Great Country Academician

Chapter 780 Who do you want to investigate?

This is not the first time for Xu Chuan to confront such an unscrupulous media reporter at a press conference.

As we all know, BBC's virtue is that as long as he is not directly insulting the other party, he has no pressure at all.

As for how the media would arrange him, he didn't care much.

After all, he is a scholar and does not rely on the media for a living like a celebrity or idol.

However, after quarreling with a BBC reporter, in the subsequent interviews and questions, these foreign media seemed to be trying to scare the monkeys, and each of them was very 'tactful'.

Even when it came to the question of whether the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider could create a black hole, which was of general interest to the general public, the question was only asked from the perspective of "curiosity".

The entire press conference passed in this slightly strange and calm atmosphere.

Apart from the BBC media being criticized, there were no other disturbances.

After the press conference, Xu Chuan went back to the lounge, changed back to his casual clothes, and returned to his office. Lin Feng followed him in.

"You are still awesome!"

Lin Feng, who walked in, gave Xu Chuan a thumbs up with his right hand and joked with a smile: "How dare you angrily attack reporters at a press conference in front of the whole world? Tsk tsk. I used to work at CERN for many years. Since then, There has never been such a brave chairman.”

"You just came on stage and you set another world record."

Xu Chuan glanced at him and said, "Why, you want to try it too?"

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and said: "Come on, you are the only one who has the qualifications and courage to do this. If I go up? You will be criticized to death in less than two days."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Let's get down to business."

While talking, Lin Feng took out a document from the backpack he carried with him and handed it over.

Xu Chuan took it over with some curiosity and flipped through the document. It was an application document for a collision experiment.

"Application Report for Accurate Measurement Experiment of Proton's Abnormal Magnetic Moment and Observation Experiment of Tau"

Applicant: Lin Feng, School of Physics, Peking University, State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology

Lin Feng smiled, looked at Xu Chuan and continued: "I want to apply to join the team. I have already said hello to Director Tai, but the final experimental arrangement requires your signature."

Xu Chuan briefly flipped through the collision experiment application report handed to him by Lin Feng, smiled and said, "You are really in a hurry."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Why don't I take advantage of the fact that the launching ceremony has not officially started yet, so I want to say hello to you in advance and make a reservation."

"The precise measurement experiment of proton's anomalous magnetic moment and Tao's observation experiment are still very valuable. Different research teams at CERN have been applying for this project before."

"When our country didn't withdraw from the program before, schools and institutions such as Peking University, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, and Fudan were all trying to apply."

After a slight pause, he looked at Xu Chuan and said with a smile: "This matter has something to do with you."


Xu Chuan raised his eyelids and glanced at him in surprise.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes."

"Both Peking University and the National Nuclear Physics Laboratory have submitted the application report for this collision experiment to CERN, and CERN's board of directors has met to discuss it and agreed."

"It turns out that you, the old man, found the sterile neutrinos later."

"No, compared to dark matter, the importance of accurate measurement of the proton's anomalous magnetic moment and the observation of tau particles has instantly dropped by N levels, and it is insignificant."

"And our experiment was directly 'suspended'."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan glanced at him curiously and asked, "Have you never heard of this before?"

Lin Feng shrugged and said: "Nonsense, in the face of the detection of sterile neutrinos and dark matter and dark energy that may exceed the standard model, the precise measurement of the proton's anomalous magnetic moment and the observation of Tao are nothing? You haven't heard of it, haven't you? Is it normal?”

Xu Chuan smiled, nodded and said, "Yes."

He really didn't expect that his experiment to observe sterile neutrinos at CERN a few years ago directly blocked the opportunities for collision experiments that Peking University and the National Nuclear Physics Laboratory had applied for.

However, it is estimated that this is not the only one that has been canceled and detoured the detection experiments of sterile neutrinos and dark matter.

There is nothing wrong with what Lin Feng said. Compared with sterile neutrinos that may exceed the standard model and dark matter and dark energy that have not been fully confirmed by the physics community, other experiments are really insignificant.

