Great Country Academician

Chapter 800 Our physics is far more than the standard model!

When the sonorous words fell, most people in the conference hall were shocked.

If the error can be said to be a mistake, it can be that the performance of CERN's collider is not enough to capture the breaking effect of the three elements of "quark clusters", "gluons" and "vacuum fields".

Then the loophole has a completely different meaning.

The scholars who can sit here today are all talents picked from thousands of people.

Even the "slackers" who come out to see the world with their own mentors are geniuses that are out of reach in the eyes of the general public.

In the eyes of most scholars, Xu Chuan's words are undoubtedly accusing CERN of falsifying acceptance data.

For the academic community, the taboo thing is academic misconduct, but it is not just academic misconduct.

And if we talk about the most serious of all kinds of academic misconduct, there is no doubt that academic fraud is academic fraud.

This is the most serious violation of scientific ethics in the scientific research community.

Whether it is falsifying data, tampering with experimental results or improperly citing other people's achievements, it is the biggest taboo in the scientific research and academic community.

Because for academics, all achievements should be based on truth, objectivity and integrity.

Any form of academic misconduct will cause serious harm to the academic field.

Especially fraud.

This is not only a matter for the person involved, but also affects the entire academic community.

First of all, academic fraud has seriously damaged the reputation of the academic community and the trust of the outside world. Every exposure is a serious damage to the parties involved, the academic community, and even the corresponding institutions and countries.

For example, a few years ago, the retraction of 107 Chinese papers in "Tumor Biology" not only suffered a great blow to the reputation of the relevant people, but also affected China's reputation abroad.

So that scholars from other countries in the field of biology will look at Chinese scholars with a hint of suspicion.

Of course, this is not to blame others. This kind of organized fraud is too bad in nature.

In addition, the falsification of scientific research results will not only cause a waste of scientific research resources, but also hinder the development and progress of science and technology.

For example, in 2014, Haruko Obokata, who was called "national treasure" and "Island Marie Curie" by the small island country, made a sensation in the world's "universal cell" STAP cell academic fraud case.

Because of the importance of universal cells, many researchers in the biomedical field in various countries have paid attention to them, and they have invested personnel to replicate and verify them.

This behavior not only wastes limited scientific research funds, causing other researchers to invest more time and energy in these research directions but gain nothing, but also makes the authenticity and reliability of research results in related fields questionable, thus affecting the accumulation and development of scientific knowledge.

After all, the purpose of scientific research is to discover new knowledge, solve practical problems and promote social progress.

Once academic fraud occurs, it may lead to the promotion of wrong research methods and technologies, further aggravating the dilemma of scientific development.

Just like the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking this time.

If there is no Professor Xu Chuan in front of us, the physics community may fall into an irreversible crisis.

Because the prediction of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking is the core prediction data of the strong electrosymmetry unification theory, and the strong electrosymmetry unification theory is the cornerstone of the annotation model.

For the contemporary physics community, the standard model is a theoretical building that accommodates three of the four major forces that have been discovered.

Once there is a serious error in this building, the impact on the entire physics community can be imagined.

If Professor Xu had not pointed out this error, the physics community might have been shrouded in this shadow for at least several years or even decades in the future.

This might even lead to some other achievements or discoveries being rejected in the future because they did not meet the verification data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking.

For the physics community, this would be an extremely heavy blow!

It can even be said that if no one discovered this error, the physics community, at least the theoretical physics community, would be shrouded in a heavy cloud that covered the sky and the sun.

On the report platform, after briefly explaining the re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking, Xu Chuan also got to the point and started the acceptance report meeting with the big screen behind him.

The noisy discussion below the stage soon quieted down.

On the stage, Xu Chuan gave a detailed report on the work of CRHPC during this period, experimental data analysis and other related work.

One by one, Daritz diagrams and experimental data kept passing through everyone's eyes.

".In collision experiments above 17Tev energy levels, when quark confinement fails in quark clusters composed of multiple quarks, the abnormal energy level traces of quark particles and gluons have never been found in the physics community before."

"From the experimental analysis data, there is an energy level fluctuation phenomenon in this process, that is, the gluons that maintain strong interactions first experience energy level drops and then disappear. When quark particles obtain enough energy levels to re-form quark clusters, the gluon energy level surges and redirects the strong interaction."

"Based on this, we can deduce theoretically that when the experimental collision energy level reaches a certain level, the gluons are not static in the process of quark confinement causing the generation of new quark clusters."

"They may have gone to a mysterious energy field, from which they have once again obtained enough energy to maintain strong interactions."

"And the traces of dissipated decay."

Sitting in the front row of the conference hall, Edward Witten listened carefully to the acceptance report meeting.

The experimental data and Daritz diagram generated by the re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking have been reported.

From the extremely detailed analysis data and Daritz diagram, the final winner is undoubtedly CRHPC.

They have found enough evidence to prove that the analysis data of Professor Fox Hale at CERN is problematic.

And now, Xu Chuan is reporting on the new phenomenon discovered during this re-verification process-the breaking effect of quark clusters, gluons and void fields in high-energy collision experiments!

Compared to the former, both he and other scholars sitting here at the moment are more interested in this theory.

Scientists like mysteries!

For people like them, nothing is more interesting than exploring the unknown.

Sitting next to Edward Witten, Frank Wilczek listened carefully for a while and suddenly said with emotion: "It's hard to imagine!"


Hearing this, Witten turned his head and looked at him in surprise, a little puzzled.

