Great Country Academician

Chapter 762 I hope it is the starting point of physics!

(Additional chapter (1/1) for the previous reward from the reader Yiwanzhou, thank you.)

On June 8th, thousands of troops crossed a single plank and climbed Mount Huashan shoulder to shoulder.

On the day of the annual "college entrance examination" in China, Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, also welcomed physicists from all over the world.

The campus of Nanjing University Xianlin Campus was full of red banners, such as "Warmly celebrate the convening of Professor Xu Chuan's report on the unification of power and electricity in our college!" and "The Holy Grail of Physics, the Crown of the Peak". Various banners also welcomed a group of special guests.

There were internationally renowned physicists who could only be seen in textbooks, and there were also unknown newbies who followed their mentors to attend this grand event.

With such a large lineup, even the top conferences such as the biennial International Conference on High Energy Physics and the International Physical Society Annual Conference would probably be difficult to compete with.

In order to maintain order and ensure the safety of speakers and participants, the Jinling City authorities mobilized almost half of the city's police force, and even dispatched armed police officers to escort the entire report meeting.

For a scholar, it is rare to receive such attention.

In the morning, around eight o'clock, physicists and material scientists from all over the world passed the strict security check, walked into the campus of Nanjing University, and walked towards the auditorium.

Standing at the entrance of the auditorium of Xianlin University, several volunteers who were "tricked" from nowhere, wearing red clothes, with bilingual armbands in Chinese and English on their arms, and holding red flags with the logo of the physics conference in their hands, gathered at the school gate to guide the scholars who came to attend the conference.

Of course, it is better to say that they volunteered rather than being "tricked".

After all, the quota for such volunteers is not for volunteers who run red lights and are caught by traffic police and dragged to the road to direct zebra crossing traffic.

For students of the School of Physics, this kind of opportunity to meet physicists from all over the world, especially to meet those idols and masters in their hearts, is something they must grab.

Taking advantage of the break when there is no work to meet, two master and doctoral students of the School of Physics are gathering together, looking at the grand scene of banners hanging everywhere in the campus and at the gate with deep emotion.

"Fuck, do you know who I just saw?"


"Mr. Yang!"

"? Which Mr. Yang?"

The companion asked subconsciously, and then reacted, asking in surprise: "Damn, that person is here too? If I remember correctly, he is more than 100 years old this year, right?"

"Yes, Chuan Shen is still awesome."

"I agree! If I have half the brain of the old man Chuan Shen."

"Half? I only need one tenth of it!"

As he was sighing, a majestic voice came from the side: "What are you talking about!"

"Hello, Professor Li."

Hearing the scolding, the two students who were talking nonsense shuddered suddenly, greeted each other and straightened their bodies.

"One tenth? If you had one percent or one thousandth of Academician Xu's talent, you wouldn't have to delay your graduation thesis for half a year! It's really embarrassing!"

Professor Li Manping, dressed in a suit in the hot summer, looked at his two students with a look of disappointment, wishing he could go up and fight with them.

It was not easy to get them an opportunity, hoping that they could talk more with physicists from various countries who came to the conference and learn more.

In the end, they actually talked about Academician Xu's brain cough. Talk about Academician Xu's talent?

And still expect to be half as smart?

Fish lips!

Is Academician Xu's talent something they can imagine? If he really wants to make a wish, he will first ask for one tenth, no, one percent will be enough!

After scolding the two slacking students, Professor Li suddenly saw a familiar face not far away. His eyes lit up, and he greeted him from a distance and walked over quickly.

"Academician Gao, I didn't expect you to come too."

At the entrance of the newly built Xianlin Auditorium, an old man who was about to enter stopped after hearing the voice, and greeted his old friend with a smile after seeing him.

"Who would want to miss the report conference on the unified theory of strong electricity held by Academician Xu."

Academician Gao Yuanning, wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, smiled and joked, and continued: "This is the 'holy land' in the field of physics research, the crown on Mount Everest. Even Mr. Einstein hesitated before this difficulty. Now it is said that Xu Yuan has reached the peak, which can be said to be a lone warrior. I believe that anyone who knows how terrible this problem is will not miss this event."

As a leader in particle physics and high-energy physics in China, Academician Gao Yuanning is the vice president of the Chinese Physical Society and an academician of the Academy of Sciences. Naturally, he received the invitation from here.

But then again, even if he didn't receive an invitation, he would take the initiative to sign up to attend this report conference.

After all, this kind of opportunity to witness history probably only happens once in a lifetime.

If you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

In 2015, the research team led by him participated in the bottom quark physics experiment on the Large Hadron Collider of the European Organization for Nuclear Research and announced the observation of a baryon state composed of five quarks.

This was the first discovery of five-quark particles and was rated as an important physics breakthrough of the year by Science magazine.

As a researcher in the field of particle physics, it is impossible to miss the pinnacle theory of the century, the unified theory of strong electricity.

"It's quite interesting to say that Dugu seeks defeat."

