Great Country Academician

Chapter 775 Threats to Space Security

《Shock! After twelve years, the United States actually found the "original wife" that it had abandoned》

In Shenzhou, in a branch of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in a temporarily rented office, Xu Chuan saw this news forwarded from abroad.

Obviously, this title is a common method used by "marketing accounts", but it must be said that this kind of title does capture human nature.

Even he clicked in to see what this thing is.

Following the report of the marketing account, Xu Chuan found the original news published by the Washington Post on the foreign website and saw the news that the Americans restarted the space shuttle.

"It's interesting. Are the Americans starting to get restless?"

Staring at the news released by the Washington Post, Xu Chuan couldn't help but touch his chin, with an interested look in his eyes.

In 2011, the Atlantis space shuttle was completely retired after completing its last space flight.

This kind of advanced black technology at the time, which can be repeatedly used and repeatedly enter space, and has a large load-bearing aerospace equipment, is undoubtedly the jewel in the crown of the human aerospace industry.

Unfortunately, due to the huge cost and the aerospace technology and materials at that time, the space shuttle was fully retired in 2011 and left the public's view.

In addition to these, there is actually another reason that prompted the retirement of the space shuttle.

That was the disintegration of Big Brother at that time.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that apart from its use in aerospace, large aerospace vehicles such as space shuttles have extremely powerful military uses and deterrence.

During the Red and Blue Cold War in the last century, the United States had to grit its teeth and persist no matter how much money it spent during the confrontation period because of the large military use of the space shuttle.

But what about after the disintegration of Big Brother?

Although there was a worry for nearly ten years that the Tsarist Russia, which inherited the will of Big Brother, would continue to use the space shuttle to threaten them.

But the result was that the subsequent Russians collapsed and there was no sign of rising.

At this time, spending such a large price to maintain the space shuttle gave the group of gentlemen in Congress a headache. It cost hundreds of millions of dollars to launch once, and maintenance was even more expensive.

Originally, NASA planned that the space shuttle could be launched again after a simple inspection and replacement of parts.

However, it was unexpected that after the high temperature burning in the atmosphere on the way back to the atmosphere, all the parts of the space shuttle must be disassembled and inspected for flaws and performance one by one.

This workload is amazing, and the cost is also amazing.

In addition, it can be said that there are almost no rivals in the fields of space security and military. After experiencing the economic crisis in 2008, the space shuttle, a huge "killer weapon", was hidden.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, NASA actually brought out the space shuttle again.

What surprised him even more was that, according to the current reports, the group of gentlemen on Capitol Hill actually passed the plan to restart the space shuttle with such high efficiency.

However, although it was unexpected, he could understand the reason for this situation.

Their development in the field of aerospace and their overtaking in electric propulsion technology have deeply stimulated the sensitive nerves of the Americans.

Especially the "killer weapon" such as the Xinghai space shuttle that can freely enter and exit the atmosphere and outer space can be said to make all countries feel dreadful.

After all, if there are no sufficient countermeasures for this kind of power, it is undoubtedly a sword of Dakota hanging over the heads of the gentlemen.

In this case, it is natural for the masters to be anxious.

After all, no one wants to go to another world while sleeping one day.

Although the possibility is very low, as long as the threat is there, no one dares to rest assured.

However, the type of space shuttle revealed by Director Bill Nelson in the interview really interested Xu Chuan.

The Atlantis series of space shuttles have been sealed for more than ten years. Judging from the current situation, it is probably difficult to perform space missions again.

In other words, if NASA wants to restart the space shuttle, the biggest possibility is to rebuild it.

Although it is not difficult to redesign and manufacture a space shuttle with the current space power of the United States. But if you want to catch up with the Xinghai, it may be very difficult.

At present, with the propulsion efficiency of traditional chemical fuels, it is basically impossible to "independently" enter and exit the atmosphere and outer space like the Xinghai without external force.

Only by taking the space shuttle into the sky with the help of external propulsion rockets can it have a certain degree of autonomous activity.

But in this case, it is probably difficult to compare with the Xinghai in terms of endurance and flexibility.

Xu Chuan is more interested in how NASA will make up for this performance.

