Great Country Academician

Chapter 783 CERN strong electric coupling 5sigma confidence!

The 17 trillion electron volt collision experiment was a perfect success, verifying the hard work and efforts of countless people from scientific researchers to engineers, scholars, workers, and government officials in the past two and a half years.

For any country, or even the whole world, the CRHPC circular super particle collider can be said to be a "heavy weapon".

It is the crystallization of human scientific wisdom, the most dazzling crown in the physics world, and the direction and hope for future development.

After the first round of 17 trillion electron volt collision experiments were successfully completed, the search for coupling constant data signals for the most critical strong electric symmetry breaking in the strong electric unification theory also began.

On the main pipeline storage ring, the "large conventional superconducting ring field detector" and the "kinetic energy trajectory tracking detector" located in the east and southeast corners began to jointly capture the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking.

The high-brightness LH-LHC has already disclosed the 3sigma data signal confidence, which has largely verified the correctness of the strong electric unification theory.

The rest, of course, depends on who will be the first to achieve the 5sigma confidence level.

For the theoretical physics community, the final results are the key to everything.

As for how many interim results there are before that, it is not very important.

Only truly decisive and verifying work can determine whether this theory is correct.

The 17 trillion electron volt collision experiment was a perfect success, and the acceptance of the CRHPC circular super-intense particle collider was carried out steadily and orderly.

In the energy storage ring of the collider's main pipeline, tens of thousands of particle clusters contain hundreds of millions of particles that are constantly flying at a speed close to the speed of light in the vacuum pipeline, and are also being continuously enhanced by the strong magnetic field formed by the outer superconducting material.

The energy level contained in each beam of particle clusters is constantly increasing, gradually rising towards the huge threshold of 100 Tev.

Although the verification work for the strong electric unified theory has begun, for the CRHPC collider, which is in the acceptance cycle, its current work is still to carry out various debugging and testing work.

The work of capturing the coupling constant signal of the strong electric symmetry breaking is just a side job.

It is also worth mentioning that two days ago, the "precise measurement experiment of the anomalous magnetic moment of protons and the observation experiment of Tao Zi" jointly submitted by Lin Feng, Peking University and the National Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory was finally decided to be temporarily stopped after the three parties discussed and carried out later.

The reason is very simple. Whether it is Lin Feng, the Physics Department of Peking University, or the team of the National Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory, they are unwilling to miss the verification of the strong electric unified theory.

Even if everyone is just a screw in this job, they are unwilling to miss it.

After all, this is a great achievement that is rare in a whole century. Even if you are screwing in, you can be proud of it after you go out.

When you retire, you can brag with other old men, saying: "Back then, I personally verified the strong electric unified theory."

Just like the scholars, engineers, and even workers who participated in the controlled nuclear fusion project back then.

No matter where this achievement is placed, it will be respected as a guest of honor, and it can be said that it can walk sideways.

The verification experiment for the strong-electric unified theory was conducted twice. After receiving two batches of experimental data, the energy level of the CRHPC collider began to rise continuously, soaring towards the collision energy level of 100 Tev.

After obtaining two batches of raw data, the raw data analysis work for the coupling constant signal of strong-electric symmetry breaking was also carried out in an orderly manner.

Xu Chuan personally participated in this work, and captured the raw data through the "Large Conventional Superconducting Ring Field Detector" and the "Kinetic Energy Trajectory Tracking Detector" and took the lead in pre-processing and cleaning it in the supercomputer.

Both detectors are general-purpose detection equipment, composed of multi-layer structures, and each layer of detectors is designed to find specific properties or specific types of particles.

That is, the design goal is to detect various possible signals as widely as possible, rather than looking for a single particle or phenomenon.

In this way, no matter what kind of physical process the new physics is or any new particles are produced, the general-purpose detector must be able to detect and measure its physical properties.

For example, its tracking device is completed by revealing the trajectory of the particle.

For example, muons are a type of particle that rarely interacts with matter, and muon cavities—tracking devices specifically designed to detect muons—usually form the outermost layer of the detector.

In contrast, most other devices do not make particle trajectories directly visible, but instead record the tiny electrical signals triggered when particles pass through the device, and then reconstruct the recorded trajectory pattern in a computer program.

Or a "particle identification detector" that identifies different types of particles.

