Great Country Academician

Chapter 785: ‘Breaking Limits’ Operation

At the end of July, the news that the prediction data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking was raised to 5sigma swept the entire physics community like a tornado.

If this was not just a news reported by CERN, and the targeted acceptance report meeting had not yet been held, I am afraid that the official media of various countries would take the initiative to report.

This has nothing to do with the competition between CERN and CRHPC, nor the interests between countries, and it does not care where this achievement was made. It is purely a commendation for human wisdom and congratulations on the breakthrough of the frontier of science.

For Xu Chuan, although it is a pity that the core of the strong electrosymmetry unified theory has not been verified in his hands, no matter who completes the verification work, he is the unshakable proponent of the theory.

This honor cannot be taken away by anyone.

Three days is not a long time, and the test collision experiment of 100Tev energy level was successfully completed under the coordination of many scientific researchers and engineers.

For the CRHPC circular super particle collider, as long as the 130Tev energy level experiment is successfully completed on the upcoming August 1st, the overall acceptance work can be successfully completed.

At that time, the corresponding subsequent construction funds will be paid through the bank, which can be said to be a great joy for both the contractor and the Xingcheng government.

After all, the construction of the Large Intense Particle Collider is a super-large project of more than 120 billion RMB.

Even if the CRHPC agency has paid more than 60% of the funds in the past two and a half years, the remaining 40% is still a great pressure for the contractor and the Xingcheng government.

This is enough to affect the development of hundreds of thousands of companies and even local governments, so it is naturally not to be underestimated.

Time soon came to August 1st.

On this special day, Xingcheng also welcomed physicists, representatives of universities and physics institutions from all over the world.

The weather outside is breezy and cloudless, which is a rare good weather.

Of course, even if it is not good, it must be a good weather today, and the Meteorological Bureau is always ready.

Taohualing, outside the headquarters building of CRHPC.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going, and a scene of heavy traffic.

Standing at the main entrance of the headquarters building, several formally dressed concierges greeted every guest who came to participate in the conference with a standard smile on their faces.

Although CERN's outstanding tricks attracted a lot of attention from the physics community, and many top physicists went to CERN to participate in the acceptance work report, the 130Tev energy level collision work is also very attractive to physicists.

Standing at the door, a slightly younger concierge took advantage of the temporary absence of guests to restrain the smile on his face and simply moved his legs and feet.

After all, standing for a long time, both the body and the smile will appear a little stiff. It is always good to take the time to move around.

"CERN is also holding a report meeting today, right?"

Looking at the endless stream of people inside and outside the headquarters building, he spoke to the relatively young concierge.

Standing next to him, another older concierge nodded slightly and said, "Well, it seems that Academician Xu's theory of strong-electric unification has been verified. CERN got ahead of us."

Although the concierge staff are not scholars in the field of physics, there has been a lot of news about colliders and strong-electric unification theories in the field of physics these days, and even ordinary people know something about it.

"It's a pity, it would be better if our collider could verify this work."

The younger concierge said regretfully.

At this time, several foreign scholars with blond hair and heterochromatic eyes came to the door. The two who were still communicating quickly stopped talking and guided the guests who came to attend the launch meeting into the headquarters building.

After finishing all these, the young concierge looked at the various foreign faces and sighed: "Brother Xu, why do we let these foreigners participate in the large particle collider built by our country?"

"Colliders are scarce resources in the world. Can't we play with them behind closed doors? In this way, all the results will be ours."

The one called Brother Xu was the slightly older concierge just now. Although he was older, he was actually less than 30 years old.

After all, the requirements for appearance and age in the concierge industry are relatively strict.

The young man surnamed Xu smiled and said: "These are all decisions made by the country. Why do you worry so much? Could it be that the country is not as far-sighted as you think?"

"That's not the case."

The younger concierge smiled and scratched his hair, and then said: "Letting foreigners in is fine, but I heard that they also provide free funding subsidies to foreigners to do research. Isn't this what shepherding..."

"You kid, don't say this outside." Brother Xu glared at him, then shook his head and explained.

