Great Dao Ji

Chapter 385 An Qisheng's Sigh

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. These old guys have so many tricks up their sleeves even after they die."

There were ripples in the depths of An Qisheng's eyes.

Without any hesitation, he stepped into the mountains.


The night wind howled, and in this mountainous area full of miasma swamps, there was no sound of birds, animals, or mosquitoes. It was as quiet as a ghost country.

In fact, there are still beasts in these mountains.

However, all the beasts are trapped in the mountains, and the miasma that envelopes the mountains is sucking their essence and blood all the time, so that all the beasts have no energy left to make other sounds except eating. .

This mountain is full of wild beasts, all of which are full of blood.

The meaning of existence, besides reproduction, is to supply the altar under the mountains.


An Qisheng seemed to have noticed something. He moved and arrived at the entrance of the underground palace.

With his methods, there are too many ways to enter the underground palace.

The reason why I came here is because this is a human village.

Who could have guessed that among these mountains full of swamps and miasma, there would be a small village with no less than two thousand people living!

This small mountain village is built on the mountain. It looks not much different from other villages. The houses are similar and there is no shortage of fertile farmland. Except that there is no fence surrounding the village.

A village deep in the mountains is very likely to be attacked by wild beasts from all directions, but there is not even a fence.

An Qisheng's undisguised arrival naturally alarmed the people in the village.

"Someone, someone is coming!"

"Alien, alien!"

"He's an outsider."

In the village, many people were alarmed and gathered around, each with different expressions.

Young people are curious and yearning, middle-aged people are watching with vigilance, and old people are fearful and worried.

"Everyone, get out of the way, Muramasa is coming!"

With a slight cough, an old man on crutches walked through the crowd.

"I wonder where this Taoist priest comes from? What's going on here?"

Old Cunzheng coughed and asked.

While speaking, his turbid eyes stared intently at An Qisheng's expression.

Many other villagers are also very similar.

"Coming from outside the mountains, I am here to chase a murderer and need to pass through your village."

An Qisheng said slowly.

The yellow dog on the shoulder suddenly barked.

But a fierce tiger suddenly sprang out of the forest. Seeing the crowd from a distance, it abandoned a lifeless wild boar and ran away.

Tiger feeding?

An Qisheng's eyes moved and he looked at the villagers.

The expressions of many villagers changed, and their eyes suddenly turned evil when they looked at him.

"Ahem! That big bug is the hound we raised and hunts for us every day."

The old Muramasa explained.

"Did you raise the big worm, or did the big worm raise you?"

An Qisheng glanced at the villagers lightly and shook his head slightly:

"Some people are dead, but they are still alive, and some people are alive, but they are dead."

His spiritual consciousness is powerful and he has the ability to penetrate people's hearts. Naturally, this village has no secrets for him.

It's nothing more than a group of people who are greedy for food and drink here, and are even willing to be raised as pigs, cattle and sheep. Every once in a while, they introduce some 'sacrifice' to the altar.

Such things are not uncommon in this world.

Before Lord Netherworld was born, there were many human races in the world with villages, cities, and even countries like this.

Tap tap tap~

He walked forward with steady steps and spoke calmly:

"I wonder if you are dead or alive?"

"Stop! If you don't stop, we won't be polite!"

Listening to An Qisheng's inquiry, all the villagers' expressions changed.

Many villagers even issued warnings and raised swords, guns and sticks, with the intention of taking action if they disagreed.


It was the old villager who saw something was wrong and stopped a group of villagers.

Unlike other villagers who have never been out of the mountains, he is knowledgeable and knows that there are immortals in this world. He is not afraid of demons and ghosts, and he loves to conquer demons.

Looking at An Qisheng who was getting closer, he fell to his knees and said tremblingly:

"Taoist Priest, we don't know what you want to do, but we are living a good life now. Please don't disturb our life."

When the other villagers saw Muramasa kneeling down, they all knelt down too.

"Very good?"

An Qisheng stopped and sighed rarely:

"Pig, I think so too."

No disasters, no worries about food and clothing, it seems very good, but it can easily confuse some people.

Just imagine, living outside the mountains, you may not be able to eat a piece of meat for many years, but here in the mountains you have no worries about food and clothing. There are exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes outside the mountains, but not here. There are occasionally monsters and ghosts outside the mountains that cause trouble, but there are no such things here.

For some ordinary people, there is no need to say much about how to choose.

Because of this, An Qisheng sighed. Whether it was the Earth Star in his previous life, the Xuan Star in this life, or even the Jiufu Realm, he had seen too many tragic things, but he had never seen anything like this.

A 'human' who is raised as livestock and still enjoys it as if it were sweetmeat.

"Taoist priest?"

Muramasa knelt for a long time and raised his head, but there was nothing in front of him.

The Taoist in white had disappeared without a trace and seemed to be gone.

