Great Country Academician

Chapter 801 Fortunately, we still have Professor Xu Chuan

In the conference hall, the flood of applause stopped.

After the one-hour reporting work is completely completed, the next step is the crucial acceptance work.

Especially when a result is controversial, the academic community will be extremely cautious in accepting it.

Although there are all kinds of birds in the forest, overall, the academic community's tolerance for academic misconduct such as fraud and plagiarism is still very low.

At the reporting table, Xu Chuan took a deep breath, his eyes falling on the acceptance team and the big guys sitting in the front row.

"That's basically it."

"About 'Experimental analysis data and Dalitz diagram of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking', do you have any questions?"

There was silence under the stage.

No one raised their hand to ask a question.

It’s not that there aren’t questions, but everyone is waiting for the first person to ask.

After all, this re-acceptance of coupling constants with broken strong electric symmetry involves a dispute between the two major physics institutions, CERN and CRHPC.

And more importantly, this is the core prediction data of the unified theory of strong electricity.

Faced with a question of this level, who dares to stand up and ask questions since none of the big guys in the front row have asked?

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds. Professor Stephen Herget, who was sitting in the front row and rushed over from CERN, was the first to raise his right hand.

He is a student of Professor Roger Penrose and a quasi-Nobel Prize scholar. He has been nominated for the Nobel Prize several times, but unfortunately he has not received it so far.

This time I came here partly because I was interested, and partly because I came here to replace his mentor, Professor Penrose. The latter is now over ninety years old, and his physical condition is deteriorating day by day. It is no longer possible for him to travel thousands of miles from Europe to come here.

Seeing that the first scholar raised his hand, Xu Chuan did not hesitate and directly extended his hand to signal the other person to ask a question.

Professor Stephen Herget stood up, took the microphone from the staff, tried it to make sure it was OK, and then said:

"Hello, Professor Xu Chuan, regarding the acceptance of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking, I noticed in the analysis data that there are mass spectra of heavy and light hadrons and meson decay data of different excitations of strong decays. Could you please give me more details? Can you explain this?"

"Are the mass spectra of heavy and light hadrons and the different excitation meson decay data of strong decay?"

Xu Chuan repeated the sentence habitually, nodded, withdrew his gaze and adjusted the PPT document to the point where Professor Stephen Herget asked the question.

".Possible 1D and 2S states D and D, the strong decay of mesons requires the conservation of P parity and c parity. The strong decay of heavy and light mesons is different. It must satisfy the conservation of P parity and heavy quark Symmetry requirements.”

"The symmetry of heavy quarks allows two heavy-light mesons (same orbit and radial excitation) with the same Z (I refers to the angular momentum of the light quark, P is parity) to have extremely similar decay properties."

"These two mesons form the so-called "double state", such as the pseudostandard meson (0) and the vector meson (I) in the orbital ground state (S wave) form the so-called "H" double state."

"The calculation formula is: E=Mc+σL/2+2·KL·md. Finally, the mass and experimental value of the corresponding state are given by the obtained parameters."

"Do you have any other questions?"

In the audience, Professor Stephen Herget stared at the data on the blackboard and fell into deep thought. After a while, he came back to his senses and replied quickly.

"that's all, thanks."

Xu Chuan nodded and then said: "Okay."

As Professor Stephen Herget started, other scholars in the venue also began to raise their hands to ask questions.

Compared with the analytical data and Dalitz diagram of coupling constants of strong electric symmetry breaking, more than 80% of the scholars who asked questions focused on high-energy level collision experiments, such as quark clusters, On the breaking effect of gluons and void fields.

Not only because this is a new discovery that goes beyond the standard model, but also because the coupling constant verification data for strong electric symmetry breaking re-completed by CRHPC can be said to be almost flawless, with nothing to fault.

After all, this kind of inspection work does not require any innovative methods, and everyone knows the results in advance.

Even many top experts have obtained the complete analysis data, process and Dalitz diagram a few days ago, and have already completed the verification.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find fault with the theory.

Even if some scholars have raised relevant questions in a targeted manner, they are basically raised because they are not familiar with and understand some mathematical methods in the process of analyzing data.

Not all physicists can understand advanced mathematics like Xu Chuan or Witten.

In fact, on the contrary, although it is often said that mathematics and physics are not divided into different disciplines, most physicists also understand some data and can use mathematical abilities to solve some problems encountered in their own research.

But under normal circumstances, the mathematical knowledge used by most physicists is basically the result of research ten or twenty years ago, or even in the last century.

Therefore, not everyone can understand Xu Chuan’s mathematical work in the coupling constant verification and analysis data of strong electric symmetry breaking in a short time.

And for these, Xu Chuan is not stingy.

For each question, he explained the mathematical tools and principles behind it as detailed as possible, so as to encourage more people to understand them and promote the development of physics.

The question-and-answer session lasted for more than an hour. When the big names in the front row and the acceptance team composed of physicists from various countries finished asking questions, the acceptance report meeting was almost over.

When Xu Chuan walked down the report platform and when Professor Sheldon Glashow, a representative of the acceptance team, walked up to the stage and announced that the analysis data of the coupling constant of the strong electric symmetry breaking of CRHPC passed the acceptance, thunderous applause rang out in the entire venue.

There is no doubt that if the acceptance report of CRHPC passes the review, it means that the results of Professor Fox of Stanford University at CERN are problematic.

Whether there is fraud or not is another matter, but whether it has been published on the CERN official website, collected in the CERN institutional results library, or published in "Nature Physics", it is certain that the paper will be rejected.

