Great Country Academician

Chapter 794 Rewriting the Holy Land of Physics

The launch meeting of the CRHPC Circular Super Intense Particle Collider was successfully held, and the 130Tev energy level collision experiment was a perfect success.

It is a cause for celebration for the entire physics community.

But the strong attitude of the CRHPC organization in the experimental arrangement immediately afterwards has cast a deep worry on many people's hearts.

This is not just a protest by a physics institution in one country. It can be said that at least half of the countries and representatives who participated in the launch meeting said that CRHPC did not show an open and friendly cooperative attitude as they had previously advocated.

For the academic community, no matter which discipline, it develops in communication and moves forward in cooperation.

Especially for physics, a basic discipline that explores the truth of the universe and the laws of natural operation, it has already entered a situation of win-win cooperation among global scientists with the development of the times.

As for the news of these interviews, the attitude of CRHPC is like a thick layer of dark clouds on the originally clear sky.

This is very likely to cause the originally stable and harmonious academic community to enter the political field on a large scale, leading to division and serious gullies.

For this reason, many well-known scholars like Professor Arthur McDonald have indeed spoken out, hoping that these issues can be properly resolved.


The headquarters building of Science and Technology Institute, in the Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy.

Long Teng, who was working and handling the work at hand, received a call from the suburbs.

"Long Teng, the protest calls from the EU and the United States have all been called to me. What's the situation on your side?"

A middle-aged man's voice with some helplessness sounded on the phone. Long Teng was a little confused and asked quickly.

"Ah, what's wrong with me?"

"CRHPC, isn't the collider under the management of your Strategic Research Institute? The people from the United States and the European Union are clamoring to withdraw from CRHPC, and international public opinion has exploded."

"What happened to CRHPC?" Long Teng was a little confused and asked quickly.

Hearing this, the other party was also stunned for a moment, and asked hesitantly: "You don't know?"

Long Teng coughed and said: "I have been busy with other work recently and haven't paid much attention to it. And CRHPC is nominally under the management of the Science and Technology Department, but in fact, Academician Xu and others handle more affairs by themselves, and general matters will not be submitted to this side."

After a pause, he continued to ask curiously: "What happened over there? How did it all come to your side?"

On the other side of the phone, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly and briefly explained the situation.

"Are you saying that Academician Xu has monopolized the collider experiment of CRHPC, causing other countries to protest?" After listening to it briefly, Long Teng was a little confused.

"From past experience, Academician Xu doesn't seem to be a dictator?"

"That's not very clear, but I think it's better for you to go and see the situation. After all, the mission of CRHPC is still quite heavy. If all those Western countries are really driven away, it will be difficult to explain at that time."

Long Teng nodded and said, "Well, let me see what the situation is first."

Across from the middle-aged man in the suburbs muttered, "Then I'll trouble you, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do my work here, after all, there are really too many countries involved."

"Although the collider is built with our own money, the share of the collision experiment has long been allocated, and the fees have been paid. We still have to consider our reputation, right?"

"At this point, when the country is reviving, we can't let it down."

Long Teng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll understand the situation first, and I will definitely solve it 'properly'."

"Well, let's do this for now. I'll temporarily delay the protests in the suburbs, and you deal with it as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Long Teng smiled and shook his head gently.

The matter of the outer suburbs is a matter, but the matter of Academician Xu is not a matter?

Comparing the two, I am afraid that the latter work is more concerned by the higher-ups.

However, he cannot make a decision on this matter. He should first understand the situation and then ask the headquarters for their opinion.

After thinking for a while, Long Teng picked up his mobile phone and called his secretary to collect relevant information.

Although he attended the launch meeting of CRHPC, he had a lot of work to do and could not stay there for a long time. He rushed back quickly after the meeting.

He really didn't expect that he had been away for only two or three days, and there was a commotion there.

After about ten minutes, the secretary walked in quickly and handed the relevant information to the desk.

After briefly flipping through the relevant reports, looking at the news reported by the media of various countries, his keen political sense made him frown slightly, and he walked out of the office quickly with the information.

Xingcheng, the headquarters of CRHPC.

In Xu Chuan's office, Long Teng, who had hurried over from Beijing, briefly stated his purpose and quickly said, "Academician Xu, it seems that this matter has become quite serious."

"Europe and the United States may not let go of this and suppress us from a political perspective."

At first, he did not pay much attention to the calls from the suburbs. After all, protests happen every day, and countries protest against each other.

But after seeing the information and news collected by the secretary, Long Teng realized that things might be a little different from what he imagined.

I thought it was a small matter, but I didn't expect it might cause some relationship crisis.

Xu Chuan took the document handed over by Long Teng and flipped through it, then put it on the table and said with a smile:

"Don't worry too much about this. The operating modes of CRHPC and CERN are completely different. This is a collider built by us alone, just like Tiangong. It's good enough to allow them to participate. There is no problem in giving priority to our own people in the allocation of resources."

"Aren't you worried that countries like Europe and the United States will withdraw collectively?" Long Teng asked in surprise.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, they won't. They can't give up the resources of the CRHPC collider."

"As for the protests in the suburbs, you can just find a reason to deal with it."

"Okay." Nodding, Long Teng hesitated and asked, "Will this affect our deployment in the academic field?"

He is aware of the strategic goals of the CRHPC circular particle collider. This involves the layout of the country in the field of basic science, especially physics, and the interference is quite large.

"That's the other side of the matter."

As he spoke, Xu Chuan looked at Long Teng and said with a smile: "Regarding this aspect, there is something I want to trouble you, Long Teng."

"You tell me, as long as I can help." Long Teng replied quickly.

Xu Chuan thought for a while, organized his words, and said: "As far as I know, when CERN verified the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, there may be a certain degree of data falsification in its results. They may not have used all the original data analysis."

"I would like to ask you to help find someone to investigate this matter, and keep it secret. It would be best if you can get evidence that the other party fabricated the data."

Hearing this answer, Long Teng opened his mouth slightly, with a look of surprise: "Data falsification? Really?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It is very likely that it is inferred based on their detailed data. Long Teng doesn't believe me?"

Long Teng quickly replied: "Of course not, how could I not believe you, but I just couldn't believe it for a while. I didn't expect CERN to choose to fabricate data on such an important result."

After a pause, he patted his chest with excitement and promised: "Academician Xu, please rest assured, as long as the other party really fabricates data, I will definitely find evidence for you!"

If CERN really falsifies academic results, then this matter is very beneficial to them!

If this is true, then this is an opportunity that the other party has offered to them.

Originally, they were still worried about how to solve this problem, but now the reason has been delivered directly to them.

They can even use the reason of exposing the falsification of CERN data to deal a heavy blow to this opponent, and then pull physicists from all over the world over.

Of course, the premise is that they can find evidence of CERN data falsification to prove this.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble you with this matter."

Regarding the situation that CERN has fabricated data, he can't think of any other solution except asking the national staff for help.

This matter must get real evidence. If it can't be obtained, the other party can just find a reason, such as something missing in the analysis work to prevaricate.

But if the evidence can be obtained, combined with the re-verification data of the CRHPC collider, he can directly hammer CERN half to death and rewrite the holy land of physics!

PS: It's the beginning of the month, please give everyone the guaranteed monthly ticket, and I will update twice tomorrow. Thank you all big guys

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