Great Country Academician

Chapter 295 The dean of the Princeton Chemistry Department who took the initiative to approach him

After dealing with the affairs of the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, Xu Chuan returned to the villa.

In the study, he sorted out the messy materials on the desk, and picked up the periodicals mailed from the "Annual of Mathematics".

Unsurprisingly, the paper on the staged results of the NS equation he submitted had passed the peer review of four Fields Medal winners and was published in the latest issue of the Annual Journal of Mathematics in June.

As a contributor, or as a mathematician, he naturally received the journal sent by the "Annual of Mathematics".

He plans to go through his dissertation before jumping into mathematical modeling of plasma turbulence in a controlled fusion reactor.

Although these things are all written by himself, recalling them from his mind and reading them from journal manuscripts are two completely different concepts.

Sometimes, repeating what you have written may give you more inspiration or ideas.

Flipping through the paper in his hand, Xu Chuan sipped the tea in his cup.

《Given a finite space, when the initial value is infinitely smooth, the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation smooth solution exists! "

This is the result he made for the NS equation last time.

In theory, this achievement is enough to support him to establish a mathematical model for the ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber.

After all, the chamber in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor can be regarded as a 'limited space'. But theory is theory, and it is still not a simple matter to actually complete this job.

The biggest problem is the observation of high temperature and high pressure plasma data in the reactor chamber.

This is the largest and deepest chasm between the theory of the paper and the actual mathematical control model.

After all, even if you can establish a mathematical model to control high-temperature plasma, you still have to observe and collect data to make real-time adjustments, right?

Although the performance of today's supercomputers is sufficient, it is still in vain not to observe changes in the reactor chamber.

Although there are many observation methods for high temperature and high pressure plasma, such as laser diagnosis, interferometry or holographic interferometry, X-ray diagnosis and so on.

But few of these approaches work well for controlled fusion reactors.

Because for the high-temperature and high-pressure plasma in the controllable nuclear fusion reactivity chamber, any slight disturbance may cause unnecessary turbulence and disturbance in the plasma in the chamber.

And these turbulence and disturbance can be described as a fatal blow to the material of the first wall.

When the high-temperature and high-pressure plasma hits the first wall, it will cause serious damage to the first wall.

At present, the international observation of the high-temperature and high-pressure plasma in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber, whether it is the large-scale international cooperation ITER, or the LLNL, DIII-D Tokamak in the United States, or the EAST in Huaguo, almost Both use electromagnetic wave observations.

It is to obtain the relevant plasma parameters through the electromagnetic waves emitted by the plasma itself in the reactor chamber, so as to establish a mathematical model.

But this method of observation is not accurate, and you can't see the details, you can only see the overall situation.

It's like looking at the moon with the naked eye on the ground. If the observation conditions are good and the eyesight is excellent, you can see some large craters and large structures such as lunar seas on the moon.

But it is limited to this, and the more detailed appearance cannot be seen.

Without seeing the details, it is unrealistic to control the plasma.

So Xu Chuan had to find a way to solve this trouble.

In the study, Xu Chuan quietly flipped through the periodicals in his hand.

The more than 200-page paper, even after being sorted out by the editor of the Annual Mathematics Journal, is still a full finger thick after being printed in the journal.

"Annual Journal of Mathematics" is still quite generous to him. There are two journals published in June, and he directly occupies the entire issue by himself.

After briefly reviewing the journal paper in his hand, Xu Chuan put it aside, took out a stack of A4 paper and a pen from the drawer, and at the same time opened his laptop.

When he was studying at Princeton two years ago, what he did was not only studying mathematics and physics with Deligne and Witten.

He also amassed a large collection of documents from the Flint Library at Princeton.

It includes a lot of literature on plasma physics research, as well as some data and theories of PPPL plasma physics laboratory.

These things are not fully disclosed to the public, and only people in Princeton are eligible to consult and borrow them.