There are probably only a few comparable particles in the Standard Model that can be compared in terms of importance.

In addition, at that time, all his attention was focused on the detection of sterile neutrinos, and he needed to host experiments and lead the analysis team. It was normal that he did not pay attention to these.

Closing the application report in his hand, Xu Chuan thought for a while and then said: "The precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of protons and the observation experiment of Tao are indeed very valuable collision experiments, which can help us understand hadrons more deeply. the origin."

"However, after the launch ceremony, the CRHPC collision experiment may more likely consider the unified theory of strong electricity, the detection of sterile neutrinos, and the search for dark matter."

"After all, CERN is facing a lot of competition, and we need to find the corresponding signals and data before them."

Lin Feng's eyes were slightly disappointed, but he could also understand the priority of these tasks.

Nodding, he sighed softly and said, "Director Tai also thinks about it this way. If this is the case, then we can only wait."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Actually, it's not impossible."

Hearing this, Lin Feng looked over in surprise.

Xu Chuan smiled and handed him the application report in his hand, and continued: "After the launch ceremony is completed, the collision opportunities of CRHPC will basically be used to verify the unified theory of strong electricity."

"But now we are still ten days away from the launch ceremony."

Lin Feng opened his mouth, paused for a moment to react and asked, "You mean to conduct relevant collision experiments before the launch ceremony is completed?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile, "Yes."

"In these ten days, except for one 17Tev and one 100Tev collision experiments, there are currently no other collision experiments scheduled. During this period, it is completely possible to accurately measure the anomalous magnetic moment of protons and observe Tao. times of experiment.”

"Although more collisions may be needed to fully verify the precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of protons and the observation of tauons, the preliminary experiments are enough to provide you with some collision data."

"You can analyze these collision experiment data first and see the specific situation."

After a slight pause, he glanced at Lin Feng and continued: "But if you do this, you may miss the experimental data analysis of the unified theory of strong electricity."

"After all, there is a conflict in terms of time. The specific choice depends on you."

The scientific research capabilities of Peking University and the National Nuclear Physics Laboratory are still very strong.

However, no matter how powerful universities and institutions are, it is difficult to deploy two completely different top physics teams to conduct different experimental data analysis on the same theory.

After all, top team resources are limited.

Hearing what Xu Chuan said, Lin Feng also felt a little worried.

Indeed, this is a dilemma. Should we choose to cooperate with other universities and institutions to participate in the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity, or should we independently choose to complete the precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of protons and the observation experiment of Tao.

The former is undoubtedly very attractive and is the most cutting-edge theory in physics. No physicist can refuse to participate.

But the disadvantage is that it requires cooperation with other teams. Whether it is himself, Peking University or the National Nuclear Physics Laboratory, he is just a screw.

The latter, although it is difficult to compare with the unified theory of strong electricity in terms of honor, is something they can accomplish independently.

Moreover, it is a highly influential collision experiment between the precise measurement of proton's anomalous magnetic moment and Tao Zi's observation experiment, which is equally attractive to major universities.

Lin Feng struggled for a long time before he said: "You really threw a big problem at me. Let's do this. I'll discuss it with the people from Peking University, the National Physics Laboratory and the National Physics Laboratory to see what their opinions are."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Yes, but it must be done as soon as possible. After all, CRHPC will conduct the first 17Tev energy level collision experiment in two days."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Well, I will go there later."

On the other side, with the major media working overtime, Xuchuan held a press conference at the CRHPC headquarters in the morning, and relevant news information has quickly landed on the online platforms of major media.

News and public opinion at home and abroad have exploded under the guidance of major platforms.

Whether it is the performance of the CRHPC Circular Super Particle Collider, or the CRHPC agency subsidizing funds to provide free collision opportunities for other physicists, or Xu Chuan publicly criticizing the BBC media reporters at a press conference, there is no doubt that They are all the focus of attention of netizens.