Because this is indeed a reference for the development of space shuttles.

Although the Xinghai space shuttle has achieved a certain degree of overtaking, its near-Earth orbit carrying capacity has only reached the level of 50 tons.

Even if the second-generation ‘Hanhai’ that has not yet been shipped is included, its near-Earth orbit carrying capacity is only 67.5 tons.

This number sounds very good, and the increase from 50 tons in the first generation to 65.5 tons in the second generation is quite exaggerated.

However, due to the shortcomings of the electric propulsion system in thrust, it can be said that with the current aerospace engine technology, this number is difficult to increase further.

Electric propulsion has an upper limit in terms of thrust based on current technology.

But for traditional chemical fuel propulsion methods, this upper limit is much higher.

The Saturn V, developed by NASA in the last century, has a low-Earth orbit carrying capacity of up to 118 tons.

The high thrust that chemical fuel rockets can produce in a short period of time cannot be compared with electric propulsion.

If NASA can achieve some excellent performance in these aspects, it will not be without reference significance for Xinghai Research Institute.

In the Shenzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, while Xu Chuan was conducting experiments on magnetic polaron electromagnetic shields and collecting relevant data, a somewhat unexpected visitor arrived.

In the office, there was a knock on the door. Assistant Tang Sijia, who was sitting at the door, got up and walked over to open the door.

Soon, a cheerful voice with a smile came from the door.

"Long time no see, Academician Xu."

Hearing the voice, Xu Chuan looked away from the computer and glanced at the person who walked in to visit him. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he stood up with a smile to greet him:

"Mr. Ouyang? Why are you here?"

This Commander Ouyang is none other than Ouyang Zhen, the leader of the Naval Equipment Department.

When the USS Haixi aircraft carrier was launched two years ago, he went to attend the launching ceremony. The two met on the aircraft carrier and talked about the optimization of equipment such as the aircraft carrier's electromagnetic ejection.

The idea of ​​a strong magnetic deflection field also emerged at that time.

It’s just that there was no theoretical basis to support it at the time, and the follow-up was nothing.

It was not until the completion of the unified theory of strong electricity and the interaction system of magnetic polaron fields and strong electric phonons that it was officially confirmed that this path could be taken, that he picked up research in this area again, and only then did he have the following ideas The plasma and electromagnetic deflection comprehensive defense shield theory.

"Haha, of course I came to visit you."

Ouyang Zhen laughed, walked over quickly with a smile, extended his hand and shook it with Xu Chuan enthusiastically, and then said: "I hope that running over without saying hello didn't disturb your research work."

"If so, please take a seat, Sijia, and help make two cups of tea." Xu Chuan said with a smile.

Soon, two cups of tea were brought over. Sitting opposite Xu Chuan, Ouyang Zhen picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He praised with an intoxicated expression: "What a good tea!"

Xu Chuan really didn't expect this sudden compliment.

He smiled sheepishly and said nothing.

Can he not know if this tea is good or not?

Although it is true that he does not have special tea leaves, and the big boss above will specially send him a few kilograms every year, but this is really not the case at the moment.

What they were drinking right now was just what they took from the reception desk of Shenzhou Branch.

It may indeed be a little better than ordinary tea, but it is estimated to cost several hundred yuan per pound.

The head of the Naval Equipment Department, what kind of tea has he not seen?

With such an intoxicated expression, Xu Chuan could only sigh in his heart, he is indeed a 'first-class' actor.

In the office, after the two exchanged a few words, they got down to business.

Ouyang Zhen put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Xu Chuan, with a formal look on his face: "Academician Xu, to be honest, I came here mainly for the electromagnetic shield technology you are developing."

After a slight pause, he continued: "This news was revealed to me from above. I would like to ask how long it will take for this technology to be put into practical use?"

Xu Chuan was not surprised by Ouyang Zhen's inquiry.

After all, plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology has a huge impact on military equipment. I am afraid that no expert in the military industry can refuse this level of technology.

However, he was not sure how much time it would take.

Shaking his head slightly, he replied: "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't give you an answer to this question yet."

