Great Country Academician

Chapter 749 A new era of physics!

For the physics community, 2024 is destined to be an extraordinary year.

In the field of high-energy physics, the imminent completion of the upgrades and construction of the LHC and CRHPC means that particle physics and theoretical physics will enter a bright era.

Originally, a large strong particle collider was enough to satisfy the physics community.

Unexpectedly, in this era, they could actually witness the sharp competition between two super powerful particle colliders.

In the past, this was probably something that most physicists would never dare to think about.

After all, the research of theoretical physics is not only one of the most expensive academic fields, but it is also difficult to transform the results into applications in a short period of time.

Therefore, all countries have always had a lack of interest in building large strong particle collider.

Just as many physicists were looking forward to the completion of the LH-LHC and CRHPC, a research result that shocked the world came out.

In mid-May, Xu Chuan posted his second paper this year on Arxiv.

"Unified Theory of Strong Electricity!" 》

As soon as the paper was posted on Arxiv, it caused a violent sensation in the entire physics community, like a magnitude 9, or even a magnitude 10 super earthquake.

Although no one would doubt that Xu Chuan, who solved the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problems, would be the most promising scholar in contemporary physics to unify the three powerful forces of strong and weak electricity.

But when this paper actually arrived, everyone was still shocked.

Unified theory of strong electricity!

For the world of physics, there is no doubt that this is the biggest crown!

All of a sudden, countless traffic rushed towards the Arxiv preprint website. Without any surprise, the sudden torrent of traffic directly crushed arxiv.

Those scholars who reacted with hindsight only saw a blank.

So many people began to seek papers in other places and criticized the Arxiv website.

The unified theory of strong electricity, this is the real crown of contemporary physics.

Even if you don’t understand it, you still need to see what the paper looks like first, right?

[Damn it, unified theory of strong electricity! 】

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Professor Xu, arxiv, he published a paper on the unified theory of strong electricity half an hour ago. 】

【WTF? April Fool's Day has already passed? 】

[arxiv crashed, who has the downloaded paper, please, attached email address:]

[Requesting the same paper, how many times has arixv crashed? It's just rubbish among rubbish websites! 】

[Professor Xu has brought so much traffic to arxiv, but it doesn’t know how to add more servers. It’s really rubbish. 】

[What is Los Alamos National Laboratory doing? Are all the managers on fucking vacation? 】

After arxiv was squeezed and collapsed, many physicists went berserk.

Countless people logged into the paper or social networking sites, or commented angrily on arxiv and the Los Alamos National Laboratory responsible for operating arxiv in their circle of friends.

On the other hand, Los Alamos National Laboratory also looked confused after the website was discontinued.

However, the person in charge who had had 'numerous' experiences immediately searched the Internet for relevant information and learned the truth of the matter.

After figuring out what was going on, Los Alamos National Laboratory immediately added all the out-of-service backup servers. This was able to barely maintain the influx of traffic, allowing many scholars to I saw related papers at once.

As for the angry outcry from netizens, the head of Los Alamos National Laboratory was also aggrieved.

arxiv is a free and non-profit educational website. Under normal circumstances, the traffic of the arxiv website will not be so exaggerated. Naturally, the minimum server operation is kept to reduce operating costs.

As for a paper on the unified theory of strong electricity, they could never imagine when it would appear.

After arxiv was restored, the heated discussions on the Internet gradually subsided.

In addition to a few newbies popping up from time to time in forums or websites to ask about the results, and those popular research institutions and scholars coming forward to express some opinions.

At present, no well-known research institution or top expert, whether domestic or international, has expressed public opinions on this newly released paper.

It’s not just papers that are freshly published, capable scholars are reading them. This is because the paper on the unified theory of strong electricity is so important.

Advanced theories, the crown of theoretical physics, the future of particle physics, top scholars. Each of them is enough for any physicist to take it seriously with a 100% attitude.

Not to mention so many elements, or glory, coming together.

In this case, it is not an exaggeration to devote 200% of your energy to reading and reviewing this paper.

