Great Country Academician

Chapter 807 Bad Influence

Chapter 810: Bad influence

With the end of the press conference, relevant news spread rapidly around the world like a rocket.

Professor Xu Chuan personally came out to accuse CERN and Professor Fox Haier of serious falsification of experimental data on the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking, which undoubtedly became the number one hot search topic at the moment.

"Shock! Professor Xu Chuan accuses CERN and Professor Fox Haier of falsifying experimental data! 》

"The months-long dispute over the coupling constant experimental data of strong electric symmetry breaking has come to an end. Is he the winner? 》

"CERN, the holy land of physics, is involved in a serious fraud scandal. The academic credibility established over more than ten years may collapse!" 》

All kinds of eye-catching news headlines are everywhere on the Internet.

As the academic mecca of physics for more than ten years, the CERN institution undoubtedly has a very high status in the hearts of physicists.

But it was in such a holy place of academic circles that it was revealed that the chairman of the board of directors was involved in falsifying data on the unified theory of strong electricity, the cornerstone of physics.

As soon as the news came out, a large number of people's eyes were immediately opened.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, related discussions almost overwhelmed the website.

[Hiss~, Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, the chairman of CERN, actually participated in the falsification of experimental data on coupling constants that break strong electric symmetry! 】

【God! What happened to this world? What happened to CERN? Why does such serious academic misconduct happen? 】

[It’s so crazy, really so crazy. If there wasn’t conclusive evidence, I wouldn’t believe it even if someone told me this. You know, this is CERN! A holy place in the world of physics! 】

[It is hard to imagine that if Professor Xu Chuan had not revealed these things in time and found the problem, would the physics world still have a future? 】

【Strict investigation! There must be strict investigation! The impact of this incident is so bad that if it is not handled properly, the reputation of the physics community will suffer a major blow. 】

[The chairman of the board of directors actually actively participates in academic fraud. Does this mean that the entire CERN is completely corrupt? 】

[Professor Xu is right, CERN is no longer worthy of being this holy place of physics! 】

[Compared with these, I think the academic credibility system proposed by Professor Xu Chuan at the press conference really needs to be established! There have been too many academic frauds, academic misconducts and other behaviors in recent years! 】

【support! The meaning of academic study is to seek truth. Exploring the truth should be the noble duty of every scholar. Honesty should also be the most basic attitude in studying. 】

[It is difficult to find any other human activity that emphasizes reality as much as academics. Scholars are respected by the public and even regarded as the conscience of society. We can't let these rats disgust everyone! There must be severe punishment! 】


On the Internet, whether it is the PhysicsForums forum, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, bibs, βhu and other major platforms, public opinion has exploded.

Academic fraud and academic misconduct have become a hot topic of discussion for everyone at this moment, and almost everyone is calling for strict treatment of those involved in academic fraud.

In the cafe under the CRHPC headquarters building.

Looking at the news on his mobile phone, Frank Wilzek ​​couldn't help but frowned and said.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Chairman would actually be involved in this experimental fraud."

Although the experimental data on the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking was controversial and may have been falsified, he had thought about whether the CERN agency was involved.

But to be honest, from his perspective, I still hope that CERN does not know about this matter.

After all, CERN's status in the world of physics is no less important than today's Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in the world of mathematics.

But often the more you worry about something, the more it will happen.

The chairman of CERN is involved in this incident that has a major impact on the physics community and can even be said to be the most influential incident of academic fraud since the beginning of the 21st century.

This is really disappointing.

Upon hearing this, Edward Witten, who was sitting opposite him, raised his head, glanced at him, and said calmly:

"With his academic character, it is not unexpected to do such a thing. His political leanings are too serious."

Edward Witten was not surprised that the chairman was involved in falsifying the experimental data of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking.

Ever since Eliezer Rabinovich came to power, or since the United States intervened in the upgrade of the high-brightness LH-LHC hadron collider, the nature of CERN has actually changed.

It is no longer that large-scale physics research institution for all mankind, but has become a tool in the hands of the United States, a tool to fight and suppress the development of CRHPC.

This has actually been demonstrated since Professor Gwendolyn Casey came to power.

Ever since Chairman Gwendolyn came up, CERN has continued to exclude Chinese scholars, rejecting their experimental applications, cooperation, etc.

So much so that in the end, all their scholars will be forced to leave CERN.

And now that Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich has come to power, the confrontation and competition with CRHPC has reached an unprecedented level.

This is no longer pure competition, but malicious targeting.

In order to suppress the CRHPC organization, Eliezer Rabinovich even asked him and Pierre Deligne to report on the unified theory of strong electricity at a report meeting.

This kind of behavior has long lost the awe and rigor of academic itself.

Looking at it now, it is not unusual for Chairman Eliezer Rabinovich to be involved in data fraud.

At least, he didn't feel too much surprise, he just felt sorry for CERN.

Perhaps after this incident, CERN will end its status as a holy land of physics for more than ten years, and the world's physics center will be transferred to CRHPC.

Of course, he didn't think this was a bad thing.

Across the coffee table, Frank Wilczek frowned and said: "The impact of this incident is too bad. A top physics institution like CERN is involved in academic fraud, and it is the chairman who takes the lead. I am afraid it will be difficult for the outside world to trust CERN again." ”

Witten glanced at him and said calmly: "Since they have made the choice, they should bear the corresponding consequences. This is their own decision."

Wilzek ​​sighed and said: "If CERN ends, CRHPC will probably be the only option in the future."

After a slight pause, he looked out the window at the headquarters building. After a moment of silence, he continued:

"I'm not saying that CRHPC is not good enough, but that CRHPC is not a cooperative institution as a whole. The Circular Super Particle Collider is independently built by China. At present, they may open up the space for collision experiments in order to attract scholars from other countries. But what about the future?”

"Although international cooperative organizations have various shortcomings, they will not fall into the problem of one company controlling all the rights to speak."

After picking up the coffee on the table and taking a sip, Edward Witten smiled and said in an indifferent tone:

"Then what does it matter? Who can say clearly what will happen in the future."

"For now, at least under Xu Chuan's control, it is basically impossible for CRHPC to have the kind of thing you mentioned. He knows better than anyone else that physics is a subject that requires the joint efforts of scholars from all over the world to advance and The discipline of development.”

"If this were not the case, he would not need to disclose the tools for mathematical calculation of physical particle channels, nor should he disclose the methods of extending and applying the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem."

"He can leave these results to Chinese scholars for their own use."

"As for the future, if we wait until he gets old, I'm afraid we will no longer be in this world."

PS: Second update, please give me a monthly pass

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