Great Country Academician

Chapter 782 A collision of 17 trillion electron volts!

Chapter 785: 17 trillion electron volts collision!

In the main control room of the Circular Intense Particle Collider. After the deputy director of the Science and Technology Department, Long Teng, left, and walked a distance away, Xu Chuan turned his head to look at Tai Xuewen and asked.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

When he was communicating with a deputy director of the Science and Technology Department, Tai Xuewen ran over and said something dispensable, saying that the preliminary preparations had been completed. It was obvious that he was not simply notifying him of this matter.

After all, such words can be said at any time, not to mention that there are still two hours before the official launch of the CRHPC collider.

Tai Xuewen said, "The security team caught two foreign teams near the entrance of the flavor quark detector."

"From the current situation, the other party tried to sneak into the underground pipeline of the CRHPC collider to sabotage it. We found wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers and other tools on the two team members."

"Are there any casualties on the security team?" Xu Chuan's heart suddenly tightened and he asked quickly.

Compared with the equipment, he was more worried about the security team. After all, if the foreign team is professional, they may have guns or something.

Although guns are banned in China, it is not impossible to get some if you really have the intention and channels.

Tai Xuewen smiled and said, "No, the domestic environment is still very good. These two teams are probably not 'regular troops'."

"The security department investigated and found that it should be related to the two extreme environmental protection organizations in the British Empire and Gallic Rooster. Two or three months ago, when the LH-LHC high-luminosity collider was restarted, it was the people from the extreme environmental protection organization in the British Empire who sneaked in."

"This time they probably wanted to repeat their old tricks and sneak into our CRHPC pipeline to sabotage or scout in advance, but this time they were caught by our security personnel."

Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "It's good that there are no casualties."

After a pause, he reacted and looked at Tai Xuewen, curiously asking, "Director Tai, are you worried about how to deal with these two foreign teams?"

Tai Xuewen nodded and said nothing.

When it comes to 'international friends', the domestic approach has been relatively 'friendly' in the past few decades because of international relations, reputation and other aspects.

The inertia left over from the long-standing handling methods still makes it difficult to make a decision even today when the country is rich and the people are strong.

However, as a physicist, he personally hopes to severely punish those organizations that like to sabotage in the name of environmental protection.

However, such matters involving fraudulent disputes will basically be transferred to the court for handling in the future.

As for how to deal with it, it is not very related to the CRHPC organization.

CRHPC did provide some evidence and opinions, but how to sentence is not up to them.

And judging from the current situation and previous practices and handling methods, such cases that have "not yet" caused economic and property losses will most likely not be sentenced to multiple penalties. It is estimated that at most they will be detained for a week and then deported.

This kind of thing is actually not the fault of the court.

They are also troubled to deal with it. If they want to impose a heavy sentence, it involves various things. If they do not impose a heavy sentence, it will cause domestic public outcry.

Just like the theft of rice parent seeds that occurred a few months ago, the final sentence was only one and a half years.

But Tai Xuewen was a little unwilling to let him go so easily, so after learning the details, he ran to find Xu Chuan as soon as possible.

After all, if we talk about influence, no one in the country can compare with the one in front of him.

His opinions can reach the Tianting directly, even the Elders' Court must listen and think seriously.

Seeing Tai Xuewen silent, Xu Chuan probably understood what he meant.

He wanted to give a heavy sentence, but he had to consider other things, such as international relations, influence, reputation, etc., but he was unwilling to let him go, so he came to exchange views with him first.

As for his opinion, after thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "First notify the Science and Technology Headquarters, and then suggest that they be classified as destroying "major national scientific research infrastructure" and "major national scientific research equipment" and "conducting terrorist attacks", and transferred to the court for severe punishment. They will be sentenced in China and expelled from the country after supervision and execution, and will never be allowed to enter the country again."

Hearing this, Tai Xuewen looked up in surprise, swallowed his saliva, and asked: "Is this too severe?"

Although he was very dissatisfied with the usual punishment method, he also hoped to be punished severely once, but he really didn't think it would be so serious.

After all, once these two charges came out, if they were really classified according to this, it would basically start from ten years, and there would be no upper limit.

Xu Chuan snorted coldly and said: "It's okay, just tell them directly that this is my proposal. CRHPC is not CERN. If you come to my side to cause damage, if you don't kill a chicken to scare the monkey, there will be a lot of troubles in the future."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Also contact the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to blacklist these two international environmental protection organizations."

"Forget it. I will write a letter to the Ministry of Science and Technology later. This matter will be handled as a typical case!"

He has no good feelings towards this extreme environmental protection organization.

They interfere with normal scientific research under the banner of environmental protection and bully him. If they don't teach him a lesson, do they really think he is a soft persimmon that can be squeezed at will?

On the opposite side, Tai Xuewen's eyes flashed with excitement under his glasses. He quickly replied: "Okay, I will notify the security department and handle it in your way first."

After so many years, it's time for some changes!

They have stood on the top of the world again and should not be bothered by these trivial matters.

Although they were tossed around by the staff of the two international environmental protection organizations, this did not affect the normal startup and operation of CRHPC at all.

After all, they are not CERN.

The daily reserved programs over there do not make sense here.

If this happens, the security personnel will probably all be brought to the military court.

At 7:30 in the morning, in the main control room of CRHPC, top physics teams from universities across the country gathered here.

In the main control room, there were crowds of people, and it was dark everywhere. Research teams from major universities gathered together, communicating and discussing in low voices.

Every person and every scholar had excitement and expectations on their faces.

