Great Dao Ji

Chapter 759 They are coming!

When talking, he was calm, but when fighting, he was earth-shattering!

Even at the last moment when he was about to kill someone with a snap of his fingers, Lan Yushu's voice did not fluctuate, and he seemed to be calm as if he didn't care about anything.

In fact, until now, Lan Yushu didn't take Su Jie seriously.

With his three thousand years of cultivation, how could he care about an ordinary person whose bone age was only about thirty?

Even if he had the potential to soar into the sky and turn into a dragon?

Even before the real dragon took off, in his eyes, there was no difference between it and the earthworm!


It was like a cannonball exploding, like thunder striking in the heart.

With Su Jie's spiritual cultivation, he couldn't help but flash a trance at this moment, and felt a powerful will that was unstoppable and powerful like a heavy hammer, and his entire consciousness and even his body were about to be smashed to pieces!

An unprecedented crisis climbed to the peak in Su Jie's heart.

In the past ten years, he had been assassinated by the Dark Web no less than a hundred times, and had encountered crises several times, especially under the assassination of the sacred Garuda of the Three Indians.

But no crisis can compare to this time.

At this moment, Su Jie felt that all the organs in his body were screaming, all the cells were wailing, and the endless and terrifying darkness filled his heart.

From the flesh to the soul, from the outside to the inside, everything was conveying to him the great terror of death!

This is an opponent whose spiritual and spiritual realms are far superior to his own, and he is extremely experienced and ruthless!

In the true sense, the first attack will make him a terrifying enemy who will die.

"Is this the calamity I have sensed?"

Under extreme oppression, Su Jie was extremely calm, his mind was clearer than ever before, and his thoughts flashed at the last moment.

Under extreme oppression, a ray of light suddenly lit up in his almost stopped dark sea of ​​consciousness.

A pure light was born in the extreme darkness. This was the fire of consciousness without any impurities or distractions. It was the final manifestation of the light in Su Jie's heart.

Then, this ray of fire turned into a bronze lamp in this dark sea of ​​consciousness!

The fire of civilization!

The lamp of inheritance!

"The fire of civilization illuminates my heart! The meaning of inheritance points the way!"

Su Jie's heart was clear, and he did not have any distractions even in the extreme crisis.

The fire of civilization was his meaning, and the lamp of inheritance was his heart.

The heart and mind are united!


The dark sea of ​​consciousness shook for a moment, and the burning lamp seemed to have intelligence, illuminating a ray of light in the endless darkness.


In the darkness, a ray of blue light flickered, and Lan Yushu looked down with eyes like the sun and the moon, with a touch of surprise, and even moved:

"How can a mere mortal have such a will?"

Lan Yushu's consciousness was extremely strong, and he saw everything without omission. He saw everything at a glance, and faintly, in this ray of light.

He saw the history of human evolution on the starry earth under the starry sky.


A glimpse, just a moment, that ray of fire broke through his restrictions and escaped into the vast nothingness.

"In my hands, there is no such thing as survival from a desperate situation!"

After a moment of emotion, Lan Yushu sneered, and his strong will burst out, turning into a Fang Tian Huaji intertwined with lightning and law.

In an instant, he cut through the nothingness and chased after it!

In the sea of ​​consciousness blocked by him, there was nowhere to escape!

"Break the catastrophe"

A ray of fire escaped from the darkness, but Su Jie had an epiphany in his heart.

The lamp of inheritance is not a physical object, but a manifestation of his realm, the most acute thought in his heart. When it was lit at this time, he saw the source of his life.

It was the thirteen crystal skulls that he had collected in the past ten years!

"This is my chance. It's just right. I can use this person's will to break the imprint on the crystal skull."

With a way to break the situation in his mind, Su Jie did not hesitate at all. With a thought, he began to summon the thirteen crystal skulls that had established a preliminary connection with him.

Chi Chi Chi~

In the void, Lan Yushu swept over, and his will turned into Fang Tian Huaji to cut through the void and break through the barriers. His speed was far faster than Su Jie.

It took only a few moments before and after, and he had caught up.

There was no hesitation, and he slashed straight down!

The soul turned into a halberd, and the will was a divine weapon. There was no need to slash straight, just swipe across, which was enough to destroy all the souls on this planet!

Not to mention Su Jie, even the strongest person on this planet, the so-called god on earth, could not resist it!


A brilliant crystal light suddenly lit up in the void, its color was pure, even Lan Yushu could not ignore it.

"This breath?"

Lan Yushu's heart moved, and the horizontal slash of Fang Tian Huaji not only did not stop, but also increased its speed, wanting to cut off Su Jie's consciousness before the change occurred.

But the next moment, Lan Yushu's soul was suddenly disturbed.

In this dark void, there were crystal lights again, and this time they intertwined and turned into a huge crystal face.

There was a deep divine light on it, and the will was as strong as a blazing flame, the sun was bright, and the sound was booming, shaking a small part of the sea of ​​consciousness:

"Blaster, dare to violate my will?!"

