Great Dao Ji

Chapter 562: Inventory of Harvest (Second Update)


The air whistled, and the clouds rolled and unrolled.

Those with extraordinary talents and strong physiques were much faster than others even when pulling a cart.

In front of a red chariot that looked like a flame, Zhu Dahai walked in the air with a 'huff and puff', pulling the cart through the clouds.

Thousands of pounds of meat swung back and forth, looking very eye-catching.

In the chariot, An Qisheng sat cross-legged in meditation, and in his palm, a drop of extremely viscous blood rolled back and forth.

Zhu Dahai not only had the blood of the 'pig dragon', but was also an extremely rare natural awakener. He was born with a long lifespan. To some extent, even if he did not practice, he could live for more than three thousand years!

Born with a lifespan that only the great powers in this world have, this point cannot be compared with Lan Narcissus, Wu Erlang, and even the masters of the four major sects who were suppressed by him in the 'cave heaven'.

This is why An Qisheng was a little surprised to see him.

Of course, this advantage will be leveled after being promoted to a powerful one, but even so, the preciousness of his bloodline can be known.

"Bloodline is a mark, which is imprinted with all the traces, breath, and even magic powers of the source. To a certain extent, through bloodline, all the magic powers of the source can be excavated."

In An Qisheng's mind, the three-hearted blue spirit boy kept explaining: "The improvement of the source of bloodline can even improve all the descendants of the entire bloodline.

The source creature of this drop of blood must be an immortal species, or even more than that!"

"Is it an immortal species?"

An Qisheng looked at the drop of blood, his eyes rippled: "But the source of this drop of blood has died of old age."

In the Youlin Realm, or the Wushen Realm, creatures are divided into five levels: short-lived species, immortal species, immortal species, and eternal species.

But longevity is not eternal life. Longevity is only relative to the "short-lived species" in their mouths, not the "longevity of heaven and earth" in his understanding.

The life span of this immortal species is also defined in the Youlin Realm, which is 1.296 billion years!

It is also called "one catastrophe".

This life span is certainly not comparable to the universe, but compared to humans who have a life span of a hundred years, it can naturally be called an "immortal species".


The three-hearted blue spirit boy rejected it categorically: "You said that this civilization has a history of 30 million years. An immortal species can be killed, but it is impossible to die of old age in just 30 million years!"

"I don't think it should be."

An Qisheng turned his palm and the drop of blood as thick as grease was collected.

He was also confused.

He had studied Russell countless times in his dreams, and he also knew the definition of "immortal species" by the three-hearted blue spirit boy or the Youlin Realm.

The Saint Emperor, Supreme, and Heavenly Lord in this world are all immortal species in every aspect.

The few words left behind can still maintain the original years after tens of thousands of years. How could such an existence only live for tens of thousands of years?

"Mr. Monster, this world has a big secret!"

The voice of the three-hearted blue spirit boy also became solemn: "For you, I am willing to take the risk to search for information and intelligence about this civilization, and restore the truth behind all the secrets for you!"

"You learn very quickly."

An Qisheng smiled and shook his head, and stuffed the three-hearted blue spirit boy into the 'cave heaven'.

This is not the first time that this blue-skinned little monster wants to go out, nor is it the first time he refuses.


Peng Shiliu suddenly woke up, and before he could scream, he spit out a mouthful of blood.


The blood splashed across the sky, but there was no fishy smell, and it exuded a fragrance like a peerless elixir. When it spit out, it turned into a river of blood across the sky!

Swaying and splashing, the spiritual fields within hundreds of miles were dyed red.

"What does it have to do with me?!"

Peng Shiliu staggered to his feet, and felt that his internal organs were shattered into countless pieces. He suddenly felt indignant and angry.

But after he looked around, he was stunned.

Strange rocks, dangerous peaks, longevity pines, silver waterfalls, spiritual fields

"Is this cave heaven?"

Peng Shiliu was a little confused at first, and then he woke up: This is the cave heaven of Wuyong Taoist!

That Yuanyang Taoist occupied this cave heaven, and he was caught by him!

