Great Country Academician

Chapter 790 The bustling world of physics

Just when the entire physics community was focusing on the verification of the coupling constant data of the CRHPC circular super-intense particle collider and the strong electrosymmetry breaking.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, a new post quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"The verification of the coupling constant of the strong electrosymmetry breaking may have a huge error!"

A post quickly attracted the attention of everyone on the PhysicsForums forum.

CERN's acceptance report was officially accepted two days before the acceptance meeting, and today there were doubts on the forum.

There is no doubt that almost all scholars who are discussing the strong electrosymmetry unification theory and the development of physics clicked into the post directly.

"The latest news is that the verification of the coupling constant of the strong electrosymmetry breaking completed by Professor Fox Hale of the Department of Physics at Stanford University is very likely to have problems."

"According to reliable information, the person who raised this question is the famous Professor Xu Chuan."

The post is not long, but it has set off a violent wave on the forum.

[WTF? ]

[There are problems with the verification of the coupling constant of the strong electrosymmetry breaking? This is impossible, right? Hasn't it passed the acceptance of CERN? 】

[Professor Xu Chuan pointed out the question? I've been paying attention to his dynamics recently, but there seems to be no such news? 】

[What about the specific question? Even if it's Professor Xu, there should be specific questions when asking questions, right? 】

[Rumor? 】

[Shouldn't it be? The acceptance of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has been verified by CERN and countless top physicists. If there is a problem, it is impossible that it was not discovered during the acceptance. 】

[But for the theory of strong electrosymmetry unification, I'm afraid no one is more familiar with it than Professor Xu. If he clearly pointed out the problem, I'm afraid there is a high probability that there is a problem. 】

[But this message did not clearly point out where the problem is, but only said that the person who raised the question might be Professor Xu Chuan. I feel that it is more like using Professor Xu's name to attract visitors. 】

[Wait, if there is a real problem, with Professor Xu Chuan's academic reputation, I believe he will definitely point it out. 】


On the PhysicsForums physics forum, many people were attracted to the post by the title, but they were quite disappointed with the content of the post.

In the eyes of most physicists, this piece of news that came from nowhere is more like a rumor.

After all, this is data that has been jointly accepted by the CERN acceptance team and many theoretical physics circles. If there is really a problem, the acceptance will definitely not pass.

Unless there is really a very subtle problem that no one has noticed, and only Professor Xu has noticed it.

But the possibility of this situation is too low.

During the discussion at the PhysicsForums physics forum, on the other side, in the headquarters building of CRHPC.

"By the way, is there really a problem with the verification of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking?"

In the office, Lin Feng, who came from the other side to deliver the documents and materials and inquire about the news, put the documents in his hand on the table and asked curiously.

Xu Chuan looked up at him and asked, "Where did you get the news?"

"PhysicsForums physics forum, it's almost crazy to discuss it there." Lin Feng shrugged and replied.

"Did someone from CERN spread it?" Xu Chuan asked with a smile.

Regarding the acceptance report of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking, he has only communicated with Edward Witten, and no one else on the CRHPC side knows about it yet.

After all, for such a thing that has no definite evidence at present, it is impossible for him to publicize it publicly with his personality.

Especially with his current reputation, if he openly stated that there was a problem with the acceptance report of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking, who knows what kind of storm it would cause?

Maybe some people think he can't afford to lose. He has to find fault with the work that CERN has already completed?

Maybe some people think he is too arrogant. CERN and countless top physicists have verified that there is no problem with the data. Can you find a problem?

So now this topic suddenly popped up in the International Physics Forum, and the only possibility is that it was leaked by CERN's internal staff.

This kind of thing is not uncommon for CERN.

In the past, they had internal staff casually leaked work secrets on the Internet.

Lin Feng: "I don't know, but the forum is basically talking about this today. You haven't said it yet, is there really a problem?"

Xu Chuan smiled and replied: "I don't know whether there is a problem or not. The specific situation still needs detailed experimental data and Professor Fox's complete analysis data and process."

"I can give an answer after getting these data."

Lin Feng asked: "What do you feel?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "For science, feelings are extremely imprecise."


