Great Country Academician

Chapter 805 Evidence and Public Accusation

For the physics community, the most exciting thing this year is the verification of coupling prediction constants for strong electric symmetry breaking.

It can be said that this matter has twists and turns, which is a feast for the eyes of the people who eat melons.

First, the CERN institution completed the experimental data of 3sigma and 5sigma confidence levels, and then Professor Xu Chuan from China publicly stood up and stated that there was a problem with CERN's acceptance data.

Immediately afterwards, the CRHPC institute used the Ring Super Particle Collider to re-complete the detection and analysis of coupling constants, confirming that Professor Xu Chuan was right.

At the same time, discussions about Professor Fox Hale’s data falsification are abuzz in academia and on the Internet.

But within two days, Professor Fox Haier of CERN responded positively that the problem with his verification data was caused by the incomplete theory of Professor Xu Chuan.

The twists and turns of the plot development have confused many netizens, and they are not sure who to believe for a while.

CRHPC Headquarters.

In the office on the sixth floor, Xu Chuan held his mobile phone and flipped through the news inside.

Opposite the sofa, Lin Feng, who rushed over from his office, turned red with anger and cursed angrily: "He is passing the blame! This is slander!"

"Although the breaking effects of quark clusters, gluons, and void fields are complementary to the unified theory of strong electricity, are they somehow related to the verification of coupling constants of strong electric symmetry breaking?"

"If you can't do it yourself, you just throw the blame at random and distort the facts to smear others without distinguishing between right and wrong. This is simply too irritating!"

"Fuck! I've never seen such a shameless person!"

In the office, Lin Feng cursed angrily.

After briefly flipping through the news on his phone, Xu Chuan smiled faintly and said, "What's there to be angry about? If God wants it to perish, it must first make it crazy."

Lin Feng was still a little angry and said: "I'm still angry. He must have falsified the data! If this kind of rubbish is not punished, the academic world will be messed up by him!"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's nothing. The more he quibbles now, the more serious the backlash will be."

Hearing this, Lin Feng seemed to remember something, his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked: "Do you have any other ideas?"

Xu Chuan shook his head gently and said with a smile: "It's not me, but someone has a way."

After a slight pause, he continued: "As long as that Fox Haier falsifies the verification data of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, I believe this matter will not end like this."

Although he was not sure how long it would take Deputy Chief Longteng to obtain the key evidence.

But what Xu Chuan can be sure of is that as long as the other party really falsified the data, the evidence will be obtained sooner or later.

After all, standing behind him and Long Teng was an entire country, and it was also a superpower.

Opposite the sofa, Lin Feng opened his mouth and was about to say something when a phone call rang in the office.

Xu Chuan took out his cell phone from his pocket, glanced at the caller ID, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

This call was from Long Teng from the Science and Technology Center. It seemed that the situation was making progress.

His finger slid lightly on the screen, and a voice quickly came from the other side of the phone.

"Academician Xu, the investigation you asked me to investigate last time has results."

Long Teng's voice sounded in his ears, with a little excitement and happiness in his tone.

As Xu Chuan expected, the search for evidence of fraud has made progress.

He asked quickly: "Did you get it?"

Long Teng nodded vigorously and said with a smile: "I got it. Your guess is correct. Professor Fox really made a fraud in the analysis data of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking."

"I asked an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to look at the relevant data. The academician said that judging from the evidence, almost all data after 4sigma have problems."

After a pause, he continued: "In addition, judging from the results of the investigation, this matter is indeed related to CERN. At least the director of CERN, Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, is also involved. Help was provided to Fox Hale.”

"I've already had these evidence sent to my email address, but I'm not sure if it's enough. If it's not enough, I'll arrange for someone to look for it in detail."

Xu Chuan's eyes lit up and he said, "That's enough. As long as there is evidence of fraud, it's enough to kill the other party."

Long Teng smiled and said, "That's fine."

After a pause, he asked: "By the way, Academician Xu, I would like to ask how you plan to handle this matter? Will you personally disclose the evidence?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Of course. I will hold a press conference and disclose these evidences at the press conference."

If it were before Fox Hale's interview, he might have considered making it public on the Internet through means such as 'hacking' or 'WikiLeaks'.

But since the other party now chooses to seek death and slanders him in reverse, then he should help the other party.

Long Teng: "There's nothing wrong with you disclosing this personally, it's just about the source of the evidence."

Long Teng didn't finish his words, but Xu Chuan knew what he meant and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will pay attention to this. I will publicly disclose that this was provided to the CRHPC organization by an unknown hacker organization. "

Long Teng smiled and said, "That's fine. The main thing is that you know that it's not a good thing for a state agency to intervene in such a matter and make it public."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you for this matter. I'll treat you to a meal later."

