Great Country Academician

Chapter 811 NASA's 'Pulsed Plasma Rocket'

In the conference room, seeing the confusion on Xu Chuan's face, Liu Jiaxin explained softly.

"The ranking of the academic weight of these papers is weighed from many aspects."

"For example, the number of citations, whether it has been peer reviewed, academic awards and honors, practical applications and policy impact, academic and public attention, etc."

"Papers in different fields have different criteria for judgment."

With this explanation, Xu Chuan suddenly understood why the ranking of the strong electric unified theory was only ninth in the ranking of this AI academic intelligent assistant.

To judge the importance of an academic paper, comprehensive considerations are required.

For example, the number of citations.

This is one of the core indicators for measuring the influence of a paper, which reflects the frequency of the paper being cited by other researchers.

The more times a paper is cited, the greater the influence of its research results on the academic community.

This data can be tracked and calculated through academic databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, etc.

Another example is peer review.

For the academic community, whether a paper has been peer reviewed is also a particularly important part.

This is a quality control mechanism that evaluates papers through experts in the field to ensure the quality and contribution of the research.

Although the results of peer review do not directly reflect the influence of the paper, it is an important part of evaluating the academic value and credibility of the paper.

So after comprehensive consideration, the strong-electric unified theory ranks ninth, which is not low.

It can even be said that it is already quite important in the algorithm of this AI assistant.

After all, although his strong-electric unified theory has held academic conferences, it has not been published in academic journals, let alone fully verified.

The CRHPC organization is still using the circular super particle collider to verify other predicted constants in the strong-electric unified theory.

There is a big gap between theory and truth.

In this case, this AI assistant can rank the strong-electric unified theory ninth, which is quite good.

Of course, this may also be a ranking given by considering the popularity, influence, impact factor and other factors of the strong-electric unified theory.

After all, although this paper has not been fully verified, its reputation and influence are really not low.

After testing this AI academic assistant in various ways, Xu Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

A very good academic intelligent assistant, it is quite good in all aspects, whether it is for judging, organizing, interpreting, evaluating the importance of papers, or for entering, typesetting, grammar checking of paper manuscripts.

Of course, there are also shortcomings.

Because it was not written for a long time, the performance of various aspects still needs a lot of tuning.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "Maybe we can make an APP and release it to the public for profit and intelligent tuning."

If you want to talk about the fastest way to optimize an AI, then it is naturally a large number of customers who use it a lot.

Each use can accumulate different experimental data, which can be fed back to the intelligent assistant itself after being aggregated into the database.

For example, the GPT deep learning model that was very popular some time ago, its powerful information integration and dialogue capabilities have amazed the world as soon as it was released, and it has shown amazing capabilities in natural language processing.

And the language interaction ability of this AI academic assistant is not bad in this regard.

After a lot of training, it may be expanded from the academic field to other fields.

On the side, Liu Jiaxin nodded gently and said, "This is not difficult. It can be completed in about half a month."

Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd. currently has nearly four-digit programmers. With the core main program already completed, it will not take long to make a customer-oriented app for different users in various countries.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I will help recommend it then."

This is an academic AI assistant. With his status and reputation in the academic community, I believe this APP will soon become popular in the academic community.

Of course, he only plays the role of an initiator. What can really make this little assistant widely used in the academic community is its own performance.

After all, the iron must be hard.

After chatting for a while, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, should this AI academic assistant be named? It won't be called Xiao A, right?"

Liu Jiaxin shook her head and said, "Xiao A is just a code name during the development of the project. It has not been officially named yet. Can you give it one?"

Xu Chuan thought about it, looked at the rotating galaxy on the screen, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Why not call it 'Qi Ling'?"

After a slight pause, he smiled and said, "As for daily life, call it 'Xiao Ling'. Ling and Ling are homophones, and it also represents the beginning of everything."

Qi Ling, the spirit of artificial intelligence, is quick-witted and dexterous. It breaks through itself in innovation and independence. I hope that in the future, it can grow into a real artificial intelligence and give itself a real soul.

Blue sky.

Accompanied by the roar of high-speed airflow, a huge space shuttle like a manta ray is flying above the clouds.

The red and purple tail flame is as gorgeous as the sunset.

At the same time, on the other side.

North America, Washington, NASA's satellite monitoring center.

On the large monitoring system composed of several screens, there are real-time optical images transmitted back by satellites.

Xinghai Research Institute is the United States and is also the focus of NASA's monitoring. Especially after the Xiashu Space Base developed and manufactured the first generation of Xinghai space shuttle, its monitoring intensity has been raised to a peak.

Whether it is a high-resolution optical satellite in low-Earth orbit or a military reconnaissance satellite, it is normal.

And the flight experiment of the second generation Hanhai space shuttle is also under monitoring.

Of course, Xinghai Research Institute, or Xu Chuan, has never thought about "secret" operations.

With the current development of science and technology, it makes no difference whether the Xiashu Space Base is built in Jinling or in the inland desert.

With today's satellite monitoring, to be honest, big countries like China and the United States can basically see what you look like when you walk on the ground as long as they want.

And as for large-sized equipment such as space shuttles, as long as the other party is willing, they can basically monitor it.

Especially neither Xinghai nor Hanhai has stealth function.

After all, both in name and in practice, the first and second generation space shuttles are used for space flight, and it is impossible to apply invisible coating.

And this is not the first time that NASA has monitored the flight of the Hanhai.