After all, if this paper is correct, it will open up new physics and change the development of physics throughout the twenty-first century and beyond.

And if it is an error, it will be okay if it is found out during the review process.

If it is wrong and not found in the review, then for physics, this will be the biggest Waterloo in the history of physics, and a turning point in the decline of physics from its heyday.

Even in the next hundred years, particle physics, theoretical physics and other disciplines will be shrouded in unfathomable clouds.

Until a sufficiently evil scholar appears, or the physics community unites to overthrow this theory of strong electricity unification.

But no matter which one, it will be too late for the development of the academic community.

At the same time, on the other side.

In the cafe of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

An old man sitting by the window was holding a cup of coffee and quietly looking at the paper in his hand.

After waiting for a while, Edward Witten, who came from the School of Physics, hurriedly opened the door of the cafe.

"Long time no see, my old friend."

Witten smiled and greeted, and gave a polite hug to his old friend Arthur Jaffe who had not seen him for a long time.

Sitting opposite him, Arthur Jaffe's wrinkled face also had a smile on it, and he said with emotion: "Yes, the last time we met was almost ten years ago."

Arthur Jaffe, a mathematical physicist, graduated from Princeton University, served as the president of the International Association of Mathematical Physics, and was one of the two "original initiators" of the seven well-known millennium problems in the mathematics community.

In April 1998, Mr. Landon Clay, the founder of the Clay Mathematics Institute and a strong sponsor of science and education, found Arthur Jaffe, then a professor in the Department of Mathematics at Harvard University, and proposed the idea of ​​creating a software foundation.

The two hit it off, Landon Clay provided the founding funds, and Arthur Jaffe contacted old friends in the mathematics community to discuss ten feasible project plans.

The eighth of these is the most famous "Millennium Prize" plan now.

Because it was close to the "millennium" of 2000, the topic of the millennium was in full swing around the world, and both Jaffe and Mr. Clay favored this plan.

Later, three top mathematicians, Alain Connes, Andrew Wiles, and Edward Witten, also joined the program to help review and determine the seven problems.

The Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problems were jointly proposed by him and Edward Witten.

For the mathematical community, this is the inheritance of mathematical history. At that time, whether it was Arthur Jaffe, Edward Witten, or other scientific advisory committee members or board members, they all considered this plan as a century-long inheritance.

Everyone was prepared to wait until the end of the 21st century for someone to solve it, or even not to solve it.

As a result, no one expected that in just 25 years, four of the seven millennium problems had been solved, including the finale of the mathematical physics part of the two millennium problems, Yang-Mills existence and mass gap.

It has to be said that at the beginning of the 21st century, the mathematical community, or should I say the academic community, had a demon genius that was rarely seen in a century.

He solved three major millennium problems alone, and even four in the near future. This achievement is rare in ancient and modern times.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Arthur Jaffe picked up the coffee, looked at the paper on the table, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I could see the theory of strong and electric unification in my lifetime."

After a slight pause, he looked out the window and added softly: "It would be more perfect if Professor Higgs could leave later."

Talking about this sad topic, Witten was silent for a while.

It must be said that in front of time, whether it is the emperor or the common people, it does not favor anyone or stop for anyone.

After finishing this short life, whether it is safe or unwilling, there is no way, and you can only face the arrival of death equally.

It didn't take long to stay silent in the sad atmosphere. After sighing about life, Edward Witten picked up the paper on the theory of strong and electric unification from the table, looked at Arthur Jaffe and asked.

"What do you think about the paper on the theory of strong electric unification?"

Arthur Jaffe thought for a moment and replied, "I have read the paper at least five times, but there are still many things I don't fully understand."

After a pause, he continued, "This kind of important paper related to the future of physics as a whole, I think it can't be solved by the ideas of the two of us alone. The physics community should hold a corresponding meeting and organize multiple scholars to review the manuscript."

Witten nodded and smiled, "I think so too, so I contacted you to organize a physics conference to conduct a special discussion on this paper."

