Great Country Academician

Chapter 776 Ultimate Defense

In the large-scale SQUID superconducting quantum interference magnetometer laboratory, under the arrangement of Xu Chuan, the magnetic polariton electromagnetic shield generator began a new round of experiments.

The high-frequency glow panel customized and shipped from Xinghai Research Institute is deployed between the interference source and the test device. After being connected to the power supply, the inert gas in the high-frequency glow panel is rapidly ionized, emitting different lights of blue, purple and pink. .

This is the color formed by argon and helium after ionization, in order to facilitate observation of the affected state of plasma in a magnetic polarization field.

At the beginning, the plasma in these high-frequency glow plates was evenly distributed in the glass plate and stood still.

When the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator started to operate, the plasma in the glow plate was like iron filings in the magnetic field, affected by the magnetic force and began to flow slowly.

The blue-purple and pink inert plasma seemed to have a shape at this moment, flowing like strands of rainbow in the glow plate.

"The magnetic polarization field is generated stably, and all indicators have met the requirements."

In the laboratory, the researchers' reports rang in the ears of Xu Chuan and Ouyang Zhen. Xu Chuan nodded and gave the order.

"Enable high-power microwave attack."


The attack experiment officially began. The engineers in the laboratory evacuated one after another after making preparations, leaving the remaining work to the intelligent equipment to handle on its own.

This is a route that combines software and hardware. Through sensors and advanced mathematical algorithms, related equipment can conduct real-time monitoring and timely protection against various threats such as high-power microwaves, radiation, and electromagnetic waves.

As the staff completed the final debugging, the high-power microwave equipment was officially turned on, heading towards the operating glow panels and test devices.

It can be clearly seen through the monitoring equipment that the colored plasma in the glow plate shines the moment the high-power microwave equipment is turned on.

This is because when high-power microwaves and electromagnetic radiation enter this plasma cloud, the neutral slurry electrons inside will burst out with energy, break away from the ion state, and become free electrons.

As high-energy electromagnetic waves continue, more and more high-energy free electrons will crazily collide with other electron-ion units, causing more electrons to escape. After being accelerated by the electromagnetic field, these ejected electrons will also transform into It plays the role of "cannonball" and forms a chain reaction. There are more and more free electrons in the plasma, and the rate of increase is getting faster and faster.

This is the electron avalanche effect.

It is precisely because of the electron avalanche effect that plasma interception of high-energy microwaves, electromagnetic waves and radiation attacks can become a reality.

Because when enough free electrons accumulate in the plasma, it will look like a metal from a macroscopic perspective.

In this way, the plasma in the glow plate is equivalent to a metal mesh that can shield electromagnetic fields.

The magnetic polaron field plays the role of stabilizing and controlling the plasma wall in this process.

Without the former, the interception effect against high-power microwaves and various radiations would be much reduced. Without the latter, the plasma in the glow plate would spread out after encountering incident microwaves and radiation, making it difficult to defend. effect.

The two complement each other and complement each other.

The test equipment arranged at the back maintained stable operation throughout the process and was not significantly affected by high-power microwaves.

The attack test against high-power microwaves and electromagnetic radiation did not take long. Just ten minutes was enough to see the effect.

Soon, the relevant experimental data was printed out through the printer and sent to Xu Chuan and Ouyang Zhen.

From the printed report, it can be clearly seen that the peak power of the output high-power microwave is 10W/cm2.

The intensity of microwave beams at this level is quite astonishing.

It should be known that when the microwave beam intensity reaches 0.01-1W/cm, it can cause interference and failure of electronic components in command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) systems, as well as weapons system equipment and chips of small computer systems.

In 2003, the high-power microwave weapon developed by the United States had an intensity of 3.2W/cm. For the first time, the Tomahawk cruise missile was used to carry high-intensity microwave weapons, which could be said to completely destroy Xiaoyi's air defense system.

