Great Country Academician

Chapter 795 Of course, I’m going to give them a little shock!

Chapter 798: Of course, I'm going to give them a little shock!

In the office, not long after Long Teng from the Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy left, Lin Feng rushed in.

Seeing the other party's anxious look, Xu Chuan asked, "What's wrong? So anxious?"

After taking two breaths and calming down his breathing, Lin Feng quickly handed over the tablet in his hand.

"Something happened. The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States held a press conference to protest our unreasonable rejection of their collision experiment application."

"SLAC Accelerator Laboratory?"

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

After taking the tablet from Lin Feng, he clicked on the interview news on it.

The picture jumped to Menlo Park in the south of the San Francisco Bay Area on the west coast of the United States.

In the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, standing in the interview room, the head of the laboratory, Professor Gustav Jeffrey, was spitting at the cameras of many media.

".I regret that I never thought that the CRHPC meeting would reject our collision experiment application in such an 'unreasonable' way!"


"Look at what the Chinese wrote on the rejection form?"

Gustav Jeffrey, the director of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, took out an application form while speaking.

In front of the camera, through the magnification of the news media, the content of the application form and the reason for the rejection can be clearly seen.

"Application for the Tensor Magnetic Monopole Exploration Experiment Collision"

Reason for rejection: The experiment is currently worthless.

Holding the application form in his hand, Gustav Jeffrey was furious. Facing many media reporters, he sprayed in front of all the cameras:

"Look! Look at how the Chinese show off their pitiful authority!"

"The significance of the magnetic monopole does not need me to explain too much. It is one of the most mysterious particles in the universe. For physics, its unique characteristics make it the first choice of dark matter particles in dark matter and dark energy, and it is also an important clue for our study of the origin of the universe!"

"However, it is such an extremely valuable experiment! The CRHPC organization used the current value of the experiment to reject it. It was rejected on the simply unreasonable ground of being worthless!"

"It's hard for me to imagine what kind of thinking they had in rejecting our experimental application!"

"Because this is not only disrespectful to physics, but also does not take applications from other countries' experimental institutions into consideration! I can even say, do they really understand physics?"

"The United States has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in experimental fees to the CRHPC agency, but now it cannot get even a little bit of collision experiments. I seriously doubt whether they are just using the collider to defraud other countries of funds."


On the press conference stage, Gustav Jeffrey snarled at the cameras of numerous media.

Under the stage, the eyes of many media reporters who came to interview were gleaming with excitement.

What’s your favorite thing about being a news outlet?

There is no doubt that these are all kinds of ‘big explosions’.

And for today's academic community, is there anything more exciting than CRHPC, which is in the midst of a whirlpool?

Previously, physics institutions from the European Union, the United States, East Asia and other countries jointly revealed the news that the CRHPC institution has a special dictatorship and does not care about the opinions of other countries.

Now, the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has come out to criticize the other party for rejecting the collision application of a major experiment for unreasonable reasons.

In less than a week, two pieces of news that can be said to be "fatal" suddenly broke out. For the newly established CRHPC, the blow is so heavy that you can imagine it with your toes.

If it is not handled properly, I am afraid that the reputation of this largest large particle collider in physics will fall to the bottom in an instant.

Of course, this is not something that these media reporters need to consider.

For the media, how to get the most heat and traffic from an event to the greatest extent is what they need to consider!

After briefly flipping through the interview news video, Xu Chuan clicked on the comments.

As expected, the comment area has exploded.

[At first, I didn't quite believe that the CRHPC led by Professor Xu would do such a thing. After all, from the past, he has never been a dictator who doesn't listen to other people's opinions. Now it seems that ε=(ο`*))) Alas]

[See, I said that China is not so kind. They will never open the collider resources to other countries. They will only hold it firmly in their own hands. ]

[As a doctor of physics in the field of high energy, I am really disappointed with this result. The importance of magnetic monopoles to physics is not inferior to that of inert neutrinos. It is very likely to be the legendary basic particles that constitute dark matter and dark energy. ]

[However, now, this collision experiment, which almost everyone who has studied physics knows its importance, has been rejected by the CRHPC organization for such a ridiculous reason. ]

[The dragon slayer eventually becomes the dragon. I didn't expect Professor Xu to take this path. ]

[Maybe he has other reasons? Or maybe it's not him who controls the arrangement of the collision experiment? ]

[Do you think it's possible? Would the reviewers not know about this extremely important physics experiment? This is one of the most important theories in physics.

