technical cooperation with our company?"

Xu Chuan: "If you have an idea, just come to the press conference on May 30."

"Well, our company may have been overlooked by you, and did not receive the invitation letter. Could you trouble Professor Xu to send us a copy?"

Hearing what Xu Chuan said, the other party said with a look of embarrassment.

Xu Chuan: "Sorry, this is not my responsibility. If you need an invitation letter, please go to Chuanhai Materials Research Institute."

After hanging up the phone casually, he couldn't help rubbing his temples.

Another one called to discuss cooperation with him.

Since he dropped the paper on Arxiv, different companies have called him almost every day to discuss cooperation.

However, most of these calls are intermediary second-hand dealers.

It is the kind of skinny company that wants to obtain the patent authorization of the artificial SEI film from him, and then sell it to get the difference.

To be honest, Xu Chuan would be happy if the patent of the artificial SEI film is authorized to those serious battery companies.

On the one hand, he can get rewards, and on the other hand, he will not disrupt the development of the entire industry too much.

As for these second-hand traffickers, they are not agricultural products or the like, and need to rely on middlemen to help sell them to all parts of the world.

For things like earning the price difference, let’s forget it on the artificial SEI film. If you refuse the middleman, wouldn’t it be good for him to earn a little more?

As for the idea of ​​setting up his own factory and starting a company that produces artificial SEI films and even lithium batteries, Xu Chuan has not never considered it.

But after thinking about it for three times, I finally gave up on this idea.

First of all, he is a scientific researcher, and his main energy should be on scientific research, rather than being a businessman.

It is necessary to make money, but if you devote all your energy to making money, you are really sorry for the chance of rebirth given by God.

What's more, top breakthrough scientific research will inevitably have a monetary effect.

As long as there are scientific research achievements, there will never be a shortage of scientific research funds.

And to be honest, although R\u0026D in the material industry generally recovers costs and earns money through confidential business practices, relatively few patent applications are made.

But for him, applying for a patent and collecting patent fees is the best way.

This will indeed inevitably expose some things, and perhaps imitations will appear soon, which will affect the patent fee.

But if you want to rely on those things in patent documents and papers to restore the core product 100%, it is basically impossible.

After all, whoever applies for a patent will lose all the core and complete process.

Isn't it normal to cut some material ratios during the manufacturing process?

Just like the formula of black powder, if the ratio is not correct, the black powder produced will only make a noise, and as for the lethality, it is basically not much.

The same is true for artificial SEI thin films. The correct manufacturing process cannot be found. Although the manufactured thin film can also inhibit the formation of lithium dendrites to a certain extent, the efficiency of lithium analysis and lithium ion transport is much worse.

In addition, there is another more critical point.

The technology was fundamentally not something he developed on his own.

This artificial SEI thin film technology is due to the relationship of rebirth. He obtained it from other laboratories in the United States. In fact, it is only a few years before the actual research and development.

Maybe even the research institute is already researching this thing now.

If he doesn't hurry up and apply for the relevant patents now, he won't be able to earn any money from the gringo when the other party finds out.

Moreover, keeping confidential and not applying for patents for commercial harvest reports is generally aimed at materials that are difficult to reverse.

The artificial SEI film in his hand, as long as the other party gets the battery, as far as the laboratory that studies lithium batteries and lithium dendrites is concerned, it will not take long to imitate various films.

Although it may not achieve the same performance, just fighting price wars can make his income much less.

Instead of tossing around like this, it is better to apply for a patent directly.

It can not only make money, but also get stuck in the other party's neck.

If the other party is really shameless to imitate the production by itself, then go to the international court to sue.

Winning or losing is actually acceptable.

If you win, you can win a sum of money.

Lost, with his current status and reputation in the scientific community, Xu Chuan is still willing to do this if he can make a fuss about this matter all over the world, and lose some money in exchange for a reduction in the reputation of the United States.

What's more, the imitated artificial SEI film must not keep up with the genuine product in terms of performance.

If the performance is worse, the service life of the lithium battery will be worse.

In addition, there is the influence of electrolyte concentration, these are things that Xu Chuan did not include in his papers and patent application documents.

With these things as a guarantee, I believe consumers will choose.

PS: There is another chapter in the evening, ask for a monthly ticket

PY Yibo, a boutique old author trumpet

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