Great Dao Ji

Chapter 786 That........sir? ! (Overhaul)

Chapter 786: That lord? ! (overhaul)


Like thunder coming out of the mountains, its sound is extremely loud, and the mighty sound waves and the sound of the wind tear the night apart together!

The cold and fierce air blew among the mountains. Countless birds and beasts under the night smelled the wind and fled. Occasionally, if they couldn't escape, they would turn into withered bones or even powder in an instant!

It was just a casual claw, but it was already so terrifying.

"Sure enough, he is a person who has condensed a great elixir, but I don't know how many grades the elixir can reach and how many times it can be transformed into an elixir?"

The cold air rushed towards her face, making Xi Yingqing extremely solemn.

She originally thought that she could resist one or two with the magic weapon given by her teacher, but once she came into contact, she lost all her thoughts of competing with the alchemy master.

Although there is only one step away between entering the Dao and achieving alchemy, in fact, there is almost a world of difference between the two!

Entering the Tao, entering the Tao, is just a matter of practice, just stepping into the threshold.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, even as far as Nanzhan, in the world, Dan became a cultivator, and everyone below was ordinary!

Using one's Taoist body to resist the cultivation of elixirs is tantamount to 'defeating immortals in retrograde motion', and one can imagine how difficult it is.

Even though she was hailed as the most promising person among the younger generation of the Star Sect, there was no way she could defeat the Jindan Master from the top sect in the world.

"Did a good magic weapon give you such courage?"

The man in black robe smiled indifferently and watched the sword light struggling and stirring without even raising his eyelids: "It's boring."

"Old Hei, it's better to be careful. Don't panic when you are in trouble, you will have someone to rely on."

The man in white glanced at the barren mountain and ruined temple, with a trace of regret in his eyes. He couldn't help but sigh and murmured: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Hey, is it really as those poor people say?"

"Junior who has entered Taoism."

The man in black robe flicked his fingers and said expressionlessly: "It won't change the world."


In the darkness where there seemed to be a ghost lurking, Xi Yingqing suddenly stopped.

A slight whistle from his mouth caused the sword light surrounding him to bloom like a lotus. The spurting sword lights connected in series to form a curtain, and the layers of excitement spread outward.

Block out the darkness that surges like a tide.

At the same time, he sat down on Jia, cross-legged on the sword lotus, twirled his fingers, and recited Taoism, as if he was activating his back hand.

"Do you have something to rely on?"

The man in white robe stared without saying a word, but the man in black robe sneered, and his raised palm was about to fall.

And at this moment, in the black mist, Xi Yingqing, who was sitting among the swords and lotuses, suddenly raised his head, and a soft cry came out of his mouth:


The sword roared like a phoenix, and brilliant light burst out!

In just an instant, the invisible darkness retreated for a moment. Li Ding and others in the ruined temple were caught off guard and their eyes were hurt by this. They screamed but forced themselves to watch.

I saw a ball of white light exploding in the billowing darkness.

An unknown bird made of criss-crossing sword lights lifted the woman in white into the air. In less than a tenth of an instant, it had already reached an unknown height in the sky!

Senhan's sword light formed a fully-fledged bird, but it had no hurtful edge. There was a touch of holy light between the wings.

"Then, what kind of bird is that?"

Seeing the bird, Li Ding and Qiao Qier felt an inexplicable warmth in their hearts, as if a light had dispelled the darkness and fear.

Zhang You, who was paralyzed on the ground and unable to move, felt his heart tremble. Even under such circumstances, there was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes: "This, is this magical power?"

Supernatural power!

It’s just two words, but it’s already the ultimate goal that countless people have been searching for all their lives.

It is the gap between people and cultivators, and it is also the beginning of a person's life-span. Without supernatural powers, no matter how hard he practices and polishes his martial arts, his lifespan will hardly exceed three hundred.

Only supernatural power is the foundation of immortality!


The sound of the sword is clear and clear, and can be heard for hundreds of miles in the night.

And with the sound of this sword sound, the dead silence of the mountains under the night suddenly began to boil.

Countless birds, suppressed by the night and forced to hide by the sinister aura, no longer cared about anything and pounced under the dome like the sky was overwhelming.

That lifelike bird of sword light!

Thousands of birds worship!

"These two people"

As the bird flew into the sky and broke through the black fog, Xi Yingqing didn't look happy at all, but her heart became heavier and heavier.

Like the magic weapon, this magical power of the 'Heartless Phoenix Blade' was also a protective object left to her by her master. The former helped her fight against the enemy, and the latter kept her safe.

However, even after activating the magical power of the 'Wuxinless Phoenix Blade', the crisis in her heart still did not decrease at all.

These two people were more powerful than he thought. They might not be as good as his master, but they wouldn't be too far apart.

With his own strength, even if he activates this 'Wuxin Phoenix Blade', he probably won't be able to kill them at all.

But the matter has come to this, if it is just one person, she can still advance or retreat, but with two Jindan Masters from the Impermanence Palace who are very likely to be proficient in the art of combined attacks, she has no way to escape!

As his mind turned, he made up his mind and summoned all his magic power to activate this magical power to its peak.

Then, amidst the clash of thousands of sword lights and the sound of swords that resounded through the night sky, they fell from the sky and pounced on the black and white people who were still standing with their backs facing each other on the barren mountain.