After a slight pause, he continued: "If it is purely based on my analysis and feelings of the acceptance data and the Daritz diagram, the possibility of problems is indeed greater."

Hearing this answer, Lin Feng's eyes showed an interested look, and he quickly asked: "What's the problem, data falsification?"

Xu Chuan glanced at him and said unhappily: "Don't go out and talk nonsense."

"No, no, don't worry, it won't happen. Don't you believe in my character?" Lin Feng smiled and came over, his face full of gossip.

"What's the problem with Professor Fox's data?"

Xu Chuan rolled his eyes at him, but still opened his mouth to explain briefly.

"Oh my god, it really could be fake?"

After listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, Lin Feng was amazed and surprised: "Stanford University's Department of Physics is very strong, but they actually do this kind of thing?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "It is also possible that Professor Fox's model is indeed excellent, and all the characteristics and data that do not belong to strong electrosymmetry breaking decay have been selected out."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Do you believe this possibility?"

Xu Chuan did not say anything and did not comment.

Indeed, for theoretical physics, this possibility is really too low.

Not to mention Stanford University, even he who created the mathematical tools for calculating high-energy particle channels and perfected the theory of strong electric unification could not do this.

The noise and other disordered states during particle breaking decay are almost impossible to completely eliminate with the current detectors and analysis technology.

Stanford University has drawn the characteristic data of strong electric symmetry breaking decay too perfectly.

It is hard not to let him think from this aspect.

Of course, perhaps others have already had similar views.

But as he said, science requires evidence and logic.

From the current situation, Professor Fox's analysis data and Daritz diagram are perfectly consistent with the characteristic data of strong electric symmetry breaking decay. It is difficult to find problems. It is reasonable to pass the acceptance.

After chatting for a while, in the office, the newly recruited assistant Shen Siyi came out of the cubicle next to him and reported quickly.

"Academician Xu, the meeting on the arrangement of future collision experiments of the CRHPC collider will start in ten minutes."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Well, I know, I'll be there right away."


"Let's go, Senior Brother Lin, it's time to go to the meeting."

Xu Chuan smiled and stood up, put the newspaper in his hand aside, tidied his clothes, and walked out.

Although the CRHPC circular super particle collider was built solely by China, considering the task of attracting scholars from other countries, they naturally cannot take all the arrangements for future collider experiments alone, and they have to share some with others.

And today's meeting will undoubtedly determine the collision work specifications of CRHPC for at least the next six months.

CRHPC headquarters, on the third floor of Qian District, in Conference Room No. 1.

A working meeting on the arrangement of collision experiments of the CRHPC collider is about to begin.

Representatives appointed by the physics societies of various countries have also come here at this moment.

Not only the countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia, but also some countries in Europe, America, the Middle East and even Africa have arranged representatives to participate in this meeting.

Although today's meeting is much smaller than yesterday's launch meeting in terms of scale, it has attracted more attention from all countries.

The reason is simple. As the world's second large particle collider, and with more than one energy level of performance exceeding CERN's high-brightness LH-LHC, the collision experiment of the CRHPC collider has become the most core resource in today's physics.

If nothing unexpected happens, CRHPC will not only be able to share the same status with LH-LHC, but will even gradually occupy a dominant position in the theoretical physics community in the future.

Apart from other things, in terms of research alone, today's high-energy physics has been ahead of experimental physics in theory for many years.

Theories about physics have long been deep into black holes, dark matter, quarks, gravity, and even the more elusive world of strings.

However, theories need to be verified through experiments.

Not only China, everyone wants the large particle collider to verify their theories and push themselves to the throne of the temple of physics.

Especially for the physics community that has seen hope beyond the standard model, whether it is inert neutrinos, dark matter and dark energy, or other unknown particles and phenomena.

Each of these achievements is worthy of one or more Nobel Prizes.

Here, there will be at least a dozen Nobel Prizes in the future, or even more.

So every country wants to fight for the collision resources of CRHPC, even Europe and the United States, which have arranged representatives to participate in this meeting on the basis of the direct competition between CRHPC and CERN.

PS: I will ask for monthly tickets for the second update.

In addition: I see that many readers are saying that the pace is slow, I will try to speed up in this regard later.

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