Great Dao Ji

Chapter 571: The Great Way is Only Struggle (10,000 words in 24 days)

A finger tapped, and the world seemed to become quiet.

An Qisheng slowly closed his eyes, everything was silent, only a bright mirror in the sea of ​​mind shone brightly like the sun, reflecting a changing picture.

The essence of that egg that seemed to have little vitality was just a bunch of information as tangled as hemp thread.

"Three-hearted Blue Spirit Child, sort out the information."

An Qisheng muttered to himself.

The so-called blood inheritance is nothing more than passing on all your life information through the blood born from intercourse. To some extent, this is also the way to immortality.

Even if you die, your life information can still be passed on to future generations and the future.

Because of this, only those who are born with divine bodies or demon bodies can feel the magical powers and secret methods in their blood.

The direct descendants of the demon clan such as the Golden Winged Dapeng, the Tyrant God Ape, and the Seven-Colored Peacock can even get the insights, wisdom, and ways of doing things of their ancestors from the blood inheritance.

The reason for this is that the essence of blood inheritance is life information.

However, it is not easy to reverse the essence of the blood source from this drop of blood.

No other reason, it is too chaotic.

The original source blood is passed down from generation to generation, and it is inevitable that it will be mixed with the life information of the descendants of the bloodline.

An Qisheng did not know how Yan Kuangtu became a bird, but it was obvious that he was not the ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng, and he himself also carried the life information of the more ancient Golden Winged Dapeng clan.

Therefore, even if he separated this drop of blood, he could not completely strip off all the life information.

It still needs to be carefully distinguished.

Of course he can do this, but he will not leave the information life of the three-hearted blue spirit boy unused.

"Mr. Monster, leave it to me."

The three-hearted blue spirit boy immediately appeared in the sea of ​​​​heart.

This blue-skinned little monster is just like the inner demon and the demon in the legend. Only An Qisheng's dream can restrain it. In addition, it can travel through any tiny place in An Qisheng's body.

The blue-skinned little monster looked at the mirror eagerly, and whispered: "This mirror is so strange."

This is not a lie.

This mirror is An Qisheng's heart mirror, which is illusory and yet truly manifests in the heart sea. It seems incredible to it.

Even in the Youlin Realm, it has never seen anything like it.

It can vaguely guess that this mirror will be very extraordinary in the future, because it is a mirror that can grow with 'Mr. Monster' and travel through the heavens.


Muttering, it has turned into a light blue light and sank into the mirror, appearing in the countless information that is chaotic and tangled.


Immediately, a burst of chirping sounds came from the mirror.

That is, pictures are appearing at the same time.

An Qisheng concentrated on observing, and among the countless parallel pictures, there were countless pictures of the birth of 'Golden Winged Dapeng'.

Countless golden-winged rocs, like chicks, fell from the towering cliffs at the moment they pushed open their eggshells!

Once born, they will face life and death!

This is the elimination of bloodline, and it is also the first cognition that all golden-winged rocs are exposed to after they are born.

The strong live, the weak die!

In the picture, countless golden-winged rocs fell off the cliff, some were terrified, some were confused, some were excited, and some screamed, but they were undoubtedly successful.

Because those who failed would not leave bloodline, and they were eliminated at birth.

In just a few moments, countless pictures were frozen, and then, thousands of pictures dimmed, leaving only one.

"Mr. Monster, found it!"

The voice of the three-hearted blue spirit boy sounded: "The bird you are looking for is this bird"

As an information life, the three-hearted blue spirit boy can see all the information of the entire Xuanxing for ten thousand years in an instant. No matter how much information is contained in this drop of blood, it will not be more than that.

This workload is naturally nothing to it.


An Qisheng's mind was rippled.

He saw the little chick on the screen rolling in the surging airflow, and in a pair of smaller eyes, a trace of human confusion appeared.

It seemed that he didn't know where he was.

This bird

Is Yan Kuangtu?

An Qisheng smiled in his heart, and suddenly wanted to know what Yan Kuangtu's state of mind was at that time.

After a lifetime of cultivation and pursuit, he finally opened the gate to heaven, but he didn't expect to become a bird and face a life-and-death crisis.

The picture continued to flow, and under the life-and-death crisis, the 'little chick' began to save himself.

Fortunately, the mountain was high enough and he was small enough. Under the waves of flapping, he finally grasped the balance of the airflow, and his tender body stayed in the air.

