Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 740: 9 Solitary Sword!

In the ring of life and death, there is a huge formation world, mountains and lakes, flowers, grass, insects and fish, and endless stars, just like the real world.

Jian Wushuang and Du Gu's blood are fighting in the life and death ring, and everyone outside can clearly see it.

The unparalleled sword intent, as if through the life and death ring, made everyone outside feel suffocated and depressed.

"Dugu Jiujiejian?! This is the unique sword technique of the Dugu Family, second only to the Sword Demon Supreme!"

"The collision between the Seven Heavenly Swords and the Du Gu Nine Swords, ha ha ha... it's really wonderful!"

"The peak match of Kendo, this is a grand event for me to wait for sword repair!"

Many geniuses who watched the battle had a lot of discussions, especially some sword repairs, and they were all very excited.

For the sword repair of God of War Da 6, Dugu Family and Jianshen Pavilion are the two holy sites of swordsmanship, and are the places where countless sword repairs yearn. Today, the battle between Jianwushuang and Dugu blood has given them a pilgrimage. Mood.

Seems to have witnessed Kendo's top showdown!


Du Gu Jiu Ju Sword is fierce and unmatched. With the sky's magical energy, it turned into hundreds of millions of Du Gu Jian Qi, and instantly submerged Jian Wushuang's Qitian Qi Jian.

The dreaded swords and awns are intertwined, one white and one black, as if the collision of light and darkness exploded into a tremendous god!


In Jian Wushuang's eyes, the fighting intention is getting stronger and stronger. The Qitianqijian seems to have turned into his instinct. Every sword strikes in the air, and there is a horrible sword intention to destroy the void.

The mountains in all directions collapsed and collapsed. Among the unparalleled swords and awns, they turned into a piece of powder.

The earth is full of crisscross ravines, and the horror of the sword seems to be out of this world and reach the realm of supreme sword god!

"Come well!"

The lonely blood in the eyes of Du Gu blood showed a crazy look. He was crazy, his horrific sword rose, and the black Juntian sword emptied, as if an ancient **** came, and continued to suppress toward the sword Wushuang. .

The swordsmanship of Jian Wushuang is exquisite to the extreme, just like the gods of the heavens, each sword contains the ultimate bright light.

The Du Gu blood is like a crazy sword demon, the heavy sword in his hand seals the world, and suppresses it with horror.

The Battle of the Seven Heavenly Swords and the Solitary Sword and the Nine Ultimate Swords, the ingenious and exquisite swordsmanship evokes the power of the law of heaven and earth, and contains the power of horror.

Everyone was dazzled, even the half-step supreme was difficult to capture the figure of Jian Wushuang and Du Gu, they only saw a white sword awn and a black sword rush.

Only a few people can see clearly the figures of Jian Wushuang and Du Gu.

Many people's eyes have become dignified, Jian Xiu's power and horror are in glance, and they are asking themselves, if they encounter Jian Wushuang and Du Gu's blood, I am afraid that they have no courage in the first battle?

More people were amazed. Jian Wushuang was indeed as his name was. He was much younger than Du Guxue, but with a peerless edge, he broke everything and stood opposite Du Guxue.

"Who can win this battle?"

Many people have a thought in their minds.

"I'm afraid it's hard to say! But I still feel that Du Gu's blood should be able to win! Although the Jian Tian Qi Jian is strong, the time for Jian Wushuang to understand the sword god's tactics is still very short. It is said that I have cultivated the state of becoming a devil and a god, which is unfathomable!"

An old-fashioned old man with muddy eyes, but with a mysterious sword wave all over his body, said slowly.

Obviously, this old man is also a powerful sword repairer.

"Unfortunately, Jian Wushuang's temper is too straightforward, no matter who wins or loses, I am afraid that today one of Jian Wushuang and Du Gu's blood will have to die here!" Long Zhantian sighed softly.

"Did you die here? That won't happen! Both of them are peerless geniuses of Kendo, would it be a pity if they died like this?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, a sharp edge appeared in her eyes.

"Oh, Brother Ling, is there a way for you? If you can resolve this battle, you must be lucky in Kendo!"

Li Jingming also has his eyes lit up. He has a good relationship with Jian Wushuang, but he feels that Jian Wushuang may not be the opponent of Du Gublood. In the end, it is likely that Jian Wushuang will die. If Ling Xiao can save Jian Wushuang, it is naturally a piece Good thing.

"There is a way, let's talk before talking!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Hahaha... I have seen arrogance, I have never seen such an arrogance! On your own, dare to say that this battle of resolving Jianwushuang and Du Gu's blood? What a fool's dream!"

A harsh voice sounded, with a trace of disdain and sneer.

"who is it?"

Both Wuliang Taoist and Long Aotian were furious and turned their heads suddenly.

I saw that the Burning Demon Emperor was wearing a scarlet armor, his head was flying with red silk, and his figure was strong and magnificent. There was a terrifying breath in his body. The fiery flame seemed to be able to burn even the void. .

He stood side by side with Ziwei Xingzi, and the people around him flashed away with a trace of awe in his eyes.

"Burn Heavenly Demon Emperor?"

Ling Xiao's brows were slightly wrinkled, but I didn't expect to meet the Heavenly Demon Emperor here, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor also walked with Ziwei Xingzi.

"Ling Xiao, don't you say you can resolve this battle? Dare you bet me?"

Burning Sky Demon Emperor looked at Ling Xiao coldly, with a cold killer in his eyes.

The trip to the Holy Market, he lost in Ling Xiao's hands, has always been regarded as a shame and humiliation. As a result, what happened later, let him finally know that Ling Xiao turned out to be Long Hanyan's son. Immediately killed Ling Xiao.

He couldn't even beat Long Hanyan's son. What qualification would he say to marry Long Hanyan?

Even with it, he even hated Long how to gamble? "

Ling Xiao gave a faint look at the Burning Demon Emperor.

He could see the killing intention in the eyes of the Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor, and knew the reason, it must be because the Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor knew his life experience.

"It's very simple! I bet this battle alone will survive, and Jian Wushuang will die!" Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor sneered.

Today, although Jian Wushuang looks very strong, it should be known that in the holy ruins, Jian Wushuang, Long Zhantian, Li Jingming and several other powerful people add up to siege and burn the demon emperor, and eventually they are defeated.

And the horror of Du Guxue, the Emperor of Burning Heavenly Demon is better than anyone else, because he was defeated by Du Guxue.

Therefore, he believes that this war sword is undoubtedly defeated and will die.

As long as Du Gu's blood uses the sword demon supreme scripture, even Jian Wushuang's enlightenment on the sword god's tactics will be dead.

"What do you want to bet?" Ling Xiao said lightly.

"If I win, you kneel in front of me, knock three heads! If I lose, this big sun bead is yours!"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor smiled coldly, the light flashed in his hand, a fist-sized bead appeared, scattered bright Cabernet Sauvignon, shrouded in a layer of fiery sun fire, very mysterious.

If Ling Xiao knelt down in public for him, and knocked three heads, he was also a bad breath.

"Dai Dzi?"

Everyone was shocked, they all took a breath.

The day sun bead is the day sun deity of the sky demon palace. It has refined a sun, collected the essence of the sky, and refined it for thousands of years in the extraterrestrial sky. The top supreme device that has been refined can produce the sun. Fire, burning the world, terrifying.

In order to fight against Ling Xiao, the Burning Demon Emperor even took out Dari Bead.

(End of this chapter)

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