As soon as the relevant news appeared, relevant discussions started on the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums.

[Hiss~, with a 62-kilometer-long pipeline and a collision energy level of 130Tev+, the CRHPC ring collider built by China is too terrifying. This is a full 3.8 times the brightness of the LH-LHC! 】

[Everyone has been looking forward to it before, but now the results are out. Professor Xu Chuan has created another miracle, raising the energy level of the collider by an entire order of magnitude. 】

[I really look forward to collision experiments with energy levels exceeding 100 Tev. I wonder whether quarks and various elementary particles at this energy level can be decomposed into more refined particles again! 】

[(Picture of flight ticket), although I have not received an invitation from the CRHPC organization, I have already booked a flight ticket. The 130Tev energy level collision experiment cannot be missed! 】

[Professor Witten’s string theory may have hope (squinting smile)]

[China and the CRHPC organization really spent a lot of money this time, and they can actually provide subsidies to verify theories for other physicists for free! I’ve seen too much intrigue in the academic world, and it’s really strange to see someone so united suddenly appear. 】

[Hahahaha, didn’t anyone pay attention to Professor Xu’s public criticism of the BBC reporters at the press conference? 】

[If there is anything to be concerned about, he is just a clown who promotes the collider threat theory every day. I really suggest that they go to China to study the nine-year compulsory education! 】

[Professor Xu is really fierce, but this seems to be not the first time that he has openly criticized others like this. 】

[South Korea: Are you going to scold me again? 】

[Hahahaha, I remember that South Korean media reporters were criticized by him twice. 】

[My evaluation is that the clown kicked the iron plate and exploded, hehe. 】

Compared with discussions on foreign physics forums, discussions on major domestic platforms are even more lively.

After all, it is China's first large-scale strong particle collider. In addition, Xu Chuan is also the chief engineer and promoted by many media. As soon as the relevant news appeared, it was directly ranked in the top three of major online platforms, and even is number one.

[CRHPC, which I have been following for two and a half years, is finally completed, yay! We finally have our own Large Strong Particle Collider! 】

[Two and a half years? You little chick, your black feet are exposed! 】

[I heard that this thing cost 120 billion? 】

[Yes, this kind of large-scale scientific research equipment is so expensive. 】

[It’s half the size of the Three Gorges Dam, tsk tsk. No wonder Mr. Yang was opposed to it in the past. 】

[I'm afraid it's more than half of the Three Gorges. You have to consider the appreciation of the soft sister currency. After all, the purchasing power of the soft sister currency is much stronger now than it was more than 20 years ago. 】

[If you have this kind of money, it’s better to pay more attention to the western mountainous areas. It’s 120 billion. Mr. Yang is right! Waste people and money! And they actually provide subsidies to support people from other countries in conducting collision experiments for free. How disgusting! I strongly recommend a strict investigation! This is a squandering of national assets! 】

[Haha~, I knew someone would jump out and make all kinds of noises. Are you a √8? Also strictly investigated. 】

[Strict investigation? Who does the father-in-law want to investigate? 】

[Academician Xu is my brother, my dearest relative and friend! 】

[Upstairs, I think your idea is very dangerous (squints and smiles). You can’t add money to this. 】

[During the period of competition between the country and CERN, I think it is completely worthwhile to provide certain subsidies to attract more outstanding physicists. The biggest cost of running the collider is energy. Controlled nuclear fusion has been realized, and the electricity bill It has long been worthless. 】

[This is to provide some subsidies in exchange for physicists from other countries to help us work and do research, and also to cultivate our own talents. How can some people not understand such a simple truth? 】

[No way, there are always people who like to show off their single-digit IQ and call it patriotic? All they do and say are things that harm the country, call it unpatriotic, and they always stand on the moral high ground and babble. 】

[I strongly recommend a strict investigation of the one who recommended a strict investigation! 】

【No matryoshka dolls allowed! But I also support it! 】

[Support +1! 】

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