'Yan' was furious.

This was not the first time that Su Jie had impacted the imprint of his will in the crystal skull.

In the past seven years, Su Jie had impacted it almost every time he made progress, in order to sharpen his will and cultivate his spiritual realm.

"Is this his protective treasure?"

Lan Yushu was slightly startled. The aura on the face of the crystal man seemed to be completely different from that of Xuan Xing.


‘Yan’ was angrily pronounced, and he was going to defeat him as before, or even kill him.

But the next moment, like Lan Yushu, he was also stunned, and then, he was filled with endless anger: "Even if there are helpers, how dare they peek at my godhead?!"

In no particular order, almost at the same time!

The crystal man face bursting with anger and the Fang Tian Huaji condensed with the will to kill have collided in the void sea of ​​consciousness!


Huge ripples suddenly appeared in the void sea of ​​consciousness, spreading layer by layer to destroy everything.

The collision of wills is countless times more dangerous than the physical body.

The latter still has a way to retreat, but the collision of the former will either kill or injure, which is the most dangerous.

At this time, under a collision, even Su Jie's consciousness, which had already escaped, was shaken for a moment, as if it was about to be blown out by the terrifying ripples.

"Who are you?!"

"Who are you?!" (said in unison)

Su Jie looked back at the place where the void was fighting, and saw two rays of light entangled like a twist, emitting violent and terrifying fluctuations.

It seemed that his sea of ​​consciousness could be destroyed at any time!

"They noticed it"

Su Jie said to himself, but it was not surprising. This could not be concealed.

However, the battle of consciousness was the most terrifying. Once it started, it was impossible to give in. No one dared to hold back without a winner.

Therefore, even if they found something wrong and wanted to stop, they must decide the winner!

But once they decide the winner


In the depths of the endless ocean, a cruise ship was drifting along the sea, and suddenly heard a roar like a beast's anger.

Then there were huge waves in the distance, and the air waves swept the water and rushed up to the sky like a waterfall.

The waves on the sea surface were slapping, and the waves were surging below. It seemed that some monster was struggling hard, which immediately made everyone on the cruise ship scream in fear.


Su Jie trembled and suddenly opened his eyes. The huge shock seemed to penetrate his body and spread like ripples in the venue.

The "walking dead" who gathered around him all fell down.


Su Jie raised his hand and beat his chest three times. When he opened his mouth, sticky black blood sprayed out, and a touch of red appeared on his pale face.

Su Jie stood up, looked at the people lying on the ground, listened to the continuous and piercing warnings with red light, and couldn't help but take a deep breath:

"It's a big trouble"

The crisis in the body was unresolved, but the spaceship was imminent.

The battle of consciousness was cruel and dangerous. Even if the man was extremely powerful, it was impossible to hypnotize everyone on the spaceship again.

The spaceship not only changed its orbit at this time, but also lost control, which was also a trouble.

You know, there are more than one spacecraft going to Mars this time. If a collision occurs, it will be much more terrifying than a chain accident.


Time is running out, Su Jie forced himself to rush out of the venue and headed straight for the control room.

Even if he is going to die, he can't take so many people with him

"Dr. Su? It's Dr. Su's spacecraft! Hurry, contact them quickly, contact them quickly!"

"No, I can't contact them!"

"What's going on? Are they crazy? If you want to die, don't drag us!"

The operators on the other spacecraft that just took off were all stunned.

Looking at the other spacecraft that hit at a speed of more than 17 kilometers per second, they were all scared and pale, and they didn't know what happened.


The sea was surging, and the waves tens of meters high spread layer by layer, covering a large area of ​​​​the sea. I don't know how many fish were swept up into the sky by the waves.

The lifeboats that had been waiting for a long time approached one after another, and rushed over when the big waves did not stop, to rescue.


Wang Zhixuan stepped on the waves and was the first to break through the waves. She rushed forward and crashed into the deformed hatch, making a loud roar.

This time, Wang Zhixuan did not hold back. With the invigoration of her true energy, she knocked open the damaged and flooded Cangmang.

Seeing that the spaceship was full of unconscious people, if it were not for the physical characteristics, Wang Zhixuan almost thought she had walked into hell on earth.

"Su Jie!"

Wang Zhixuan frowned and did not care about anything else. She directed the rescue team members who followed up to save people.

She broke into the cabin where all the facilities were deformed, put out the fire, rescued, and looked for Su Jie's traces.

Wang Zhixuan was a little frightened.

I didn't meet a sober person along the way. This is obviously wrong. You know, the people who can get on the ship are at least those who have implanted the "warrior" chip.

With the developed medicine, spiritual rice, physical fitness will have a ***, how could no one be sober?

She was shocked and walked forward, finally seeing Su Jie surrounded by a group of operators in the control room.


When Wang Zhixuan stepped into the control room, Su Jie, who looked pale, suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils changed size violently:

"They are coming!"

Good night, everyone, Gouzi has to watch the children

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