Professor Li Manping smiled and continued: "But for that person, this statement is really correct. Since he became famous, he has really been alone in seeking defeat. None of the published papers and press conferences have failed. ah."

Academician Gao Yuanning smiled and said: "I don't know what the situation will be like this time. Strong power unification. I didn't expect to see this great miracle in my lifetime."

"Yes, the crown of physics in the 21st century. I didn't expect to see it at the beginning of this century."

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Backstage in the auditorium, teachers and staff from the Administrative Affairs Office of NTU Xianlin Campus were busy and nervous doing final inspections.

From microphones to projections, from speakers to projections, all equipment during the exchange meeting must be ensured without any problems.

Although this is not the first time that Xianlin Branch has held a grand event of this level, everyone does not dare to relax at all.

This is the world's top academic exchange meeting. There are more than two thousand physicists present. If you include the students who came with their instructors to see the world, the number may exceed five thousand.

For the physics community, even the biennial International Conference on High Energy Physics, or even the largest International Physics Annual Meeting, may not be as grand as it is today in recent years.

It can be said that almost all physicists who are qualified to participate and have time to participate are here.

And the top scholars in the theoretical physics community have reached more than 80%.

Including CERN, which competes with CRPHC, it has completely stopped its own research in the past two days.

Because their physicists have traveled thousands of miles to come here.

At eight o'clock in the morning, in the crowded auditorium, Xu Chuan, dressed in formal attire, walked out from behind the scenes and stood next to the podium placed on the stage.

Seeing this not-so-tall, but majestic figure, the noisy conversations in the auditorium suddenly quieted down. Everyone's eyes turned to the front.

Being stared at with blazing eyes by countless people, even Xu Chuan, who had already experienced countless big scenes, still felt overwhelmed by this.

Of course, it wasn't just this big scene that made him excited. More is still facing the upcoming new era of physics.

More importantly, this new era was started by him himself.

This feeling of surging blood gave him endless power at this moment, making his spirit more concentrated and active than ever before.

Taking a deep breath to calm his violently beating heart, Xu Chuan glanced around at the attendees whose eyes were full of excitement, hope, excitement and other emotions, and spoke slowly.

"First of all, welcome to everyone who has come to participate in the exchange report. I am also very grateful to you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here to listen to my academic report."

"Today's exchange report, as you can see, is about the mathematical proof of the unified theory of strong electricity."

After a slight pause, Xu Chuan did not go directly to the topic as usual. He changed the topic and continued: "Before officially entering the report meeting, I would like to make some digressions."

"Of course, it's also about strong electrical unification."

Hearing these words, the scholars who came to participate in the lecture in the auditorium were a little surprised. They looked over curiously, ready to hear what the famous Professor Xu wanted to say.

After all, Professor Xu has always been famous for being clean and concise when holding report meetings.

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to the surprise of these people. He cleared his throat and said:

"In modern physics, the concept of energy is more central than the concept of mass. This is reflected in many aspects. What is truly conserved is energy rather than mass."

"Therefore, it also leads to various basic equations now, such as the Boltzmann equation of statistical mechanics, the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics, and the Einstein equation of gravity. Equations also include energy."

"So, what is the origin of mass? Is it really a product of the Higgs mechanism? Or is it the embodiment of energy?"

"Modern biomedicine tells us that viruses can only survive with the help of more complex organisms (hosts). In particle physics, there are also such real particles and virtual particles."

"Virtual particles are far more fragile than real particles because they require external help to exist. However, they are reflected in the equations of quantum mechanics, and according to these equations, virtual particles can affect what we can see. The behavior of particles.”

"For example, the rest mass of a photon is strictly zero in our understanding. But in the universe, light is bent by the influence of gravity."

"So, what are the factors that interact between photons and gravity?"

"If the energy and mass exchange equation proposed by Einstein is universal and valid, then does mass originate from the condensation of energy?"

"There are many, many problems of this type in physics."

"In today's report meeting, I may be able to answer part of it with the help of the unified theory of strong electricity, but more of it is still an unsolvable mystery."

Looking at the confused eyes in the audience, Xu Chuan smiled and continued: "It is said that the unified theory is the ultimate crown of physics in the 21st century. Whoever can prove it will win the greatest glory of the 21st century. ”

"But I hope it is a cornerstone, a ladder that can lead to the future."

"Okay, let's stop the digression here for now."

"Next, let's get down to business."

After the opening remarks, Xu Chuan pressed the control pen in his hand.

Behind him, on the silver curtain, a picture of a fluctuating atomic nucleus and dancing bright electrons, like a silver star emitting dazzling light in the dark and deep universe, was in front of everyone.

"Unified Theory of Strong Electricity!" 》

(This picture is not the most gorgeous one among the pictures I selected, but I personally think it is the most representative of atomic nuclei, electrons, strong and weak forces, electromagnetic forces, wave-particle duality. Almost all particle information can be found inside.)

PS: Thanks to the 3867-point reward from the one-shot-to-the-world boss. Thank you, boss.

Also: Please give me a monthly pass, there will be another chapter later.

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