Ouyang Zhen asked quickly: "Is there any problem in research? The Naval Equipment Department still has some research and development capabilities. If you need it, we can provide help whether it is funds, personnel, or equipment. ”

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head and said: "This kind of cutting-edge technology cannot be easily accumulated by relying on manpower and material resources."

"Plasma and strong magnetic deflection shield technology has a lot of problems to solve. I have only started researching it for a short time now. If I want to apply it, I really can't say for sure."

Ouyang Zhen sighed slightly, nodded and said, "Yes."

After restraining his somewhat disappointed mood, he smiled and continued: "When I heard that you were developing this, I was shocked. Plasma and strong magnetic deflection shield technology, this kind of legend I never thought that one day I would be able to see it with my own eyes.”

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "You are thinking too far. Even if this technology is completed, it will be impossible to achieve the effect you want."

"This technology is used by the space shuttle to deal with ubiquitous plasma and various radiations in outer space as well as some extremely fine dust."

"As for the bullet-proof and missile-proof things you think of, that's really impossible, at least it's simply not possible with current technology."

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhen licked his lips and said with a smile: "I think it will work out."

Xu Chuan smiled and didn't care. Looking at the expression on Ouyang Zhen's face, he continued: "It is almost impossible to defend against physical shields at present, but it is almost impossible to defend against electromagnetic waves, high-power microwaves, There is still hope for magnetic fields such as electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic attacks.”

"Recently there has been a little breakthrough in the research at the Shenzhou Branch. Would Mr. Ouyang want to take a look?"

Before he could even finish his words, Ouyang Zhen stood up from the sofa with a bang. With an urgent expression on his face, he quickly said: "Please show me to me!"

Xu Chuan smiled, stood up and made an invitation gesture, and said with a smile: "Then come with me."

In the large-scale SQUID superconducting quantum interference magnetometer laboratory, testing experiments on the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator are still continuing.

After finding the problem of low guidance rate of the magnetic polaron field, the next experiment was naturally a test experiment on the fusion of the magnetic polaron field and the plasma field.

Although the research on plasma fields is conducted by Luo Ming, his goal is to stably and reliably generate a plasma wall in the atmosphere and vacuum, which does not conflict with the preliminary magnetic polaron field and plasma field fusion experiments.

Because the latter can use high-frequency nixie tubes and inert gas ionization to form plasma walls.

Plasma, also called plasma, is an ionized gas-like substance composed of atoms that have been deprived of some electrons and positive and negative electrons generated by ionization of the atoms.

When it is in a magnetic field, moving charged particles will naturally experience the Lorentz force in the magnetic field. Whether it is the magnetic bottle effect, or magnetic field acceleration, explosion, restraint, gyration and other movements, it is all related to it.

This sounds lofty, but it is actually the ‘Lorentz force’ in physics during junior high and high school.

To understand it simply, you can think of the electromagnetic field as the 'wind' in the sky, and the plasma wall as the 'clouds' floating in the sky. Under the influence of the wind, the plasma cloud will naturally move with it.

Whether it is the controllable nuclear fusion technology he studied before, or the current plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield, they are all related to it.

A plasma wall formed by a high-frequency Nixie tube and an inert gas is deployed in the magnetic polarization field generated by the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator, and the movement of the plasma wall can be guided by a magnetic field.

When the plasma wall comes into contact with external electromagnetic waves, the free electrons interfered by the magnetic polarization field will be excited and enter a state of high-speed motion.

These electrons will move rapidly under the action of electromagnetic fields, generating induced currents and induced magnetic fields, thereby interacting with incident electromagnetic waves to form a natural shielding effect.

The magnetic polarization field can maintain the stability of the plasma wall in this process and achieve continuous interception and shielding of electromagnetic waves and high-energy microwaves.

In these days of experiments, they have conducted targeted tests many times. Judging from the current experimental data, the results are quite good.

This is why Xu Chuan is confident in taking Ouyang Zhen to the laboratory to ‘experience’ it.

He only needs to wait until he returns to Xinghai Research Institute to solve the problem of low guidance rate of the magnetic polaron field, and he will be confident enough to create a composite magnetic field that can shield electromagnetic waves and high-energy microwaves!

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