"Cooperation and win-win are the only truth. Although our country has developed very well in the past decade or so, we cannot follow the example of the Qing Dynasty and close the door to the outside world and do things on our own."

"These days, the whole world is competing with each other and cooperating with each other for development. Lao Mi has always been eyeing us, including those in Europe, who have always listened to Lao Mi. If we want to compete and confront, we can't do it alone. , you need help, right?”

"This opportunity is very good. Using the collider to win over a group of countries to stand with us, isn't that the plan?"

After a slight pause, he glanced at the crowded hall, and then said: "So what if we provide free opportunities for foreign scholars to do experiments? You have to know that we didn't have the ability to let so many top students do experiments before. Physicists come to our country to do research.”

"They are here, and they are doing experiments, so they are not acknowledging the kindness of our country? The collider is here. No matter how many foreign scholars there are, they can't be more than our own people. The casual advice from those big guys is enough for the students of our country to learn from. ”

"This is equivalent to spending money to hire big bosses who could not be hired before to give guidance to domestic students. What does that little money mean to the talents cultivated?"

The two concierges took advantage of the end of the welcome to chat at the door. In the CRHPC headquarters building, the physicists who had arrived were also contacting their friends.

"Tilman, long time no see, my old friend."

In the office area of ​​the Hua Guoqian District, in Professor Tillman Lunt's office, two old friends hugged each other warmly.

One of them is Professor Tilman Lundt, one of the former heads of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics.

He has designed and manufactured the world's largest stellarator device, 'Helix 7-X', and created a plasma operation control time of more than two hours. At that time, it was considered to be the greatest hope for realizing controllable nuclear fusion technology. one.

It’s just a pity because Li Xiao, led by Xu Chuan, successfully completed the controllable nuclear fusion technology through the ‘Tokamak Device’ route.

The stellarator route was abandoned by various countries without any surprise.

Later, Spiral Stone 7-X was sold by the Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, and is now loaded on the Hercynian aircraft carrier, providing it with a steady stream of power.

As for Professor Tillman Lunt, after leaving the Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, he was tricked by Xu Chuan into coming to China to serve as a technical consultant for the CRHPC institution.

"Long time no see, Professor Wilzek."

After giving the visitor a polite hug, Tillman pointed to the sofa with a smile and continued.

"I didn't expect that you didn't go to CERN to attend the acceptance report meeting of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking, but instead came here."

The person coming was none other than Professor Frank Wilczek, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. He is mainly engaged in research in the fields of condensed matter physics, astrophysics and particle physics. The two had had many encounters when they were at CERN. Communicate and be friends.

Wilzek ​​smiled and said: "Not only me, but also many old friends have not gone there."

After a slight pause, he continued: "I heard that you have been working in China in recent years?"

Hearing this question, Tillman had a proud smile on his face: "Yes, I came here from Germany more than two years ago to serve as the collider of the CRHPC collider after being invited by Professor Xu many times. Technical consultant to help him design and build this large strong particle collider."

Obviously, Tillman is quite satisfied with his work after leaving the Planck Institute for Plasma Research.

Although he traveled thousands of miles to come here, his life was not affected too much.

He was very satisfied with both the salary and the holidays. Even his wife took him over from Germany and lived with him here.

Of course, he is proud of the design and construction of the CRHPC Circular Strong Particle Collider.

Although this is not his contribution alone, no one can ignore his contribution in this process.

Wilzek ​​was a little surprised. Although he knew that Tillman had been working in China in recent years, he really did not expect that he would actually participate in the design and construction of the CRHPC collider.

He raised his eyebrows and joked with a smile: "Are the Chinese people so big-hearted? While having a stalemate with CERN, they actually dare to invite the former superconducting magnet designer of the LHC to serve as a technical consultant for CRHPC?"

Tillman laughed and said, "You have to ask Professor Xu Chuan about this."

Wilzek ​​smiled, skipped the topic, and said, "Speaking of which, what is the performance of CRHPC? Can it really achieve an energy level collision of 130Tev+?"

In fact, he is not the only one who has doubts about this issue. Many physicists also have a certain hesitation.

After all, compared to the LHC, this improvement is not just a little bit, but an entire order of magnitude.

