Great Country Academician

Chapter 781 That person is still awesome!

China, Star City.

After Xuchuan held a press conference to announce that the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider had been officially completed, the invitation letter for the kick-off meeting was also officially mailed out through the CRHPC organization.

In addition to exploring the field of physics, the purpose of building CRHPC is to transfer Europe's holy land of physics and try its best to attract physicists from other countries to work and research in China.

Then it is a necessary etiquette to take the initiative to send invitation letters to top physicists and physics institutions in other countries.

As some netizens said, as a big country, we must consider the present and the long term and not be partial.

Although people's livelihood issues need to be solved, long-term considerations must also be taken into account, and basic scientific research must be carried out in an appropriate proportion.

If we want to be able to continue to develop and have the ability to lead the world, building a large collider is a rare opportunity for China to lead the world in the field of high energy physics.

It is not only about attracting physicists from other countries to help them "work", but also about cultivating talents in their own countries.

Although the Large Strong Particle Collider is a scientific research equipment in the field of high-energy physics, its construction, maintenance, technological development, etc. are not only related to physics.

The scientific and technological achievements born from the Large Strong Particle Collider are not just physical.

In addition, the various technologies and achievements of the collider can be used in many fields such as medicine, biomedicine, aerospace, security, Industry 4.0, cultural heritage, energy technology, etc.

For example, beam instruments and systems, superconducting magnet technology, ultra-low temperature cooling technology, ultra-high vacuum technology, industrial control, magnet technology, particle tracking and calorimetry radiation protection and monitoring, radio frequency and sensors, superconducting technology and so on.

This makes CERN the source of global innovation and creativity, continuously providing new technologies and new ideas for the innovative application of various knowledge and science and technology.

This is also one of the important reasons why the United States chose not to let go and transfer the holy land of physics from Europe to China during the economic downturn.

Because every year, knowledge transfer institutions organize and hold various academic conferences, lectures, exhibitions and other activities around CERN's related research and technology application fields, which can bring great influence and even benefits.

In particular, the expansion and application of top technologies are a top priority.

When physicists from other countries began to receive invitation letters from CRHPC institutions, some domestic research groups from universities and physics institutions had already arrived at the CRHPC headquarters.

The Taohualing headquarters, which was originally relatively deserted, has become lively in the past two days.

In the lobby of the Bagua Building at the headquarters, two top domestic physicists who had arrived early to participate in the internal testing of the CRHPC collider happened to meet each other, and they were both a little surprised.

"Hey, Lao Gao, I didn't expect you to lead the team in person this time."

In the bright and pleasant tiled hall, Academician Wang Yifang, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, said hello to another scholar who was about the same age as him in front of him with a smile on his face.

The scholar who arrived in front of him was Academician Gao Yuan Ning, dean of the School of Physics at Peking University and director of the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology.

The two are the same age and have studied together at CERN for many years.

Academician Gao Yuan Ning led the team to complete these two extremely important achievements in the theoretical physics community: the 2015 pentaquark baryon state and the 2017 double-charm baryon state.

Hearing this greeting, Gao Yuanning, who had black and white hair and was walking towards the auditorium, stopped.

When he saw the person walking towards him, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

"Aren't you the same? The dignified director of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also personally led the team here?"

The two greeted each other, laughed, stretched out their hands to shake hands, and patted each other's shoulders and backs.

Wang Yifang smiled and said: "This is a CRHPC test. You have to come and you can't miss it."

After a slight pause, he then sighed: "After wandering for more than ten years, we finally have our own collider. Academician Xu easily completed the work that I couldn't push no matter how hard I pushed it. ”

At that time, he and Yang Zhenhuan were the two central figures in the "Huashan Debate" on whether China should build a large strong particle collider.

In that long-lasting tug-of-war, the physics faction headed by him advocated building a strong particle collider, believing that this was a rare opportunity for the country to lead the world in the field of high-energy physics.

Because building a large collider can make our country lead the world in related technical fields, localize some important products and bring them to the forefront of the world, and form an international science and technology center that can introduce and absorb foreign intellectual resources and train thousands of people. Top talents in physical science and related technologies.

Mr. Yang strongly opposed it. He believed that this huge sum of money should be used more to improve the motherland's basic scientific research capabilities and education, and to train a younger generation of scientists.

Both sides held their own opinions and started a tug-of-war.

On this issue, there are not many opponents in the field of high-energy physics, or not many people have publicly expressed their stance, but their representative is the Nobel Prize winner Mr. Yang Zhenhuan.

There are even more supporters. Most people in the domestic high-energy physics field express support, and even many people in the international high-energy physics field support it.

This tug-of-war lasted for a long time. In the end, under the influence of Yang Zhenhuan, the proposal to build a collider was rejected.

But now, more than ten years later, this project has been easily passed under the proposal of another scholar.

It can even be said that there was no special meeting held at the Academy of Sciences and the physics community, and the decision was made directly internally, which made him very emotional.

In the hall, Gao Yuanning smiled and said, "Now is the right time, isn't it?"

He also supported the construction of the collider at the beginning, but his support was not as strong as Wang Yifang's. He belonged to the group that could accept it even without it, but there were better ones.

After all, the domestic economy did need to develop at that time.

And, to be honest, when it was built at that time, the domestic technology was completely inferior to what it is now. The performance of the collider built may not even be a fraction of the current CRHPC.

After all, at that time, there was no superconducting material developed by that person, and it was not a member country of CERN. It did not obtain a large amount of collider-related technology from CERN.

With the domestic technical reserves, it can definitely be built, but the performance of the built one really needs to be thought about.