When a strong microwave beam of 10-100W/cm irradiates a target, the electromagnetic field formed by the radiation it irradiates can produce an induced current on the surface of the metal, causing dysfunction of electronic components, causing bit errors, interrupting data or interrupting information transmission. Erase information stored on your computer.

Although after two decades of development, the intensity of high-power microwave weapons has reached a higher level, there are still only a few countries that can break through the intensity of 10W/cm.

Of course, this refers to a 'long-duration' microwave attack similar to this experiment, not a bomb made of a magnetic storm compression generator.

The latter is created by the shock wave and huge pressure generated by the explosive causing the magnetic field of the external pre-placed coil to be sharply compressed, and causing the current intensity inside it to reach extremely high numbers in a very short period of time.

For example, a 'microwave bomb' developed by Boeing is only the size of a laptop, but when it explodes, it can produce microwave pulses up to ten gigahertz and with frequencies exceeding twenty or even thirty gigahertz.

This instantaneous microwave pulse is more lethal, but is easier to intercept than the microwave weapons currently developed by mainstream developers.

Because it can only produce a killing effect at the moment it explodes, and its duration is relatively short.

At present, the mainstream research and development routes are to directionally emit microwaves and pulse electromagnetic waves. Many countries have even integrated them into missiles to penetrate enemy electronic equipment within the range in advance. paralysis.

And in terms of relative lethality, the application fields of high-power microwave weapons are for radar systems, communication systems, computers and guidance systems, and electronic components.

Compared with traditional anti-personnel weapons, microwave weapons are more soft-destructive and mainly target mechanical equipment.

Of course, there are also those targeting living things, but relatively speaking, the required power density will be higher, and the requirements will be higher in terms of technical difficulty.

"The plasma state in the glow plate is stable!"

"The magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator works stably!"

"The test device sensed a microwave intensity of 0.0145W/cm2"

In the laboratory, listening to the researchers' reports and looking at the experimental data in their hands, Academician Ming Chengbi, an expert from the Naval Equipment Department who came with Ouyang Zhen, couldn't help but swallow, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"How did you do it? Why is the plasma in the Nixie tube maintained so stably?"

The high-power microwave with an intensity of 10W/cm is directly reduced to 0.0145W/cm2 after being filtered or shielded by this experimental device, which is nearly a hundred times weakened. This is simply unimaginable.

What was even more unimaginable to him was the stability of the inert plasma state in the Nixie tube.

After all, using plasma to weaken high-energy microwaves is not a plan that has never been proposed. As early as the last century, someone discovered that plasma can interfere with and defend against high-energy microwaves, electromagnetic radiation, high-energy rays, etc.

Including the "Research on Low-temperature Plasma for High-Power Microwave Protection" released by the National University of Defense Technology at the beginning of the year, it is also in this direction.

But until today, this technology is still in the theoretical research stage, and there is still a long way to go before it is practical.

One of the most critical issues is the instability of plasma in a high-energy state.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is difficult to control plasma.

When studying controllable nuclear fusion technology before, it was extremely difficult to control its flow in a vacuum-sealed fusion reactor chamber, let alone achieve this in the atmosphere or in a vacuum.

Ming Chengbi could hardly imagine how the plasma in front of him, even though it was produced by ionization of an inert gas, could remain so stable under the interference of microwave radiation.

Even though he had been studying the electromagnetic field for decades, he couldn't think of any way to do this kind of maintenance.

After all, if this technology was really that easy, it would have been developed long ago. I don’t know that it is still a century-old problem.

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled, Nuonuo pointed at the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator placed in front of the test equipment, and explained:

"The only thing that can stabilize plasma is a magnetic field. This magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator is the core foundation. It uses the magnetically polarized electromagnetic field to complete the traction and control of the plasma field, through the electron avalanche effect and the magnetic monopole field. to complete the core work.”

Hearing this, Ming Chengbi was immediately stunned.

He frowned, as if he couldn't believe the explanation he heard.