Thanks to his return from Brazil directly after the International Mathematical Congress, the documents that had been downloaded and copied to his computer were also brought back together.

There are only a handful of people who know about this matter, after all, it feels a bit sneaky, so he didn't tell anyone, only he knew.

Neither his mentors Witten nor Deligne knew that he had secretly downloaded many documents from the Flint Library.

Maybe there will be records in the Flint Library, but who would check how many books the students in their school have borrowed?

And the old man who runs the Flint Library, although an expert in paper preservation, has never paid much attention to things on computers.

So Xu Chuan brought back a lot of good things from Princeton last year.

And now, these things come in handy.

Before establishing theoretical models for plasma turbulent phenomena, familiarity with relevant literature is essential.

Just as Xu Chuan was flipping through these materials and sifting through useful information and data, the cell phone rang suddenly from the table.

When he heard the ringtone, he frowned slightly. This would be the time to think, and no one would be happy to be interrupted by a call.

This is also the reason why he didn't like to carry his mobile phone with him when doing research. However, after missing the Nobel Prize and the phone call from his parents later, he modified this habit slightly.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Xu Chuan sat up straight and picked up his cell phone from the table. He glanced at it. He was called from a completely unfamiliar international number. From the beginning, it seemed that the call was from the country of America.

After thinking about it, he still answered the phone.

"Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Hello, Professor Xu, I'm David McMillan, the head of Princeton's Department of Chemistry. I hope the call didn't disturb your research."

On the other end of the phone, a middle-aged man's voice came over. Hearing this name, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered another thing.

"Hello, Director Macmillan." Xu Chuan responded with a smile.

Last year, he talked to Deligne about computational chemistry models, and Deligne also gave him feedback at the NS equation staged results report party before, suggesting that he first talk to this Mike Mirren communicated by phone and video.

However, he has been in charge of nuclear energy projects since then, so he forgot about it.

If it wasn't for the call from the other party, when he thinks about it by himself, he doesn't know when he will have to wait.

McMillan said with a smile: "I called you this time mainly to communicate about the chemical calculation mathematical model that Professor Deligne told me before. I wonder if Professor Xu has time now?"

"Of course." Xu Chuan nodded.

"Then I'll get right to the point. Could I trouble you, Professor Xu, to introduce in detail the calculation model of chemical materials you proposed earlier?"

McMillan said on the phone: "Although Professor Deligne has already introduced some to me, I still want to hear your introduction."

"No problem at all."

Xu Chuan nodded, organized his language, and then said again: "The calculation model of this chemical material is an inspiration and idea I got by accident when I was studying artificial SEI films."

"It is based on the three major fields of chemistry, physics, and mathematics. By collecting the different chemical and physical properties of each material in advance, integrating them into the model, and then simulating and calculating the reaction process through mathematics."

On the phone, Xu Chuan briefly introduced his theories and ideas.

In his office in the Princeton Chemistry Building, David McMillan leaned back halfway in his chair, listening to the introduction and explanation on the other side of the phone.

To be honest, he didn't have much interest in Xu Chuan's proposal to entrust Deligne at first.

After all, how much can a mathematician, even a top mathematician, know about chemistry without systematically studying chemistry?

However, considering that Professor Xu is also a student of Princeton who has gone abroad, coupled with his status as a Nobel Prize winner and Fields Medal winner, he did not directly refuse, but said that he hoped to meet Xu Chuan once.

Originally, he thought that Professor Xu would come to Princeton impatiently. After all, Princeton's chemical experiment database is still very valuable.

What he didn't expect was that half a year had passed, and there was no movement from the other party.

Of course, at the beginning, he was also happy to be indifferent, until the artificial SEI thin film material turned out, and some questions raised by those material researchers at the press conference held by the Chuanhai Institute of Materials, made him keenly aware of this chemical material calculation. The value of the model.

So after collecting some information, he chose to take the initiative to call Professor Xu.

