Great Dao Ji

Chapter 773: Kill the Three Corpses?

The sea of ​​stars is vast and can be covered in one day!

What is that? !

Mr. Di and others who saw this scene through the satellite felt a chill in their hearts.

With the speed and size of that 'fireball', it would probably start a riot in the entire solar system just by passing by it.

"Is this the reason why Mr. An wants to push Xuan Xing away?"

Looking at An Qisheng standing in front of him in the sea of ​​stars, Feng Mingtao clenched his fists and murmured to himself.

His mood was a little agitated, and he even couldn't control himself.

The huge conference room was silent for a while, as if it was frozen and fell into dead silence.

After a long while, Mr. Di asked Yinglong:

"Why didn't the Sky Eye detect the 'fireball'?"

In the third year of Dameng, the 'Sky Eye' built by Daxuan and other countries has been completely completed. The new Sky Eye brings together the most advanced instruments from various countries, and its detection capabilities far exceed those of the previous Sky Eyes built by various countries.

The fireball was so powerful that everything it passed was shattered.

How could the Eye of Heaven not detect it?

Yinglong didn't answer, and it couldn't answer this question because it was beyond the scope of its data database.

The development of mankind in the past ten thousand years seems to have reached an unprecedented peak, but even the Xuanxing is still unable to fully understand it.

Not to mention the mysteries of the universe.

"When will the fireball arrive in the solar system?"

Qinglong raised his head and his expression became solemn.

"Three years later"

Ying Long paused for a moment before replying: "According to the data, it should be after we completely leave the solar system, the solar system at that time"

Ying Long's voice stopped suddenly, but the chaos of the magnetic field distorted his voice, but everyone understood its meaning.


Many people in the conference room were shocked. They looked at each other, and complex emotions rose in their hearts.

Not all things in the world are so coincidental unless

Looking at Xinghai again, including the dreamers who had the biggest opinions before, they couldn't help but feel ashamed and worried.

But a trace of doubt arose in my heart.

Xuanxing has completely derailed, and has been thrown out with the help of the traction and rotation of many celestial bodies. It will only move away at an increasingly faster speed.

Mr. An, why don't you leave?


The fierce wind howled at the top of Tianlian Mountain.

The top of Tianlian Mountain, where the clear light has dissipated, is bare, and not a single bit of damage has been done without a single mind.

In the Taoist temple, in front of a mottled yellow mud Taoist platform, three people sat cross-legged, closing their eyes and concentrating.

Gu Changsheng, Chu Fan, Su Jie

There were violent winds and thunderstorms outside, and the world was turned upside down, but Potter seemed unaware and just looked at the three young men in front of him quietly.

These three young men, who were all outstanding from his current perspective, fell into deep trance under a layer of shining light.

The spiritual energy in the void turned into a breeze visible to the naked eye, swirling and being swallowed into the mouths and noses of the three people.

If there is no aura, even if the three people's bodies are beyond the ordinary, they will inevitably be in shape and bones after such a long period of meditation, but there is aura.

After a long period of meditation, the vitality and blood aura of the three people not only did not weaken at all, but even improved greatly.

Faintly, a profound transformation is taking place.

Practicing martial arts outside and inside changed the physique and spirit, but the three of them turned over at this time, using their spirits to warm their bodies in order to achieve the purpose of strengthening their bodies.

Potter watched quietly and realized that he could not experience what the three people experienced, but he could simulate the changes in the three people's bodies.

"My heart is like a sword, invincible"

In the dark void, a pure light tore through the night. Although it only flickered and disappeared, it already illuminated this dark and void place.

Chu Fan's will was separated from the endless mixed messages. With just one thought, all distracting thoughts were eliminated.

At this moment, all the past events passed by like clouds and disappeared like clouds.

At this time, if an outsider looks at it, they will see that Chu Fan's spirit is as transparent as glass, with no trace of impurities left.

Only its essence can be obtained in its purity.


At this time, another ray of light flashed out from the dark void.

It was a light that was deeper than the darkness!

The darkness flickered, and thousands of colors appeared just now. Infinite and complex colors were seen moving around that deep and winding light.

Gradually, it condensed into an extremely complicated ancient picture, which resembled Tai Chi, Bagua, and chessboard, but it was not as clear and black as Tai Chi, but a mixture of thousands of colors.

Like a kaleidoscope, it makes people dizzy just looking at it.

"Mr. Xiao Gu"

Chu Fan's mind moved, and he saw the kaleidoscope-like complex picture dim and disappear, revealing Gu Changsheng's pure and powerful will.

Compared to his own, Gu Changsheng's will was more tyrannical.

If you say that you take the essence and take one, he takes the whole from ten thousand. They are two completely different paths.

"Chu Fan"

Gu Changsheng seemed to be in a slight trance, and then recalled what exactly happened.

What surprised him was that Chu Fan actually lived in the same place as him.


Gu Changsheng and Chu Fan were about to exchange something when they suddenly heard a long buzzing sound coming from the void.

Look at it intently.