The collision energy level of 130+Tev could be said to be unimaginable in the entire physics community before.

Hearing this question, Tillman smiled and said, "Did you know? Before today's kick-off meeting officially started, we have already tested the CRHPC. Can you guess what the collision energy level is?"

"How many?"

"A full 100 Tev! And the experiment went very smoothly. It only took us a week to increase the energy level of the particle cluster from 17 Tev to 100 Tev!"

Hearing this, Wilzek's eyes widened, he couldn't help but take a breath, and asked quickly: "Hiss~, how is this possible? CRHPC's superconducting material support?"

As we all know, when the particle clusters in the collider move in the opposite direction in the circular tunnel, the strong electric field causes their energy to increase dramatically.

And each time these particles travel around, they gain more energy.

But to keep such high-energy particle clusters or proton beams running requires a very strong magnetic field, and only powerful superconducting materials can do this.

However, the properties of different superconducting materials are also completely different. Only superconducting materials with strong critical magnetic fields can transform into stronger magnetic fields.

In this regard, the ability of the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC collider to reach an energy level of 35 Tev+ has amazed the entire physics community.

The 130 Tev collision energy level advertised by the CRHPC collider can be said to be four times that of the LH-LHC, directly exceeding the 100 Tev energy level. It is difficult not to make people doubt whether this is true.

Tillman smiled and nodded, saying: "Of course, the superconducting material provided by Professor Xu not only supports energy level collision experiments of 130 Tev+, it even has the ability to break limits."

"Breaking limits?"

Hearing this somewhat weird adjective, Wilzek ​​frowned and looked over with some confusion.

Tillman thought for a while and said: "Actually, it's not breaking the limit, it's just filling the load."


"To put it simply, the coolant currently used in CRHPC is liquid nitrogen. You should be aware that the cooling range it can provide is only -80°C to -196°C."

"In the case of liquid nitrogen cooling, the energy level that CRHPC can provide is at the 130Tev level."

“But if the liquid nitrogen cooling system is completely replaced with liquid helium with lower temperature, more precise control and better performance, it can exert more powerful performance in a short time and can provide energy levels exceeding 150Tev+.”

"However, due to the relatively low refrigeration efficiency of the liquid helium refrigerator, the limit-breaking operation time is difficult to compare with the normal operation, but it can provide opportunities for collision experiments with higher energy levels."

“This is what Professor Xu Chuan calls ‘limit-breaking’ full-load operation.”

Wilzek's eyes widened, he swallowed the air dryly, and couldn't help but ask: "It's incredible. How far has China's superconductor technology developed?"

Tillman shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear about this either."

After a moment of silence, he continued: "But judging from my many years of experience in designing CRHPC and CERN superconducting magnets, the superconducting technology mastered by China is probably more than one level ahead of the world."

"If I guess correctly, the superconducting material used in their space shuttle should be the same as that used in the CRHPC collider. Only this kind of superconducting material can provide such a huge magnetic field to accelerate the plasma."

Wilzek ​​smiled and joked: "Is this also allowed to be said? Does this count as leaking secrets?"

Tillman shrugged and said: "What does this mean? These are all publicly available data. A simple inference can tell that it is actually difficult for me to access the truly confidential data, unless..."

"Unless what?" Wilzek ​​asked curiously.

Tillman shook his head and said: "Unless I am willing to immigrate here and become a Chinese citizen, then they will allow me to have access to the real core technology and data."

"You won't be tempted, right?" Wilzek ​​asked smoothly.

After hesitating for a moment, Tillman said, "A little bit indeed."

Before he finished speaking, Wilzek ​​looked over with a surprised look on his face: "What? Are you really tempted?"

Tillman nodded and shook his head, saying: "China has developed very fast in recent years, and living here is quite good, both in terms of medical resources and educational resources. Especially now that they are eager for other The immigration conditions offered by the country’s scholars are quite generous.”

"In addition, it is indeed quite safe here. No matter it is day or night, even late at night or early in the morning, you will not have any problem walking on the street alone."

Wilzek ​​shook his head and said, "I suggest you consider this matter carefully. Immigration is not a trivial matter."


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