After thinking in his mind for a while and confirming that there was no problem with his memory, he looked at Xu Chuan, frowned and asked:

"I know the electron avalanche effect, but the magnetic polarization field, isn't this a technology that doesn't even have a complete theory?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Before the unified theory of strong electricity is completed, this is indeed a technology that has not even completed the theory."

"But it was completed some time ago. This magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator is a device based on the magnetic polarization field theory."

"You mean the magnetic polarization field theory?"

The moment he heard these words, Academician Ming Chengbi's heart was shaken. He looked at Xu Chuan blankly, and asked with disbelief on his face:

"But if I remember correctly, the unified theory of strong electricity was a result you only made public in May this year, right?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, the unified theory of strong electricity is indeed the result of May. But the magnetic polaron field theory is not. It is based on the polarity of the strong electric phonon interaction system in the unified theory of strong electricity. It was made through the study of chemon theory, but it was completely confirmed by the unified theory of strong electricity.”

This is true. Although the magnetic polaron field theory was perfected after the strong electric unified theory, its basis is indeed the polaron theory of the strong electric-phonon interaction system.

Despite this, these words sounded like spring thunder in the ears of Academician Ming Chengbi.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, he swallowed and continued, "But even so, how did you apply this theory to practical research so quickly?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Aren't we still studying it?"

"At present, this can only be regarded as a semi-finished product, because the polar lines of the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator are too disordered, resulting in a low guidance rate of the magnetic polaron field, which also leads to its low guidance efficiency for plasma. If it fails to meet the standards, further optimization research will be needed.”

After a slight pause, he looked at the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator in the center of the laboratory, and then said: "If this problem can be completely solved, then the protection against high-power microwaves, electromagnetic radiation and other particles will be reached to the extreme. ”

As he said that, he glanced at the old academician and said with a smile: "Chief Ouyang should be very clear about this technology. Didn't he tell you?"

On the side, Ouyang Zhen shook his head gently and said: "Academician Xu, the technology you are studying is so important. Currently, except for the researchers in your institute, few people know about it. I am not very clear about it either. Detailed information, only some general concepts.”

"Because I was worried about misleading Academician Ming, I didn't inform him in advance."

It is said that they are worried about misleading, but in the final analysis it is still a matter of confidentiality.

To some extent, the importance of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology is not even weaker than that of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Therefore, without confirming the situation with Xu Chuan, Ouyang Zhen could not tell anyone else about the matter. He just selected an old academician from the Naval Equipment Department who was familiar with the fields of plasma and electromagnetism to come and investigate. Explore the situation.

Who would have known that the situation where he was originally told to come over for consultation and see if Academician Xu Chuan still needed help suddenly turned into a situation where he came over and saw the ‘results’?

Not only was Academician Ming Chengbi shocked, but he himself was also shocked.

Electromagnetic shield technology that can block and intercept particle attacks such as high-power microwaves and electromagnetic radiation. If this is loaded on an aircraft carrier, it will really be a big world and can go anywhere.

"Academician Xu, do you still need people for this research?"

In the laboratory, after learning more about the plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology mentioned by Xu Chuan, Academician Ming Chengbi couldn't wait to ask.

On the side, Ouyang Zhen glanced at Ming Chengbi with some surprise, and then smiled and recommended: "Academician Ming's research in the field of electromagnetics is quite profound. Our Haixi electromagnetic ejection technology was developed by him. ”

Although he came to visit Xu Chuan this time with the intention of seeing if he still needed help, he was not prepared to take an academician in.

But since Ming Chengbi took the initiative to bring it up, he was still willing to help recommend it.

After all, this is a good thing for the Naval Equipment Division.

Knowing what the two men meant, Xu Chuan smiled, nodded and said, "If Academician Ming is willing, we can sign an agreement and join the research work on the plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield project as a technical consultant. "

Hearing this, Academician Ming Chengbi showed a smile on his face, and he quickly replied: "Of course, I'm available at any time."

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