Great Country Academician

Chapter 809: The wanderer returns home, a romance unique to the Chinese people

On the third day after Xu Chuan personally accused CERN and Professor Fox Hell of serious fraud in the experimental data of coupling constants of strong electrosymmetry breaking.

The directors of CERN officially held a press conference.

However, it was not Eliezer Rabinovich who hosted the press conference, but the political representatives of CERN.

The directors of CERN are divided into two groups. One is the representatives in the academic community, such as Eliezer Rabinovich, Edward Witten, and David Gross, who usually control the operation and experiments of CERN.

The political representatives are the personnel of various countries who are inclined to the suburbs. They are arranged by various countries to fight for the interests of their own countries at CERN.

If it is normal, these representatives of the directors of the suburbs will not appear in public. They usually work behind the scenes.

But now, another set of CERN's board of directors has fallen into academic misconduct, and only these people can preside over the overall situation.

The chairman of the board, Eliezer Rabinovich, was expelled, and Professor Fox Hell was stripped of his board position and expelled. The two are forever banned from re-entering CERN.

At the same time, for all members involved in the academic fraud, including Eliezer and Fox, CERN will formally file criminal charges based on the severity of the circumstances after the investigation is completed, and will publish their academic fraud information on the CERN official website to warn future generations.

CERN's official response, expelling President Eliezer Rabinovich and Professor Fox Heyer, and pursuing criminal responsibility for scholars involved in the fraud, can be regarded as a slight redemption of the face of this large physics institution.

But no matter what, when it was revealed that the president of CERN was involved in a major academic fraud incident, CERN's reputation had already rotted both in the academic community and in the outside world.

This fraud incident, which was serious enough to endanger the entire physics community, painted a black color that was difficult to fade for CERN, the former holy land of physics.

Even after more than a decade, when someone mentions CERN, the first thing that will come to mind is this, not how glorious CERN once was.

An academic fraud incident involving the entire physics community, which shocked the world and lasted for several months, finally ended with the end of the CERN institution, the holy land of physics.

At the same time, on the other side of the Eurasian continent.

China, Xingcheng.

After arranging the subsequent CRHPC collision experiment, Xu Chuan left Taohualing first and returned to Jinling.

Xinghai Research Institute, Aerospace Research Institute, Xiashu Aerospace Base.

A huge space shuttle is quietly parked on the spacious apron.

This is the second-generation space shuttle "Hanhai".

As early as more than a month ago, it was officially completed and even passed more than two rounds of acceptance flights.

Compared with the first-generation Xinghai, the second-generation Hanhai has greatly changed in appearance.

Both the size and wingspan are larger, more aerodynamic, and more sci-fi.

The design similar to the shape of a "manta ray" not only allows the wings to bear more weight, but also expands the space inside the space shuttle.

(Second Generation Hanhai)

Xu Chuan, who hurried back from Star City, came here without even putting down his luggage.

Looking at the silver and black space shuttle full of science fiction, Xu Chuan's eyes were full of interest.

After a while, Academician Chang Huaxiang, who was responsible for the research, design and manufacture of the second generation aircraft, rushed over from the office area.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon. I thought it would take some time for CRHPC."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "The verification of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has been completed. The rest of the work just needs to be arranged. Someone will take care of it there."

Academician Chang Huaxiang smiled and asked, "Have you also dealt with the falsification of experimental data?"

Xu Chuan shrugged and said, "That has nothing to do with me. I am only responsible for exposing it. How to deal with it is a matter within CERN and other countries."

After a slight pause, he smiled and added, "But I can decide whether to cooperate with these universities and physics institutions in experiments again."

Hearing this, Academician Chang Huaxiang laughed and teased, "Domineering!"

After laughing for a while, he suddenly sighed, "But the academic and scientific research communities need domineering people like you. In recent years, academic misconduct such as falsification has been too serious."

"Your academic reputation scoring system is very good. When I return to Beijing in a while, I will join a few old guys to propose it to the top to see if it can be promoted nationwide."

Compared with Xu Chuan, he is much older and has seen a lot more things.

He has witnessed at least two dozen cases of academic fraud, not to mention those he has heard about.

It must be said that in recent years, the academic atmosphere at home and abroad has not been very good, and academic misconduct is common.

This is why he suddenly felt that it was necessary to promote the academic reputation scoring system proposed by Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Then you will offend a lot of people."

Given the domestic academic environment, if the academic reputation scoring system he proposed is fully implemented, many domestic professors and even schools will probably hate him to death.

Chang Huaxiang smiled and said, "You are still standing in front of me."

To be honest, if there were not a strategic scholar like Xu Chuan in China, it would be almost impossible to implement this academic reputation scoring system.

It was precisely because of Xu Chuan that he had this idea and wanted to unite some old friends to directly promote it nationwide.

Severe cases require strong medication.

Once this academic reputation scoring system is successfully implemented, it will be an extremely powerful medicine for the domestic academic system that is almost rotten to the core.

Xu Chuan smiled and said nothing.

Academician Chang Huaxiang’s proposal is also what he plans to do next.

If he simply wanted to solve the serious falsification of coupling constant experimental data for strong electric symmetry breaking, he would not have to propose this system, he would just need to expose the evidence.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let me introduce the second-generation space shuttle to me."

Smiling, Xu Chuan turned his attention to the Hanhai in front of him.

The silver and black space shuttle full of science fiction colors in front of him was the main reason why he hurried back from Star City.

Standing next to him, Academician Chang Huaxiang had a smile on his face and his eyes were full of pride. He smiled and introduced:

"The first round of flight test experiments in the atmosphere and the second round of low-Earth orbit have been completed, and all parameters of the fuselage are consistent with before."

