Great Country Academician

Chapter 808: A nation that is hated by chickens and dogs

Europe, CERN headquarters.

In the office of Eliezer Rabinovich, the director general.

At the press conference, Xu Chuan publicly accused the experimental data of coupling constants of strong electric symmetry breaking of serious fraud, and the news that relevant evidence was released was undoubtedly transmitted here at the first time.

When the director general of the CERN organization just received the news, his face turned pale.

A call from thousands of miles away scolded him.

There is no doubt that this call came from North America.

After China's controlled nuclear fusion technology was realized, the United States and Western countries actually have fewer "key cards" in their hands.

In this era, controlled nuclear fusion technology means endless energy for human civilization.

When energy is liberated, productivity is also greatly liberated.

Quantitative change has produced qualitative change. When energy is liberated, the requirements in other fields will also be reduced a lot.

The rise of China is already a foregone conclusion.

Since it is no longer possible to suppress and restrain, then maintaining their advantages and leading in the remaining key areas is the first thing that the United States and Western countries consider.

For example, chips, top-level precision processing, semiconductors, materials, etc.

Along with these, there is also the "basic science" at the foundation level.

The development of modern science, whether it is scientific and technological research and development or experimental verification, cannot be separated from the support of basic science.

Whether it is mathematics, physics, chemistry, or related information science, materials science, etc.

These things are the foundation of science and the most core pillars.

The reason why the group of gentlemen on Capitol Hill are willing to invest a lot of money in CERN and provide a batch of high-performance high-temperature superconducting materials, contrary to the previous normal state of freeloading, is undoubtedly to see the importance of the basic science field.

They don't want to see China rise in these fields.

But now the accident of CERN has torn a huge wound in the deployment of the United States.

The chairman of the CERN Council has participated in a serious academic fraud, which is a fatal blow to the academic reputation of CERN.

In the office, holding the mobile phone and listening to the abuse coming from it, Eliezer Rabinovich looked ugly as if he had eaten a dead child. He couldn't say a word, but he didn't dare to hang up the computer.

He didn't even dare to keep the phone away from his ears.

It was nothing, the person who was blasting him at the moment could easily decide his fate.

As if he was tired of scolding, the voice on the other side, which had been firing for half an hour, finally stopped.


"If you can't solve this, I swear, I will definitely send you to Alcatraz Prison!"

"Damn it!"

After saying this harsh word, the person on the other end of the phone hung up the phone directly.

On this side, after hearing the word Alcatraz Prison, Eliezer Rabinovich, the chairman of CERN, turned pale instantly.

This prison, located in the San Francisco Bay of California, USA, is famous for its unique geographical location and historical background. Its psychological and mental torture and test of prisoners can be said to be one of the cruelest prisons in the world.

If you are sent there, you might as well die.

"Damn Fox!"

Throwing the phone on the desk, Eliezer Rabinovich's eyes were cold and he cursed with gritted teeth.

He did not regret falsifying the experimental data of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking, but was angry that these evidences that should have been destroyed long ago were spread.

Without these evidences, the situation would not have reached this point today.

They have even used the imperfect method of the "strong electric unified theory" to throw the flaws of the experimental data onto Professor Xu Chuan.

Although this method is easy for people in the physics community to see through.

But as long as the external public opinion is stable, they have countless ways to solve the problems within the academic community.

However, when the evidence spread out, everything, everything, everything, was hopeless.

This time, he knew very well that he could no longer survive in the academic community.

Whether it is CERN, the Hebrew University, or the Raqqa Institute of Physics, there is no place for him.

And this is just a good ending.

If it is worse, both he and Fox Hale will probably be sent to prison.

Just as Eliezer Rabinovich was thinking about how to solve this matter, the door of the office was pushed open.

The person he was just scolding walked in.

Looking at this familiar figure, Eliezer Rabinovich stared at him coldly for a long time before speaking.

"What else are you doing here?"

Fox Hale said quickly: "The evidence didn't come from me."

Eliezer Rabinovich: "Do you think I will believe it? I have told you countless times that anything related must be cleaned up."

"But what? You promised solemnly that it had been cleaned up long ago. Then tell me, why did those things get out?"

Fox Hale argued: "This is something I personally watched, but no one expected that hackers were used there."

Eliezer Rabinovich: "Don't you think it's too late to say this now?"

Fox Haier quickly said: "But we have to find a way to solve this matter, right? If we don't discuss a solution as soon as possible, the public opinion outside will only get worse and worse."

Eliezer Rabinovich interrupted him directly.

"It's too late."


"I mean it's too late. Public opinion outside has already exploded."

Public opinion that there was serious fraud in the coupling constant experimental data of strong electric symmetry breaking broke out quite quickly.

In almost less than a day, relevant information was reproduced on all major platforms and media around the world.

As for this academic fraud incident, which can be said to be the largest and most widespread in the 21st century, the institutions involved also responded very quickly.

The first was Stanford University, which was the first university institution to react and officially make an announcement.

Suspend all positions of all scholars involved in the falsification of experimental data, including Professor Fox Hale.

All scientific research projects involving its participants have been suspended pending follow-up investigation.

At the same time, the director of the School of Physics at Stanford University stood up and stated that this was an extremely serious incident of academic misconduct and vicious academic fraud. The School of Physics at Stanford University did not know about it and had officially called the police.

At that time, the School of Physics at Stanford University will fully cooperate with the police investigation and wait for the completion of the investigation results. If it is confirmed that Professor Fox Hale was involved in the fraud, a formal public prosecution will be initiated.

But in

Immediately afterwards, the Hebrew University of Israel and the Raqqa Institute of Physics also stood up and announced that they would strictly investigate this vicious academic misconduct incident.