The picture was also frozen at this moment.


The three-hearted blue spirit boy flew out and turned into a stream of light circling around the mirror: "Mr. Monster, there is too little information, there is no more below."

"No wonder that Peng Shiliu is so useless"

An Qisheng shook his head in his heart.

A drop of blood can naturally contain all the life information of a person, but after being passed down for countless generations, a drop of blood that is extremely thin naturally cannot preserve all the life information.

The decline of Peng Shiliu is not unrelated to the loss of inheritance. No wonder his Dapeng King Fist was not comprehended from his bloodline.

The bloodline inheritance he inherited is already only this pitiful little bit

"What a pity, I still want to see what happened to Lao Yan after he ascended"

An Qisheng felt a little pity. From that earth-shaking Dapeng King Fist, he could guess that Lao Yan's life after his ascension would be magnificent.

As his mind turned, An Qisheng slowly opened his eyes.


At the same time, a crack appeared on the small golden egg in his palm.


Amid a confused and surprised cry, a fluffy little head poked its head out.

An Qisheng looked down, just as the fluffy little guy looked up at him.

Those clear eyes were blank, like a newborn baby, with an outward look and ignorance about the outside world.

"Just one drop of blood is still not enough"

An Qisheng sighed lightly, not too disappointed, because he didn't think that a drop of blood could resurrect Kuangtu Yan.

If life and death could be reversed so easily, the ancient Holy Emperor and Heavenly Lord would have returned long ago.

However, as long as Kuangzu Yan doesn't really disappear into the world.

You can definitely dig it out yourself!


Almost indistinguishable.

The moment the bird broke out of its shell, an earth-shaking loud noise was heard throughout the cave.

In an instant, strong winds rose in the cave sky, the mountains and rivers shook, and the earth cracked.


Unprepared, many former masters of all arts in the spiritual field at the foot of the mountain felt their eyes go dark, their ears were instantly shattered, and blood almost came out of their eyes!

Just a few seconds later, they were shocked to death!

"The catastrophe of the cave?!"

Feng Changming and others' expressions suddenly changed, and they felt an indescribable and huge terror suddenly come to their hearts. For just a moment, they actually had the illusion that a disaster was imminent.

We just talked about the catastrophe of the cave, and the catastrophe of the cave has come immediately?

"This Taoist Yuanyang came to Dongtian not to see us, but to deal with the disaster of Dongtian?"

Several people were suddenly enlightened, but they couldn't help but turn pale with horror.

They are extremely clear about the horror of the Cave Heaven Catastrophe. Such a calamity is simply not something they can withstand, not to mention that at this time, they are still restricted in their cultivation and their bodies.

This time, I'm going to die!

"The Catastrophe of the Cave"

Lying on the cow rock at the top of the mountain, An Qisheng slowly raised his eyebrows, feeling the sense of crisis coming from all directions like a tide, and his eyes moved slightly.

At this moment, he truly knew what the Cave Heaven Tribulation was.

That is not a calamity befallen by heaven and earth, but the spontaneous operation of heaven and earth, which acts on the cave sky and turns it into a calamity.

In other words, Dongtian is like a piece of space that has been split into pieces. The disaster of Dongtian means that heaven and earth have to bridge this piece of divided space.

The disaster of Dongtian is the struggle between Dongtian and heaven and earth!


The cave sky shook, and at the edge, mountain peaks collapsed and shattered, then fell into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

The situation in the cave sky was changing, and thunder visible to the naked eye cut through the darkness of nothingness and struck in the cave sky.


"It turns out that this is the catastrophe of the cave."

There were ripples in the depths of An Qisheng's eyes.

He once had a confrontation with the distorted will of God in the human world, and experienced the feeling of 'God's will'.

As far as heaven and earth are concerned, there is no difference between all living beings, whether it is people or all things, there will be no special preference or special targeting.

Killing Yingye, even if he destroys countless living beings, he will not care at all, let alone face disaster from heaven.

What will attract heaven and earth to target is that its existence is not a good thing for heaven and earth itself.

Therefore, the divine will of the human world will bring about the catastrophe of world destruction, and the monks in the Wanyang Realm will have the catastrophe of the cave heaven. Destroying the earth line will aggravate the catastrophe of the cave heaven.

Killing people, not so much.


