Great Country Academician

Chapter 799 The biggest mistake, or ‘loophole’!

If we say 2024 is the most exciting year since the physics world entered the 21st century.

So in the second half of 2024, starting from July, the entire physics community will be like an ocean in a Category 10 typhoon, with rough waves and one wave after another.

Whether it is the completion of the unified theory of strong electricity, or the successive upgrades and construction completion of the two major colliders, LH-LHC and CRHPC.

Or the competition between CERN and CRHPC, the verification of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking, the detection experiments of magnetic polariton particles, etc.

These news and reports can be said to have dominated the headlines of physics in any year in the past.

Like a tsunami after an earthquake, one wave rises after another, washing everyone's eyeballs, shocking everyone's brains, and making people overwhelmed.

It would be okay if you are outside the academic circle. After all, whether it is the unified theory of strong electricity or a collider, or the competition and controversy between CERN and CRHPC, it may not be as good as the cheating of a certain star or the gossip. of.

But if you are in the academic circle, especially in the physics community, almost all physicists or physicists can clearly feel it.

Behind all the news and turmoil, there seems to be a huge and irresistible force hidden, just like the wheel of the times pushing everyone forward.

Among all these "big melons", the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the verification of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking.

On the front foot, CERN has just passed the verification, announcing that the physics community has completed the 5sigma confidence level, confirming that the core prediction data of the unified theory of strong electricity is correct.

Professor Xu Chuan, the author of the unified theory of strong electricity, then stood up and publicly stated that there may be major errors in CERN's verification data.

The two major physics institutions CERN and CRHPC have launched a fierce "competition" around this research result, and the physics community has also been involved in a "side" action.

Some people think that there can be no accidents or mistakes in the results that have been verified by CERN and the physics community.

After all, this is the acceptance result that in addition to CERN's acceptance team, many top physics experts participated.

Of course, some people choose to believe Professor Xu Chuan, who has a better academic reputation, and believe that even if it passes the verification, there may be unobserved loopholes.

In particular, Professor Xu Chuan is also the proposer of the unified theory of strong electricity. I am afraid no one is more familiar with this data than him.

Now, after more than a month of controversy, this verification data that has stirred up the entire physics is finally coming to an end.

However, what surprised everyone was that before they could wait for the acceptance report meeting three days later, they were the first to receive a brand new paper uploaded by Xu Chuan on the Arxiu preprint website.

"The theory of breaking effects of quark clusters, gluons and void fields in high-energy level collision experiments!" 》

To put it simply, when the experimental energy level reaches a certain level (strong enough for electric breakdown), the quark group will be converted into a new quark group in the collision experiment.

In this process, the gluons responsible for transmitting the strong interaction will have a breaking effect with the void field, obtaining enough energy from the void to maintain new quark groups and generate strong interactions.

Once this theory was published, it immediately set off a wave of controversy in the physics community.

Most scholars have heard that Xu Chuan has previously studied a set of true "grand unified theories" that can include the standard model, dark matter, dark energy, the nature of gravity, and the origin of neutrinos, and they also know about this theory. It's called 'void field theory'. ’

However, no one thought that this day would come so quickly.

Two days before the reverification of the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking, the void field theory, at least part of it, had been made public.

After the paper was published, it can be said that almost no one in the physics community publicly came forward to express their views on this paper.

Even if media reporters come to visit and want to interview those well-known top experts, they all find that they are no longer at their homes or places of work.

After asking around, I found out that all of these people had already booked their air tickets, and even if they needed various transfers, they went to China without hesitation.

September 4th.

Star City, the headquarters of CRHPC, welcomes physicists from all over the world.

Even many physicists who were not involved in high-energy physics or theoretical physics took this opportunity to fly to China.

On the one hand, the core prediction data of the unified theory of strong electricity is indeed crucial.

Even scholars who are not in the field of theoretical physics cannot avoid this cornerstone.

On the other hand, there is the paper related to the void field that was only released to the arxiv preprint two days ago.

It can even be said that most physicists in the field of non-theoretical physics came from all over the world just for this paper.

A theory that includes concepts such as the standard model, dark matter, dark energy, gravity, the origin of mass, etc. is definitely the focus of all physicists in the physics community.

Especially in the paper uploaded by Xu Chuan, everyone saw traces that the void field theory seemed to be partially verified in this century.

The linkage between quarks, gluons and the void field is just like the explanation in the true void field theory. Then, to a large extent, the physics community can be sure that the Higgs field is not the field that creates everything.

The void field is!

And for a physicist, this attraction is fatal.

Star City, Taohualing.

In the parking lot outside the CRHPC headquarters, Professor Didier Queloz, who got off the sky blue taxi with a suitcase, looked at the headquarters building not far away.

Tomorrow is the time for the acceptance report meeting of the coupling constant of the strong electrosymmetry breaking at CRHPC. In order not to miss this event, he deliberately arrived here a day in advance.

Although he is not a scholar of high-energy physics theory, his research direction is somewhat related to theoretical physics.

In 2019, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the first discovery of an extrasolar planet.

And that year, there were two other scholars who attended the event with him.

One of them was his research partner, but the other was not.

He had a very deep memory of the name of another person who took away one-third of the Nobel Prize from him and his companions.

Vogt Armstrong.

This name that made him remember deeply took away one-third of the prize from him.

The reason was that the other party used the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to accurately lock a star called ‘TRAPPIST-1’ and accurately determine the planetary situation of this star system.

