Great Country Academician

Chapter 784 Xu Chuan: Maybe I will choose to name an award after myself!

The news of the 5sigma confidence signal of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking spread rapidly throughout the physics community like wings.

Without a doubt, this is one of the most important news in the entire physics community since entering 2024.

And if we put aside the strong electrosymmetry unification theory that Professor Xu made public in May, then this is the most important news!

The prediction data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has been verified, which undoubtedly confirms the correctness of the strong electrosymmetry unification theory to a great extent.

Although this is only one of the predicted data, it is the most important and core of the entire theory.

The prediction data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has been verified, which also means that the correctness of the strong electrosymmetry unification theory is as high as 80%, or even more than 90%.

After all, when the theoretical logic is self-consistent and there is no problem with the data, the verification of one of the important links has been completed first, which basically means that this theory will not have any major problems.

And sacrifice the time to verify the strong electrosymmetry unification theory to explore dark matter and dark energy, which currently have some limits, but it is unknown how long it will take to find them.

"Both of these are theories I proposed."

But physical experiments are not software. Software can be installed on one computer at the same time, but people are too busy to do anything and can only make one choice.

It must be said that the verification of the coupling constant prediction data of strong electrosymmetry breaking in just over a month was indeed beyond his expectations.

Therefore, there are many people discussing and betting.

Hearing this, Tai Xuewen gently patted his head and said with a smile: "I forgot about these."

Tai Xuewen sighed and asked helplessly: "Academician Xu, what should we do next?"

And it will be quite big.

Just like the battle between Penguin and 360 back then, users can only choose one in the middle.

As for Professor Xu Chuan's second Nobel Prize, it can be awarded after the strong electrosymmetry unified theory is thoroughly verified.

Switching from the first verification of the strong electrosymmetry unified theory to the search for inert neutrinos and dark matter, this sacrifice is a bit big for both Xu Chuan and the CRHPC organization.

As a physicist, Tai Xuewen knows very well that no one wants to miss such a report meeting.

On the sofa, Tai Xuewen frowned and said, "Do we have any solutions?"

Xingcheng, the headquarters of Taohualing CRHPC.

By then, this theory will become the most dazzling pearl in the physics community.

【WTF? 】

Indeed, what Tai Xuewen said makes sense.

After a slight pause, he chuckled and said, "The 130Tev+ strong collider is our greatest confidence."

But no one expected that CERN's combat power this time was simply off the charts. It actually completed this work in just over a month.

If the strong-electric unified theory is verified, it will be a huge development for the entire physics community!

In the future textbooks, there will be dozens of pages or even a whole book about it.

【It's amazing. Chairman Rabinovich said that this achievement is worthy of a Nobel Prize. If the coupling constant detection data of the strong-electric symmetry breaking is verified correctly, maybe Professor Fox will be a Nobel Prize winner in the future! 】

【I have read the news information. Chairman Rabinovich said that the reason why the verification of the coupling constant detection data of the strong electric symmetry breaking was completed so quickly this time was mainly related to the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC collider and Professor Fox Hale of Stanford University. 】

Although this was not verified by CRHPC, as the biggest crown in the theoretical physics community in the 21st century, the sooner the strong electric unified theory is verified, the sooner Xu Chuan will get the Nobel Prize.

"It's a bit of a bad start."

"CERN's speed this time is quite impressive."

【I mean, his results are enough to deserve another Nobel Prize. 】

"You are the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history. You proposed the two most important theories in the contemporary physics community. No matter which one is verified first, it really doesn't matter to you."

It was Professor Rabinovich who said at the press conference that Professor Fox's work was enough to deserve a Nobel Prize, which aroused a lot of discussion.

Originally, with the help of the 130Tev energy level collision experiment, they were enough to attract the attention of the world. But now, it is obvious that the attention of the physics community has been drawn back to CERN.

If China had not broken with CERN, even he himself would have wanted to go.

Each person has his own reasons. This medal, which involves the highest honor in today's academic world, is a huge temptation for anyone.

And now, the sudden situation will probably make many people, or perhaps most people, choose to go to CERN.

Some people also think that Professor Fox's contribution to the verification of the coupling constant detection data of strong electrosymmetry breaking within two months must be quite large, and he is fully worthy of the Nobel Prize.

At the same time, on the other side of the Eurasian continent.

With this turn, it can be said that they almost directly gave up the priority of verifying the strong electrosymmetry unified theory through CRHPC.

[What about Professor Xu? He completed the unified theory of strong electricity! I think this Nobel Prize should be awarded to him. 】

This is why CERN initially chose to search for sterile neutrinos and dark matter, and after the emergence of the unified theory of strong electricity, it did not hesitate to shift its focus.

After all, in a few days, the acceptance report of the coupling constant detection data for strong electric symmetry breaking will be held, and then the entire verification process and the corresponding Dalitz diagram will be released.

He did not expect that the coupling constant detection data of strong electric symmetry breaking was completed so quickly with a confidence level of 5sigma.

In the office, Xu Chuan flipped through the news on the computer screen, his eyes full of surprise.

In less than two months, the coupling constant detection data of strong electric symmetry breaking can be improved from the confidence level of 0sigma to 5sigma. This speed is incredible in everyone's eyes.

There is definitely an impact.

Therefore, as soon as the relevant news reported by CERN appeared, it set off a heated discussion in the entire physics community.

The news that CERN had completed the verification of coupling constant detection data for strong electric symmetry breaking was simultaneously transmitted back to China when CERN directors made it public.

