Great Dao Ji

Happy holidays to all the dolls, and let’s talk about the plot

May was the worst month for updates. I have reviewed and thought about the problems.

What happened in May has nothing to do with us and has little impact. It was mainly my own problem. Compared with the first world, the second world had some problems in structure. In addition, I was not in good condition. The slower I wrote, the worse I felt.

It was a vicious cycle. My scalp was numb when I wrote. I pondered every day and wrote until midnight. It was a vicious cycle.

So, I wanted to talk to you.

At the beginning of writing Da Dao Zong, I enthusiastically constructed nine worlds, from martial arts, fantasy, fairy tales, fantasy, gods, demons and monsters, but later I found problems.

This is the reader's thinking. I have been reading books for a long time, which actually affects my thinking. I want to write everything and add everything.

This is why I like to write Zhu Tian Liu.

Before I started writing, I talked with a friend and said that Zhu Tian Liu is Zhu Tian Liu and original is original. If you are original Zhu Tian Liu, it is a bit out of place.

But I still want to write. At that time, I thought that if it fails, I will open a pseudonym. Probably no one will find it, lol

Fortunately, everyone supports me, and the book is still a little bit popular. I feel confident.

Let the mess of last month go. A new month brings a new mood!

Then, everyone, leave your brains, no, leave your imaginations:

1: speculation on the development of the protagonist.

2: suggestions for the complete system of Daoyitu.

3: the number of words and length of a world.

4: the type of world (note, the next world has been selected)

5: how many votes I have

Finally, this chapter will never be deleted, and it will be kept to collect suggestions.

Finally, thank you for your support, readers. Thank you. I will go to write and strive to be a three-update dog.

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