Great Country Academician

Chapter 810 AI Academic Intelligent Assistant

The idea of ​​bringing back the lunar landers and rovers launched by previous generations is not something that Xu Chuan has just come up with.

As early as when the first generation of Xinghai was designed and manufactured, he had seriously thought about this matter.

However, due to the performance of the first generation, this idea was temporarily suppressed by him.

After all, the way Xinghai transports materials and visits the moon still requires traditional lunar landers.

It is extremely difficult to recover the past lunar landers, rovers and other equipment.

So Xu Chuan suppressed this idea for a short time and waited for the development of the second generation.

If everything goes well, with the second generation of aircraft being able to take off and land vertically on the moon, it is not a difficult task to recover these "wanderers" who once struggled outside.

And the subsequent research and development work is just as he expected.

Although the second generation of Hanhai has not yet performed any missions, judging from the test data of more than a month, it already has the ability to sail long distances.

More importantly, the thrust generated by six miniaturized aerospace engines is enough for it to achieve vertical takeoff and landing on the moon.

Sitting in the cockpit, Academician Chang Huaxiang thought seriously about Xu Chuan's proposal for a long time, but still shook his head gently and said, "To be honest, I think it's still a bit risky."

"After all, this is a space shuttle worth more than 1 billion RMB. If something goes wrong during the mission, it may be all lost."

The second-generation aircraft has just been manufactured and has not yet performed deep space missions.

It is indeed a bit risky to take on such a heavy responsibility for the first time.

Perhaps it would be better to land on the moon after the deep space flight experiment and lunar surface test are completed.

There is no need to be so anxious to recover the spacecraft that have been launched, right?

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "There is indeed a little risk. Every space flight is actually an adventure for today's technology."

"But we are no longer the same as before, right? Landing on the moon is no longer a task that requires the whole country to complete."

"As for whether it is worth it..."

After a slight pause, he continued with a smile: "In my opinion, it is completely worth it."

"First of all, the second-generation Hanhai was designed to land on the moon and Mars at the beginning, although there are indeed some risks in skipping deep space tests and orbiting the moon."

"But judging from the experimental data of more than a month, the data of Hanhai are quite beautiful."

"And this is not our first space shuttle. The standard industrialized production line is enough to control any detailed link and ensure the quality of Hanhai."

"And the strong confidence brought by the rich aerospace experience of Xinghai and Fuyao also makes us There is enough capital to complete this mission. "

"The ultimate goal of the second-generation aircraft is to achieve vertical takeoff and landing on the moon. This mission also determines whether we can continue."

"Even if there are some accidents in the process, as long as there are no astronauts, a space shuttle, and more than 10 billion Xinghai Research Institute can still bear it."

"Let alone, the space travel project carried out by Fuyao in the past six months has brought us billions of dollars in revenue."

"Don't worry about accidents causing more than 10 billion to go down the drain. Every technological advancement, especially in the field of aerospace, requires a lot of funds to fill."

Academician Chang Huaxiang opened his mouth, hesitated, and finally shook his head and said, "It's up to you."

What Xu Chuan said still makes sense. Today's China is no longer the weak strength that required the joint efforts of major aerospace agencies across the country to land on the moon more than a decade ago.

Let alone other things, the aerospace activities carried out by Xinghai Research Institute alone in the past year are enough to match the combined efforts of other countries.

In aerospace, they have jumped up and stood on the top of the world.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing."

After chatting for a while, Academician Chang Huaxiang suddenly remembered another thing and called Xu Chuan who was about to evacuate.

"Huh? What is it?"

Chang Huaxiang smiled and said, "It's not a very important thing, but it's better to tell you."

"The Space Administration has said to us before, saying that when we resupply the lunar base next time, we should also take the lunar satellite and lunar rover sent by Pakistan."

Xu Chuan waved his hand and smiled, "You can arrange it, it's not a big deal."

Academician Chang Huaxiang smiled and nodded, and agreed, "Okay."

For them now, bringing satellites from other countries to the moon is not much different from using cargo planes to transport goods on the earth.

If you don't consider the tedious work of slowing down to enter orbit, the time they need to get from the earth to the moon may be faster than delivering goods on the earth.

For example, from the capital of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the flight alone is as long as 42 hours.

It only takes two or three days for Xinghai to reach the lunar orbit from the low-Earth orbit.

But during these two or three days, at least one-third of them were spent on various orbit adjustments.

Of course, these things cannot be compared so simply.

But this is enough to highlight their current strength in aerospace.

After checking the second-generation Hanhai space shuttle and discussing the time and mission of the second-generation aircraft's maiden flight, Xu Chuan dragged his luggage back to the villa at the foot of Zijin Mountain.

After not coming back for a few months, the situation here is almost the same as when he left.

The room is spotless, and the flowers outside the villa courtyard are blooming just right.

Throwing the backpack on the sofa, the whole person fell on the sofa, and Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not tired, but a habitual action after returning from a long trip.

Just like ordinary people throw their luggage away and fall on the bed to relax completely after returning home from a business trip.

After lying comfortably on the sofa for a long time, Xu Chuan got up, picked up his backpack and went into the study.

After sorting out some materials brought back from Xingcheng CRHPC and putting them in the bookcase, he sat in front of the computer, opened the mailbox, and began to deal with some not-so-important emails that had accumulated a few days ago.

At this moment, the ringing of the phone on the desk vibrated.

Xu Chuan picked up the phone casually, took a look, and answered the call with a smile in his eyes.

"Hello, Jiaxin."

The call was from Liu Jiaxin. He has been busy with work at CRHPC recently, and he hasn't received a call from his senior sister for a while.

"When will you return to Jinling?"