For the physics community in China, there is no doubt that this is an epic day.

In the main control room, Xu Chuan stood in front of the main monitoring screen, looking at the pictures transmitted back from major detectors and even the fusion reactor power station built specifically for the collider through the close-up pictures, and his heart was surging.

Time passed bit by bit, and half an hour was not long. The real-time reports of the various groups responsible for the first collision experiment continued to sound.

[Preparation work for the CRHPC fusion reactor is completed, and the energy supply and regulation are all normal! ]

[The track has been cleared and it has been repeatedly confirmed that there are no problems! 】

【The power supply system is in good condition! 】

【The superconducting system is stable, and the liquid nitrogen circulation cooling has been completed! 】


【The detector has been calibrated! 】

【The first collision target energy level: 17 trillion electron volts! 】

Walking to Xu Chuan's side, Director Tai Xuewen took a deep breath, restrained the excitement in his voice and said: "All preparations have been completed. We can start the collision experiment!"

Hearing Tai Xuewen's report, Xu Chuan nodded vigorously and said: "Then, let's start!"


Tai Xuewen straightened his back and responded with full energy.

"Turn on the power!"

Accompanied by the steady and powerful command, the staff who had already made all the preparations started their respective work in a stable and orderly manner.

The power of the fusion reactor that gave birth to the energy of stars increased, and the huge amount of electricity poured into the underground pipelines of dozens of kilometers, forming a strong circular magnetic field here.

The particle acceleration hidden hundreds of meters underground was officially started.

The huge particle beam begins to enter the collider through the pipeline.

Perhaps many people's impression of the Large Hadron Collider is that two beams of particles are continuously accelerated through superconducting pipes, and then converged together for collision.

From a basic theoretical point of view, there is nothing wrong with this impression.

But in fact, the whole process is much more complicated.

Whether it is the energy level increase or decrease of the particle beam, including the final collision, it is an extremely complicated task.

The particle clusters or protons prepared in advance need to be upgraded through various accelerators such as linear accelerators, proton synchrotrons, and proton synchrotron thrusters before they can officially enter the circular orbit.

This is like a car that must first increase its speed through the auxiliary road before entering the highway.

It's just that the energy level increase of the Large Hadron Collider is more complicated.

Especially for the CRHPC Circular Hadron Collider, the collision energy level of up to 130Tev+ cannot be completed in one or two days.

This is why the 17Tev energy level collision experiment was conducted on the first day, and the 100Tev energy level collision was conducted at the end.

Because the energy level from 0 to 17Tev is easy to say, and the energy level superposition can be completed within one day, but the energy level of 100Tev requires energy level superposition time far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Huge energy is gathered underground hundreds of meters deep. Driven by this energy that can simulate the moment of supernova explosion, countless particle beams in the storage ring are constantly pushed and flying.

When the time for these particle clusters to fly around the entire main pipeline is constantly shortened, it also means that the energy level and speed of these particle clusters are constantly increasing.

The CRHPC circular super particle collider has a total of five large detectors and six small and medium-sized detectors, and the particle acceleration orbit is not a simple circle.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the main acceleration orbit being a circular ring, and the five large detectors are also located on the main orbit.

But in addition to the large detectors, it also has six small and medium-sized detectors.

These small and medium-sized detectors are located near the main orbit, and guide the particle beams in the collider through another circular or arc-shaped orbit to decelerate and weaken the energy level before colliding.

But for this 17 trillion electron volt energy level collision, only the detectors deployed on the main pipeline are needed.

(Here you can refer to the structure of the LHC collider, and everyone will know what's going on.)

Finally, under the control of the supercomputing center, the particle clusters that have reached the collision target energy level are released and collide with each other in this narrow and wide pipeline.

The magnificent scene like a supernova explosion cannot be captured by the naked eye.

The collision of particles, the fragmentation of protons and neutrons, the reorganization of quarks, the coupling of gluons

The originally dark and deep vacuum pipe is now as gorgeous as the creation of the world.

Sparks and fragments are lasing, energy and matter are manifested, and the detectors deployed on the pipes have completely recorded this dazzling light.

On the main monitoring screen, the collision energy spectrum collected by the detector and then drawn by the computer fully shows everyone this fascinating and intoxicating scenery.

Looking at the rough energy spectrum images projected on the big screen, the atmosphere in the main control room was pushed to the highest peak at this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but stand up, give thunderous applause, and cheer for this moment from the bottom of their hearts.

The 17 trillion electron volt collision experiment was a perfect success!

Although this is not the highest energy level collision experiment ever conducted in human history, it is the first time that China has its own large particle collider.

This is not only their work, but also the hope of the future of the physics community!

With it, humans will be able to create high-energy particles at the level of trillion electron volts, and use it to simulate scenes that are infinitely close to the moment of the Big Bang.

It is also possible to find more matter beyond the labeled model and explore the truth of the microscopic world.

With it, humans will be able to face the darkness in the deepest part of the universe and explore the dark matter and dark energy that have never been explored!

It is even possible to find the legendary gravitons and verify the void field theory that goes beyond the universe!

A tide of applause rang out in the main control room, drowning out all the cheers and excitement.

Looking at the main monitoring screen assembled by several screens in front of him, Xu Chuan's face showed a heartfelt smile.

Two lives, decades of twists and turns.

Finally, today, one of his biggest dreams in life has come true!

With this large particle collider, his vision will extend to a place farther than in his previous life, to explore the wonders of the microscopic world and to find the secrets of the universe.

That is his future, the future of physics, and the future of all mankind!

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