Wilczek smiled and said, "In June, he explained his theory of the void field to us at the Jinling conference. If you still remember that conference, you will definitely remember the content of the conference."

"At that time, his theory of the void field was really just a rough concept, and it had not formed a completely systematic theory. Including the theory of the breaking effect of quark clusters, gluons and the void field in today's high-energy collision experiments, it has not been completed."

"From June to now, it has only been a short three months. In three months, even with the help of the CRHPC collider, this theory can be completed so quickly. This speed is really terrifying."

Witten glanced at him and said lightly, "For him, this is normal."

As Xu Chuan's mentor during his doctoral studies at Princeton University, even though he may not teach as much as Pierre Delinedo, he has a very deep understanding of this student.

Only geniuses can understand geniuses.

Although in this field, he now thinks that he is no longer as talented as his student in academic talent.

But as a scholar who transformed from "history" to "politics" and then to "economics" and "mathematics" and finally settled in the major of "physics", he is still qualified to speak in cross-disciplinary learning.

Extreme talent + extreme hard work, what other scholars may find difficult to do in their lifetime, for him as a student, it is not impossible to complete in a few months.

Whether it is the "Hodge conjecture" that was completed in less than half a year, or the tool for "mathematical calculation of physical particle energy orbit" that was completed in one month at CERN, it is enough to prove all this.

Miracles may happen once in a lifetime to others, but for Xu Chuan, this may have become a commonplace.

Wilczek said with a smile: "After the report, let's go talk to him together?"

Witten: "Hmm? What to talk about?"

"Of course, the void field theory he proposed!"

Witten grinned and said: "Don't you think he must have something hidden? For example, the magnetic monopole theory, if the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory had not expressed doubts this time, do you think he would make it public?"

"And the void field theory, you don't know how far he has expanded it, don't you want to learn about it?"

Edward Witten thought for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "Okay."

At the report table, Xu Chuan's report continued.

". Through multiple sets of experiments at multiple energy levels such as 17Tev, 18Tev, and 19Tev, we have collected enough data to confirm that the breaking effect of quark clusters, gluons, and the void field in high-energy collision experiments is a real theory."

"Although we cannot see what happens inside the collider with our naked eyes, the real experimental data will not deceive people."

"As I said at the beginning, the Higgs field explains the origin of mass. Most of the elementary particles we have discovered today gain mass because of their interaction with the Higgs field."

"But the fact is that in the high-energy region, behind the Higgs field, there is a field that we don't know about, and it is the core of the rich particle energy."

"Like quantum fluctuations, it can occur anywhere in space, and the energy exists for a very short time. When the time comes, it will disappear."

Speaking, Xu Chuan turned and left the report desk, walked to the blackboard next to him, picked up a piece of chalk from the basket, and wrote on it:

"Vacuum field!"

"It is also the vacuum field theory. If it is abbreviated, it is XC theory. I am honored that it is the same as the pinyin abbreviation of my name."

After a slight pause, he continued to write:

"According to the state superposition principle, any state with spin 1/2 can be written as: XC (n) = α↑) + β|↓, where α and β are complex numbers, and |α| + |β| = 1. "

“And there are two states, namely (XC (n) ↑) = 1/2 + (|↑)) + |↓) (XC (n) ↓) = 1/2+(|↑))+|↓))

They correspond to σ^x=1/2 and -1/2 respectively. We can also use |→) and |←) to represent the original two states, replacing α'=(α+β)/√2, β'=(a-β)/V2"

"In short, the void breaking occurs at a higher energy level than the Higgs breaking, with the strong electrosymmetry breaking coupling constant of 17Tev as the limit."

"Of course, today's theme is still 'Re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking', and the void field is just some additional topics."

"But standing here, I can tell you that it still has endless mysteries and endless possibilities. In the future, perhaps we will have a powerful enough collider to unveil its complete veil."

"In the future, CRHPC will also arrange higher energy collision experiments to verify the breaking effects of quark clusters, gluons and void fields."

At this point, Xu Chuan smiled again.

"I welcome scholars from all over the world to join this great research, to witness the microscopic world together, and to explore the true origin of the universe!"

"And our physics is far more than the standard model we are familiar with."

"Thank you everyone."

After speaking, he bowed slightly, saluted the audience, and walked back to the podium from the blackboard.

The moment he moved his feet, applause rang out in the auditorium like thunder, instantly sweeping the entire venue.

Everyone was celebrating and applauding, and the surging applause was like thunder, almost overturning the ceiling of the entire auditorium.

The applause lasted for more than half a minute. After the enthusiasm, Xu Chuan pressed his palm and gradually stopped.

Take a deep breath, he looked at the audience below, and his eyes swept around the venue of 10,000 people, and finally fell on the "acceptance team" sitting in the front row.

Although there are many physicists participating in this report conference, it can even be said that most of the scholars came for the breaking effects of quark clusters, gluons and void fields in high-energy collision experiments.

But the fact is that today's report conference is not prepared for the void field and related theories.

Before exploring the void field, he has a more important thing to do.

That is to pass the "acceptance work of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking".

This is a theory that CERN has already accepted. Now standing here, he puts forward a completely different experimental data and Daritz diagram, which is bound to cause greater doubts and more problems in the physics community.

Whether it is the differences in the data of both parties, or their doubts about the data on the CERN side, or even their own analysis data and Daritz diagram, they will face more severe tests.

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