Involuntarily, he breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

Then he stood up and hit many young people with a cane:

"Hurry up, bring the wild boar back, boil water for those who need it, gut it for those who need it, today, everyone will have meat to eat!"


The villagers jumped and shouted, cheering with joy.

For a moment, even the young people forgot other distractions and cheered together.

For the people, food is the most important thing.

In the dark cave, there seemed to be no light at all.

In the darkness, Ning Yudao staggered into it, unable to hold back any longer.

A mouthful of blood spurted out:


As soon as the blood fell to the ground, the whole cave seemed to come alive, and there seemed to be a little red light rising up, reflecting the hideous murals and reliefs on the cave wall.

The drowsy ground was squirming, greedily absorbing the blood, leaving no drop.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Ning Yudao's face was gray and ferocious:

"I've been so careful, so careful!"

Ning Yudao's murderous intent was wave after wave.

Since he got the Seven Emotions Extinction Method, he knew that he was practicing evil skills and dared not expose it to the outside world. He even dared not enter the city for many years because he was afraid of being discovered by the City God.

He didn't dare to show up until the City God disappeared.

But he didn't expect that after the City God disappeared, he actually met a dog who was meddling in other people's business!

You are a dog, why do you care about the affairs of the world?


A faint roar echoed from the mountains.

Ning Yudao's face twitched, and his eyes showed a cruel look:

"It's you who want to pursue me, and it's you who want to die"


He flicked his sleeves, and blood-red candles lit up in the cave.

The red candles flickered, reflecting the appearance of the cave.

This is a huge cave, no, it can even be called an underground palace. The candlelight spreads in both directions to the distance, and it is more than a hundred feet wide. The faint blood lamps hanging on it are twenty feet above the ground.

In the huge cave, there are murals and reliefs everywhere. In the middle, there is a mottled altar surrounded by eight Yin snakes.

The altar covers an area of ​​​​a hundred feet, and there are hideous runes all around. The whole body is dark red, and it seems to be hollowed out of the same material. Faintly, you can feel the resentment and bad luck underneath.

Looking at this altar, Ning Yudao's face showed awe.

This altar was once left by the evil way. It has the power of ghosts and gods. As long as you offer sacrifices, you can get what you want.

More than ten years ago, he came to this mountain with a group of people. He was the first to discover the wonderful use of this altar. He sacrificed dozens of people with him in exchange for the evil skill of the Seven Emotions Extinction Method.

He was just a casual cultivator, and he could cultivate to this point in just over ten years without any guidance from anyone, relying on this altar.

At the same time, this altar is also the center of the formation that covers the mountains here.


As Ning Yudao stood on the altar, waves of red mist appeared around him, and at the same time, the whisper of the devil seemed to ring in his ears.

All the distracting thoughts in his heart boiled up.

Those ghosts also rushed out of his body, laughing happily.

"I really want to take this place for myself"

"There are more than 2,000 people in this mountain. Wouldn't it be better to torture them one by one?"

"No, no, have you forgotten to warn? That's the pig raised by this altar"

The six ghosts kept shouting.

Ning Yudao ignored it, calmed down, and sensed the formation, wanting to use the power of the formation to trap the dog demon that was chasing him to death.


As Ning Yudao moved, a picture seemed to emerge in the misty red light.

"Found it?"

Ning Yudao's heart moved, and he looked at the picture in the blood light.

The flowing picture froze.

It was an evil and gloomy cave with a faint red light, full of hideous relief murals, and a dark red mottled altar.

At this time, a young man wearing scholar's clothes was standing on the altar.

"Is that me?!"

Ning Yudao was stunned at first, and then his heart was cold. He shouted and turned to look, and the six ghosts roared.

I saw that a Taoist in white clothes was only a few feet away from him, looking at the altar slowly and reaching out to touch it from time to time.

And on his shoulder, there was a fist-sized little yellow dog squatting.

As if it noticed his gaze, the little yellow dog put down the little paw it was licking, opened its mouth and shouted:


The roar sounded like thunder!

Instantly, the sound waves swept across the altar and the cave, and the dust and qi that were stirred up were like a tide, hitting all directions, making the surrounding murals and reliefs crackle.

"That dog demon"

Ning Yuzhen's expression changed wildly, and he was extremely shocked. How could he not know that it was this little dog that had been chasing him all the way.

Before he could react, a bone-chilling coldness descended, and Ning Yuzhen's body stiffened, like a snake frozen in the dead of winter, and his eyes seemed unable to move.

That was An Qisheng looking at him.

"Do you like to sacrifice?"

An Qisheng was neither happy nor angry, and casually pointed at the altar.


In Ning Yuzhen's extremely desperate eyes, the blood light that surged on the altar swallowed him up.

At the last moment, he heard the calm and almost cold voice of the Taoist in white:

"Then try it yourself!"

Chapter 2 is here, good night everyone, don't wait. Gouzi will go and write. If he can't finish it, he will get up and write it tomorrow morning. Ahem, it's Monday again, please give me some votes.

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