Great Country Academician

Chapter 750 Extension of the Unified Theory of Strong Electricity

Chapter 753: Extension of the Unified Theory of Strong Electricity

Just when the physics community was abuzz with the unified theory of strong electricity announced by Xu Chuan, Xu Chuan did not end his retreat in the villas at the foot of Purple Mountain.

After completing the unified theory of strong electricity, he was not in a hurry to take a break, but started a new research again.

Of course, this research is precisely a direction expanded from the unified theory of strong electricity.

[Study on polaron theory based on the strong electron-phonon interaction system in the unified theory of strong electricity! 】

In the villa, the central air conditioner, which is always at the most comfortable temperature for the human body, intelligently adjusts the temperature. Wearing a thin pair of pajamas, Xu Chuan walked into the study with a piece of bread in his mouth and picked up the manuscript paper on the desk.

The polaron theory of strong electron-phonon interaction system is the result of his research in his previous life.

On the basis of the unified theory of strong electricity, he extended this research results to the entire grand unified theory.

If we say that one of the greatest achievements of condensed matter physics in the twentieth century is the establishment of the theoretical image of single electron energy bands or Fermi liquids in weakly interacting systems.

Then, in the study of strongly interacting systems, the degrees of freedom such as charge, spin, orbit and lattice compete and cooperate with each other, causing the system to present a variety of surprising and amazing new material forms that are difficult to predict in advance, which has great significance. The great theoretical research value and application prospects are another hottest research direction.

Among these materials, there is a large class of materials with strong electron-phonon interaction, such as blue bronze K0.3MoO3, tantalum disulfide TaS2, niobium diselenide NbSe2 and other materials. Due to the action of strong electric phonons, they are often Accompanied by charge density wave phase transition.

Their transport and optical behaviors are usually characterized by good metallicity, and generally have relatively high mobility, reflectivity, etc.

For twentieth-century physics or condensed matter physics and materials science, this is undoubtedly a brand new field, which may bring people countless dreamed-of super materials.

Unfortunately, various energy spectroscopy experiments have shown that the elemental excitations in these systems do not exhibit the expected coherent quasiparticle characteristic peaks.

So they cannot be accurately described by the general Fermi liquid theory.

Later, with the discovery of strong electronic coupling systems represented by high-temperature superconductors, research in this area is no longer mainstream.

Xu Chuan has been very interested in research in this field in his previous life.

Through experiments in low-dimensional charge density wave materials, under-doped high-temperature superconductors, copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, resistive manganese oxides and other materials, we finally solved the problem related to the behavior of small polarons.

At the Yang-Mills report meeting on the existence and mass gap conjecture, the original research that ignored this area did not appear in this life, resulting in loopholes in the entire paper. He also used the research results to fill in the gaps on the spot.

Now, he is focusing on this result again, but the purpose of the research is not the material, but another technology that can be described as "black technology" at present.

That is, through the unified theory of strong electricity, we can complete the 'electromagnetic plasma shield' in a practical sense!

This is another technology he is preparing for future interstellar development.

While Xu Chuan continued to study in seclusion, outside the villa, Zheng Hai and Tang Sijia, who had been guarding the foot of the Purple Mountain for almost two months, both looked worried.

"Zheng Hai, why doesn't the professor come out yet?"

In the courtyard of the security villa, Tang Sijia frowned and turned to Zheng Hai who was standing at the door smoking with a slightly sad face and asked.

Three full days have passed since the launch of the Unified Theory of Strong Electricity, and as those of them who have been paying attention to Xu Chuan, they are already aware of the paper on arxiv.

But the strange thing is that Xu Chuan still did not appear outside the villa even though he had solved the thesis.

As usual, this does not fit the situation.

After flicking the cigarette between his fingers and letting some ashes fall off, Zheng Hai shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Tang Sijia: "..."

I don’t know what the hell it is. Also, hasn’t the unified theory of strong electricity been completed?