The academic community will not tolerate a wrong paper being publicly displayed in front of the public. This is the most basic academic ethics and the most basic academic rules.

The acceptance report meeting of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking ended, and the scholars who came to participate in the conference began to disperse under the organization and guidance of the staff.

Xu Chuan did not follow them, but left directly through the backstage passage.

After all, this is an international conference with thousands of people. Although the security measures have been done quite well, if something unexpected happens, such as a stampede, the responsible security team will probably be fired from top to bottom.

However, for other scholars, especially those top academic giants, such as Edward Witten, David Gross, Sheldon Glashow and others, their luck is not so good.

These top giants in the physics community, as soon as they walked out of the venue, were caught by many media reporters who were squatting in the hall waiting for the invitation and could not enter the conference venue.

"Hello, Professor Glashow. I am a media reporter from CBS. How is the acceptance report meeting for the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking held by Professor Xu Chuan today going?"

Being blocked by the media reporters, Sheldon Glashow had to slow down and answer the questions by the way.

"The acceptance report meeting went smoothly. Professor Xu Chuan completed the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking and has successfully passed the acceptance of the CRHPC organization and the physics community."

Hearing this answer, the media reporter of CBS lit up and asked quickly.

"Then may I ask whether Professor Fox Hale's results are correct or Professor Xu Chuan's results are correct? If the two results are the same, I think there should be no need to verify them again, right?"

Hearing this question, Sheldon Glashow looked at the reporter in front of him with some disdain: "Do I need to ask this question?"

If Xu Chuan's results are wrong, how could they pass this acceptance report meeting?

And since Xu Chuan's re-verification results are correct, then Fox Hale's results must be problematic.

With such a low IQ, how did he become a reporter?

The CBS reporter smiled awkwardly and continued to ask shamelessly: "In other words, the data passed by Professor Fox at CERN is problematic, right?"

Glashow glanced at him and said in a flat tone: "From the current collision data of both sides, it is obvious that Professor Fox's data is not perfect and there are problems."

He knew what the reporter was thinking about by asking questions to the bottom of the matter. He just wanted to get an accurate answer from him.

He didn't mind this very much.

It was indeed the case, there was nothing to be said.

The reporter from CBS was surprised and asked: "Where is the problem with Professor Fox's acceptance of the results? Can you explain it to the public in a simple way?"

Glaso thought for a while and said: "Although Professor Fox's acceptance data perfectly meets the predictions of the strong-electromagnetic unification theory, his acceptance data lacks the most critical traces of quark clusters, gluons and void field breaking decay."

"If Professor Fox's original data was problematic, how did CERN pass a problematic experimental data? Didn't everyone notice it?"

"Yes, this is a brand new discovery, and it has never been discovered before in the physics community. After Professor Xu Chuan re-examined the coupling constant of strong-electromagnetic symmetry breaking, Before the data was verified, no one would have thought that quarks and gluons would experience void breaking in high-energy collisions. "

After a slight pause, Glashow continued: "I would like to thank Professor Xu Chuan here. If he had not keenly noticed the problem in Fox's experimental data, I am afraid that the physics community would be in a crisis."

"I have to say that from another perspective, Professor Fox's data is quite "perfect", so perfect that neither the CERN acceptance team nor the many scholars who participated in the acceptance report meeting at that time noticed the problem. "

"Fortunately, we still have Professor Xu Chuan."

The report meeting on the re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has not yet been held, and the physics community has already started discussing it.

Because this acceptance report meeting is not only for the scholars who came to participate, CTV and CRHPC institutions also live-broadcasted the whole process.

And more scholars who were unable to attend this acceptance report meeting basically chose to watch the meeting online.

If Xu Chuan stood on the stage and announced that he had discovered traces that CERN had not explored and believed that Professor Fox-Hare's data had errors and loopholes, the physics community had already fallen into controversy.

Then when Professor Sheldon Glashow stood on the stage on behalf of the acceptance team and announced that the analysis data of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking had passed the acceptance, the physics community was completely blown up.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, the relevant discussion post had been established several days ago, and at this moment, the dense traffic is constantly refreshing the relevant discussions.

[Professor Xu's re-verification data has passed the verification, and Professor Fox's results really have problems! ]

[I guessed it a long time ago, and now I am more curious whether Professor Fox-Hare's data is fake. 】

【At the beginning of the acceptance report meeting, Professor Xu had already said that, although he didn't say it explicitly, there is no doubt that this is accusing Fox of falsifying data, at least some of the data is falsified. It's just that there is not enough evidence, and Professor Xu didn't say it explicitly. 】

【Incredible, if I remember correctly, that Fox is a professor at Stanford University, right? He would actually do such a thing? 】

【It's normal to be tempted, you know, this is a Nobel Prize-level achievement. 】

【It's not that the experiment can't be done, but it's more cost-effective to falsify! (Squinting smile) 】

【This kind of person is really hateful! If it is not discovered, the entire physics community will fall into a major crisis. The strong-electric unified theory is the core cornerstone of the standard model! 】

【It's not known whether it's falsified or not. Maybe the performance of CERN's collider is not enough, and the breaking effect has not been observed. 】

【I said before that it is impossible to complete the data of 5sigma confidence level of the coupling constant of strong-electric symmetry breaking in two months. There is no other way except falsification. 】

[What do you think about CRHPC completing the 5sigma confidence verification in 20 days? Did Professor Xu also cheat? 】

[Strongly recommend a thorough investigation! No matter which party, they must seriously investigate the problem! If it is cheating, they must be severely punished! 】

PS: I will have a holiday tomorrow, and I will update this story for you! Please give me a monthly ticket

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