When An Qisheng sighed slightly, a deep and vast starry sky slowly unfolded from the cave sky, and the starlight visible to the naked eye flowed down like a waterfall and enveloped everything.

Protect the cave sky.


In the manifested starry sky, stars were crushed by the invisible force and turned into powder. Then the stars rolled and turned into stars again.


The lying cow stone on the top of the mountain is cracked.

An Qisheng carefully put the 'little chicken' in his arms into his arms, and then stood up.

At this moment, the blood around him was completely boiling, and countless thunder-like explosion sounds were heard in his body.

There was thunder in the silent place, it was just a collision, and he already had the terrifying illusion that he was going to be shattered to pieces.

No, this is not an illusion.

This is his true form of the galaxy, being ruthlessly crushed by heaven and earth!

At this moment, An Qisheng grasped the true meaning of practice in this world.


If you follow the rules, you will become an immortal.

The monks in the Wanyang Realm want to achieve great power, be granted the title of marquis, king, or even compete for the position of supreme. What kind of horrific catastrophe will they have to experience along the way?

The reason why the Cave Heaven Tribulation is so terrifying is remembered by countless monks in this world.

It's because, even if you become the Supreme, as long as you are weak in the slightest, the world will crush you mercilessly!

Only the Supreme at his peak can be unafraid of the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Even the weak Supreme is very likely to fall into the catastrophe of the cave!

If you are weak, you will die!

This is a law engraved deep in the souls of everyone in this world!


The earth inside the cave sky shook, but under the shroud of starlight, it did not break again.

Countless thunderbolts were also overwhelmed by the starlight.


Feng Changming breathed a sigh of relief: "This cave has already declined. The calamity that has come to the world is not the calamity that the useless Taoist could not resist."

This calamity is indeed terrifying, but fortunately it is not the latter.

"Even so, this calamity is extremely terrifying. I wonder if he can withstand it."

Mo Changfa looked into the sky, his expression unchanged.

The horror of the cave calamity is that the more you resist, the more terrifying it is. If it is an ownerless cave, the world will crush it, and it may be broken and collapsed a little, but it may not be crushed all at once.

But the more you resist, the more terrifying the calamity will be. For this reason, throughout the ages, except for the Supreme, even the kings and princes dare not resist the cave calamity for others.

Because that is very likely to harm him.


The starry sky above the cave exploded. Under the endless crushing, the true form of the galaxy, which can suppress more than ten masters of all methods, seems to have no power to fight back.

Feng Changming's people gradually put their minds at ease, because even if the galaxy collapsed again and again, and the countless "stars" in it were broken again and again, they still resisted.

What was a little surprising was that the Taoist Yuanyang just resisted without any counterattack.


Xuanji was the first to find out that something was wrong, and her eyes widened: "He wants to use this method to hone his true form!"

Her heart was shocked, and she discovered the horror of the Taoist Yuanyang's true form of the galaxy.

His galaxy has the characteristics of endless life!

Those countless "stars" are actually just manifested outside. The essence of this true form is a galaxy that carries many stars!

Unless the galaxy can be broken in one blow, otherwise, it will be wiped out bit by bit!


"Hone the true form with a great catastrophe?"

"I see."

"Even so, if he wants to survive this catastrophe, he will inevitably be severely injured. We may be able to..."

Feng Changming, Zheng Longqiu and others suddenly realized.


At this moment, Mo Changfa's body suddenly shook, and the starlight shackles tied to his hands were actually broken free by him.

"Huh?! You"

Feng Changming, Fa Wumie and others were shocked at first, and then they were overjoyed.

Bang Bang Bang~~~

Then, everyone worked together and broke free from the starlight chains that imprisoned themselves!

"He was injured, so his true form can't suppress us!"

Feng Changming turned his wrist, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he guessed the truth.

The magic sword on his back hummed, as if it would be unsheathed and kill the enemy in the next moment.

"The rise and fall of the calamity is not long, we must seize this opportunity to escape"

Fa Wumie's eyes were dim, and he was the last one to break the starlight chain on his body, with an undisguised chill in his tone:

"This great shame and humiliation must be repaid with his blood"

It feels so good to get up early and write. I went to bed at around 6 or 7 yesterday, and slept for twelve hours. It feels so good to be full of energy. I took my wife and children out for a meal, and continued writing at noon.

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