"Judging from the current test data, if the take-off weight is a gliding take-off of a traditional aircraft in the atmosphere, the maximum total weight is 1,072.4 tons, and the maximum load-bearing weight after breaking through the atmosphere is 165.23 tons, which is slightly higher than the theoretical value. Some."

"Disregarding the weight of the fuselage and necessary fuel and other materials, the Hanhai can carry 65.78 tons of materials through the atmosphere, and the internal cargo space is 552.91 cubic meters."

While listening to Academician Chang Huaxiang's introduction, Xu Chuan walked towards the space shuttle.

Through the tall gangway, the two walked into the interior of the second-generation space shuttle.

Compared with last time, this time the interior of the space shuttle has reached complete regular military standards.

Whether it is various supplies, equipment, or equipment for the astronauts' living areas, they have all been laid out and completed.

A variety of fitness equipment and equipment such as space bicycles, space treadmills, and resistance exercise devices have been deployed. Judging from the traces, these equipment have been tested by astronauts.

After checking inside the space shuttle, Xu Chuan came to the cockpit.

The spacious cockpit has a total of five seats in two rows, front and rear, and is equipped with a complete life-saving system and ejection escape device.

At a critical moment, the head of the Hanhai space shuttle can be detached as a whole, giving it certain escape capabilities.

These are functions that are not available on the first-generation Xinghai.

After sitting on the space chair and feeling it, Xu Chuan asked: "How is the most important vertical take-off and landing function?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang smiled and replied: "Of course."

"After multiple rounds of experimental tests, the six miniaturized aerospace engines can provide a maximum thrust in the range of 265KN-275KN."

"This data cannot complete the vertical take-off and landing capabilities of the Hanhai space shuttle on Earth, but it is enough to achieve full-load vertical take-off and landing on the moon and Mars."

After a pause, Academician Chang Huaxiang raised his foot, stepped lightly on the cockpit floor, and then said:

"Considering that the aerospace engine will generate extremely high temperatures and erosion capabilities at full power output, we are equipped with two different sets of landing gear."

"The first set is conventional high-temperature rubber tires, which are used for take-off and landing on runways on the earth."

"The other set is a pure metal landing gear, located under the wings and fuselage of the space shuttle. It is equipped with a high-performance buffer system and is used to perform vertical take-off and landing functions on the moon and Mars."

"In addition, we also deliberately strengthened the structural strength of the lower part of the wing and used the latest high-temperature resistant GH3625 molybdenum-niobium solid solution strengthened nickel-based deformed alloy material to strengthen the wing."

“This is originally widely used in aerospace, petrochemical, nuclear energy and other fields. In the aerospace field, it is mainly used to manufacture key components such as engine combustion chambers and turbine blades, and can withstand extremely high temperatures and harsh working environments. "

"It is enough to deal with the high temperature, gravel, dust caused by vertical take-off and landing, as well as the high-temperature plasma generated when the aerospace engine is running."

"For this, we conducted rigorous tests before and after assembly, and the experimental data are in line with the theoretical standards. If you need it, I will have the relevant test data sent to you."

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "No need, Academician Chang will always keep an eye on me, so I can rest assured."

After a slight pause, he continued: "I came here today mainly because I have another matter that I want to discuss with you, Mr. Chang."

Chang Huaxiang nodded and said, "You say."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Do you think it is possible for the second-generation space shuttle to go to the moon before the 17th of this month?"

"The seventeenth of this month?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes."

After getting the confirmation, Chang Huaxiang frowned and thought about it. After thinking for a while, he shook his head gently and said.

"From my point of view, I don't recommend letting the Hanhai perform such a demanding task so hastily. Although the Hanhai has passed the near-Earth orbit flight experiment in the previous rounds of tests."

"But you also know that moon landing and near-Earth orbit navigation are two completely different concepts. Before the real moon landing, we should at least conduct one round of deep space long-distance navigation experiments and two rounds of lunar orbit test experiments."

After a slight pause, he looked at Xu Chuan and continued: "If you want to land on the moon before the Mid-Autumn Festival, both the Xinghai and the Fuyao can do it."

"These two first-generation space shuttles have rich experience in space flight and are fully capable of performing moon landing missions."

Needless to say, the Xinghai has been performing various space missions since its launch, whether it is for launching satellites, replenishing materials for the Tiangong space station, or transporting materials for the construction of the lunar outpost base, it has always performed quite perfectly without any accidents.

The Fuyao Space Shuttle is the second of the first generation of space shuttles.

It was also a space shuttle specially developed to carry out the "space travel" project. In the past six months, it has also perfectly carried out dozens of space trips and several lunar material delivery missions.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "What if it is unmanned? Do you think it's okay?"

Academician Chang Huaxiang frowned and said, "Why are you so eager to send the second generation space shuttle up?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I have an idea, it's quite interesting."


Chang Huaxiang looked over in surprise. Xu Chuan glanced at the scene outside the driving window and smiled and said, "I remember that our Chang'e lunar landing project series has been carried out several times."

"Well, what's wrong?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I want to take advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival to pick up our lunar landing equipment that was left on the moon!"

Hearing this, Chang Huaxiang was stunned He paused for a long time before looking at Xu Chuan in surprise and asked in surprise: "Bring it back?"

Xu Chuan nodded and smiled: "Yes, I plan to bring back the spacecraft launched in the past, such as Chang'e 3, Yutu Rover, and Lanyue."

"I have been planning these things a long time ago. The first generation Xinghai does not have this ability, but the second generation Hanhai does."

After a pause, he looked at Academician Chang Huaxiang and smiled: "Moreover, on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, to bring back our wanderers who are working hard abroad, don't you think this is a very romantic and memorable thing?"

PS: Ask for monthly tickets, big guysφ(\u003eω\u003c*)

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