Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 741: Both victory and defeat, but also life and death!

"Is a top-level supreme device? It's really a good thing, but it's not as big as ours?" Ling Xiao was not angry, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at the Burning Demon Emperor.

"What do you want to bet on?"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor's brow furrowed, even a big day dzi bead Lingxiao is not satisfied?

"I happen to be missing a mount. If you lose, you must recognize me as the master and be my mount!" Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"you wanna die?!"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor's face was cold, revealing a icy cold killer, and he instantly became furious.

Let him burn the Sky Demon Emperor as a mount? Even supreme, even the gods do not have this qualification, what is Ling Xiao, even secretly let him be a mount?

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Ling Xiao really dare to think, even want to let the Burning Demon Emperor as his mount?

Everyone knows that the body of the Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor is the fire animal Qilin. It is said that in ancient times, the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor mounted the Fire Qilin. But how can the Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor's proud character be willing to be a mount for others?

Ling Xiao touched the scales of Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor. Everyone thought that burning Heavenly Demon Emperor would be the next moment.

"If you dare not, then forget it!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"That's right! Don't even dare to gamble, so don't be humiliated here. Could it be that you still want my cousin to beat you again?" Long Aotian also glared big eyes, hehe smiled.

The Burning Demon Emperor suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Okay! I bet with you, but if you lose, you must recognize me as the master!"

The eyes of the Burning Demon Emperor are full of cold killing intentions, staring at Ling Xiao with death.

"His Royal Highness, don't take it easy. This kid is very treacherous. I'm afraid that he really has a way to solve this battle. I'm afraid it won't be worth the money!"

Ziwei Xingzi saw that the Heavenly Demon Emperor was so easy, he agreed, and immediately bitterly persuaded.

"Don't say it, I have decided! Ling Xiao, do you dare?"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor looked at Ling Xiao Road provocatively.

"I don't dare? But I'm afraid you will lose your debts if you lose! If that's the case, then take the oath of heaven!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and took the lead in making the oath of heaven.

"Humph! The demon emperor said in a word, I'm afraid you will not admit it if you lose! Ling Xiao, you will lose this time!"

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor snorted coldly, and also made a vow of heaven.

He is very certain of the fighting power of Du Guxue, and even he couldn't receive a sword in Du Guxue's hands. Even if Jian Wushuang's talent is stronger, this battle will definitely be defeated.

The horror of the sword demon supreme scripture, everyone who has seen it is already dead.

Legend has it that the sword demon supreme scripture was created by the ancestor of the Du Gu family, Du Gu seeking defeat. At that time, Du Gu sought defeat and beat the invincible hands of the world.

Although Jianshen Juice is also called one of the three sword tactics, it cannot be an opponent of the Sword Demon Supreme Classic.

Everyone is a little dumbfounded.

Ling Xiao and the Burning Demon Emperor actually really gambling?

This is a bet on freedom. If you lose, you have to recognize the other party as the master, otherwise you will lose everything.

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor was not so impulsive, but when he thought that Ling Xiao was the son of Long Hanyan, he made him jealous. He desperately won Ling Xiao, and when Ling Xiao recognized him as the master, he would You can torture Ling Xiao well.

This abnormal psychology is also because of his feelings for Long Hanyan, the so-called deep love and hate.

Above the ring of life and death.


Sword Wushuang and Du Guxue's rapid collision has already dealt with hundreds of moves, and each blow is like a shocking stone, bursting with terrifying terror.

"Happy! The Seven Heavenly Sword is really extraordinary. Next I will show the Sword Demon Supreme Classic. Even I can't control the power of this sword. You have to be careful!"

Du Gu's blood stood in the sky, black hair flying, and a dignified look in his eyes.

"Okay! Then take a look at whether your sword demon is supremely powerful, or my sword **** tactic is better! This sword is both a winner and a loser, and it will be a matter of life and death!"

Jian Wushuang's eyes were full of monstrous fighting intent, as if for him, he never knew what was called fear.

"Okay, it's both a victory and a defeat, and it's life and death!"

Du Gu's eyes were unmatched, and Jun Tianjian raised slowly in his hand.


The quake was shaking, the fierce thunder filled, Jun Tianjian was thick and mysterious, like an ancient ancient mountain suppressing chaos, exuding a breath of incomparable air.

When Jun Tianjian was lifted up completely, the sky dome seemed to be torn apart, and the infinite magical energy was surging, vaguely, as if a mysterious figure appeared on Jun Tianjian, standing with his hand down, but exuding The terrifying momentum that makes all beings in the world bow their heads.

"That's... Sword and Devil Solitary?"

"It is said that although the ancestor of Du Gu Family, Jian Mo Du Gu's defeat is no longer there, but his spirit has always existed in the Supreme Sword of Sword and Devil. Anyone who enlightens the Supreme Sword of Sword and Devil can urge a trace of the power of the sword demon!"

"This is the power of the sword demon, not within human reach!"

Everyone's voice was shaking, and his eyes were full of shock.


Du Gu's blood was cut with a sword, as if the sky dome was broken, and it was attributed to chaos. That mysterious figure and Jun Tian Jian merged into a horrible sword mandala that shattered everything, and came towards the sword.

"Come well!"

In Wushuang's gaze, the fighting spirit rose to the extreme. The Wushuang Shenjian in his hand shone in a flash, which was also a sword cut across the sky!

That sword was shining to the extreme, the infinite divine light rose, and the runes shattered, as if the mysterious scene of ascending into a **** appeared. Above the Wushuang Excalibur, a mysterious sword spirit awakened.

This sword does not exist in the world, as if the sword **** was illuminates the heavens and the world, endless world.

It's so gorgeous, everyone has an unreal feeling.

Sword Demon vs Sword God!

"Jian Wushuang actually realized the sword **** tactics to such a degree?" Emperor Fen Tian's eyes startled, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.


In the life-and-death ring, it became a piece of white, and nothing could be seen.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and suddenly the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and a mysterious wave passed through the array to the ears of Jian Wushuang and Du Guxue.


Both Jian Wushuang and Du Gu's blood were shocked, and they began to exert their full strength, crazy to want to take back this sword.


The sky turbulence, the confrontation between the sword **** and the sword demon, is it so easy to interrupt?

When Jian Wushuang and Du Guxue each cut this sword, it means that this sword is no longer under their control.

But at the last minute, the actions of Jian Wushuang and Du Guxue still worked.


The sky dome shattered, the eternal sword **** and the magical sword demon were submerged at the same time, and the sword Wushuang and Du Gu's blood were swept away by that horrible monstrous force, and suddenly spurted a sip of blood, which was instantly hit hard.

However, life is still preserved.

If it were not for the two of them to recover the power of the sword at the last minute, I am afraid they would have no accidents, and they would be strangled by the sword gas in an instant, and the bones were gone!

Both sides hurt, is this a tie?

Everyone froze.

This is a result that no one thought of!

The showdown between Sword God and Sword Devil will eventually end in a draw.

The face of the Burning Demon Emperor became instantly ugly.

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