Great Country Academician

Chapter 804 Replacing CERN might also be a good choice

When the physics community was discussing whether Professor Fox Hale's research results were falsified or fabricated data.

The BBC Broadcasting Corporation released an interview news message.

"I have always paid attention to Professor Xu Chuan's verification experiments. From a scholar's perspective, this is worth supporting because it can ensure the rigor of our academic work to the greatest extent."

"In the unified theory of strong electricity, there is no prediction of the breaking effect of quarks, gluons and void fields. This led me to skip this aspect of work when writing the mathematical model, so that the experimental results showed a lack of correlation. The data."

"Although the breaking effect of quarks, gluons and void fields does not belong to the category of the unified theory of strong electricity, it is crucial to the unified theory of strong electricity. Without this key theory, I am afraid no one will be able to obtain it. to obtain accurate experimental data.”


Several interviews were published on the BBC's own major media, and were quickly reprinted by other media and spread throughout the world.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, some scholars who saw the relevant news immediately created a post.

[Professor Fox Haier responded positively to the issue of defects in CERN verification data! 】

【So fast? 】

[Interesting, Professor Fox is putting the blame on Professor Xu Chuan? 】

[If you can’t do it yourself, blame others? 】

[I think there is some truth to what Professor Fox said. Professor Xu Chuan may really be hiding something in this regard. After all, CRHPC and CERN are currently in head-to-head competition, so it is really possible to have some back-ups. 】

[In the absence of a theory of the breaking effects of quarks, gluons and void fields, it will definitely be difficult to completely detect all traces of the coupling prediction constants of strong electric symmetry breaking. To be honest, Professor Xu Chuan was indeed a bit unkind in doing so. 】

[But the breaking effect theory of quark clusters, gluons and void fields does not belong to the unified theory of strong electricity. Professor Fox has said so, and it is normal for Professor Xu not to release it. 】

[If this is the case, then there is a high probability that data fraud does not exist, it is just some mistake. 】

[I still stand with Professor Xu Chuan. Even without the breaking effect theory of quarks, gluons and void fields, CERN should not miss this part of the data. Scientific research should be comprehensive, serious and rigorous! 】


With the release of this interview by the BBC, related discussions have once again heated up on the Internet.

Most of the previous criticism of Professor Fox Hale's possible fraud disappeared after the press conference on this interview.

Someone stood up for Professor Fox and believed that it was indeed Professor Xu Chuan who hid the theory of the breaking effect of quarks, gluons and void fields, which caused the CERN institution to fail to capture the complete traces of the collision experiment.

Some people support Professor Xu Chuan and believe that even without the breaking effect theory of quarks, gluons and void fields, CERN and Professor Fox Hale should not let these data go so easily.

Scientific research should be rigorous and serious!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Star City, in the cafe downstairs of the CRHPC headquarters in Taohualing.

This leisure and entertainment venue located in a small pond near the square is now the first choice for physicists from all over the world to take a break.

Sitting by the floor-to-ceiling glass window, Frank Wilczek held a coffee cup in one hand and his cell phone in the other, looking at a piece of news.

After browsing for a while, he pushed the phone to Edward Witten sitting opposite.

Sensing the movement, Witten glanced at him suspiciously.

Wilzek ​​smiled and said, "Take a look."

Witten picked up the phone from the table in surprise and quickly flipped through the news on the phone.

It was the BBC media reporter who interviewed Professor Fox Hale.

Looking at the interview content above, Witten couldn't help but frowned.

"What do you think?"

Opposite, Professor Frank Wilczek took a sip from the coffee cup in his hand and asked with a smile.

"Nothing to see."

Witten was silent for a moment, put the phone on the table and pushed it back.

Although academia is a palace for the pursuit of truth and knowledge, the inside of this palace is actually not much more glamorous than other fields.

There are endless problems such as academic fraud, plagiarism, corrupting academic atmosphere, hindering academic progress, violating scientific spirit and ethics, abandoning scientific experimental data, etc.

As a physicist, he could see the problem behind the interview at a glance.

It was nothing more than that Professor Fox Hale was worried about being accused of academic fraud and blamed Xu Chuan for problems with the experimental data of coupling constants where strong electric symmetry was broken.

In high-energy level collision experiments, the breaking effect theory of quark clusters, gluons and void fields does not affect the entire experiment at all.

Even without this theory, there would be no shortage of relevant data in collision experiments on coupling constants where strong electric symmetry is broken.

Unless the high-luminosity LH-LHC collider did not capture these data, the possibility is really small.

The most powerful thing about CRHPC is the dark matter detector, not these ordinary universal detectors.

In terms of the performance of universal detectors, CERN's universal detectors, the toroidal instrument ATLAS and the compact muon coil CMS, are actually more powerful than the 'Large Conventional Superconducting Ring Field Detector' and 'Kinetic Energy Trajectory Tracking Detector' on the CRHPC side.

After all, CERN has accumulated technology for more than a decade, which is not comparable to the emerging CRHPC.

Witten, who has read the data of the colliders and detectors on both sides, is very clear about this.

So it is almost impossible for the high-brightness LH-LHC to not capture the traces of the breaking effects of quark clusters, gluons and void fields.

And strictly speaking, Professor Fox Hale's interview is not without loopholes.

They only need to look through the original data before the 5sigma confidence level to know this very clearly.

However, for the outside world, the general public is not aware of these things, and a 'suitable' reason is enough to explain these things.

But for the academic community, at least for him, although there is no evidence, he is more and more certain that Professor Fox's data is falsified.

Across the coffee table, Frank Wilczek sighed and said nothing.

His view is the same as Edward Witten's.

Fox Hale's interview can only fool laymen. For the physics community, especially for those who are at the forefront of the field, there are loopholes everywhere.

But they can't expose such things, because there is not enough evidence to prove that Fox Hale is a fraud.

What worries Wilczek even more is whether CERN is involved in this matter.

You know, this is the core foundation of the theory of strong electric unification, and the collision experiment was also completed at CERN with the help of the high-brightness LH-LHC.

It is extremely difficult for Professor Fox to bypass CERN to fabricate false data.

But if there is support from CERN, it will be much easier.

This is what he is most worried about.

If CERN is involved, it is really not good news for the physics community.

After all, in the past ten years, CERN has been the holy land of physics in the minds of countless physicists.

It's almost the same for him.

Although he is not a staff member of CERN, he is also a formal researcher of CERN. For more than ten years, he has gone there almost every year. He still has feelings for CERN.

After all, people are not plants, and more than ten years have passed.

Sighing, Frank Wilczek's eyes fell on the gossip building not far away.

If CERN is really involved in this kind of fraud, if he really has to choose one, perhaps CRHPC replacing CERN is a good choice?

At least that person is there, and with his academic character, he will never allow such a thing to happen here.

PS: There will be updates in the afternoon, please vote for me.

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