"I just came back today and just got home. I haven't had time to send you a message." Xu Chuan smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"The research and development of the 'AI Academic Assistant' has been completed. Do you want to come and see it?"

"So fast?" Xu Chuan was a little surprised and asked curiously.

Liu Jiaxin nodded gently and said, "Well, the overall program has been completed and has all the functions, but it still needs to be debugged slowly."

"Okay, I'll go over later."

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone, and Xu Chuan sent a message to Zheng Hai.

After a while, Zheng Hai drove over.

After a simple wash of his face, Xu Chuan got in the car and rushed towards the Qixia Mountain New Development Zone.

The autumn heat roasted the earth, and the glass outside the headquarters building of Chuanhai Network Technology Company reflected dazzling light.

Taking the elevator, Xu Chuan found his senior sister who was still busy with her work in the office.

He knocked on the door, and Liu Jiaxin, who was studying something in the office, was awakened by the knock. When she looked up and saw him, she was obviously stunned for a moment, and then a smile floated on her face, and greeted with a smile: "You are here."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I just came back. I just put down my luggage and brought your phone."

Liu Jiaxin got up, walked to the desk and poured a glass of water, handed it over, with a gentle smile on her face, and smiled: "Why don't you take a rest? There is no rush to come tomorrow."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's just two steps away."

Liu Jiaxin smiled and said: "Your two steps are far enough."

"That's right, if Cao Zhi had these two steps back then, he would probably have run out of Wei." Xu Chuan laughed.

After chatting for a while, Xu Chuan stood up and said, "Take me to see the AI ​​academic assistant you developed."

Liu Jiaxin nodded, put down the teacup in her hand, stood up and took him to the research center.

After a while, the two came to the research center where the AI ​​academic assistant was developed.

"Mr. Liu."

In the R\u0026D center, the assistant who was handling the work at hand stood up immediately after seeing Liu Jiaxin and greeted her respectfully.

After that, she noticed Xu Chuan following behind her, and she was stunned.

Although everyone knows that the real boss behind Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd. is Xu Chuan, the number of times they have seen him here is really too few, so that the assistant did not react for a while.

After a long while, she reacted and greeted her quickly in some surprise and panic.

"Academician Xu, why are you here?"

Xu Chuan smiled and glanced at the assistant, and said jokingly: "I came with your General Manager Liu, don't worry about me."

On the side, Liu Jiaxin's face flushed when she heard Xu Chuan calling General Manager Liu, feeling a little strange.

But she has been the boss of the company for several years, and she quickly adjusted herself. She coughed and said: "Xiao Xi, is the demonstration of the AI ​​academic assistant ready?"

"It's ready."

Hearing this, the assistant stood up quickly and said: "Please follow me, Academician Xu, General Manager Liu."

Take the two to the small meeting room prepared next door. After preparing the demonstration, the assistant named Xiao Xi looked at Xu Chuan, hesitated for a moment and said: "Do you need me to explain?"

"No, your General Manager Liu's explanation is enough."

Xu Chuan said with a smile. He believed that Liu Jiaxin would definitely know more about this AI academic assistant than anyone else in the company.


After responding, the assistant walked out quickly and closed the door.

Xu Chuan smiled and looked at the senior sister, saying, "Mr. Liu, thank you for your help."

With a little blush on her face, Liu Jiaxin glanced at him in a reproachful manner and whispered, "Xiao A."

"I'm here!"

In the conference room, a crisp and sweet artificial intelligence voice sounded, and at the same time, a rotating galaxy picture jumped out on the screen projected in the conference room.

"Please briefly introduce yourself first."

"Okay, my dear."

"Hello everyone, I am Xiao A, an AI academic assistant. It is a smart assistant that mainly uses AI big model technology to closely integrate with scientific research scenarios, and generates relevant literature around important needs such as scientific exploration, literature reading, knowledge management and achievement creation. If you don't understand anything about academic materials, you can ask me at any time."

Accompanied by the instructions of the senior sister, a simple introduction sounded in the conference room.

Xu Chuan listened carefully to the whole introduction, which was very smooth and ordinary.

If it is from this aspect, this AI academic assistant is not much different from the current artificial intelligence AI assistants on the market.

Whether there are already mobile phone voice intelligent assistants or other similar products on the market, it is not difficult to do this step.

Of course, for an AI academic intelligent assistant, judging whether it is powerful is not only based on voice dialogue.

Although voice dialogue is the basis, for an academic intelligent assistant AI, data analysis, literature review, language translation, experimental design, knowledge management, etc. are the most important core factors.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said, "Xiao A, help me collect papers related to the theory of strong electric unification, and sort them by importance."

"Okay, my lady."

On the screen, the rotating galaxy picture changed, and Xu Chuan silently calculated the time in his mind while waiting.

About half a minute later, the rotating galaxy picture on the screen flashed, and then a series of theories and links began to appear.

The first paper surprised Xu Chuan. It was not his theory of strong electric unification, but his paper "Existence and Proof of Solutions of Yang-Mills Equation" published in the "Annals of Mathematics".

This is the first half of the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem.

The second one is also from the "Annals of Mathematics"

"For any compact simple group G, there exists a massive quantum Yang-Mills field with G as the norm group on R4, and there is a mass gap \u003e 0! 》

This is the second half of the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem.

The third place is not the strong-electric unification theory, but the paper "Asymptotically Free Phenomena in Strong Interaction Theory" by David Gross, David Pulitzer and Frank Wilczek.

He kept scrolling down until he reached the ninth place, and then he saw his strong-electric unification theory.

Xu Chuan was naturally a little surprised to see his strong-electric unification theory in this ranking.

This smart smart assistant doesn't seem to be very smart?

PS: I worked overtime until late at night yesterday and didn't have time to update. Sorry, I will make up for it tomorrow.

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