Seemingly seeing the confusion on her face, Zheng Hai shrugged and said, "Ask me, who should I ask? Maybe the professor has a new research direction?"

Tang Sijia gritted her teeth and said, "Does he still need his body if he studies like this day and night? No, I have to go in and take a look!"

With that said, she stood up and walked towards the villa where Xu Chuan was.

Zheng Hai opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment and finally did not stop him like last time.

If the research hadn't been completed yet, he might have spoken out to stop it, but the results had already come out, so just taking a look at it wouldn't be a big deal.

Moreover, as Tang Sijia said, Xu Chuan's health status is indeed worrying for his day and night research.


Sighing, Zheng Hai had an idea in his mind.

How about we find a way to introduce him to someone and find him a wife? Maybe it would be better to have a wife to take care of it?

Just as he was thinking about it, the door of the villa not far away was pushed open with a click.

Xu Chuan, who had just stepped out and was about to walk out, was stunned for a moment and glanced at Tang Sijia who was standing at the door.

"What are you doing standing here?"

Tang Sijia was also stunned for a moment, almost bumping into Xu Chuan, and then took a closer look. Seeing that there was nothing unusual except that his hair had grown longer, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Professor, you finally came out."

"Yeah." Xu Chuan nodded and responded. Just as he was about to go out, he was stopped by Tang Sijia again.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Sijia coughed lightly and said, "Professor, you have missed your first quarter physical examination for almost two months. You have to have a physical examination before going out anyway."

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and the physical examination he had just done at the end of last year flashed in his mind. He blurted out, "Didn't I just have a physical examination at the end of the year? Why do I have to do it again?"

Tang Sijia's mouth twitched, and he looked at Xu Chuan aggrievedly, and said, "Professor, it's already mid-May, and it's the end of the year. Four months have passed."

Xu Chuan touched his head and remembered that he had been in the villa for almost two months.

"Okay, I forgot."

He said casually, and then he continued: "But let's wait for the physical examination. I'll go get a haircut first, then do some things, and then do it."


Tang Sijia thought about it and gave way.

Anyway, he has come out, and it seems that he will not stay in seclusion for research again. There is nothing to do if he waits for a day.

He picked up a haircut at a barber shop not far from the villa area, removed the bangs that were almost pulled to the tip of the nose and the hair covering the ears, and changed to a refreshing hairstyle. Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he had become lighter.

Looking at the still handsome face in the floor-length mirror, he nodded with satisfaction.

On the side, the barber who put away the barber tools and cut his hair came out to help clean up the broken hair that might be stuck on his clothes.

"Academician Xu"


Ignoring the barber's sister's resentment, Xu Chuan turned and left, and got into the car driven by Zheng Hai.

"Go to Nanjing University."

"Okay, professor."

Zheng Hai nodded, started the car and rushed to Nanjing University.

In the stable and quiet car, Xu Chuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dealt with some messages and things he had received in the past two months.

Of course, he dealt with those things that were not so important, and those important tasks had been dealt with during the research.

After all, he was just doing research in seclusion in the villa, not isolated from the world.

While browsing his mobile phone, he suddenly remembered something and leaned over to Zheng Hai in the front driver's seat and said, "By the way, Zheng Hai, how do you get a driver's license now?"

Zheng Hai, who was driving the vehicle, was slightly stunned when he heard the news, and then quickly replied, "Professor, do you want to get a driver's license?"

He really didn't expect Xu Chuan to come up with this idea.

After all, he has been back to China for several years. If he wanted to get a driver's license, he would have probably taken it a long time ago.

Xu Chuan thought about it and said, "I do have this idea, but how long will it take?"

Although he is not a car enthusiast, as a man, more certificates are better.

Xu Chuan felt that he still needed to get a driver's license, although it was unlikely that he would use it, but it was better to be prepared.

And it was not that he could not drive, he just didn't have a driver's license.

