Great Dao Ji

Chapter 472: Reincarnation Scroll

Are you coming?

Hei Wuchang's eyes flashed, but he didn't speak.

Xie Qi was thoughtful:

"The Conferred God Platform?"

An Qisheng built the Five Directions Conferred Gods Platform, so he certainly knew about it.

He could vaguely guess what An Qisheng wanted to do, but he didn't know what the use would be.

"Ascension has been very difficult since ancient times. There have been so many cultivators in the past hundred thousand years. How many have attained the Tao? And even those who become ascensions have to shed their mortal shells and go away as naked as they came. Even if the two of them are a hundred times stronger than the ascensions, a thousand Times, how can it be possible to carry the heaven and the earth away?"

An Qisheng looked calm.

This world is special. It is not just a continent. It is difficult to move it beyond imagination. Not to mention, he still has no clue about the principle of universe replacement.

Even if Gu Changfeng could vaguely sense that there would be an opportunity for a universe replacement in the future, what exactly would be replaced was unknown.

What should we do if it is replaced in the solar system?

What if a large swath of the starry sky including Xuanxing was replaced in this world?

All living beings in this world are miserable and pitiable, and all living beings in Xuanxing are equally innocent.

"Three hundred years will pass in a blink of an eye. Once a disaster strikes, only a handful of living beings in the world will survive, and hundreds of millions of living beings will be ruined. By then, there will be no chance."

Hei Wuchang stared at An Qisheng:

"Everything in the world is divided into black and white. In extraordinary times, extraordinary things must be done."

"In extraordinary times, do extraordinary things."

An Qisheng nodded in agreement, his eyes turning with a strong will that cannot be changed:

"In that case, why not let me try."

"Three hundred years are just a snap of the fingers, how long do you want?"

Hei Wuchang sighed helplessly, but took a step back.

It's not that he doesn't like to force others, but this man is worthy of being valued by the prince. After only ninety years, he has already had the strength to compete with them.

I couldn't force it, but I had no choice but not to force it.

"Why three hundred years?"

An Qisheng looked into the void and said quietly:

"March is enough"

His eyes were faint, as if he had penetrated the endless mist, and saw the extremely distant ends of the sky, and the various God-conferring platforms.


Hei Wuchang muttered to himself slightly, and then he realized that this Taoist An had clearly come prepared.

But I was also a little scared.

He was connected to Xie Qi's origin at this time, and he could naturally know what Xie Qi was thinking. He knew everything that happened when the Taoist An came to this world.

But because of this, he was a little shocked.

It has only been ninety years, and he has not even truly stepped into the realm of destiny, but he is already planning for the ‘God of Heaven’.

What kind of courage is this?


After Xie Qi was silent for a moment, he spoke again:

"What do you need me to do?"

March is not a long time for anyone. He has been waiting for thousands of years, and he will not care about these three days.

If things don't work out after three months, he has no reason to refuse.


An Qisheng's eyes narrowed, and as he flipped through it, a simple and mysterious little altar was revealed to the two impermanent eyes.

"This Altar"

The black and white eyes were fixed at the same time. Their vision was the best in the world, and they could see the extraordinary features of this altar without a doubt.

“No ordinary product”

"Something out of this world"

The two of them spoke almost at the same time, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise in their hearts.

Even without contact, just by looking at it, they could feel that this altar was of extremely high rank.

Similarly, they have only seen one such elusive treasure in their lives.

That is the core of the netherworld, the book of reincarnation.

Could it be that Taoist An relied on this thing to come to this world?

"What do you want?"

Hei Wuchang frowned slightly.

Naturally, they are no strangers to altars. They have practiced this method of offering many sacrifices to obtain a response from the other side of the altar countless times.

In fact, in today's world, many people are offering sacrifices to the Eight Lords of Netherworld and these two.

But the altar here is most likely not from this world. Once a sacrifice is made, what kind of things will be elicited?


An Qisheng tossed it casually, and the altar suddenly swelled in the wind. In an instant, it had already turned into a height of hundreds of feet, and landed suddenly on the gate tower of Netherworld City:



The altar stood on top of the city tower, and the dim rune lines on it glowed with scarlet light, squirming like living creatures, and the mist floating around was swallowed up by it silently.

"It's so weird!"

Hei Wuchang stared at it, only to feel that once the shimmering mist was captured by the altar, it would completely disappear into the netherworld.

And this is unreasonable.

Because, whether it is the inspiration of heaven and earth or the evil spirits and hatred, it cannot be completely eliminated, whether it is the practitioner's inhalation or the pull of the netherworld.

It's just transforming it into another form. In essence, they still exist between heaven and earth, only increasing but not decreasing.

But at this moment, the Yin Qi really disappeared into the altar!

"Who is worshiping on this altar?"

Xie Qi's pupils also shrank.

"There are no worshipers on this altar. Its body is actually a scale, and the altar is just its appearance in this heaven and earth."