Long Teng laughed and said, "It's rare for Academician Xu to treat me to a meal. I'll wait for it."

After a pause, he continued, "I have sent the relevant evidence to your email, Academician Xu. I won't disturb your work for now."

"If you have any questions or needs, you can contact me at any time."

Xu Chuan thanked him and smiled, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan stood up and walked towards his desk with a happy smile on his face.

Turn on the computer and log in to the mailbox.

An email that had just been sent was lying in it.

The mouse clicked lightly on the attachment, and the evidence in the email was quickly downloaded.

Clicking it, there are some chat records, pictures, data fabrication methods, models and records of CERN supercomputing center operations, etc.

Very detailed evidence, from the discussion between Fox Hale and Eliezer Rabinovich, the director of CERN, to how to fabricate the experimental data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking step by step, as well as the methods used and mathematical models, all are available.

"Fuck, where did you get this thing from?"

Behind him, Lin Feng's shocked voice came, and he looked at the content on the computer with a look of surprise and shock.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter where the things come from. What matters is that these things are enough to hammer Fox Hale to death, and even CERN will be implicated!"


Looking at the evidence in the computer, Lin Feng gave a thumbs up: "You are still amazing. You can get such things. This time, Professor Fox Hale is dead."

"Tsk tsk, it was just a guess before, but now it's true."

Shaking his head and sighing, he grinned and said, "This is probably enough for Fox Hale to stay in jail for a few years, right?"

While reading the evidence, Xu Chuan replied, "It depends on the attitude of the United States. It may or may not."

When it comes to academic fraud, in fact, punishment is inevitable.

But in this regard, to be honest, the entire academic community, both at home and abroad, has not done very well.

For domestic academic fraud, even if the behavior is extremely bad, it is difficult to send the fraudulent scholars to work on the sewing machine.

For example, at the beginning of this year, the fraud incident that almost spread throughout the academic community and even the whole country was Huang Feiruo of Huazhong Agricultural University.

11 students jointly reported in real name, saying that their tutor Huang Ruo was suspected of academic fraud, bullying students, defrauding project funds and other bad behaviors.

But the final punishment was not painful, just dismissal and dismissal.

Of course, not only in China, but also in foreign countries.

For example, in the United States, in 2019, Harvard was exposed that a "tenured professor" had falsified academic research on myocardial stem cells.

The final punishment was just to withdraw the paper and expel the professor.

Although for individuals, after such "accidents", it is almost impossible for other universities or institutions to recruit him, and his entire academic career will be completely over.

But to be honest, this punishment, whether from the perspective of the academic community or the outside world, is indeed a bit light.

Let alone other things, just the academic funding.

Whether it is Huang Feiruo or the tenured professors of Harvard University, before the revelation, they had wasted millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of academic funds.

Just this point alone, if it is placed in other fields, it is enough for the other party to squat.

However, in the academic world, most of the time, it is just dismissal and dismissal, and the other party will not even be asked to compensate for the losses.

It can be said that the punishment in the academic world is quite light compared to other industries.

After carefully browsing the information sent by Longteng and confirming that there is no problem, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Prepare for the press conference. This time we will give the physics community a big one!"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "No problem! I will contact the media reporters now."

The next day, CRHPC headquarters.

In the press conference hall.

Although they were a little caught off guard by the sudden press conference held by CRHPC, the media stationed in Xingcheng basically did not miss it.

After all, at a time when the coupling constant verification data of strong electric symmetry breaking is controversial, maybe there will be some big news?

At nine o'clock in the morning, after the invited media reporters arrived at the press conference hall, Xu Chuan walked onto the press conference platform from the wing.

Looking at the many media reporters below the stage, he had a faint smile on his face and said crisply:

"Welcome everyone to today's press conference."

After a simple welcome to the media reporters, he went straight to the point.

"To make a long story short, today's press conference is related to the verification data of the coupling constant 1 of strong electric symmetry breaking."

He pressed his finger on the press conference desk, and a PPT that was hastily prepared last night was projected on the big screen behind him.

"CERN, Professor Fox Hale's published experimental data on the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking is seriously falsified!"

The title page appeared, catching all the media reporters off guard.

Everyone looked at the screen in surprise and astonishment, their eyes full of shock.

Immediately, the media reporters who reacted carried their cameras and took a lot of photos of the news conference table and the headlines on the screen.


Something big happened!

The famous Professor Xu Chuan personally stood up to "accuse" CERN and Professor Fox-Hare of serious falsification of experimental data!

PS: Ahem, there will be updates later, but it will be late. Big guys should get up in the morning and watch it. Please vote for the monthly ticket.

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