Great Country Academician

Chapter 287 The dramatic change of lithium batteries is just a small storm!

PS: I can't write the title anymore, (7/10 for the boss, Gaoshan Liushui, the leader's update is finally almost over, let's get it done in the next few days, there are other updates left, and I will return it after this is finished.)

As the time approached May 30, the ancient city of Jinling welcomed flights from all over the world again.

The press conference of the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute is about to begin, and major battery manufacturers, research institutes, even mobile phone manufacturers and automobile manufacturers have come to join in the fun.

With so many people participating, the place Xu Chuan had originally prepared was no longer enough, so he borrowed a lecture hall from Nantah University.

On May 30th, the day the press conference was held, the lecture hall was packed with people and no seats were occupied.

Representatives of many manufacturers came to the scene early in the morning. On the one hand, they were preparing to participate in the press conference in advance, and on the other hand, they wanted to see if they could squat in Xuchuan.

If you can make a good impression in front of this young big cow in advance, the probability of winning the artificial SEI film patent authorization will naturally be higher.

Of course, the presence of these manufacturers is not limited to representatives.

In addition to them, many researchers in the field of materials also ran over. Although Chuanhai Materials Research Institute did not send them an invitation letter at the beginning, these people still ran over on their own initiative.

Scholars in the field of materials research are not concerned about who will end up with the patent authorization of the artificial SEI film, but what they care about is what is shown in the paper.

A mathematical model for the research and development of chemical materials!

Many scholars in the field of materials, after reading the paper, immediately noticed the mathematical model method used in the paper. This can alleviate a lot of material research and development work to a certain extent, and even help to eliminate and select some unsuitable and adaptive materials in the research and development process.

Although it is normal to use mathematical models to assist in material research and development.

But the paper hanging on Arxiv showed something very different.

Unlike the mathematical model used in the research and development of the searched materials, it seems to be re-processed from the atomic and molecular level of the material and the properties of the material.

Some researchers quickly realized that this may be a new thing, and that Professor Xu Chuan was able to find the key to solving the lithium dendrite problem within a few months, and it is likely to be in this mathematical model.

Therefore, almost all scholars who noticed this detail called the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute and asked for an invitation letter.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xu Chuan came to the lecture hall on time and walked in through the main entrance.

Upon noticing his figure, the noisy voices in the lecture hall instantly quieted down, and all eyes watched enthusiastically and expectantly.

Xu Chuan walked up to the reporting platform frequently and looked at the crowd.

After trying the microphone, he said clearly: "First of all, I welcome you all to come here for today's press conference."

"The theme of today's report is the release of artificial SEI thin film products."

While speaking, Xu Chuan opened the PPT copy that had been prepared in advance.

"To be here today, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the lithium dendrite problem, so I don't plan to talk about those easy-to-see theories."

"As for the paper I published on 'Carboxymethylcellulose-Lithium Fluorocarbon Materials' to guide lithium ion deposition in lithium batteries and solve the problem of lithium dendrite formation, I believe everyone has understood it before coming here, and even everyone Some laboratories should have repeated relevant experiments and obtained the data they want."

"So, although my paper has not been published in a professional journal for the time being, everyone knows that it is correct and has successfully solved the lithium dendrite problem."

"What I'm going to talk about next is, on the one hand, the performance of this artificial SEI film. On the other hand, after the lithium dendrite problem is solved, the lithium battery industry has a bright future."

"OK, let's get to the point."

".The artificial SEI film manufactured by nanotechnology can effectively inhibit the formation of lithium dendrite pronuclei, and guide the orderly deposition of lithium ions on one side of the film."

On the podium, Xu Chuan talked eloquently.

In fact, no matter how excellent the performance of the artificial SEI film is, or how promising the lithium battery industry is, it is all to sell a good price for the patent in his hand.

If not, why would he waste his time on such a press conference?

"After solving the problem of lithium dendrites, the battery capacity of lithium batteries in the world can be increased by several orders of magnitude. Not to mention more, just replacing the negative electrode material from the current graphite with lithium metal is enough to replace the battery. The capacity has increased several times."

“Think about how our world would change when batteries doubled in capacity, cell phones lasted more than a week! Electric cars doubled their range.”

On the stage, Xu Chuan gave a passionate speech.

Under the stage, the eyes of countless audiences were shining with light.

In fact, those who are able to sit here today, aside from those scientific researchers, other people do not need Xu Chuan to say that they all know what changes will be brought about by the increase in lithium battery capacity.

The important thing is not the report meeting, but the auction for the artificial SEI film patent authorization after the report meeting!

He didn't waste too much time at the press conference. In less than half an hour, Xu Chuan started to finish.

"This is the end of today's press conference."

"Next, if you have any questions about the artificial SEI film developed by our Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, you can ask them."

After the words fell, someone in the audience stood up with their hands raised.

Xu Chuan signaled the staff to hand over the microphone.

The person who asked the question was a middle-aged man, wearing a plaid shirt, who did not seem to be a member of the manufacturer.

"Hello, Professor Xu, I am Evans Jerry, a researcher at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research. I have read the papers you uploaded on the arxiv preprint website."

"In your paper, I found that your research on this artificial SEI thin film material uses a new type of mathematical model, which seems to calculate the material from the molecular structure of the material, and then choose whether the suitable material is ?"

On the podium, Xu Chuan was slightly stunned after hearing the question. He didn't expect that the first one to stand up to ask a question would be a researcher in the field of materials.

Smiling, he replied, "Yes. This is a mathematical model I constructed for chemical materials. It can help me screen suitable materials and save unnecessary time."

Hearing this, the researcher quickly asked excitedly: "Can I trouble you to introduce this?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "You are a scholar in the field of materials, so you should be very clear that every different material has different chemical and physical properties."

"The so-called chemical reaction is actually the fusion between molecules, looking for order in disorder, and looking for stability and replacement in complexity."

After a pause, he then changed the topic: "Actually, in my personal opinion, the development of chemistry is not perfect today."

"Because we often can't even explain the simplest chemical reactions clearly with theory, can you use theory to explain why chemical reactions such as ionic reactions, non-ionic reactions, polycondensation reactions, and polyaddition reactions occur?"

Asked by Xu Chuan, the researcher who asked the question was stunned for a moment, and replied suspiciously: "Because of the ionization and reorganization of matter?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Strictly speaking, this is actually explaining chemistry with physics."

"In today's chemistry, there is actually no set of theories that can almost adapt to all chemical reactions."

"Of course, you can also say that the essence of chemical reactions is the flow of electron clouds, but in fact it is still physics."

"However, today we are not discussing the nature and explanation of chemistry, which can be discussed later. What we are talking about now is the mathematical model I use."

"It is based on the data simulation of the entire chemical process by using the three theories of chemistry, physics and mathematics."

"By collecting the different chemical and physical properties of each material in advance, integrating them into the model, and then using mathematics to simulate and calculate the reaction process."

"For example, the rate of the most common chemical reactions, we can describe by calculus equations. Mathematical equations can be solved using numerical methods to determine the reaction rate constant and other parameters."

"Theoretically speaking, if you know the information and conditions of the materials that need to undergo chemical reactions, you can completely simulate the entire process of the entire reaction through mathematics."

"And that mathematical model is based on this. Do you understand?"

Under the stage, after listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, researcher Evans Jerry's pupils shrank sharply and his breathing became extremely heavy. He seemed to understand why the other party solved the lithium dendrite problem in just a few months.

If such a model is really made, then the whole chemical world, no, the whole material world will change!

This change in the lithium battery industry is nothing more than an insignificant little wave in front of this model.

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