And it was determined that there was a highly similar earth-like planet in the ‘TRAPPIST-1’ star system, with a similarity of an astonishing 96.7%.

With this achievement, Professor Vogt Armstrong jumped from a barely second-rate physicist to a first-rate physicist.

This also made Queloz very curious about a mathematical tool for the first time.

However, for a physicist, it is too difficult to thoroughly study the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem and its extended application.

Although he was able to skillfully use most of the mathematical tools to solve the problems he encountered in the research process, facing the research of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem and its various forms of change, even if he turned out all the relevant papers and reports in the past, he was not able to fully master the application of this tool.

For the astronomy and astrophysics community, the importance of this tool can be said to have surpassed the trigonometric parallax method, Kepler's three laws and other commonly used mathematical tools in the past.

The only regret is that to master this method and use it to accurately calculate the parameters of distant celestial bodies, you need to master quite advanced mathematical skills.

This is also one of the important reasons why Professor Didier Queloz came here this time.

The scholar who invented this mathematical tool is here. As long as that person is willing to spread this subject, at least in this field, scholars who come out of here will always be at the forefront of the world.

It can even be said that in the future interstellar era, this country may harvest more habitable planets.

He wanted to communicate with that person, not only to enable himself to master this mathematical tool more skillfully.

More importantly, he wanted to see if he could attract that person's attention to the astronomy and astrophysics community.

After all, apart from a few lectures held by that person when the theory was first published, he has never paid attention to this field since the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2018.

He directly ignored various requests from the astronomy and astrophysics communities.

Although astronomy and astrophysics have always been at the bottom of the academic world and it is normal to be ignored, Professor Didier Queloz still wants to do something for this field.

Of course, in addition to this, the controversy over the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking and the papers related to the void field theory recently published on arxiv are also the focus of his attention.

After all, no physicist can reject the "transcendent" contemporary physics theory of strong electrosymmetry unification theory and void field theory!

September 4th.

On this not-so-special day, it is destined to be an extremely extraordinary day for the city of Star City.

In this short day, the city gathered almost 95% of the world's physicists in the fields of theory, high energy, particle physics, and practitioners in related fields.

In addition to scholars in related fields, many scholars in other physics fields also rushed here.

It can be said that there are more than two dozen Nobel Prize winners in this city today. Not to mention the winners of various top awards such as the Wolf Prize and the Onsager Prize.

September 4th.

That is the day when the acceptance report meeting for the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking begins.

In the auditorium of CRHPC headquarters, which is specially built for large international conferences, people are crowded and dark.

Although there is still more than half an hour before the official start of the report meeting, there are no seats in the auditorium that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Almost most people were discussing and communicating quietly with their friends or other scholars around them. There are discussions on whether the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking is correct by CERN or CRHPC, and there are also discussions on void field theory.

The time soon came to 8:55 a.m., and there were still five minutes left before the acceptance report meeting.

Wearing a formal suit, Xu Chuan walked out of the backstage lounge, climbed onto the stage from the side steps, and stood in front of the reporting desk.

At this moment, no one is needed to maintain order.

There is no need for any staff to remind everyone present to keep quiet.

The moment Xu Chuan stood on the reporting platform, the tens of thousands of people in the conference hall instantly fell silent, as if you could hear a pin drop on the ground.

Everyone was looking expectantly at the man standing on the reporting table.

Taking off the microphone from the reporting table, Xu Chuan held it in his hand, glanced around the silent venue, and said with a little joy in his tone:

"First of all, welcome to everyone who has come from afar to participate in the acceptance report meeting of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking. I am very happy to see you at today's acceptance meeting."

"I believe everyone knows the content of today's meeting, so I won't waste my time."

After a slight pause, he continued:

"I believe everyone here is well aware of the controversy over the acceptance of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking. After experiencing countless experiments at CERN, teams from the California Institute of Technology and Stanford University have successively disclosed the results of 3sigma and 5sigma confidence levels."

"Both have been accepted by CERN and the physics community."

"However, this achievement, which is the cornerstone of the building for the physics community, does not seem to be as perfect as everyone imagined."

"During the CRHPC verification, we found that the 5sigma confidence results completed by Professor Fox Haier may have fatal problems."

"To this end, CRHPC has launched re-verification work."

Hearing this, everyone in the conference hall straightened their heads and stared at the reporting table, waiting for that person's verdict.

Standing under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, Xu Chuan raised the corners of his mouth, with a confident smile on his face, and said:

"First of all, I would like to thank the many staff of CRHPC and the physics teams supported by major universities in China, as well as the cloud computing resources supported by major Internet companies."

"It was their seriousness and rigorous work, almost 24 hours a day and night, that allowed us to complete this revalidation work in less than a month."

"That's how we found the error in Professor Fox's acceptance data and prevented the physics community from falling into a new crisis!"

Speaking of which, Xu Chuan took a deep breath and declared seriously:

"After sacrificing countless particles and spending up to a month, we finally completed the re-verification of the coupling constant for strong electric symmetry breaking."

"Just like my published paper, there are major errors in the acceptance results of Professor Fox Hale!"

"Although I still don't know how he completed the data analysis work, it is obvious that he missed the most important part of the coupling constant collision experiment where strong electric symmetry is broken!"

"That is, the breaking effect existing in the 'quark group', 'gluons' and 'void field' in high-energy level collision experiments!"

"This is the biggest mistake among all his analyzed data and Daritz charts!"

"In other words, this is the biggest loophole in the data he compiled!"

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