Great Country Academician

Chapter 761 Old Man: Do you want money? I'll send it to you!

After spending three days explaining the formation mechanism of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield to the core researchers of the institute, the report meeting on the unified theory of strong electricity will be held in two days.

In the office, Xu Chuan packed up the materials and planned to take advantage of the early dismissal of classes today to deal with the emails and work in the mailbox before returning to Nanda to prepare for the report meeting.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door twice.

Behind the desk, Xu Chuan stared at the mail in the mail and casually said "Please come in". At the door, a senior leader walked in with a smile on his face, accompanied by Wen Yuanhang.

"I'm busy."

A smiling and kind voice reached Xu Chuan's ears. The familiar voice made him stunned for a moment. He raised his head and saw the familiar leader.

"Why are you here?"

Xu Chuan glanced at the person who came over with some surprise. Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, then stood up and greeted with a smile.

"I've been doing some things here in Jinling for the past two days, so I stopped by to take a look." He smiled and said, "He came here suddenly. I hope I didn't disturb your research work."

"No, no." Xu Chuan said with a smile: "The work and research here are going very smoothly."

"As long as it goes well."

The man nodded with a smile. After responding, his smile faded and he said with some criticism: "But I heard that you locked yourself in your room for more than two months some time ago to do research."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Is this little report sent to you?"

The old man laughed and said: "Although I understand the thoughts of you scholars, this kind of research method is really harmful to the body. You are still young, and you can take your time when you have time. If you work too hard, your body will be really damaged." If you can't bear it, you should cherish yourself, give yourself more holidays, and go out for more walks. The great rivers and mountains of our motherland are all worth visiting. You are still young and your life still has a long future."

Xu Chuan smiled, nodded, and responded casually: "Yeah."

Seeing Xu Chuan's attitude, the old man shook his head helplessly and said, "You are too perfunctory."

After chatting for a while, in the office, the old man took a sip of the tea in his cup. He looked at Xu Chuan and asked: "Comrade Wen Yuanhang reported that you have been teaching some researchers in the institute recently. It seems that you are talking about plasma." Theoretical technologies related to body shield?”

Xu Chuan: "You mean plasma electromagnetic deflection theory?"

"Well, I heard that this is the result of your research a few days ago. Can you spare a few minutes to briefly introduce it to me?"

Before coming, he had actually asked Wen Yuanhang, Liang Qu and others to learn in detail about the content and techniques of Xu Chuan's lectures these days.

It's a pity that he is just an administrator. Although he has a fairly good understanding of technology and has a certain memory of many modern technologies, it can only be said that he is confused about such top-level and cutting-edge theories and knowledge of physics. water.

But even if you don't understand these things, you still have a general understanding of the technology.

The other ten characters "Plasma·Electromagnetic Deflection Shield" alone are enough to make people imagine and have their hearts racing.

Plasma electromagnetic deflection shield, when hearing this word, everyone will involuntarily think of the almost invincible defense technology in science fiction novels.

Just as Ferrari's law of electromagnetic induction revolutionized modern civilization, the kind of 'protective force fields' from science fiction could have a profound impact on every aspect of our lives.

For example, armies can use force fields to make themselves impenetrable, creating an impenetrable shield that can withstand enemy missiles and bullets.

In theory, with this shield technology, entire cities could burst out of the desert in an instant.

A force field covering an entire city allows its inhabitants to reduce the effects of weather conditions, including strong winds, blizzards, and tornadoes.

Cities could even be built under the ocean under the protection of force fields. Glass, steel and mortar can be completely replaced.

There is also the development of the moon, Mars and other interstellar spaces and alien planets in the future, and even giant cities like the earth can be built. Except for the difference in gravity, the lives of immigrants may be exactly the same as on the earth.

I have to say that just thinking about this is enough to make your heart beat faster and your blood surge like a tide.

If there were such a level of protective force field technology, it would definitely be a super black technology comparable to controllable nuclear fusion.

Even if it is more radical, there may be only one on the earth. Ahem, this is against harmony and cannot be thought of.

Looking at this person with a flushed face and eyes full of curiosity and hope, Xu Chuan naturally knew what he was thinking.

However, the real situation must make him regret it.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "I know what you are thinking, but it is currently impossible for this technology to reach the level you imagined."

"This technology is prepared for interstellar navigation of space shuttles or spacecrafts. The scope it can deal with is plasma, radiation, extremely fine interstellar dust, etc. in the universe that are harmful and affecting the spacecraft itself."

"I know you want to use it on aircraft carriers, battleships, aircraft and even individual equipment. But I can only tell you that it is not possible at the moment. It is not that powerful."

After pouring a basin of cold water on him, the old man's eyes showed some emotion fluctuations. He asked curiously: "Can't you do it?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "If it's what you imagined, it definitely can't be done."

In fact, not only this person asked him this question, but someone also asked him before when he was explaining the theoretical mechanism to the researchers at the institute.