Looking at the space shuttle that is larger than the Xinghai in the satellite monitoring screen, flipping through the data collected by NASA in recent times.

A deputy director of the CIA Intelligence Bureau frowned and said: "They are stronger in space flight. This space shuttle can obviously carry more "materials" than their Xinghai."

He was talking about materials, but everyone present understood that in normal times, it can be various materials and equipment needed for space development.

But in the war, it can also be various offensive weapons, or even strategic weapons.

Especially the huge wings, the area on both sides is wider and longer than the first generation space shuttle, somewhat similar to their B-2 Spirit bomber.

You know, as long as this aircraft can bear the corresponding load, the wide wings can represent the number of rotating bomb racks to a certain extent, and the number of rotating bomb racks means the number of "missiles" and weapons carried.

For example, their B-2 bomber, two rotating bomb racks can carry 16 AGM-129 cruise missiles, 80 MK82 or 16 MK84 conventional bombs or 36 CBU-87 cluster bombs.

This amount of bomb load is simply not comparable to ordinary fighters.

In front of us, the wings of this second-generation aircraft are obviously wider than those of the first-generation aircraft.

Although the design is just for the convenience of vertical take-off and landing for Xu Chuan and Xinghai Research Institute, it is impossible for NASA and CIA not to speculate on the military aspect.

Bill Nelson, director of NASA, said: "We first detected this new space shuttle a month and a half ago."

"According to the relevant data detected by the satellite, the fuselage length of this space shuttle is not much different from their first-generation Xinghai space shuttle, but the wingspan and wing width have increased several times."

"From the data, considering that the engine performance does not change much, the take-off weight of this space shuttle in the atmosphere can reach about 800 tons."

After a slight pause, he looked at the Hanhai on the monitoring screen and then speculated "From the tail flame, they still use the same aerospace engine as the first generation aircraft, that is, the electric propulsion system."

"With the miniaturized controlled nuclear fusion device, this space shuttle's fuel demand is far less than that of ordinary aircraft, so its maximum load may exceed 500 tons."

"Of course, this refers to the data for flying within the atmosphere. If it breaks through the atmosphere, this number should be reduced to about one-tenth to one-eighth of the original, that is, 50 tons to 80 tons."

Hearing this data, the deputy director of the CIA Intelligence Agency's face turned black on the spot.

The load of 800 tons has surpassed the An-225 transport aircraft that was destroyed on the battlefield two years ago.

The maximum take-off weight of that super-large military transport aircraft developed by the former Red Soviet Antonov Design Bureau is only 640 tons.

More importantly, the maximum load of the An-225 cargo compartment is only 250 tons.

The new space shuttle with a maximum load of more than 500 tons, even if it is only flying in the atmosphere, is twice that of the An-225.

This level of load is undoubtedly extremely terrifying when used in the military.

Frowning, the deputy director of the CIA said: "Director Bill, how is your latest space shuttle research going?"

Facing the space shuttle of the Xinghai Research Institute, if they do not have countermeasures, it will be a huge threat to national defense security.

Hearing this question, Bill Nelson quickly said: "The Endurance space shuttle has passed most of the tests. In about a month, we will officially have an operational space shuttle."

"Although it cannot be compared with the Atlantis and Endeavour space shuttles manufactured in the last century in terms of size, it is not a big problem to carry more than ten tons of materials and equipment into outer space."

Unlike the Xinghai Research Institute, NASA has neither miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology nor aerospace engines that can carry more than ten tons of materials into space. They still use the methods of the old generation of space shuttles.

That is, the space shuttle is sent into space through external thrusters, and then the space shuttle's own fuel system is used to change orbits, etc.

Although it is far from being comparable to the space shuttle of the Xinghai Research Institute in terms of flexibility, it can also be regarded as being able to freely enter outer space and the atmosphere.

After saying this, Bill Nelson sighed in his heart.

Although they are almost able to reproduce the space shuttle, compared with China, in terms of aerospace strength, if we only look at the space shuttle and launch technology, they are already far behind.

Hearing this good news, the deputy director of the CIA relaxed his frown a lot.

Since the Xinghai Research Institute developed the electric-propelled space shuttle, the pressure on the United States' national defense has soared to the highest point in history.

The strategic position of a space shuttle that can freely enter the atmosphere and outer space can be imagined with one's toes.

And they, who have sealed the space shuttle developed in the last century, urgently need a means to deal with it.

The Tenacity space shuttle, developed by NASA in cooperation with Sierra Nevada Corporation, is not as large as the traditional space shuttle in size.

But for the United States today, the biggest pressure is not the size, but whether it has the ability.

As long as there is, even if it is miniaturized, it is enough.

Sighing, the director of the CIA shook his head, let himself come back to his senses, looked at Bill Nelson, and asked:

"In addition, when will the 'pulse plasma rocket' technology you are studying be completed?"

Although they have fallen behind China in the field of space shuttles, their accumulation in the field of aerospace over the past decades is not for show.

The 'pulse plasma rocket' technology is one of NASA's reserve accumulation technologies. Compared with the space shuttle, this is NASA's new killer.

This is a technology in the "NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts" program, which was launched as early as 2013.

However, due to the lack of any rivals in the aerospace field and the huge cost, the program was shelved by the United States. Only a relatively small amount of funds was invested for NASA to conduct research, and no other actions were taken.

Now, restarting the quantitative technology in the program is also a helpless move for them.

It has to be said that the times are changing too fast.

They have always claimed to be the first in aerospace, but they were forced to this point by others in the aerospace field.

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