Great Country Academician

Chapter 797: Let me show you the real ‘genius’ in this world!

The CRHPC press conference ended, and relevant news quickly spread through media staff from various countries.

While the physics community was still discussing whether the work arrangements of CRHPC were reasonable, the news that magnetic monopoles had already been detected and could even be produced through experiments and equipment immediately caused a shock in the physics community.

This is a particle that the physics community has not found for a whole century.

It started in 1931 when physicist Paul Dirac used mathematical formulas to predict the existence of magnetic monopoles.

By 1975, American scientists used high-altitude balloons to detect traces of cosmic radiation outside the Earth's atmosphere and used particle accelerators to artificially create magnetic monopoles.

In 1994, Nathan Seeberg and Edward Witten first tried to prove the theoretical possibility of magnetic monopole particles through mathematical physics.

For a whole century, the world of physics never caught sight of this mysterious particle or a trace of it.

But now news suddenly came out from the CRHPC organization that it has been confirmed to actually exist and can be prepared by artificial means, which almost shocked everyone's jaws.

If the person standing at the press conference was not Professor Xu Chuan, who is familiar to the physics community, it would be difficult for anyone to believe this sudden news.

In the coffee shop downstairs of the CRHPC headquarters, two professors, Klitzing and Barry Barish, gathered together again in the same location.

Looking through the latest news reports, Klitsin suddenly sighed: "It seems that all my previous speculations were wrong."


Across the way, Professor Barry, who was also reading reports about magnetic monopoles, looked up and gave a puzzled hum.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Klitsin smiled and said, "At first, I thought the CRHPC agency's rejection of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's application for a collision experiment was due to political influence."

"Unexpectedly, he has proved the existence of magnetic monopoles."

Hearing this, Professor Barry frowned slightly and said: "It should be debatable whether such an important result has really been confirmed before it has been verified by the physics community."

Picking up the coffee on the table and taking a sip, Klitsing said with a smile: "Indeed, the most indispensable link for academia is rigorous verification."

"No matter who it is, no matter what the result is, it has been fully verified by the academic community before it can be proven to be true."


After a slight pause, he continued with a smile: "If Professor Xu has done it himself, and he stands in public and says it has been completed, then I am willing to believe that he has really done it."

"Furthermore, I believe that at least 80% or more of the scholars in the physics community who know him will have the same views as me."

"If it were placed in the field of mathematics, I am afraid that at least more than 95% of scholars would choose to believe that his public results are correct."

Professor Barry frowned and looked over, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

Kriching has been his friend for decades and knows his character very well.

Von Klitzing, who was born in the Germanic country, inherited the meticulous, rigorous and responsible character of the Germanic people.

Especially in the academic field, the physics community is famous for being rigorous and serious.

It is almost rare to see him express his admiration for a research result before it has been fully confirmed by the academic community.

Because he doesn't want his opinions to interfere and influence the outside world.

But today, he had never recommended such a person to someone before.

Seeing the surprise on his old friend's face, Kliting smiled and said, "If you know Professor Xu Chuan's past, I believe you will have the same thoughts as me."

"In the field of physics, or any research results he is involved in, whether it is mathematics, physics, or other fields, it can be said that the public results have all been verified to be correct without exception."

"His attitude towards academics is more rigorous and serious than any scholar I have ever seen."

"So when he stood at a press conference and said that he had completed the exploration of magnetic monopoles, I was willing to believe it."

Professor Barry frowned and said, "Even if he really discovered the existence of magnetic monopole particles, don't you think it's a bit outrageous to claim that they can be produced through instruments and equipment?"

"You know, applying theoretical results to solve practical problems is sometimes even more difficult than creating the theory."

"Especially in the field of theoretical physics, the impact on applied technology is often measured in hundreds of years. Even if Professor Xu Chuan can detect a magnetic monopole, it will probably take at least 10 years to successfully create it. It’s calculated in years.”

Barry shook his head. He was not optimistic that Professor Xu could complete the transformation from theory to application in such a fast time, especially in the field of particle physics.

It has been ten years since the discovery of the Higgs particle, but apart from the discovery by the Large Strong Particle Collider, I have never heard of any physical institution that can create this God particle through other means.

Klitzing smiled, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly remembered another thing, and he quickly said: "Arxiv!"


"Want to make a bet?"

Just as he was about to say his guess, Klitzin changed the subject and asked with a smile.

"What bet?" Barry asked with a frown.

"Bet on who is right about our different opinions. I think he has done everything he said!"

"You think so highly of him?"

Barry Barish was puzzled. In his opinion, Klitzin would definitely lose this bet.

Klitzin smiled and said, "I remember you have a manuscript of 'Low-dimensional Particle Measurement and Scale Problem Theory'. If I win, I want this."

"If I lose, I will give you the manuscript of 'A New Method for High-precision Determination of Fine Structure Constant Based on Quantumized Hall Resistance'."

Hearing this, Barry Barish looked over with an incredible look on his face: "Are you sure?"

Although this manuscript is not Klitzin's greatest research achievement, it is one of the manuscripts second only to the quantum Hall effect.

For the entire physics community, the preciousness of this manuscript is quite amazing, especially for physicists like them, who would not exchange it for 10 million.

He had thought about this manuscript a long time ago, but no matter what, he couldn't even exchange it.

And now, Klitzing can actually take out this manuscript for a bet?

"I agree."

Professor Barry agreed without hesitation and grinned: "I hope you don't regret it!"

Klitzing smiled confidently and said: "Prepare the manuscript of 'Low-dimensional Particle Measurement and Scale Problem Theory'!"

He said, he quickly drank the coffee in his hand, stood up, and walked out: "Come with me."

"Where to?"