I saw an inexplicable ray of light flickering in the void, intertwining vertically and horizontally to outline an extremely perfect and detailed meridian map of the human body.

But this is by no means an ordinary human body meridian diagram.

Everything from the limbs and facial features to the capillaries and even the tiniest 'particles' that make up the human body are vividly outlined.

Even in the observation of the two, this human meridian map was operating like a living thing, as if it was a real human body.


Su Jie's mind slowly condensed:

"Any flesh and blood creature, there is no practice beyond 'spirit, energy and spirit'. The three are clearly distinct, but they have the same end. Any one of them will inevitably involve the other two in the end."

Su Jie whispered in his heart, and his spirit, which had been baptized by years of time, became lively again: "Spirit, energy and spirit, can be practiced together, and moving forward as one may not be a great way."

He seemed to have a big dream.

In the dream, he seemed to have experienced a lot, a lot, but what he remembered in his heart at this time was only everything about practice.

This method of passing on the law is extremely clever. It is no longer a heart-to-heart communication, but everything that needs to be taught is embedded in the 'soul'.

No matter how many years have passed, it will not be forgotten.

"The way of the three flowers gathering at the top of the head is already complete, but there is still room for supplementation."

Su Jie's mind moved.

The human meridian diagram he had drawn in the void was already gleaming with light, and in the end, it turned into four.

Three shadows that seemed the same but were completely different were pulled out of the void human body.

"Red flowers, white lotus roots, and green lotus leaves, the three religions are actually one family! The gathering of the three flowers at the top of the head is not the end"

Thinking back to the three 'god statues' he had seen, Su Jie had a clear understanding in his heart, but also a little disappointed. The first thought he had when he realized this method was to return the favor and pay tribute to Mr. An.


"Mr. An may have already embarked on this path"

Essence, Qi, and Spirit, initially parallel.

You can choose one of the three to practice, and finally converge into one. This step can be called 'the gathering of the three flowers at the top of the head'.

However, the same flow of essence, Qi, and Spirit is still not considered as unity.

The real unity should be that the essence, qi and spirit are transformed into each other, the body can produce 'qi' and 'shen', and the 'shen' can be transformed into 'essence' and 'qi'

"This step of cultivation requires cutting off the barriers of 'essence', 'qi' and 'shen', and cutting off the old barriers in order to seek a new life. Perhaps, it can be called 'cutting off the three corpses'"

Su Jie summarized all the gains in the dream, and then looked around.

Then, he saw the will of Chu Fan and Gu Changsheng.

He was slightly startled.

After many years of dreaming, he gained a lot, and his spirit was transformed. When he saw the will of the two people, he felt a great pulling force.

The fate of these two people, or the fate, seems to be mutually reinforcing and restraining with his own

At the same time, the same idea arose in the hearts of Chu Fan and Gu Changsheng.

All of a sudden, the minds of the three people moved.


The Qi field that is invisible to the naked eye but omnipresent slowly gathered around him, and finally turned into a floating Dao platform, carrying his body.

This is the Qi field that spreads towards the solar system with Xuanxing as the center. Although Xuanxing has left, the Qi field has not yet dispersed.


An Qisheng sat on the Dao platform, his expression calm, as if nothing had happened before.

He looked far away, and faintly saw the "fireball" coming from the depths of the sea of ​​stars, and the breath lingering on it.

That is

"demon spirit!"

The size of the fireball exceeded the "sun and moon", and its speed was even faster and boundless, and there was no sign at all, as if it suddenly broke into his field of vision.

It came with a word, and the meteorites and asteroids that were smashed by it pulled a star belt behind it that was tens of thousands of miles long.

Its momentum was endless and magnificent!

What caught An Qisheng's attention the most was the breath flowing from the blazing fireball.

'Spiritual energy' is not unique, it encompasses everything, and all active and usable 'supernormal particles' are spiritual energy.

However, all kinds of spiritual energy are different, and the differences are extremely obvious. Even though he is far away from the sea of ​​stars, he can still sense the evil spirit lingering on the 'sphere' that is burning and exploding violently.

In the sea of ​​stars without any spiritual energy, its existence is like a spark in the pitch-black night, not so dazzling, but it can be seen at a glance.

Where does the evil spirit come from?

Staring at the sea of ​​stars, An Qisheng's eyes are gloomy.

Its way is like Tai Chi, with yin and yang interacting. If it is powerful enough, it can sweep across the four fields and laugh at the spirit of the nine heavens. If it is not powerful enough, it can avoid its edge and plan for the future.

But the coming one may not have the power to make him flee without a fight.

As his mind turned, he slowly closed his eyes and began to gather the power of the 'qi field' scattered around him to bless and repair his body.

"The soul turns into a sword, the qi becomes infinite, and the method of beheading the three corpses"

Until a certain moment, An Qisheng's heart suddenly moved, as if a series of essences flowed through his heart.


He moved in his heart and fixed on the method of 'beheading the three corpses':

"Behead the three corpses"

Continue to write three chapters, and write them all night.

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