Great Country Academician

Chapter 806 Academic Credit Rating System, permanently blacklisted!

There was an uproar in the press conference hall.

The media reporters in the audience were frantically shooting the headlines on the screen, and their eyes were also flashing with excitement.

Xu Chuan personally stood up and accused CERN and Professor Fox-Hayle of serious falsification of experimental data on the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, shocking everyone.

No one expected that such a "shocking" news would be revealed at today's press conference.

For the media industry, this is a super big gossip!

On the press conference stage, Xu Chuan pressed his palm to control the commotion in the whole audience.

Looking at the media reporters whose eyes were almost shocked, he hooked the corners of his mouth and continued with a smile.

"I believe everyone is very clear about the dispute over the experimental data of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, so I won't introduce it too much here."

"The key to today's press conference is that CERN and Professor Fox-Hayle falsified experimental data in the process of verifying the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking."

After a slight pause, he pressed the button on the press conference stage, and then the PPT behind him began to play.

The first thing released was a set of chat records.

Eliezer Rabinovich: "Fox, how is the progress of the experimental data completion?"

Fox Heil: "According to the current progress, it will take at least two months to reach the confidence level of 5 sigma."

Eliezer Rabinovich: "Too slow, CRHPC is about to start the collider, I need you to find a way to complete it before August 1st."

Fox Heil: "I need supercomputing resources and a model building team. You know, without supercomputing resources and accurate mathematical models, we can't do calculations at all."

Eliezer Rabinovich: "Okay, I will help you coordinate at the meeting."

Eliezer Rabinovich: "How much is left?"

Fox Heil: "Soon, the last two sets of experimental data will be completed."

If you just look at the chat content, it is difficult to see the content related to fraud in several chat records.

It must be said that after deciding to falsify the experimental data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking, Professor Fox Heil and Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich were quite cautious.

Both of them knew that this was intolerable in the academic community. Basically, any online communication was based on normal experimental analysis data.

But no matter how cautious the falsification was, there were flaws.

For them, the biggest flaw was that a member of the modeling team, perhaps out of the habit of programmers, habitually backed up a set of models for analyzing experimental data and fabricating experimental data of coupling constants of strong electric symmetry breaking on his computer.

Although this set of backups had been required to be deleted after the subsequent work was completed.

But for computers, it is not so easy to clean up the data that has been stored and recorded.

In addition to having a backup on his computer, the programmer also habitually has a backup in the storage space connected to cloud resources.

These are the fatal key.

Although this set of backups is not the latest version, it is enough to prove that Professor Fox Heyer and his team members used this set of mathematical models to fabricate experimental data of coupling constants of strong electric symmetry breaking.

When the mathematical model and the method and process of Professor Fox Heyer's fabrication of data, as well as the evidence of collusion with CERN Director Eliezer Rabinovich, were released.

The press conference was already in an uproar.

All the media reporters stared at the information on the PPT with surprise and astonishment, but their eyes were shining.

Even though they were already used to all kinds of things as reporters, the fact that the chairman of CERN and the professors of Stanford University jointly fabricated data on the experimental data of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, which is an important theory that can be said to be the foundation of the physics community, still shocked everyone.

You know, even if the CRHPC organization has been established, even if the performance of the CRHPC circular strong particle collider is far better than the LH-LHC collider.

At least before the collision experiment above the 35Tev energy level officially begins and has great discoveries, CERN will still be the holy land of physics in the world.

In terms of background, CERN is not comparable to CRHPC.

The research inertia in the field of basic scientific research is quite strong. The former has gathered more than 70% or even 80% of the world's top physicists.

These scholars come from Europe, North America, South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and other countries, and can basically be said to be in the Western camp.

As for CRHPC, although they have been trying to attract physicists from other countries since their establishment.

But whether for political reasons or other reasons, the first choice of physicists in Western countries that currently have a mainstream influence in basic science is still CERN.

But now, it has been revealed that the chairman of CERN participated in the experiment fraud, which is a fatal blow to CERN's reputation.

Standing on the press conference platform, Xu Chuan's eyes swept among the reporters in the audience, and then said: "I believe you have read the relevant fraud evidence, and I believe it is enough to prove that what I said is true."

"Honestly, from my personal perspective, it doesn't matter to me whether the verification of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking is done by CRHPC or CERN, or other physics institutions. "

"But I am very disappointed. As the holy place of today's physics, the CERN institution blatantly colluded with others to falsify experimental data on the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking."


"The data they jointly fabricated almost deceived the entire physics community for a time."

"You can imagine that as the core cornerstone of the Standard Model of Physics, if the unified theory of strong electricity encounters problems during verification, will the future of physics be bright?"

"At least from my perspective, the world of physics may no longer be bright!"

After pausing for a moment and looking around at the media reporters in the audience, Xu Chuan continued with disappointment on his face:

"Although academic fraud is common and happens almost every year. However, I am very disappointed that the chairman of the CERN institution is involved in this kind of thing and that such an extremely serious incident of academic fraud has occurred."

"In fact, as I stand here now, I can't help but wonder whether today's CERN still has the qualifications to be a holy land of physics."

“Because it’s really hard for me to imagine how the once sacred place of physics in my mind could become what it is today.”