Zheng Hai thought for a while and said, "As for time, this can be adjusted flexibly, and it is not a problem for you, professor. The main thing is driving skills, you have to pass the test."

If this person wants to get a driver's license, then the driving school for training must not be an ordinary driving school outside. It is likely that they will find a special venue and coach for training in Jinling Military Region.

Exams and so on are not a big deal for him.

The only problem is driving skills and so on.

Although it is easy to get started with automated cars nowadays, for safety reasons, if this person's driving skills are not up to standard, he will probably not be allowed to go on the road.

After all, driving is not something else. If there is an accident and the vehicle or facilities are damaged, it is a small matter, but if he is injured, it is a real big deal.

But I think he probably won't have many opportunities to drive.

Xu Chuan said "Oh", nodded and said: "Then help me find a driving school when you have time."

"Okay, Professor."

Although Jinling in mid-to-late May has not officially entered summer, the weather has already become hot.

The sun hanging high in the cloudless blue sky exudes scorching temperature, baking the city of steel and iron.

Getting out of the Hongqi car, Xu Chuan walked towards his office.

"Professor, you are here."

In the partitioned assistant room, Tang Ran, who was busy with his work, stood up quickly after seeing Xu Chuan and greeted him.

Xu Chuan nodded and asked: "Where is Musk? Didn't he say he was waiting for me here?"

Two months ago, because of attending the Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Investment Summit, I met Musk by chance. The two agreed to find time to chat after the summit and talk about cooperation.

Unexpectedly, after the summit, Professor Higgs's death and the letter sent made Xu Chuan directly enter a state of closed research.

In this case, the previous agreement between the two was naturally cancelled temporarily.

Until two days ago, Musk, who came to China again for some unknown reason, saw the news about the high-voltage unified theory on the Internet and then called Xu Chuan and made another appointment.

Tang Ran quickly replied: "He is talking to the principal now, and seems to be discussing a donation to Nantah University. Do you need me to go over and invite him over?"

"Donate?" Xu Chuan asked with interest.

"Yes, Musk said before that he would donate 10 million yuan to Nanda for free." Tang Ran nodded and replied.

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Tell him that I will wait for him here in the office. Don't worry, I will be here this afternoon."

"Okay, Professor."

Smiling, Xu Chuan walked into the inner room of his office.

Musk is different from the "traditional" rich people in Western countries, those rich people who can be named, such as Buffett, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and others who like to build "philanthropic funds" and so on.

He is free-spirited and selfish in his charity work, or rather stingy.

Although Musk has his own charitable foundation, he does not employ any staff for his charitable foundation, just himself and two volunteers.

In the past two years, about half of the donations in 2021 and 2022 were related to Musk, his employees or companies.

In other words, much of the basic purpose of Musk's philanthropy is to qualify him for huge tax breaks and help his businesses.

Of course, other charitable foundations are not much better.

Especially the one from Lao Mi.

Charitable foundations are mostly just vehicles for them to avoid taxes.

Not just estate tax, but a wide variety of other taxes.

For example, Zuckerberg's cancer foundation invests money in companies that research and treat cancer in the medical field, and the income tax rate for investing in these companies can be as low as 1%!

The "public welfare" and "charitable" funds stipulated by US law must invest no less than 5% of the total amount of the fund in public welfare and charity every year.

In the eyes of these rich people, it is just charity expenditures and salary expenditures for employees, so they will arrange for all their children to work in foundations and offer a salary that is much higher than the market for equivalent positions.

In addition, these people are keen to invest funds in the medical industry, so that the name of charity will be even louder.

And if certain drugs are developed, a lot of money can be made.

If that's all, then forget it. What's disgusting is that when they donate money to their own foundation, they also hold a press conference to announce in a high-profile manner that they have done charity.

For example, "I will donate 2 billion today to help medical development!" "My wife and I have decided to donate another 10 billion to help cancer causes!"

After being established and established, charity has become a business, and the fig leaf has almost become the emperor's new clothes, but it still clings to it.

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