On the phone, McGmillan listened carefully to the introduction and explanation on the other side, and he also asked one or two questions from time to time.

Following the exchange, as if he had heard some unbelievable news, the dean of the Princeton Department of Chemistry shrank his pupils violently, and his posture suddenly sat up straight from half-leaning on the office chair.

"Professor Xu, is what you said true?" McGmillan asked with a trembling voice.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course, I don't need to deceive you. This is the general situation. I don't know what you think?"

On the phone, he spent some time briefly introducing the calculation model of chemical materials, and then asked the other party's opinion.

On the opposite side, David McGmillan was silent for a while, as if he was suppressing his breathing and heartbeat, and asked after a while: "I want to ask, Professor Xu, have you made any work on this model? Basic version or abbreviated version?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while, and then said: "The Chuanhai Materials Research Institute under my name does have a very simple version."

"Is the artificial SEI film you developed before using this method?" David McGmillan asked quickly.

"That's not true. After all, when I was studying artificial SEI films, this set of mathematical models had not yet been established."

Xu Chuan said with a smile that the artificial SEI film used to solve the lithium dendrite problem was indeed not studied with this mathematical model.

But what he didn't say was that some improvements after it was developed were based on this set of theories, but the mathematical calculations were done by himself, and the effect was the same when converted to a mathematical model.

On the opposite side, a hint of disappointment flashed in David McGmillan's eyes. Of course, he didn't give up. He couldn't expect the other party to tell him this kind of core secret on the phone.

After a pause, he said again: "I don't know if Professor Xu has time recently. If it's convenient, you can come to Princeton. How about we talk about it in detail?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't have time to go to Princeton for the time being."

It is currently impossible for him to go abroad, even if he gives up the database at Princeton, it is impossible for him to go abroad.

After thinking about it, he continued, "But maybe I can arrange someone to go to Princeton instead of me."

McGmillan shook his head and said, "I am afraid that other people's understanding of this model is far from your own level."

After thinking for a while, he continued: "If it's really inconvenient for you, I can go to Huaguo, but I don't know when Professor Xu will be convenient for you?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "I should have time before mid-July."

In the second half of this year, CERN will start the observation and collision experiment of inert neutrinos. Coupled with his own research, it is estimated that it will be another busy second half of the year.

"Okay, then I will probably go there at the beginning of July. Then I want to see the mathematical model you built at Chuanhai Institute of Materials, Professor Xu. Is it okay?" McGmillan asked.

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, no problem, I welcome you anytime."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan also had a smile on his face.

The dean of Princeton's chemistry department came to him by accident. It seems that there is still great hope for this cooperation to be negotiated.

Smiling, Xu Chuan put away his cell phone and put his thoughts back into his original research.

For him, many of the literature on plasma physics research brought from Princeton has been read in his previous life.

With his memory, it is enough to simply re-read the things that he has read. The information that has not been read and re-searched is the key point.

The days passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, the time arrived in July.

At the beginning of July, half a year has passed in 2019, and many major events have occurred in the scientific community.

For example, the first photo of a black hole was finally presented to everyone after a long period of time and editing. Because of the strange shape, this black hole photo was dubbed a 'doughnut' by netizens.

For example, NASA officially announced that the "Insight" Mars rover has captured earthquakes on Mars for the first time, which indicates that Mars may have a relatively young core, which is in conflict with the previous theory that the Martian core has already cooled.

There are many similar things, but Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to them. After all, he was quite busy in the first half of the year, and he didn't have much time to learn about the outside world.

Waiting for him to finally deal with some preparatory work for modeling, David McGmillan, the head of Princeton's chemistry department, also flew over from the United States.

As a last resort, Xu Chuan could only suspend his work and accompany the head of the chemistry department to Chuanhai Materials Research Institute.

PS: There are some texts today, mainly about rearranging the plot, writing, deleting and deleting. It has been revised for a long time, and the addition may be put in tomorrow morning, sorry.

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