He was jealous and terrified.

With the suppression of the cave heaven, even if he was not injured, he could not escape at all.

You must know that the cave heaven exists in the void. Once he rushed out, he would be lost in the turbulence of time and space, and there would be no possibility of returning to the world like the items in the countless broken Qiankun bags.

"These are big troubles."

Peng Shiliu felt a little scared. He had completely fallen into the hands of Yuanyang Taoist.


A loud noise shook the sky.

Zheng Longqiu suddenly opened his eyes, and two beams of divine light broke through the air and flew three thousand feet before dissipating in the void.


Zheng Longqiu touched his neck, and seemed to still feel the residual power of the guillotine. He looked around and was shocked.

Dongtian is a symbol of great power. Is Yuanyang Taoist really a great power? !

But in a moment, he realized that something was wrong. Although there was plenty of spiritual power in this Dongtian, there was no great power.


Feng Changming also silently climbed up from the ground at this time. His eyes were dazed for a moment and then filled with shock: "The Yuanyang Taoist actually refined the Wuyong Taoist's Dongtian in such a short time?"

He was shocked.

Taiyi Sect was the first to discover the residence of Wuyong Taoist in Qianshan, but the powerful restriction not only implicates the earth veins, but also seduces the cave heaven. If the formation is forcibly broken, it is very likely to damage the potential of the cave heaven.

Therefore, Taiyi Sect sent Lan Shuixian to come, and when the formation is broken, this cave heaven will be taken into the sect.

Who would have thought that Yuanyang Taoist would come out halfway.

"Accept it."

Mo Changfa, who woke up silently, was calm and replied lightly, as if he accepted his fate.

The strength of Yuanyang Taoist was even greater than theirs, and at that time, he and others accidentally fell into his "true form", which can be said to be the right time and place.

If they were to be killed, they would have been defeated. Since they were not to be killed, there was something to talk about.

He was very calm, and this calmness was because he had been captured by a giant monster before. There was something to talk about, so he was naturally not afraid, but what he was most afraid of was that there was nothing to talk about.

In fact, he hated fighting with others the most.

We all seek immortality, so why fight and kill?

"Give up?"

Zheng Longqiu looked grim, and suddenly turned his head back, his hair and beard all standing up like a lion: "Mo Changfa, the origin of that Yuanyang Taoist is unknown. If he comes from outside Dongzhou, what if he wants to explore the truth of Dongzhou?"


Mo Changfa was unmoved, and pointed to his forehead: "We all have restrictions to protect our souls when we enter the sect. There is a breath of Wanfa Dragon Tower hovering in my forehead. Even if you are a powerful person, you can't get anything from me."

The sect is established by law. How important is the inheritance? How can it be easily leaked?

Any large sect protects the souls of the elders for the true teachings in the sect. Although only Wanfa Tower and Taiyi Sect have the supreme treasure among the ten major sects, they are also protected by the breath of the king-sealed spiritual treasure.

Even if you are a powerful person, you can't break it.

"How can I ruin my reputation here?"

When he thought of being suppressed and captured, Zheng Longqiu felt extremely upset and couldn't help shouting: "Taoist Yuanyang, come out quickly!"

His voice shook the sky, and the whole cave world was reverberating with his roar, but of course he didn't shout out An Qisheng, but woke up all the others.

It also startled the three-hearted blue spirit boy hovering outside the cave.

This blue-skinned little monster was already very depressed, and was frightened by this roar. It was immediately attracted and triggered the control of the cave given to it by An Qisheng.


The cave suddenly became full of stars, and a stream of starlight came from nowhere, rolling down and filling the entire cave.

"Taoist Yuanyang, you finally came out!"

Zheng Longqiu was shocked.

But before he could say anything, the starlight pouring down like an ocean had completely enveloped them. Everyone wanted to dodge, but they felt a familiar guillotine flash by.

Immediately, their bodies froze and were enveloped by the pouring starlight.

Snap~ Snap~~~

The sound of iron chains and wooden shackles closing was heard.