It can determine the type of particle by detecting the particle's electrical charge trajectory and energy through tracking devices and calorimeters.

Only through these exquisite instruments and equipment can the trajectory and energy formed by high-energy particles during collisions be captured, and the microscopic world that was originally impossible to capture with the naked eye can be presented to everyone.

Of course, this is just the first step.

After capturing the data of high-energy particle collisions, the data needs to be verified and corrected, and invalid or erroneous data points need to be deleted to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data.

Subsequently, these data will be converted into a form that can be further analyzed.

For example, the original analog signal is converted into a physical quantity measurement result, classified in various ways, etc.

After the data preprocessing is completed, these planned collision data will be deeply studied using a variety of analysis methods.

Including but not limited to statistical data analysis, model fitting, random event reconstruction, and particle identification.

Through these methods, useful information can be extracted from the data, the properties of particles can be analyzed, parameters can be measured, and the physical model can be further verified and verified.

In these processes, the "mathematical analysis model" established for the particles to be studied is the top priority.

Only an accurate model can find the characteristics of the target particles or phenomena from the almost "endless" raw data and find the signals you need.

It can be said that every discovery, every breakthrough, and every theoretical verification in the field of high-energy physics is extremely difficult and arduous.

The raw data analysis of the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking is proceeding in an orderly manner.

If it is in other unknown fields, it is very difficult or even impossible to catch up with the progress of CERN, which has been ahead for more than a month.

But in the theory of strong electric unification, even if CERN has taken the lead in exploring and analyzing the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking for more than a month, Xu Chuan still has enough confidence to catch up.

No one is more familiar with the theory of strong electric unification than him!

No one knows better than him which collision raw data the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking will appear in, and what characteristics and forms it has.

He wrote the basis and algorithm of the targeted mathematical model, and then cooperated with the top physics teams of the supercomputing center and major domestic universities.

In just one week, before the collision test experiment at the 100Tev energy level began, they had pushed the confidence level of the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking to the 2sigma level!

Although this is still some distance away from the 3sigma previously disclosed by CERN, it only took them a week.

More importantly, they currently only have data from two collision experiments.

You should know that the confidence level is also related to the amount of data.

The probability that the value of the 2sigma principle is distributed in (μ-2σ, μ+2σ) is 0.9974;

0.9544-0.9974, the difference between them is not very large.

Of course, for particle detection and theoretical verification in the field of high-energy physics, or in other words, for any top-level "score", the top, the harder it is to improve.

This is actually similar to the test scores. For every point increase in the top score, the difficulty will rise sharply by several levels.

Just like mathematics, from 130 points upwards, every point increase, if not a truly talented player, the sweat and effort they put in are exponentially increasing.

The same is true for collision experiments in high-energy physics. If you want to increase the confidence level from 0 to the internationally recognized 5sigma, it is relatively easy in the early stage, but it becomes increasingly difficult in the later stage.

Just like the Higgs particle back then, after the LHC was upgraded, it still took several months to complete the confirmation of the Higgs boson.

They were able to push the confidence of the coupling constant signal of strong electrosymmetry breaking to the 2sigma level in just one week, which was inseparable from Xu Chuan, the creator of the strong electrosymmetry unified theory, and the mathematical model he wrote.

The work that CERN completed more than a month ago, and they only took a week.

It has to be said that this achievement, even if they are in a catching up position, can still be called dazzling with the Daritz diagram and related materials released in advance by the physics team of Caltech.

At the same time, on the other side of the Eurasian continent.

At the CERN headquarters, a press conference personally held by President Eliezer Rabinovich was in progress.

".Yesterday, Professor Fox Heil, the leader of the Stanford University Physics Group, formally submitted to the CERN Council an acceptance application report with a 5sigma confidence level for the coupling constant signal of strong electrosymmetry breaking!"

"The Daritz diagram formally submitted by Professor Fox Heil has a current data signal confidence level of 5sigma, that is, in a normal distribution of collision data, more than 99.99994% of the data means are within the range of plus or minus three standard deviations."

"With the joint efforts of the Stanford University Physics Team and many scholars at CERN, we finally have the first work that is about to be completed to verify the data predicted by the strong electrosymmetry unified theory!"

"This is an epic achievement that will be remembered by history!"