"This is."

Looking at the overwhelming sword light falling from the sky and the earth, the black and white duo's expressions remained normal, but they looked at the birds gathering around and the phoenix bird riding the sword light waterfall.

The two of them were moved for the first time.

It's not the power of this magical power that surprises me, but the form it transforms into.

"How can anyone in this small Star Gate know the form of that person?"

The man in white was about to test, but his heart suddenly shook. He still raised his hand, but he caught the palm of the man in black that was about to fall:



The black-robed man was also somewhat moved, but he was still shocked when he heard the white-robed man's words: "Although this magical power is not bad, why retreat?"


The white-robed man stared deeply at the small temple that was inconspicuous in the night behind the sword light that was sweeping across the sky like a sword phoenix.

Without seeing any movement, he and the black-robed man disappeared on this barren mountain.


Almost at the same time, thousands of sword lights fell from the sky, tearing the grass, trees, sand and stones. With just one roll, the barren mountain was cut into countless gravel and dust.

The rolling sonic boom exploded, shaking the mountains and rivers for hundreds of miles, and the smoke and dust filled the air, like a wave sweeping across the sky for hundreds of miles.

The momentum was so great that it was enough to scare all the beasts, startle all the birds, and make people and ghosts retreat, horrified.

This is the power of magical power!

In the ruined temple, Li Ding and others were dazzled, and their fear and shock added infinite yearning.

Many of them had heard of the name of the magical power, but most of them would never see its power in their lifetime.

Being able to witness it now, they were shocked beyond words!

Human power can actually move mountains!


The air waves surged, and the dust was stirred.


Before the sword lights dissipated, Xi Yingqing slowly landed on the ground, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and was already sweating all over her face. She felt that there was no part of her body that was not painful, and no part that was not lacking.

It was still too difficult for her to activate the magical power across levels.

But looking around, there was no trace of the two people in this barren mountain, and there was not even a trace of their existence.

She certainly didn't think that her magical power could kill the two mysterious people from the Wuchang Palace.

Why did they suddenly retreat?

"The power of the supernatural power is beyond my control at this moment."

Xi Yingqing calmed down and looked at the dark night, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes: "But why did they suddenly retreat?"

Xi Yingqing was puzzled.

The two mysterious masters of Wuchang Palace clearly had murderous intentions. He almost smelled the breath of death before.

The sudden retreat could never be because of him.

"Could it be that Master sent more than one person out?"

Xi Yingqing's mind turned around, and he was puzzled for a while.


Thousands of miles away, on a hill, the black and white people slowly appeared.

Looking at the sword light that had not dissipated in the mountains thousands of miles away, the black-robed man looked ugly: "Retreating like this is too embarrassing! If they know, wouldn't it be a loss of face?"

The white-clothed man stared into the depths of the night and shook his head without saying a word.

The black-robed man was still angry: "Even if the magical power has the form of that adult, can the small Star Gate still be involved with that person?"

"Do you think that I retreated because of that magical power?"

The white-robed man lowered his eyelids to hide the doubt in his eyes.

"Why is that?" The black-robed man was stunned.

"A masterless magical power is nothing, it is not difficult to break it at will. But."

The white-robed man's eyes moved: "At the moment you were about to take action, I felt a sharp crisis"

At this point, the white-robed man paused and said: "I smelled the breath of death!"


The black-robed man was shocked when he heard it: "How could it be?"

Although it was a question, he believed it.

The magical powers in the Impermanence Palace are as vast as the sea, but the magical power that has the deepest sense of crisis and the best calculation is the two-world gap cultivated by the white-robed man.

He sensed the danger, so it must be dangerous.

However, there are only a few people who have condensed into a great elixir in this tiny place on the periphery of the Great Zhou. What can pose a threat to them?

"That's the truth."

The man in white stared at the night sky, feeling doubtful and terrified.

At that moment, what he sensed was far more than just the crisis of death.

That breath.

"This trip to the south is related to the palace's major events. This woman has a legacy behind her. If she is allowed to leave, it will inevitably alarm the Great Zhou. If things go wrong..."

The man in black robe showed a rare trace of fear on his face. After a pause, he spoke in a slightly hoarse voice: "Are the adults..."


Bai Wuchang exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and then shook his head: "What do you think the Great Zhou is? We can't hide it from those people when we enter."

The Great Zhou Imperial Court is extremely powerful. Among the two holy places, three imperial dynasties and seven sects in the world today, only the two holy places of 'Dao Palace' and 'Xumeru' are better.

There are no telling how many powerful people there are.

Not to mention the Great Zhou Emperor who was more powerful than a god and had opened thousands of mountains and rivers to conquer the demon king, and the Great Priest who inherited the legacy of the Master tens of thousands of years ago.

The three dukes and nine ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty alone were already powerful men who were famous in all the sects in the south.

There were quite a few who were good at calculating the secrets of heaven, and it was almost impossible to hide it from them.


The black-robed man was relieved a little.

"Although the Great Zhou was strong, how could it be compared with the Great Xia back then? The Great Xia could still collapse, so how could the Great Zhou be an exception? I..."

The white-robed man sneered, and suddenly seemed to have noticed something, his face turned livid:

"How dare you deceive us!"

The typing efficiency is very low now, and Gouzi has no choice but to endure it, continue typing, and do his best. Good night, everyone.

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