The starlight turned into substantial handcuffs and leg chains, shackles, and directly bound everyone including Peng Shiliu.

"Dare to insult me!"

Zheng Longqiu was in a trance, and when he saw the shackles on his body, he was furious and struggled.

But this starlight chain seemed to be connected to the entire cave, and even to each other. If one struggled, the other would suffer severe pain and could not help but resist.

Therefore, no matter how he struggled, he could not get rid of it.


The next moment, a starlight whip lashed down from the sky.


Zheng Longqiu, who had endured all kinds of tortures to hone his mind, screamed in pain after just one whip.

He felt that the whip almost exploded his soul. In the indescribable pain, he screamed and fell to the ground.

"Brother Zheng!"

An expert from Jingyang Mountain went to help him, but as soon as he moved, he was whipped hard and fell to the ground. He rolled like Zheng Longqiu.

The screams were even more unbearable.

Suddenly, everyone fell silent. Being imprisoned was inevitable, so why bother to provoke the whip?


Looking at Zhu Dahai who was running wildly in the air, An Qisheng slowly closed his eyes.

In his perspective, more than ten spiritual imprints shone brightly.

This was his harvest.

Zheng Longqiu and others were in the realm of all laws, and their status in their respective sects was also very high, second only to several great elders, the headmaster and the supreme elders, so they naturally knew more.


The moment An Qisheng closed his eyes, there were already spiritual lights rising from the many spiritual imprints.

The principles of law interweave in the spiritual light, and patterns appear, like words and pictures.

If there are people from the four major sects here, they will be extremely shocked to find that the spiritual light flashes out.

It is clearly dozens of magical secrets and true form diagrams, including the Sanqi Fa Mie Lu of the Mie Qing Dao, the "Ba Quan" of Jingyang Mountain, the "Mie Dao Zhu Xian Sword" of Taiyi Sect, and the "Xie Mie Glacier" of Wanfa Tower!

There is even the "Dapeng King Fist" of the Golden Wing Dapeng Clan!

In addition to these first-class magical secrets, there are a large number of more important secrets, magical powers, pill recipes, sect secrets, and even some treasure places in the memories of more than ten people.

Any master is equivalent to a treasure house!

Of course, An Qisheng can sense that the souls of these sect masters are protected in various ways. If he hadn't entered the dream, even he would have found it difficult to peek at the slightest bit.

But dreaming has nothing to do with the soul. These traces of spiritual imprints are traces that they have leaked into the world, so they will naturally not cause backlash.


An Qisheng's mind moved, and many magical powers and secrets flashed on the mirror hanging high in his heart.

His state of mind sublimated several times, and his realm improved. This mirror condensed by the heart learning also became more divine, and faintly, it already had some of the atmosphere of "Da Yan Tian Tong".

"There were nine realms before the ancient times, and eleven realms after the ancient times, but the outer scene is just a supplement to the nine realms. In a sense, it is still the nine realms"

"True form, spiritual appearance, incarnation, Tian Gang, all laws, and cave heaven laws condense the cave heaven to be a great power. However, the cave heaven is not dissolved in the world, but is independent between the world. The so-called cave heaven disaster is nothing more than a collision with the universe and the world"

"But it is just the crushing of the universe's instinct, which cannot explain the short life of the supreme"

As the secrets and magical powers flowed through his mind, An Qisheng also had many doubts.

What is it that prevents the Holy Emperor and the Supreme, who possess all the characteristics of the immortal species and even some of the immortal species, from achieving immortality?

What is missing from the world?


An Qisheng was full of doubts, but it did not affect his understanding of many secret methods and magical powers at all. He was even watching the secrets contained in the spiritual imprints of several people at the same time.

"Huh? This is..."

At a certain moment, An Qisheng hid the most secret message from Zheng Longqiu's dream:

Emperor Tianding!

Continue typing, everyone go to bed early. By the way, I recommend a book "Why Am I Handsome Again" What should I do if I wake up every day and find that I am getting more and more handsome? Waiting online, very urgent.

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