[This experiment is worthless, incredible. I never thought that the Chinese, who I always thought were gentle, would be so arrogant. This reason is really... Tsk tsk]


Standing in the office, Lin Feng frowned and said, "No, what is the Scientific Research Council doing? Even the collision experiment of magnetic monopoles can be rejected, and with this reason? Isn't this giving others a handle?"

The Scientific Research Council is the most important organization under the CRHPC Council.

It controls the scientific, technical and management activities of CRHPC, approves activity projects, accepts budgets, and evaluates expenses. The Council is assisted by the Science Policy Committee and the Finance Committee and is responsible for the management of the CRHPC organization and related laboratories.

For this somewhat absurd decision, not only those international scholars and physics institutions, but even he felt that this decision was indeed a bit too hasty.

After all, the application for the collision of the tensor magnetic monopole exploration experiment, which has a great impact on the entire physics community, should be rejected in a more tactful way, right?

He really didn't understand why the Scientific Research Council rejected this collision experiment application.

Although Xu Chuan had made a strong decision to modify the experimental arrangement of the CRHPC collider, there were sufficient reasons for that.

The theory of strong electric unification is the supporting pillar of the entire physics building. In the face of such a major achievement, even if there is only a trace of doubt, it is necessary to repeatedly verify it.

But Lin Feng really couldn't think of any reason to reject the application for the tensor magnetic monopole exploration experiment collision.

Across the sofa, Xu Chuan smiled, put the tablet in his hand on the coffee table, and said: "The rejection of the tensor magnetic monopole exploration experiment collision application has nothing to do with the Scientific Research Council. This is my decision."

Hearing this answer, Lin Feng was stunned and looked over with disbelief and suspicion.

"You made the decision?"


Xu Chuan nodded and smiled, "Yes, I made the decision."

Lin Feng looked at him in surprise and couldn't help but ask, "This is a magnetic monopole exploration experiment? It's worthless?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Of course not, the magnetic monopole exploration experiment is a very valuable collision experiment."

If the magnetic monopole exploration experiment is worthless, it will not be considered one of the most important theories in physics.

Moreover, the facts have proved that the magnetic monopole is not only of great theoretical value, but also of great application value.

The importance of the plasma electromagnetic deflection integrated defense shield is self-evident. Even the component of the magnetic monopole electromagnetic field shield is enough for all countries to beat their brains out.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this technology appears in a country other than the five major gangsters, the mold will probably start landing the next day.

How can this level of theoretical technology not be important?

Beside the sofa, Lin Feng was even more surprised and couldn't help asking, "Why did you reject the application of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory?"

Xu Chuan: "Of course I have my own reasons."

After a slight pause, he continued, "Do you think it is necessary to spend collider resources to re-verify a theory that has been verified and even has achieved technical results?"

Hearing this answer, Lin Feng was stunned and asked stutteringly, "Verified? What do you mean?"

Xu Chuan smiled, stood up and walked outside: "Literally."

He originally didn't intend to bring out the theory related to magnetic monopoles, after all, this achievement involves the plasma and electromagnetic deflection integrated defense shield.

At least before this technology was completely completed, he didn't actually think about making this part of the theory public, even if it was only part of it.

I didn't expect the people at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to hold on to this point.

Of course, this has something to do with the words he did use to reject the other party's application in a "hasty" way.

Maybe it would have been better to be gentler at the beginning.

But he was so busy at work at that time, reviewing many collision experiment applications every day, how could he have so much time to think of reasons to take care of other people's little emotions, so he chose the most concise way of reply.

I didn't expect that it would backfire on me now.

In the office, Lin Feng stared blankly at Xu Chuan who had stood up and walked out, still immersed in shock, and asked stupidly: "Where are you going?"

Xu Chuan replied without turning his head: "Of course I'm going to give a little shock to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory!"

PS: There will be another update later, please vote for me. QAQ, the monthly vote is so lowヾ(ω`。)

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