"Take you to see what the real 'genius' in this world is like."

Klitzing replied without looking back.

CRHPC headquarters, German office area.

Pushing open the door, Klitzing walked quickly to the desk, turned on the computer that had been on standby, logged into the Arxiv preprint website, found the familiar name, and quickly clicked in.

Then, a recently updated paper came into his eyes.

Seeing the title of the paper, Kliqing's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Click, download, print.

After waiting for a few minutes, Professor Kliqing quickly took out the still warm paper from the printer room. After briefly flipping through it, the smile on his face became more obvious.

Back in the office, he handed the paper in his hand to Barry Barish and said with a smile: "Remember to send me the manuscript of 'Low-dimensional Particle Measurement and Scale Problem Theory' after you go back!"

Barry Barish took the manuscript, and his face still had a look of what you are dreaming.

However, the next second, when the title of the paper came into view, he was stunned and stood there as if he was half petrified.

"Research on Experimental and Interference Data Based on Magnetic Polariton Fields in Different Magnetic Fields"

Looking at the paper in his hand, the old man, who is now over 80 years old, couldn't help rubbing his eyes and looked at it again with some disbelief.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, he could not help but look up at Klitzing standing opposite him, his eyes full of shock, surprise, and even a trace of disbelief that he had not yet reacted to.

Klitzing smiled and nodded without speaking.

Barry Barish swallowed a mouthful of dry air, lowered his head and looked at the paper in his hand again.

After a long time, he put down the paper in his hand and sighed: "He actually did it?"

With his ability, although it takes a long time to dialectically prove the correctness of the paper, it is no problem to understand the general aspects of theory, design, experiment, and data.

At least in a short period of time, he did not find any place or trace of data errors or falsification in this paper.

This means that the data in the paper are most likely taken from real experiments.

Klitzing smiled proudly and said, "If I was not sure, how could I take out the manuscript of the new method for high-precision determination of fine structure constants based on quantized Hall resistance to bet with you?"

Professor Barry's mouth twitched, and he was about to say something but stopped.


He was cheated!

The cunning Klitzing actually knew how to set up a scheme?

Knowing that there were already results on arixv, he still deceived this old man!

How abominable!

When the physics community was studying the two papers "Polaron Theory of Strong Electron-Phonon Interaction System Based on Strong Electron Unification Theory" and "Study of Experimental and Interference Data Based on Magnetic Polaron Fields in Different Magnetic Fields".

CRHPC headquarters.

After the meeting on the arrangement of the 2024 collision experiment was completed, the relevant preparations were also quickly carried out.

The re-verification of the coupling constant for strong electrosymmetry breaking was quickly put on track under the auspices of the CRHPC staff.

The operating energy level of the huge pipeline hundreds of meters underground gradually decreased from 130Tev to the verification energy level of 17Tev.

At the same time, top physicists from all over the world also gathered here.

The re-verification of the coupling constant for strong electrosymmetry breaking in the strong electro-unification theory is an extremely important matter for the physics community, regardless of whether the problem can be found.

On August 10, after several days of preparations, the particle collision experiment at the energy level of 17 trillion electron volts began again!

The staff who had already made all preparations started their work in a stable and orderly manner.

The fusion reactor that breeds star-like energy stably transports huge electrical energy to tens of kilometers of pipelines, forming a strong ring-shaped magnetic field here.

The particle acceleration hidden hundreds of meters underground has officially started.

The huge particle beam flies in the ring tube at a speed close to that of light.

In the east and southeast corners, the 'Large Conventional Superconducting Ring Field Detector' and the 'Kinetic Energy Trajectory Tracking Detector' arranged in the east and southeast corners also jointly began to capture the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking.

Raw data calculated in Pb (1Pb=1024Tb) is continuously input from the two detectors to the CRHPC supercomputing center and computers across the country.

In order to quickly complete the screening and analysis of such exaggerated data, even if CRHPC has built its own supercomputing center, the computing power is still not enough.

The ‘cloud computing resources’ spread throughout China provide powerful computing and storage capabilities for this purpose.

This allows CRHPC to process data on a large scale in a shorter time than CERN and provides flexible data analysis and sharing capabilities.

With the powerful performance of the CRHPC collider, the CRHPC supercomputing center, a large number of cloud computing resources, and the mathematical analysis model written by Xu Chuan himself, the experimental data analysis of the coupling constant signal for strong electric symmetry breaking can be said to take a day. Same thing.

The confidence of 3sigma, which has been verified for a long time, is rapidly improving with the joint efforts of many university scholars in China, which can be said to work in almost round-the-clock rotation.

On the sofa, Lin Feng had dark circles under his eyes. He knocked on the door and barged in without waiting for a response. His excited voice was filled with excitement. He quickly walked up to Xu Chuan and threw the folder in his hand on the table. on, and said excitedly:

"The 'Large Conventional Superconducting Toroidal Field Detector' and the 'Kinematic Energy Trajectory Tracking Detector' are two general-purpose detection devices. Their sensitivity to particles and decay signs are better than designed. Through them, we More raw data captured.”

"Coupled with the mathematical model you wrote, the required data can be captured from the original data more quickly. It is estimated that in about three to five days, the confidence level of the experimental data of the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking will be It can reach more than 5sigma.”

Listening to Lin Feng's report, Xu Chuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise: "So fast?"

In just half a month and more than two weeks, the experimental analysis data and related Dalitz diagrams were almost completed.

It is no exaggeration to say that on the basis of discarding CERN's analysis data and the Dalitz diagram, because the other party's data is fraudulent, if you want to re-verify it, you must completely discard the other party's interference and influence, and you can only Process the data bit by bit through your own collision experiments.

On this basis, he did not expect such rapid progress.

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