However, unlike the former, in a public release, the Hebrew University of Israel expressed doubts about the academic credibility scoring system proposed by Xu Chuan.

It is believed that mistakes made by a single scholar should not implicate the academic institution where the scholar works, let alone such judgments of a co-ordinated nature.

As soon as the relevant announcement came out, it quickly set off a wave of discussion on the Internet again.

[As expected of a Judahite, true 6. 】

[Other institutions deal honestly with scholars who commit fraud, but Hebrew University has more problems. 】

[When you see a cockroach in the room, it means that there are many cockroaches in places you can't see. 】

[Hebrew University, I remember this name. 】

[Isn’t this Mr. Mi? It’s normal. There is a law prohibiting discussion. You are still chatting here. Be careful of Mr. Mi police looking for you along the network cable. 】

[A formal professor in a university institution has committed serious fraud. I personally believe that the unit should bear some responsibility, so that this wave of academic misconduct can be stopped! It can also allow units to pay attention to moral character when cultivating talents! 】


The Hebrew University's announcement undoubtedly poured hot oil on an already scorching situation, and instantly triggered a crusade from people all over the Internet.

The already bad reputation has been added to once again, and I don't know if this nation cares about it.

Huaguo, southern Hunan.

In the CRHPC headquarters building in Star City.

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to the discussions on the Internet. He was currently dealing with the work at hand.

Suddenly, the phone on the table vibrated rapidly.

He picked up his phone casually and took a look. It was a video call from Xu Xiao.

Seeing this familiar avatar, Xu Chuan put down the pen in his hand with a smile on his lips.

It's true that I haven't received a video call from this girl for two or three months.

His thumb slid across the screen, and a small head poked out across the video, accompanied by an excited and happy voice.

"Brother, I graduated!"

With a smile on his face, Xu Chuan congratulated: "Congratulations, is the paper finished?"

Showing his millet teeth, Xu Xiao squinted his eyes and smiled: "Yes, the paper has officially passed the review. Guess where I posted it!"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan thought for a moment and guessed two answers: "Science or Nature?"

Xu Xiao’s doctoral thesis is of high quality. The research theory of simulating neural signals and electrical signal conversion based on quantum theory may be able to solve one of the biggest problems in the VR field today, ‘3D vertigo’.

This alone is enough to be worthy of being published in the journals "Nature" or "Science".

In addition, the mathematical part of this paper, as well as related models, were completed by him.

In addition, he also put his name on the work. His name was the guarantee, which was one of the reasons why Xu Xiao's graduation thesis was approved and officially published so quickly.

As for submissions, the two brothers and sisters also talked at the end of last year. Xu Xiao’s intention to submit articles was only those top publications.

In terms of influence, neither Nature nor Science can compare with other journals.

Hearing these two answers, Xu Xiao smiled slyly and said, "It's "The Lancet Neurology"!"

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment and looked at Xu Xiao with some surprise: "The Lancet?"

The Lancet Neurology is a clinical neurology research journal under the famous "Lancet" journal.

The first three words of excellence are enough to prove it.

He really didn't expect that Xu Xiao's graduation thesis would eventually be submitted to The Lancet, which can be regarded as a cross-field journal.

What he didn't expect was that The Lancet actually passed it.

Xu Xiao smiled and nodded his head: "Yes, it's The Lancet Neurology. You can see my paper in a week!"

Xu Chuan asked curiously: "No, isn't your graduation thesis in the field of virtual reality? How did you submit it to The Lancet in the end?"

Xu Xiao smiled and said: "My mentor, Professor Elvis, helped me to connect. I originally wanted to submit it to Nature."

"My mentor knows the editor of The Lancet, and then tried to send the paper there, and it was passed."

"The reply from there is that this paper has great value for the application of virtual reality technology in many medical fields such as patients with hearing and hearing impairments, neuromuscular diseases, diagnosis and surgical simulation, rehabilitation training, etc."

Xu Chuan gave a thumbs up and praised: "Awesome!"

I have to say, this is really excellent.

The Lancet Neurology is a subscription journal under the Lancet

Even with the bonus of his mathematical model, being able to be published in the top journal such as The Lancet, even if it is just a sub-journal under the general journal, Xu Xiao's paper is quite excellent overall.

More importantly, this is her graduation thesis.

You know, many scholars and professors in the medical field may not be able to publish a paper in The Lancet in their entire lives.

And publishing her graduation thesis in The Lancet is enough for her to stand out among scholars of her generation.

After chatting for a while, before hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan asked with a smile: "When will you be back?"

Xu Xiao thought for a while and said: "It will probably take three or four days. There are still some things that have not been dealt with here."

Xu Chuan nodded with a smile and said: "Be careful on the road. Come to me when you come back. I will give you a graduation gift then."

Hearing this, Xu Xiao's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "What gift, brother!"

Xu Chuan smiled mysteriously and said: "Keep it secret for now. You will know when you come back."

Hearing the confidentiality, Xu Xiao made a face and hung up the phone slightly.

Xu Chuan didn't care. He smiled and shook his head, picked up the pen again, and continued his work.

The transaction with Elon Musk is still confidential, and the relevant news has not been released yet.

On the one hand, it is better to keep a low profile before Xu Xiao returns to China.

On the other hand, Musk has to deal with the US Commerce Department and the congressional grandfathers. After all, the change and transfer of shares of such high-tech enterprises is still quite troublesome in the United States.

Especially when transferring to other countries, various procedures and audits are more troublesome.

If the news that the transaction partner is China is revealed before everything is settled, I am afraid that public opinion in the United States will explode. At that time, even if the government there originally acquiesced in the operation, it will directly reject it.

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