Because the verification work of the unified theory of strong electricity can be searched according to the diagram and through the prediction data in the theory, the priority is higher and it is easier.

It is difficult to judge how many top physicists will come to participate in the launch meeting of the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider after being bothered by CERN.

However, time conflicts left everyone with only one choice between CERN and CRHPC.

Professor Fox Hale, who wanted to come to Stanford University, would not have submitted an acceptance report application if he was not completely sure.

In addition, it is still unknown whether dark matter can successfully find traces and achieve 5sigma confidence.

[The high-brightness LH-LHC collider provides more and clearer collision data and more particle collisions, while Professor Fox has designed a new set of verification methods, plus he works 16 hours a day Hours are completely the result of advanced equipment + talent + hard work. 】

On the sofa, Tai Xuewen nodded and said with worry on his brows: "Yeah, I didn't expect that CERN could complete the verification of the coupling constant prediction data for strong electric symmetry breaking so quickly this time."

Hearing Tai Xuewen's words, Xu Chuan laughed and said, "I already have the Nobel Prize. I got it a few years ago."

[Latest news, CERN announced that the confidence level of coupling constant detection data for strong electric symmetry breaking has reached 5sigma, and an acceptance work report meeting will be officially held on August 1st! 】

However, Professor Rabinovich, the chairman of CERN, also gave a very reasonable reason. Although he was surprised by this part, he did not have too many other questions.

"After the launch ceremony is completed, the center of the collision experiment will shift from verifying the unified theory of strong electricity to the exploration of sterile neutrinos and dark matter."

After all, this is the core verification work of the unified theory of strong electricity, the biggest crown in the world of theoretical physics in the 21st century!

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan said: "It's difficult, this is obviously a targeted behavior, and we can't change the time of the kick-off meeting."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan also had a headache.

[Hahahaha, isn’t Professor Xu already here? 】

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "Follow the process that was determined long ago. Even if we encounter some setbacks in the launch ceremony, it will not be a big problem."

"I designed the CRHPC dark matter detector myself, and no one knows the form of sterile neutrinos and dark matter better than me. Not even CERN can take this honor away from us."

"But the arrangements for subsequent collision experiments need to be changed."


Some people think that Professor Xu Chuan, who proposed the unified theory of strong electricity, is more worthy of this Nobel Prize than Professor Fox.

Xu Chuan breathed a long sigh of relief, shook his head gently and said.

Hearing this, Tai Xuewen frowned and couldn't help but said: "Is this too much of a sacrifice? After the verification of the unified theory of strong electricity is completed, you will be able to win the Nobel Prize."

First of all, the confidence level of the coupling constant prediction data of the core strong electric symmetry breaking has reached 5sigma.

[Indeed, I also agree +1]

This prediction data has been confirmed, which also means that the unified theory of strong electricity will most likely complete all verifications in the future and be completely accepted by the academic community.

This is a difficult job.

【impossible! How can the confidence level of 5sigma be achieved so easily? When studying the God Particle, almost the entire theoretical physics community spent four or five months working on it, and this was only less than two months. 】

Judging from the usual efficiency of verification work of various high-energy particles, this time is generally as short as four or five months, as long as a whole year or even longer.

This is why Xu Chuan is still confident of catching up with CERN's progress even after falling behind for nearly two months.

[But the unified theory of strong electricity has not been fully verified, right? We can wait until the unified theory of strong electricity is fully verified before awarding him the Nobel Prize. 】

For example, the confidence verification of the Higgs particle lasted for four or five months.

After a pause, he looked at Tai Xuewen and said jokingly: "Besides, whether to verify the strong-electromagnetic unification theory first or to search for inert neutrinos and dark matter first, it actually makes no difference to me."

After all, the prediction data of the coupling constant of strong-electromagnetic symmetry breaking is the core and basic part of the strong-electromagnetic unification theory.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums.

On the PhysicsForums physics forum, many physicists, scholars and people interested in physics expressed considerable surprise at the rapid progress of CERN's work.

After all, even with accurate predictions and powerful colliders, it is extremely difficult to analyze the information you need from the nearly endless collision data.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it won't take too long to find the full picture of inert neutrinos and search for dark matter."

All their invitations have been sent out, and some physicists and representatives of physics institutions have even arrived in Xingcheng in advance. They are visiting and understanding the situation at the headquarters of CRHPC these two days.

This is an open conspiracy, and it is the kind that has no solution.

"More importantly, they also put the acceptance report meeting on August 1st, which is obviously aimed at our launch meeting."

"With this, it is really hard to say how many top scholars and physics institutions will participate in our launch meeting."

"CERN does not have the ability to attract physicists for every work we do."

The large general magnetic spectrometer on the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPCII) has been verifying the process of the X(3872) particle decaying into omega J/psi for two years at 5sigma.

After briefly flipping through the news, Xu Chuan said with emotion.

[This was announced by the chairman of the CERN Council at the press conference, it cannot be false. ]

Because it is not an easy task to verify the strong-electric unified theory.

[If the strong-electric unified theory is also verified, I think it is not so important to award him the Nobel Prize, because he is fully qualified to award the Nobel Prize to others! 】

The results will then be reviewed by the CERN board and the entire theoretical physics community.

Faced with such an acceptance report meeting, it is probably very difficult for any physicist to refuse and not want to miss it.

Tai Xuewen smiled and said: "If the inert neutrino can also be fully confirmed, this is another Nobel Prize."

Xu Chuan smiled, took a sip of tea from the teacup, and said: "If the inert neutrino can be fully confirmed, maybe I will choose to establish a new medal with my own name!"

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