Great Country Academician

Chapter 796 That’s right! I’ve done it!

When Xu Chuan was preparing to give SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory a little shock, he was outside the cafe of the CRHPC headquarters building.

Professor von Klitzing, who came over from CERN, made an appointment with his friend Professor Barry Barish to have a cup of afternoon tea together.

"Long time no see, my friend."

Walking in from the outside, Professor Barry Barish smiled, opened his arms, and gave Klitzing a hug.

"It has indeed been a few years. I heard that you used to work at the LIGO laboratory. Why are you here today?"

Klitsin smiled, hugged his old friend, and asked curiously.

Barry Barish, the 2017 Nobel Prize winner, won the Nobel Prize for his decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and gravitational wave observations.

Although they are both research in the field of physics, they are still somewhat different from the field of high-energy physics dominated by traditional colliders.

Kriching was still a little curious about his appearance in CRHPC.

Upon hearing this question, Professor Barry Barish sighed, frowned and said, "To be honest, I'm here for my research."

"Huh? What research?" Klitsing asked curiously.

"In terms of magnetic monopoles."

Hearing this, Klitsin raised his eyebrows and said, "Is the protest at the SLAC laboratory related to you?"

Barry Barish shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with me. I even advised them not to do that."


Kriching raised his eyebrows and asked with an interested smile: "If I remember correctly, you seemed to have presided over the MACRO experiment a long time ago, and the purpose of the experiment was to find a magnetic monopole. This strange particle.”

Professor Barry nodded and said: "It happened a long time ago, almost fifty years ago. That was in the 1980s of the last century."

Klitsin smiled and said: "So you are on the side of CRHPC?"

Barry Barish shook his head and said: "No, what CRHPC did this time is indeed a bit excessive. Such a rejection method is indeed unreasonable and can even be said to be a bit humiliating."

"Isn't physics growing through exploration? Although the magnetic monopole has never been discovered experimentally, no one can deny its value at present."

After a pause, he continued: "However, the practices of the SLAC laboratory are indeed somewhat inappropriate. Although the CRHPC organization is indeed somewhat powerful in arranging collision experiments, to be honest, publicly doing this will arouse public sentiment and try to force the CRHPC to Not a good choice.”

"There is a better way to handle this kind of thing."

Klitsin smiled and said, "Have you ever thought about another question?"


"Is that the competition between CERN and CRHPC, or the competition between the countries behind them?"

After taking a sip of the coffee in his cup, Professor Klitzing continued: "For academia, although we have always believed that academics should not be interfered with by politics, academics should be free."

"But the fact is often the opposite. In most academic fields, whether it is academic development or scientific development, it has long been inseparable from political support."

"This time CERN and CRHPC seem to be a competition between two physics institutions, but in fact it is a competition between two superpowers for the right to speak in the field of basic science."

"From this perspective, perhaps we can understand what has happened recently."

From another perspective, Klitsin briefly explained the possible reasons behind the recent events.

Although it is indeed reasonable to infer from theory, the direction of his consideration is completely biased.

Although China took the competition between CRHPC and CERN seriously, it never thought of using such dirty means to win the competition.

Most of the causes of this series of events were the United States and other Western countries who were behind the scenes. They did not want to see the rise of CRHPC and wanted to occupy more collision shares in CRHPC.

Of course, the accident at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory was indeed related to someone's previous 'carelessness'.

While Klitzing and Barry were reminiscing about old times, a new piece of news was posted on the official website of the CRHPC organization.

The CRHPC agency has taken note of the external comments and will hold a press conference one day later to respond positively to the relevant work situation.

As soon as this news came out, the entire physics community could not sit still, and journalists from various countries stationed in China rushed towards Star City.

There is no doubt that for the current heated physics community, CRHPC's response is like adding fuel to the fire, which instantly exploded the entire situation.

For the academic community, or for the physics community, there are more concerns.

Because if this matter is not handled properly, it will be significant for the development of the physics community.

The day is not long, the next day, it is two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the lecture hall of CRHPC headquarters, all the media reporters who could come rushed over.

Wearing casual clothes, Xu Chuan walked up to the reporting table from the side, and the noisy voices in the audience quickly quieted down.

Without wasting time, he spoke directly.

"Recently, the CRHPC organization has paid attention to the public opinion on the Internet. For those rumors and smears that are widely circulated, CRHPC needs to stand up to defend its reputation."

After a brief opening speech, when all the media reporters were waiting for his explanation, Xu Chuan smiled and said directly:

"I believe that everyone here has a lot of questions in their hearts, so I won't waste time. Now I will directly enter the question-and-answer session. You can start asking questions. I will prove that there is no problem with CRHPC's arrangement during the question-and-answer session!"

Omitting the explanation session and directly entering the question-and-answer session, the sudden change caught all the media reporters present off guard, so that the audience was directly silent.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one raised their hands to ask questions for a while.

After a long silence, the media reporter from the Washington Post boldly raised his hand.