In addition, and more importantly, there was indeed no sign of going beyond the Standard Model at that time.

The last important block in the standard model, the 'Higgs particle', has been discovered and supplemented by the LHC. Huge funds have been spent building the collider, and it is also uncertain whether there will be significant results.

That's why he said it should be corrected now.

Whether it is economic development or breakthroughs in physics, this is the most appropriate time.

Wang Yifang came back to her senses and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about it anymore. The first collision experiment will start tomorrow. Let's make preparations first."

Gao Yuanning smiled and nodded, saying: "Of course."

Although the collision experiments at the 17Tev and 100Tev energy levels will only be conducted once each to test the CRHPC.

But how many years? They finally had their own collider.

I remember when he was young, when he was doing theoretical research, he would travel to Europe every three days. Now, it’s great. You can do experiments easily while sitting at home, and you can even be at the forefront of the world.

That guy is still awesome!

July 21st is not a special day, but it is destined to be an extremely extraordinary day for the city of Star City.

Because the CRHPC, a circular super particle collider that took two and a half years to complete, will be officially launched for the first time in its life.

The internal test experiment was not carried out with much fanfare, and there was not even a mobilization meeting or anything like that. However, many engineers, technicians and even physicists from major universities across the country who participated in the test got up early in the morning.

There were even many people who didn't get much rest at all last night.

However, this did not affect their state at all. Everyone was in high spirits and extremely excited.

After having breakfast in the canteen, Xu Chuan quickly came to the CRHPC main control room.

Along the way, countless physicists from all over the country greeted him constantly.

In the main control room, many people arrived before Xu Chuan. Not only were top scholars from major universities in the country, but even a deputy minister from the Science and Technology Institute was arranged to come.

"Hello, Academician Xu, my name is Long Teng. I currently work at the Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategies, serving as the dean of the Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategies and the deputy director of the Institute of Science and Technology."

Seeing Xu Chuan, Deputy Chief Long Teng in a suit and leather shoes walked over quickly, extended his hands enthusiastically, and introduced himself to Xu Chuan with a smile.

"Congratulations on the completion of the CRHPC Ring High Particle Collider. Under your leadership, our country has another important tool for national rejuvenation."

"Dragon is growing well."

Xu Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand, shook it gently with the middle-aged man in front of him, and said with a smile: "The completion of CRHPC is inseparable from the efforts of all scientific researchers and engineers, and even every worker." The support of the country is thanks to everyone’s help.”

As he spoke, he also looked at him curiously.

He had never seen this Long Teng before in the Science and Technology Center. It seemed like he was a newly promoted person?

But to be able to come as a representative to participate in today's launch ceremony, I guess your status is not low?

After making a casual guess, Xu Chuan simply skipped these things.

After all, these things don't mean much to him.

After the two of them chatted in the main control room for a while, not far away, Tai Xuewen quickly walked over. After greeting the two of them one after another, he looked at Xu Chuan and said, "Academician Xu, the relevant preparations have been completed. Everything is completed, and the collider will be ready for its first test run in two hours."

On the side, seeing that the work had officially started, Long Teng quickly said: "I won't disturb your work, Academician Xu. When the collision is over, we will talk at the celebration banquet."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Long Teng smiled and said: "I wish today's collision experiment all goes well, and I also wish it can sail far and create more scientific research results in the future!"

"Will do!"

While the CRHPC ring super particle collider is about to launch its first internal test, on the other side of the Eurasian continent, at the European Atomic Energy headquarters on the border of Gaul and Switzerland.

Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, the director of CERN, was frowning in his office as he flipped through the information of the press conference held by CRHPC and the information they collected through various means.

As the battlefield for the struggle between China and the United States in the field of physical science, the two large particle colliders, CERN and CRHPC, are undoubtedly the core of the battlefield.

It largely determines the strength of each side.

Although he had been mentally prepared a long time ago, knowing that the CRHPC circular super particle collider built by China might be higher in energy level than the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC hadron collider.

But he did not expect that the energy level of CRHPC would be a whole order of magnitude higher than that of LH-LHC.

The collision energy level of 130Tev+ and the super-limit collision energy level of 150Tev+, if you really look at this data, the collision energy level of LH-LHC is only a fraction of that of the other side.

For the theoretical physics community, the higher the energy level of the collider, the more things you can see and the higher the attraction.

The LH-LHC's 35Tev collision energy level experiment has already attracted the attention of most of the physics community, and has also attracted applications and exchanges from countless physicists and physics institutions.

It is conceivable that the 130Tev collision experiment will be a grand event.

This is indeed good news for the physics community and even the world.

But for its competitor CERN, this news is quite bad.

If we just watch CRHPC grow, it is unimaginable how long CERN's status as a holy place of physics can be maintained.

After all, the gap in collision energy levels is a bit too big.

"It seems that we must think of some ways."

Staring at the news on the computer, Eliezer Rabinovich frowned and thought for a while, then called his assistant.

"Go contact the three research universities and institutions responsible for the verification of the strong electric unified theory, and ask their leaders to come to my office now."


The assistant responded and walked out quickly.

After the assistant left, Eliezer Rabinovich stared at the news on the computer screen and still frowned and thought.

Judging from the current situation, the 130Tev collision experiment is a foregone conclusion if nothing unexpected happens, but he can't just watch this competitor rise.

At least, he needs a new explosion point to draw the attention of the world and the physics community back to CERN.

It would be best if it happened on or before August 1st, so that the impact of CRHPC can be minimized and CERN's position in the physics community can be maintained.

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