An Qisheng was also looking at the altar.

After ninety years of use, this altar seems to be more and more evil. Of course, it is not because this altar is evil, but because the objects he sacrificed through this altar are not good.

From the white bone demon, the evil Taoist, to the ten evils of the emperor, which one is not extremely evil?

Naturally, this altar seems evil.


Hei Wuchang chewed on these two words gently, and his heart moved, and he captured important information:

"Then can I think that if the heaven and the earth are placed on it together, the heaven and the earth can be moved away?"

"That's what I said, but it's not realistic."

An Qisheng shook his head slightly.

He once separated a ray of divine will and captured the coordinates of the wilderness world through this balance, but a complete white bone demon, when he arrived at that end, only a head was left.

If the heaven and the earth are sacrificed, not to mention the reaction of the "God of Heaven" and the emperor, I am afraid that before I get to that end, this continent will have collapsed.

Not to mention, is there really someone on the other side of the altar who can offer an exchange item equivalent to this world?

"What is Fellow Daoist An going to do by offering this altar?"

Hei Wuchang retracted his gaze.

At this moment, he was really a little confused. What exactly did An Qisheng want to do?

"If it can be done, please sacrifice the Ten Evils of the Emperor Heaven at the right time."

An Qisheng stood tall, stepped into the sky, and his body was full of Taoism:

"If it can't be done, then treat it as my exchange!"


Hei Wuchang's heart moved, and then his face changed. Just as he was about to speak, Xie Qi held his hand.

The latter shook his head slightly:

"Wait and see what happens."


When An Qisheng stood in the sky, his clothes fluttered in the whistling wind, a huge roar like a thunder explosion broke out from under the Yintu land!

In an instant, the land of thousands of miles centered on the Nether City was shattered.

Then, it was like a volcano that had accumulated for billions of years suddenly erupted.

Thousands of indescribable divine lights pierced through the sky, piercing through the heavy fog, and illuminated the entire underworld.

For countless years, the demons and ghosts who had never seen such strong light, under the illumination of such powerful divine light, quickly melted into the void like butter in a raging fire.

Even at the bottom of the turbulent underworld, the huge dragon head that was raised high could not help but lower its head and let out a painful and violent roar:

"Gu Changfeng!"


The divine light was crisscrossed in all directions, intertwined with each other, and faintly showed a huge book that seemed to encompass the entire underworld.

The book was dark yellow and extremely simple. At a glance, there were countless words looming on it, and it seemed that every moment had thousands of changes.

Even though the scroll was everywhere and could be seen everywhere, and some people stared at it intently, they could not see even a single character on it.

But vaguely, everyone who saw the scroll had an illusion that life and death were not in their control.

Moreover, not only in the underworld, but even in the human world, there were lights and shadows, shocking countless people.

"Reincarnation scroll of life and death!"

In the boundless ocean, a small boat drifted with the waves. An old monk sitting cross-legged on it with a bamboo hat suddenly looked up and saw this huge scroll, and his heart trembled.

This scroll was clearly the supreme treasure used by the Lord of the Underworld to control the life and death of all spirits and reincarnation!

According to legend, it was because of this scroll that the Lord of the Underworld was able to send people to reincarnation.

In the two thousand years since the Lord of the Underworld disappeared, countless people have ventured into the underworld, some to pursue the footprints of the Lord of the Underworld, and more people for this scroll of life and death.

"Reincarnation scroll reappears"

The old monk muttered to himself.

Since the disappearance of the Lord of the Netherworld, this ancient scroll has disappeared, and no one can drive it anymore. For two thousand years, there has been no reincarnation between heaven and earth.

And now, it reappears.

What does this mean?

Is the Lord of the Netherworld returning?

Or is the treasure choosing a master?


As his mind turned, the old monk patted the boat and sat down. Suddenly, it had cut through the boundless sea and sank into the void.

The Central Continent, the Eastern Continent, the Western Continent, and the Northern Continent

All the powerful beings, no matter where they were, no matter whether they were in seclusion or not, were suddenly startled.

After seeing this ancient book through various means, they were all shocked.

They couldn't help but break through the seclusion.

They all came to the Netherworld, but they all had a sense of induction. In a faint sense, they only felt that the opportunity had appeared. If they missed it, there would be no possibility of moving forward in this life.



The Netherworld City shook violently, and the dark soil around it rolled like waves. In the midst of the shattering, an altar that was built around the entire Netherworld City, but was more solemn and grand, slowly rose from the ground.

This altar covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, and is completely black, as if it is condensed by the most evil and evil energy in the world, exuding a terrifying aura that makes people crazy.

The altar rose at a seemingly slow, but actually very fast speed, and happened to hold up An Qisheng's body.

And the "Reincarnation Scroll" that was originally hanging on the altar.

It also fell into his palm with a "click".

This volume is almost finished, and it's stuck. Everyone go to sleep first, and Gouzi will continue to write a chapter. Don't wait, ha,

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