"In addition, after consultation and decision by Professor Fox Heil and the CERN Council, CERN will officially hold an acceptance work report meeting for the coupling constant experiment of strong electrosymmetry breaking three days later, on August 1st."

"We welcome physicists from all over the world to attend this important meeting."


The sudden news immediately shocked the entire press conference.

All the media reporters looked at President Eliezer Rabinovich on the press conference platform in surprise, with shock, confusion, surprise and other unbelievable expressions in their eyes.

The media reporters who can come to the press conference of physics institutions such as CERN have some understanding of the field of high-energy physics.

After all, if you really know nothing, even if you interview some problems and hot spots, you don’t know how to write articles, right?

So this time, the news released by President Eliezer Rabinovich shocked everyone without a doubt.

In just less than two months, the confidence level of the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking has increased from 0 to more than 5sigma.

This speed and efficiency were simply unmatched in the past.

Let’s not talk about other things. Take the confirmation of the most famous ‘God particle’ in the 21st century, that is, the Higgs boson. It took four or five months to increase the confidence level to 5.1sigma.

When did CERN become so efficient?

After a brief shock, all the media reporters in the audience were instantly excited.

The coupling constant signal of the strong electrosymmetry breaking reached a confidence level of 5sigma. Needless to say, at least part of the prediction of the strong electrosymmetry unification theory, and the core part, has been confirmed!

This is undoubtedly earth-shattering news for the physics community and even the whole world.

In an instant, a recorder was handed forward.

"Chairman Rabinovich, does this mean that Professor Xu's strong electrosymmetry unification theory has been confirmed?"

Hearing this familiar name, Eliezer Rabinovich frowned slightly. Although he didn't want to hear this name, the fact was unavoidable.

After thinking for a while, he quickly said: "The coupling constant signal of strong electrosymmetry breaking is only a part of the strong electrosymmetry unified theory. Even if it reaches a confidence level of 5 sigma, we still have a long way to go to confirm the strong electrosymmetry unified theory."

"Compared with the fully verified strong electrosymmetry unified theory, the coupling constant signal of strong electrosymmetry breaking verified by the Stanford University physics team is more worthy of celebration at the moment."

"It will be a big step forward for the physics community!"

As soon as the voice fell, another question came up.

"President Rabinovich, as we all know, the verification of a theory often takes a lot of time, especially in the field of high-energy physics."

"For example, the previous verification of the Higgs boson took four or five months to reach a confidence level of 5.1sigma. Why was CERN able to complete the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking so quickly this time?"

Rabinovich smiled and quickly replied: "Of course, this is inseparable from the joint efforts of the Stanford University Physics Group and many scholars and staff of CERN!"

"It is because of their diligence, and it can even be said that they work more than sixteen hours a day, that they can complete the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking in just two months."

After a slight pause, he looked at the media reporter,

"Of course, this is also inseparable from the powerful performance of the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC hadron collider and the superior ATLAS superconducting ring field detector. Excellent equipment has brought us clearer collision data and more particle collisions. Collision, this is also an indispensable part! "

"Hello, President Rabinovich, if the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking is confirmed, will this achievement bring a new Nobel Prize in Physics to Professor Xu Chuan who proposed this theory?"

Hearing that the question was related to Xu Chuan again, Rabinovich smiled reluctantly and replied: "You should ask the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences about this question. They can decide the awarding of the Nobel Prize."

"In my opinion, the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking is undoubtedly worthy of the Nobel Prize."


After a pause, he continued with a smile: "But this Nobel Prize should be awarded to the Stanford University physics team that worked on verifying the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking."

"It was they who designed and optimized the entire verification process that enabled us to complete this work so quickly."

Hearing this answer, the media reporters in the audience suddenly became excited, and someone asked quickly.

"President Rabinovich, do you think Professor Fox Hell of Stanford University deserves this Nobel Prize more than Professor Xu Chuan?"

"I didn't say that. If the strong-electromagnetic unification theory is fully verified, I believe the Nobel Prize will undoubtedly go to Professor Xu."

"But now it has only been partially verified, and we still have a long way to go."

"And Professor Fox Hell's work is also very good. It was his great contribution to the collision work that led to the discovery of the coupling constant of the strong-electromagnetic symmetry breaking that led to our achievement today."

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