Great Country Academician

Chapter 294 I, Xu Chuan! No shortage of money! Not interested in money!

Mindong, Fujian Province, in the headquarters building of Ningde era.

A middle-aged man was sitting in his office, listening to the report of the vice president who went to Chuanhai Materials Research Institute to fight for patent authorization on his behalf.

After listening to the whole process, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly and said:

"Since Professor Xu has already made his own request, let's do it in accordance with this request."

"Three days later, the quotation was raised from 120 million to 150 million meters gold."

"Also, talk to Professor Xu again. If possible, we hope to get two patent authorizations, one domestic and one international."

"The quotation for two patent authorizations can be raised to 320 million gold."

"If that person does not allow this, then give up the international patent, but we must obtain the domestic patent authorization, even if the price is temporarily raised, as long as it does not exceed 170 million, no, it does not exceed 200 million meters gold."

Beside him, the vice president frowned and asked, "I see, I'll set off in the afternoon. However, 200 million patent authorizations, isn't that a bit too high? It's not exclusive after all."

The middle-aged man said: "It shouldn't be that high. The 200 million is just to ensure that 150 million should be able to secure the domestic patent authorization. Other domestic manufacturers will definitely not be able to quote such a high price. Such a high price , they are more willing to choose to obtain secondary patent authorization from other peers."

"But we are different from other manufacturers. BYD has cars, and AVIC is backed by big trees. Only we are mainly engaged in batteries. If we can't keep up in this regard, we will be eliminated by the market within a year."

"But this price is a bit too high. 150 million meters gold, more than one billion, is close to one-third of our net profit last year. We can also choose secondary patent licensing." The vice president frowned. road.

The middle-aged man shook his head with a smile and said, "It's different, just do what I say."

After a pause, he continued: "And that Professor Xu is different from other businessmen, he has the right to be willful."

"It's not just this cooperation, I'm more concerned about his future research and development. If we can gain Professor Xu's favor and future cooperation, not to mention 150 million, 200 million is worth it."

The vice president nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll set off here in the afternoon to see if I can get in touch with Professor Xu in advance."

Although he still had some objections to such a high quotation, he didn't say anything more. In the Ningde era, the person in front of him had a unique right to speak.

The middle-aged man nodded. After the vice president left, he got up and walked to the window, looking at the sea in the distance.

Although the price was nearly doubled, for Ningde era, this is not an opportunity.

His intuition told him that the achievements of that Professor Xu in the future must be far more than the present ones, and he was willing to take a gamble.

If he has more research in the future, Ningde era might be able to soar into the sky with the back of this big tree!

On the other side, Jinling.

Xu Chuan handed a cup of tea to Wu Weizhao who was sitting on the sofa, and asked with a smile, "What instructions does Wu Ting have for coming this time?"

This is the person in charge who will be in contact with him after the arrangement from above.

In the past, Qin Anguo from the science and technology department was always in contact with him, but Qin Anguo was the leader of the group and had various things to do, so this year he arranged for a special person to come over.

Wu Weizhao hurriedly said: "I don't dare to give instructions, but this time, I really want to discuss something with Professor Xu."

Xu Chuan asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"The first thing is good news. Regarding the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute under your name, after discussion, the science and technology department plans to include the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute in the latest "National Support for Enterprise Technology Innovation Latest Tax Preferential Policy" issued this year. support within the enterprise.”

"This policy is mainly about tax reduction and exemption and special scientific research funds allocated every year. In addition, enterprises and scientific research institutions that enter into support and support scientific research and development houses, land use, and equipment purchases can be supported by the state. and help."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Thank you for the great kindness of the country. If you need any information, Wu Ting can go to the person in charge of the research institute, what else?"

Wu Weizhao took a cautious look at Xu Chuan, and then said: "The second thing is about the artificial SEI film you sell. We would like to discuss it with you. I hope that when you choose a manufacturer for patent licensing the day after tomorrow, you will use three domestic The quota is given to a foreign manufacturer."

"Professor Xu, don't get me wrong. We don't mean to intervene in your affairs, but just to discuss and suggest. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan asked in surprise: "A quota is nothing, but I am more curious why foreign manufacturers should be allowed to earn money from our country?"

If Wu Weizhao hadn't proposed it, he would indeed have given the three domestic spots to domestic manufacturers.

On the opposite side, Wu Weizhao quickly replied: "The catfish effect!"

"Compared to allowing all domestic battery manufacturers to get the three domestic quotas, we hope to introduce a foreign manufacturer to stimulate and adjust the domestic lithium battery industry ecological environment to a certain extent, and to ensure that the price of lithium batteries does not change. will be lifted too high"

"If you agree, and the price given by foreign manufacturers is lower than the average level of domestic manufacturers when quoting domestic patent authorization, the state will compensate for this part of the difference."

Wu Weizhao briefly explained to Xu Chuan that for a country, there are many things to consider.

To be honest, most of the domestic manufacturers and capital often leave a bad impression on people.

If there are benefits, the honeycombs will go up, and after the benefits are exhausted, the honeycombs will disperse, and only a messy industry and a mess will be left in the end.

Just like the new energy vehicle industry, when the state began to support this industry in 2014, many large and small new energy vehicle companies have emerged.

But the vast majority of companies obviously have no experience in making cars, and many manufacturers just want to defraud the subsidies and government benefits issued by the state.

Not only that, these manufacturers will join forces to use various names to raise the price of the car in various ways. Those unscrupulous manufacturers finally cheated a large sum of money and ran away. The whole industry is in a mess.