Arthur Jaffe's old face showed a smile. A brilliant smile: "I'd love to help physics in the last few years of my life."


After a pause, he looked at Witten and continued: "Compared to the physics conference, I think Professor Xu Chuan has an obligation to be responsible for his own theory. He should attend this conference and explain his views to us more clearly, and answer questions from skeptics."

Witten nodded and said: "Of course, I will contact him personally. But in this case, the venue of the meeting may need to be moved to China."

"Or, before or after we hold the physics conference, we can ask him to hold a report meeting on the unification of strong electricity."

Arthur Jaffe waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't go to such trouble, it's better to solve it once and for all. We can ask Professor Xu to hold a report first, and then we can organize a physics meeting to discuss it."

"Moreover, for the unified theory of strong electricity, the most important thing is to demonstrate the coupling constant and energy level unification through collision experiments. Physics must eventually be put into practice."

Witten nodded, agreeing with Jaffe's point of view.

The two chatted for a while. Jia Fei looked at the paper on the table and suddenly asked with interest: "By the way, I saw your name, Higgs' and Deligne's name in the paper. This question is about you." Did the four of us solve it together?”

"When did you get together to study the unification of strong electricity? No news came out before."

Witten blew the shallow foam with his coffee, took a sip, shook his head and replied: "I don't know how much help Higgs provided him. But as far as Deligne and I are concerned, here The proportion of biased scores in this paper is not large.”

After a slight pause, he looked out the window and continued: "After he completed the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problems, Deligne and I jointly conducted some research on the unified theory of strong electricity."

"About two months ago, I learned that he was studying the unification of strong electricity and void field theory, so I gave him the success of our research."

"He added our names to the paper. To be honest, I felt it was not necessary at all, because I knew very well that my and Deligne's research only occupied how much space in the entire paper, and it was probably not even a tenth. "

Arthur Jaffe keenly noticed the appearance of a word he had never heard of in Witten's words, and asked curiously: "Void field theory? What is that?"

Witten thought for a while and replied succinctly: "It should be his latest research result, a set of theories about ordinary matter and dark matter. He named it 'Void Field Theory'."

"He believes that there is not only the Higgs field in the universe, but also a higher-level void field. When the void field is broken, the symmetry will be broken to form the Higgs field and another thing that humans cannot currently observe. field"

Witten briefly introduced the content of the previous chat with Xu Chuan. Arthur Jaffe's eyes lit up and he asked with interest: "Is there any theoretical paper? I want to see it, even if it is incomplete. All is OK.”

Witten shook his head and said: "I don't have it in my hand. When he talked to me about this before, he was studying the unification of strong electricity, so I didn't bother him too much."

After thinking about it, he added: "And I guess he probably doesn't have a completed theory in his hands. If you want to know more about it, you probably have to go to him directly. Or, you can choose to wait for some time."

"According to what I know about him, it won't take him too long to release relevant papers."

"Maybe later this year? Or next year."

Jaffe asked with interest: "Are you sure? If it only takes a year or two, I think I can still wait."

Although he is now eighty-seven years old, his body is still strong. After a few more years, he feels that there will be no problem at all.

What's more, the new world of physics is right in front of him. Even if he is supported by his most hated hanging needle on the hospital bed, he still wants to wait until this day comes.

Witten nodded and said: "The competition between CERN and CRPHC needs a final result to end. I think this should be another bargaining chip in his hand besides dark matter."

Arthur Jaffe said with emotion: "Listening to what you said, he should have a certain degree of certainty. If this result can be confirmed, I can't even imagine how brilliant the future of physics will be."

Witten thought for a while and said with a smile: "That is probably a new era of physics."

Arthur Jaffe smiled and said, "You don't have to wait for the future, isn't it now?"

"We have found traces of the existence of particles beyond the standard model, are about to unlock the secrets of dark matter, and are about to obtain a grand unified model of the three forces, which can guide our progress in theoretical physics."

"This is a new era!"

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