"Is it just to compete with CRHPC and complete the experiment before CRHPC?"

"Does this mean anything academically?"

Needless to say, although there were early speculations about CERN's involvement in this experimental fraud, Xu Chuan was indeed very disappointed when the evidence was actually obtained, and the expression on his face was also true.

After all, even if he puts aside the research results of his previous life, he has made considerable achievements at CERN in this life.

Whether it is the mystery of the proton radius, the method of mathematically calculating the high-energy channels of physical particles, or the detection of sterile neutrinos, they are all completed at CERN.

It is impossible to say that there is no emotion at all.

Perhaps, it all started with the United States’ involvement in CERN.

The thoughts in his mind wandered far away. When he came back to his senses, Xu Chuan held up the microphone in front of him and said, "Now is the question-and-answer session. If you have any questions, you can ask them."

Hearing this, all the arms in the audience were raised in a swish, with such fast speed and neat movements, as if they had been specially trained.

It was customary to start with the reporter from CTV. When some well-known domestic media reporters completed their questions one after another, the reporter from the New York Times stood up.

"Hello, Mr. Chairman Xu Chuan, I am a reporter from the New York Times. Here, I would like to ask if the information you disclosed at the press conference today is evidence of fraud. Can you guarantee that it must be true? ”

"Or can you provide us with its source?"

As if he felt there was something wrong with his question, the reporter who stood up quickly added.

"Of course, I am not questioning your public evidence. But for the academic community, if you receive a piece of false evidence and believe it without confirmation, after all, with your academic reputation, you can publicly publish these remarks. It will have extremely serious consequences for other physics institutions and scholars.”

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "These evidences were proactively provided by an unknown hacker organization to the official mailbox of the CRHPC agency."

"Although I don't know why this hacker group did this, after obtaining the evidence, the CRHPC agency immediately conducted repeated verifications on the mathematical model they provided and the method of fabricating experimental data."

After a slight pause, he pressed on the console.

Immediately, the evidence PPT originally shown disappeared and turned into some internal verification processes of CRHPC.

Turning to look at the data displayed on the screen, Xu Chuan continued: "This is a reenactment process completed by CRHPC using mathematical models and fabricated experimental data."

"Although it is not complete, it is completely sufficient to verify that Professor Fox's data comes from these things."

Although these evidences were only obtained yesterday morning, one afternoon and one night were not enough for them to completely reproduce all the data, but there was no problem in replicating part of it.

This was also requested by Xu Chuan. The purpose was to deal with the various tricky questions from these media reporters and to completely kill Fox Haier's data fraud.

As reporters asked questions one by one, the relevant answers were quickly completed.

After answering Wan's last media reporter's question, Xu Chuan stood in front of the press conference stage, looked at the reporters in the audience, and said:

"For academic research, the academic community allows errors that occur due to objective conditions, and also allows problems caused by negligence and accidents."

"However, we will never allow academic misconduct that is subjectively malicious and violates academic ethics."

"No matter which one it is, it will ruin the reputation of the scientific community and hinder scientific progress."

"Today, standing here, as the chairman of CRHPC, I represent the CRHPC organization to make an official announcement."

"CRHPC will establish a credibility scoring system for major physics research institutions and universities."

“Academic institutions with excellent reputation scores can receive priority experimental applications, cooperation, and even partial technology openings from CRHPC institutions, Xinghai Research Institute, Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, Chuanhai Network Technology Company, and other institutions.”

"Institutions that engage in data falsification, academic misconduct, etc. will have their scores lowered, or even be blacklisted as a whole, and their experimental applications, cooperation, etc. will be refused."

Taking a deep breath, Xu Chuan looked at the many media reporters in the audience and continued:

“From the perspective of a scholar, I hope that academic research will be rigorous, truth-seeking, honest, and even more authentic.”

"I cannot influence the entire academic community, nor can I influence the decisions of academic institutions in other countries, but I can start from myself regarding academic misconduct."

"Perhaps this influence will be quite weak, but there is a saying in China, 'A single spark can start a prairie fire.' I also hope that it can become a benchmark for the entire academic community in the future, and I welcome other academic institutions to participate in this project." This reputation scoring system is in the process of being created.”

"The above is the entire content of this press conference. Thank you to all media reporters for your participation."

After finishing speaking, Xu Chuan thought of something again, picked up the phone again, and added:

"In addition, on behalf of the CRHPC organization, I will permanently list Fox Haier, Eliezer Rabinovich, Motley Nishizawa and others who participated in the falsification of coupling constant experimental data for this strong electric symmetry breaking The blacklist will permanently deny the above-mentioned scholars’ experimental applications, cooperation, joining and other aspects of work.”

“The CERN institution, as well as research institutions such as the School of Physics at Stanford University, the Hebrew University of Israel, and the Raqqa Institute of Physics that participated in the data falsification, have been temporarily blacklisted.”

"Both the CRHPC institution, Xinghai Research Institute, and the laboratories, research institutes and companies under my name will stop cooperation with these institutions."

"Until these institutions find out about this academic fraud and take the correct approach!"

PS: Second update, please vote for me! There’s more in the afternoon!

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