Wen Yuanhang, who is responsible for the daily work management of the institute, also asked the same question.

This sudden arrival is probably related to this new technology.

After all, this is the legendary shield technology. It can be said that anyone who has watched science fiction movies or novels will not envy or yearn for it.

However, the development of technology is always gradual. How can a black technology that spans several levels of the current technological level be realized?

Not to mention the kind of black technology shield force field in science fiction movies, it is the theoretical mechanism of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield that he completed by himself. Can this novel technology based on the unified theory of strong electricity succeed? The completion is an uncertain matter.

There is a long way to go from theory to application.

The twists and turns and various problems you may encounter are not so easy to solve.

For example, how to stably create a magnetic polaron field to achieve the desired magnetization effect; or whether cycle enhancement technology can significantly reduce energy consumption and maintain stability in plasma and electromagnetic fields, etc. Something without much clue.

After briefly introducing the current plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield theory and technical implementation difficulties, Xu Chuan picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

"That's the general situation. I can't guarantee whether this technology can be realized at present. We can only organize people to conduct experiments and research first, let alone achieve the effect you want."

After listening to Xu Chuan's introduction, the old man sighed softly and asked with some reluctance: "Are we really not able to apply this technology?"

As soon as he asked, he shook his head and quickly added: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting pressure on you. It doesn't matter. Just take your time. Our development has been fast enough in recent years."

Compared with a skill, he still hopes to see Xu Chuan's health.

After all, as long as people are around, everything is possible.

And what Xu Chuan said is right, the development of technology needs to be done step by step. At present, they have not even achieved the simplest electromagnetic wave and high-power microwave protection, and they are just dreaming of electromagnetic shields at several higher levels. How is that possible?

Behind the desk, Xu Chuan pondered for a while and said, "If we really want to apply this technology, it's not completely impossible, but it's just not what you imagined."

Hearing this, the old man opposite the sofa was shocked, and his eyes became eager again. He quickly asked: "How do you say it?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "First of all, it is certain that the kind of protective shield you think of cannot be achieved. The current technology cannot provide such high-intensity electromagnetic fields and plasma fields to deal with bullets and missiles. These things protect.”

"But it's not impossible to apply plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield."

"In addition to the uses I originally envisioned, you can actually think of it as a traditional electromagnetic shield. Although it cannot protect against kinetic energy weapons such as bullets, it is not impossible to use it for protection against electromagnetic waves and high-power microwaves."

"Hmm" After pondering for a moment, Xu Chuan found the reference comparison object: "To put it simply, you can think of it as an upgraded and more powerful version of various 'electronic jammers'."

"Because from a technical perspective, it can not only interfere with electromagnetic waves, high-power microwaves and other radiation sources, but also can directly damage current electronic chips due to the relationship between strong magnetic polaron fields and ionization fields, causing them to completely lose their ability. Effect."

"However, compared to those movable electronic jammers, it is a fixed version, difficult to move, and requires a large amount of power supply. Its energy requirements are much higher than those of electronic jammers."

After a pause, Xu Chuan continued: "In addition, compared to the maximum interference range of electronic jammers, which exceeds 5,000 kilometers, the protective range of this plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield is much smaller."

"Judging from the current theory and existing technology, even if it can be realized, it is estimated that the area that can be reached will only be a few hundred meters to a few kilometers."

"No matter how large the range is, the stability of the plasma layer and magnetic polariton layer will be difficult to control."

"In addition, it is similar to the electromagnetic cloud protection tactical defense system studied by the National University of Defense Technology. It is actually full-channel blocked. When it is turned on, other people's electromagnetic waves and microwaves cannot come in, and your own cannot get out."

"However, compared with the electromagnetic cloud protection tactical defense system, in theory it can be deployed at higher and further places, and it should not be too big for the self-operation of the equipment protected inside."

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan briefly introduced the possible applications.

In his opinion, this technology still has many shortcomings. But in the eyes of the old man, this is really a protective artifact!

Although it is in a fixed form, its ability to protect against electromagnetic waves, high-power microwaves and other radiation sources, and even directly destroy current electronic chips, has a bright future!

For example, if one is installed in a strategic military location, can missiles be fired in? I'm afraid it will turn into a pile of scrap metal in mid-air!

As for the shortcomings, no matter how many they are, they can't outweigh the powerful performance.

With this technology, it can be said that Xiantian is invincible.

Originally, he was ready to give up, but he didn't expect that there would be no way out, and there would be a bright future after another.

Although it was still far from the electromagnetic shield he originally imagined, this 'basic version' alone was already a priceless treasure!

He took a deep breath with some excitement, suppressed the fluctuations in his heart, and said quickly: "If you need any help with research, or if you need to contact other research institutions or people in the sect, just ask."

After a slight pause, he thought of something and added: "If you are in need of scientific research funding, just ask and I will help you solve it personally."

This is as close as saying "Do you want money? I'll send it to you."

PS: Please ask for monthly tickets during the double period at the beginning of the month.

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