This year, Modu started negotiations with Tesla in the United States. One of the goals of introducing Tesla cars is also to solve the chaos in the new energy vehicle industry.

The introduction of a large foreign company can stimulate the vitality and attitude of domestic car manufacturers to a certain extent.

After all, before there was no choice but to consume in a limited number of restaurants, but after the introduction of foreign companies, consumers have more choices. If the service and quality are not good, and the price is still high, consumers will give up directly.

Compared with some interests, the ecological integrity and subsequent sustainable development of a certain industry are what the country needs.

Of course, the attitude of the person in front of him is also very important. If he is unwilling, it is no problem to arrange for domestic manufacturers.

At most, they introduced more regulations or thought of other ways to make adjustments.

However, the market economy will eventually return to freedom. It is impossible for the state to control all aspects. The government can at most control the general direction.

After listening to Wu Weizhao's explanation, Xu Chuan suddenly nodded: "There is no need for compensation. A quota is nothing. If it can benefit the country and ordinary people, these are trivial matters."

He really doesn't know much about these things, but since he said so, it's not a problem to give a quota to foreign manufacturers.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing."

After chatting for a while, Wu Weizhao suddenly said, "As for Professor Xu's resignation as the general manager of the "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion of Electric Energy Project" that you mentioned last time, I have already reported it."

"However, after communication and discussion, we still hope to trouble you to serve for a longer period of time. At least it will not be too late to resign after the celebration banquet and commendation meeting."

"Anyway, it's just a name. Unless it's urgent, I won't bother you normally. What do you think?"

Xu Chuan nodded and agreed. Compared with the first two, it's just a name. It's really not a big deal.

Three days is not a long time.

When Xu Chuan came to Chuanhai Materials Research Institute again, these battery manufacturers who had been waiting here seemed to be a lot more honest this time.

Xu Chuan didn't want to waste too much time on these things. After finishing this, he had to go back to study the NS equation.

The "Nuclear Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion of Electric Energy Project" has been successfully run, and in the next time, he wants to work towards controllable nuclear fusion.

Through the research results of the NS equation, the establishment of a control mathematical model for the ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is the first step towards the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

In addition, after the patent authorization here is completed, Chuanhai Materials Research Institute can start to expand.

Whether it is the subsequent development of lithium batteries or other materials, you can make an attempt and do some work on data accumulation.

In the conference room, after receiving the quotations from various manufacturers, Xu Chuan briefly browsed through them, and then determined the patent quota for the artificial SEI film.

In fact, in the past two days, these battery manufacturers have come to him and remarked their quotations and requests to him.

Almost unanimously, these manufacturers who came to him have submitted two applications to him, one for Huaguo patent authorization and one for international patent authorization.

And all of them chose to buy out directly, even if he raised the quotation to 120 million meters gold, still no manufacturer chose to share.

After briefly confirming the quotations in his hand, and selecting six forms from them, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Congratulations to Ningde Times, Varta, Delphi, and BYD for obtaining patent authorization."

"The specific contract signing matters will be followed up by Chuanhai Materials Research Institute. I hope we will have a pleasant cooperation in the future, thank you."

In the conference room, applause rang out. The eight patents were eventually shared equally by the six manufacturers, among which Ningde Times and Varta obtained Huaguo + International dual patent authorizations respectively.

If the representative of Ningde era is still calm, then the surprise on the face of Varta's representative can't be hidden.

Obtaining the international patent authorization itself is enough to surprise people. I didn't expect that the Huaguo patent authorization that was just a trial could be obtained, which is really surprising.

It seems that Professor Xu is not too partial.

Of course, in the eyes of representatives of battery manufacturers from Samsung in Korea and Matsumoto in the small island country, this is not the case.

Obviously they all reported a patent licensing fee of up to 150 million, but they still didn't get a patent license. At this price, few peers can give it

In the eyes of representatives of battery manufacturers in Korea and the small island country, this Professor Xu has a strong prejudice against them!

After confirming the list of patent authorizations, Xu Chuan communicated with his big brother Fan Pengyue, and left Chuanhai Materials Research Institute after exhorting some matters.

The two patent authorizations for the preparation of artificial SEI film + supporting electrolyte brought him a total cost of 1.03 billion meters of gold.

Converted into RMB, there are a total of 70 small goals! The benefits of top scientific research are really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even if it is put into the whole world, the patent licensing fee of one billion meters is not a common case.

In fact, if you want to talk about patent fees, Qualcomm in the United States is the most famous and powerful.

In 2018, Qualcomm's chip patent licensing fee income was as high as 5.5 billion yuan, and Apple had to pay it patent fees.

Of course, this includes all of Qualcomm's entire chip division's patents.

If you talk about a single patent, his patent authorization for the artificial SEI film this time is undoubtedly top-level.

In the single patent authorization fee, it can probably be squeezed into the top 20 in the world.

In fact, there are many patents that are more valuable than artificial SEI films, especially in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

For example, for a common small blue pill, the annual patent licensing fee is as high as more than two billion meters.

There are also Lipitor for diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, and arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities. Twenty years of patents have brought Pfizer more than 100 billion yuan in revenue.

The most valuable patents are basically concentrated in the field of medicine, which is beyond doubt.

But even so, from today on, he, Xu Chuan, can pretend to say: "I, Xu Chuan! I'm not short of money! I'm not interested in money!"

PS: I am asking for a monthly pass. I am not very clear about patents, and I just checked the information. The right way is to climb the technology. Tomorrow two updates, let’s get a monthly pass, big brothers.

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