Xu Chuan spread his hands and motioned the other party to ask questions.

The reporter from the Washington Post stood up, took a deep breath, organized his words and asked questions.

"Hello, Mr. Xu Chuan, I am a reporter from the Washington Post. Have you noticed the protests from various countries against the CRHPC organization's almost 'dictatorial' way of deciding the collision experiment arrangement these days? What do you think of these remarks?"

Xu Chuan did not hesitate and said directly: "First of all, regarding the experimental arrangement of the CRHPC circular particle collider, CRHPC has always adhered to international friendly cooperation and attached importance to the cooperation and experimental applications of various countries."

After a slight pause, he pressed the control button on the report desk, and a PPT picture popped up on the screen behind him.

"This is the experimental arrangement of the CRHPC collider in the next six months. In addition to the verification of the coupling constant of the strong electric symmetry breaking, nearly half of the experiments are from the applications of physics institutions and physicists in various countries."

"As for this experimental arrangement, I don't know where the word dictatorship comes from?"

As soon as the voice fell, a media reporter raised his hand and asked a question.

"Hello, Professor Xu. I am interviewed by representatives of CRHPCs from various countries. At the first CRHPC collision experiment arrangement meeting, you ignored everyone's opposition and forced the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking to the first place. How do you explain this?"

Looking at the reporter who asked the question, Xu Chuan quickly replied: "The coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking is an important part of the strong electrosymmetry unified theory, and it is also the cornerstone of the standard model and even the entire physics."

"I have sufficient evidence to prove that there are problems with CERN's collision experiments and data analysis work, and the adoption of an erroneous theory will cause serious obstacles to the development of the entire physics, and may even cause the foundation of the entire physics to collapse."

"As a physics laboratory with the highest collision energy level in the world, CRHPC has the responsibility and obligation to review CERN's work."

"In addition, raising the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking to the first place is to replace China's original The first place was obtained from other collision experiments. "

"Originally in the experimental arrangement, the first collision experiment was used to verify other predicted data of the strong-electric unified theory."

"And replacing an experiment that was originally confirmed to belong to China with another work, and not affecting the collision arrangements of other countries, I think there is no problem at all."

After a pause, he glanced at the reporters in the audience, and continued in a calm tone: "In addition, from my personal point of view, I think CERN has made a serious mistake in the acceptance of the coupling constant for strong-electric symmetry breaking."

"Before I, the original author of the paper, expressed any opinion, they arbitrarily passed the verification of the theory, so that CRHPC had to step out and re-experiment to ensure the rigor of the strong-electric unified theory."

"This not only wastes precious collision experiment resources, but also causes a serious academic crisis."

As soon as these words came out, the media reporters in the audience immediately became excited.

They are not afraid of big things, but they are afraid of nothing.

From CRHPC to CERN, both sides were dragged into the water, which is undoubtedly what they want to see.

At this moment, a familiar female reporter stood up and said, "How do you explain the protest of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory?"

"As a physicist, I believe that Professor Xu knows the significance of magnetic monopoles to physics better than I do."

"For such an important experiment, CRHPC rejected it in an almost unreasonable way, saying 'the experiment is currently worthless'. Does this mean that there is no intention to fulfill its due obligations and contempt for researchers from other countries?"

Hearing this question, looking at the familiar reporter in the audience, Xu Chuan raised an arc at the corner of his mouth.

His thumb pressed on the console, and a paper titled "Theoretical Study of Polarons Based on the Strong Electron-Phonon Interaction System in the Strong Electron Unification Theory" appeared quietly in front of everyone on the screen behind him.

Looking at the paper on the screen behind him, Xu Chuan said, "This is the focus of today."

"I don't deny that the exploration of magnetic monopoles is of great significance to the physics community."

"But precious resources like super colliders should not be wasted on a work that has been successfully verified!"

After the words fell, the media reporters in the audience were in an uproar.

"What does this mean for work that has been successfully verified?"

Looking at the media reporters in the audience who were constantly making a commotion, Xu Chuan raised a confident smile on his face: "Maybe you can't understand the paper behind me, but that doesn't matter, because it has already achieved the goal of the collision experiment proposed by the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory!"

"That's right!"

"I have already completed the exploration of magnetic monopoles several months ago!"

"Although this is not an academic report, standing here, I can still publicly state to the entire academic community that magnetic monopoles clearly exist in microscopic experiments."

"And, I have already manufactured instruments and equipment that can produce magnetic monopoles through relevant experiments!"

After the words fell, the audience was in an uproar.

No one expected that the problem of magnetic monopoles that has troubled the physics community for nearly two centuries was actually completed quietly.

If someone else stood up and said this, perhaps the media reporters present would immediately express serious doubts.

However, if it was the person standing on the stage at this moment, what remained in everyone's heart was only a tsunami-like shock.

There is no other reason. Since this scholar came into the public eye, almost all of his published results have been proven to be correct.

If he said that the exploration experiment of magnetic monopoles has been completed, I am afraid this will become another great achievement in the physics community.

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